Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu might have expected the entire world to celebrate the news of four Israeli hostages being rescued from Gaza, and the entire world might have done - had it not been at the cost of hundreds of Palestinian lives.
Saturday’s bloody and brutal operation has raised new concerns among many of the Israeli hostage family members, who accuse Netanyahu and his far-right government of deprioritizing the safe return of all the hostages.
Enter Zahiro…
One hostage family member who believes that is Zahiro Shahar Mor, who says there is more reason to fear for the safety of his 79-year-old uncle, Avraham Munder, while he remains captive in Gaza.
Avraham was taken by Hamas on October 7th, along with his wife, daughter, and grandson, all of whom were released during a hostage deal between Hamas and Israel in November - with the exception of Avraham.
His nephew Zahiro tells Mehdi: “Ever since October 8th, everything they [the Israeli government] do is directed at not getting the hostages back,” and that Netanyahu’s government is actively “sabotaging their own initiatives” by rejecting deals that would have secured the release of all the hostages much earlier in the war.
Betrayed by his own country’s officials, Zahiro says Israel’s government “is being taken hostage by the diehard, right-wing, extremist fundamentalists.”
Also on the show, more betrayal …
Zahiro isn’t the only one who felt betrayed on this week’s episode of ‘Mehdi Unfiltered.’ Palestinian Pastor Munther Isaac of Bethlehem’s Evangelical Lutheran Christmas Church accuses Christian evangelicals in the U.S. of abandoning their fellow Christians in the Occupied Territories.
“They [US Christian evangelicals] have created a worldview in which support to Israel is integral to this American identity, American exceptionalism, American national Christian identity,” says Munther, a worldview that he thinks would change if they were to visit occupied Bethlehem, for Christians the birthplace of Christ, and see the situation on the ground for themselves.
Munther is no stranger to the apartheid rule of Israel, where government policy and a 708-kilometer separation wall disrupt the worship of thousands of Palestinian Christians.
Recalling conversations with fellow evangelicals from South Africa, Munther says they described the situation in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories as being “much worse than apartheid,” adding that “you would assume that people would respect what South African theologians, church leaders are saying.”
Watch both interviews above and, for paid subscribers, be sure to let us know in the comments below what you think of the full show and who you think we should have on next.
It's maddening. Blinken says that Israel accepted the ceasefire plan but it is Hamas who is holding things up. How they get away with blatant lies is mind boggling. Why isn't Blinken and Netanyahu called out on this by the media? And all the while president Magoo does nothing.
Rosalind, Regrettably, we increasingly are learning from diplomats and staff who are resigning from State and from other offices within the Administration that Biden, Blinken, Sullivan, and McGurk are solely managing developments in the region and are dismissing input from everyone else who serves in the Administration. I would add, as someone doing literally everything I can to keep Trump from the White House, Biden has made our grassroots efforts immeasurably challenging. Frankly, I pray, as the August Democratic Convention nears, despite whatever chaos ensues, that Biden releases his delegates and a host of qualified candidates can compete for the Party’s nomination. To be clear, I hold out hope recognizing Biden must not step down until close to the Convention in order to remove himself from having to weigh in on his replacement.
Thank you for any work you do regarding Keeping Trump away from government, the very thought of him being there is disturbing. I too have heard that Blinken and crew are mostly running things.
We all now have seen pictures of before and after of Israeli hostages, including a woman that we were told they will come back pregnant. Now I dare anyone to look at pictures of before and after of Palestinian hostages held captive by Israel and then decide which is a barbaric regime.
If you mean the Palestinian medical professionals who were held hostage, stripped naked, handcuffed, paraded through the streets by grinning IDF soldiers, then I agree that barbarism has been met with barbarism reminiscent of the Medieval "Game of Thrones". Pity we can't compare photographs of their ultimate fate without unwrapping white shrouds or looking for mass graves.
great interview! thank you! this should be shown everywhere!
Re what pastor Munther had to say. The reason so-called Christian Zionists do not support Palestinians is easy to understand. They are not Christians, they do not give a fig for the words that Jesus spoke. The thought that live and let live is a good thing has never occurred to them. I think they are despicable people because they aid and abet whatever Israel does. They are the hypocrites and liars that Jesus spoke of and warned us about.
The gentleman speaks very well, unfortunately for him, the psychopathic nutcases will be after him. He’s taking a risk speaking the truth.
