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Mehdi in Malaysia: Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim Rails Against the West’s ‘Sheer Hypocrisy’ On Gaza

In an exclusive interview, the Malaysian leader talks Gaza, the US, China and the Uyghurs, Islam, and more.

“The sheer hypocrisy of many of the countries in the West to condone this [genocide in Gaza], to me, is shocking. It’s appalling. And therefore we have to speak up.” - Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim

The story of Anwar Ibrahim is one of the most remarkable in modern day politics. 

After being kicked out of the Malaysian government by his own mentor in 1998, Ibrahim quickly became the leader of Malaysia’s opposition movement, only to later be imprisoned on false and politically motivated charges. 

Today, Ibrahim has gone from sitting in solitary confinement to sitting in the highest seat in Malaysian politics, after winning the premiership in 2022 at the ripe age of 75. He now leads one of the world’s fastest growing economies, and one of the most diverse countries in his part of the world, which also happens to be a Muslim-majority democracy. 

Mehdi traveled to Kuala Lumpur to sit down with Prime Minister Ibrahim for a wide-ranging interview on his fascinating political journey; his growing ties to Russia and China; Trump, Islam and Islamophobia; and of course, his ferocious criticisms of the Gaza genocide and Western support for Israel.


Paid subscribers can watch the full discussion above (free subscribers can watch a 10-minute preview). And for paid subscribers, don’t forget to join the conversation in the comments below! 

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