
Michael Moore on Biden’s ‘Trumpian Behavior’

Plus, a debate between two D.C. insiders on whether Joe Biden should end his presidential campaign.

The pressure is mounting on President Joe Biden. 

Not only is he facing calls to step down as the Democratic nominee from senior people within his own party, but his age has also become the biggest story for every major media outlet. 

On the latest episode of ‘Mehdi Unfiltered,’ Mehdi moderates a debate between two D.C. insiders on whether Biden should step aside as the Democratic nominee, after his disastrous debate performance two weeks ago.

Plus, as Hollywood stars like George Clooney call for Biden to step down, watch Academy-Award winning filmmaker Michael Moore tell Mehdi why he thinks keeping Biden in office is “elder abuse.”

A debate on Biden’s candidacy… 

Should Biden step down from the 2024 election? Can he defeat Donald Trump once again, after all the frenzy over his long pauses and awkward gaffes during the CNN debate?

Journalist Brian Beutler, who has called for Biden to step down, joined the show for a debate with political scientist Norman Ornstein, who says that though Biden may stutter, “he can govern.” Beutler takes a more critical stance on the Biden campaign, telling Mehdi that the president should step aside as the presumptive nominee because, “he can't communicate extemporaneously in public clearly anymore.”

Ornstein and Beutler also discuss what it would look like for Vice-President Kamala Harris to take over the Democratic Party presidential campaign, whether Biden would still serve out his term, and the media’s lack of coverage over Trump’s many gaffes and lies.

Michael Moore on Biden… 

This past week, award-winning filmmaker Michael Moore called for Biden to step down not only as the Democratic presidential nominee, but also as president. Moore tells Mehdi that watching the CNN debate was “heartbreaking” for him. 

“My first thought is who let him out on that stage in that condition? Who would do that to their parent or grandparent?” 

Moore also accuses Biden of displaying “Trumpian behavior” by refusing to step down. 

“Remember Trump when he ran said, ‘I’m the only one who can fix the problem, I alone can fix these.’ ” Moore asks Mehdi. “For Biden to think – and I don't think he thinks this – that he's the only one that is going to do this or the only one that can defeat Trump…it's narcissistic and arrogant to dig in and take this position.”

Moore, who has been very outspoken on Gaza, also talked to Mehdi about Benjamin Netanyahu coming to Congress, Biden’s support for Israel’s “massacre” in Gaza, and how it could cost him the votes of young people in November (if his campaign continues)... 

“I tried to just say it as loud as I could right away in October: Please don't go and hug Netanyahu,” Moore said, referring to Biden’s support for the right-wing Israeli prime minister’s war on Gaza. 

Watch the full show above and, for paid subscribers, be sure to let us know in the comments below what you think of the show and who we should have on next!

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