Lovely, Mehdi you are Marvelous💗💗💗 and voicing this heartbreaking issue. It is heart wrenching😢😢😢
As a Catholic I have always been shocked by support for Israel, who despise Christians and openly spit at them, and have zero respect for our faith. I pray for a Free Palestine where people of all faiths can live together in peace. ❤️🇵🇸
There's only one obstacle to peace of any kind in the Middle East or Gaza and the West Bank, and his name is Benjamin Netanyahu. This Fascist Warmonger will slaughter Palestinians of Muslim faith, Christian faith, and even his own Israeli citizens just to stay out of prison. The World knows it would be much safer for all human life if that's exactly where he should be. 276 dead, 700 more injured and maimed for life doesn't in anyone's lifetime constitute or justify the "heroic" rescue of 4 hostages. All the hostages could have been home many months ago if it wasn't for this pathological liar and utter charlatan. Netanyahu's military mania has killed more civilians and IOF soldiers than Hamas ever could. The Zionist Colonial Project is the truest definition of Antisemitism, and it's no wonder the relatives of Israeli hostages feel utterly betrayed by their own government. Yet Netanyahu's murderous Zealotry will be rewarded with another invite to Congress in July. Free to spread more lies and disinformation in the face of his greatest "Allies". Genocide Joe Biden's senility enables this monster and his merciless war against Palestinian People, the majority of whom are women and children. Bibi the Butcher continues to laugh in the face of all human decency, international Law, and the right of all people, especially Palestinian People, to live in peace and dignity in their own land. The Fascist Apartheid Rogue State of Israel must be stopped, or this world will never know peace of any kind. One "Smirking Assassin" cannot, and should not, be allowed to hold us all to ransom. Hamas are freedom fighters, defending their people's right to exist from an illegal Military Occupation. That is a fact, international Law clearly states it. Israel is a Terrorist State. Free Palestine.
As much as I would like to agree with you Martin P J McCrory, I fear it's not as simple as that. Netanyahu is now largely controlled by a vicious group of squatters, determined to scour the land not only of a Semitic people who call themselves Palestinians, but also of the very name Palestine. Harking back to a time when record-keeping was sketchy at best and clinging to the notion that their Hebrew god gave them this land, they returned centuries later to ultimately claim sole possession of the land
'from the river to the sea" and the right of every Jew to return; a sort of Manifest Destiny, modern style.
After Netanyahu has been brought to account in The Hague, if ever, you will still have the Ganzes, Smoltriches, ben Gvirs and other homicidal gangs like the old Hagana and Palmach, still preying on remaining Palestinians unless other states (NOT the U.S.!) but morally unimpeachable states agree to administer the peace.
Each day Biden continues on with his campaign and the Democratic Party supports it, the closer we come to the end of America as a flawed democracy and the return of Trump and his cohort of crazies. The political polster Zogby penned an article stating his belief that Biden will lose to Trump because of his endless Zionist support for Israeli atrocities. The old fool needs to pack up his stubborn ego and withdraw his campaign if he actually cares about the country.
Mehdi, I don't know how else to reach Zeteo and submit my article. I chose to self-publish for obvious reasons, but I'm a real journalist who spent the past six months debunking the myths I was taught about Israel and giving context to October 7.
It was mentioned quickly. Biden is a Catholic not an evangelical. Evangelicals are always mentioned but Catholics not so much. The Supreme Court is a good example of this, 5 of the right wing court are Catholic and the other was raised Catholic. Conservative Catholics are trying to force their views of the world on everyone just as much as Evangelicals.
I read a BBC article in which à Saudi prince severely ostracised the Palestinian Authority delegation ( the said prince was so furious that he stormed out of the room) at a récent meeting in the presence of Blinken.What is the Saudi position on the genocide and why are they so upset with the PA.
read Rashid Khalidi “The hundred years of war in Palestine” its all explained very well. Great book!
Thank you! Well done!
Why aren’t these videos on YouTube? This needs to be widely shared.
Both interviews are very good. I've listened to both of them on other platforms and one has to applaude the courage of the guest from Israel. I can only imagine under what pressure he and the other relatives of the captives are being put under by the government, media and society at large!
The first time I heard of mister Isaac was last November or December I believe it was, when he held a very powerful speech in Bethlehem about western hypocrisy, when it comes to Palestine and Israel. Not only regarding the genocide in Gaza but Palestine in general. He was blasting western leaders, church leaders and western societies and rightfully so. In my opinion, in a future coalition of Palestinian leadership he should have a position. I hope, honestly hope that it will somehow be made possible to release Marwan Barghouti, he will put together a coalition that can win an election and unite the Palestinian political leadership. But that's just a fools hope...
Very insightful