Francesca is with Zeteo?! This is by far the best news I've had all year! ♥️

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Real people care for others - this is what got us through 2020 fires 🇦🇺 - community - I hope this gives those souless MAGA flogs nightmares, but no doubt they’ll spin it some in twisted way

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That photo of the Mexican firefighters arriving here was a magic moment in my life and hopefully awakens many Americans to all the ways in which we have benefitted from having Mexico as our neighbor to the south.

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So good to see you here, Frani. I hope you become a Zeteo regular!

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Beautifully presented Francesca. I believe we'll all get through these times, but we must do it together despite the headwinds we face.

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kudos to Zeteo for posting this. We need to constantly call out Republicans for their chronic unhelpful rhetoric, spewing their hateful, hurtful lies just to make their little pathetic selves feel better.

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I love this, just love it! thank you wonderful people for helping California people and animals in the forest while they are in their most dire circumstances. I am so proud of your work and effort.

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Good to see Francesca on this platform...the more the better :)

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Loved this! Thank you. All those firefighters, especially prisoners, are heroes. I just wish the prisoner firefighters had a way to organize for better conditions and pay.

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Thank you for an excellent dissertation, Francesca!

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Francesca, I know what kind of outrage you're capable of and what the incarcerated 'volunteers' are paid needs more outrage, indignation from you. Yes, gratitude, but get real, if they are fatally injured their families aren't getting ANYTHING for their loved ones work! What is the value of expunging a record? Their wages aren't low-they are INDENTURED SERVITUDE, disgraceful. I'd like to see data on the expungements and how much time is actually shortened-and how many of them might not've been incarcerated had this 'opportunity' existed before they were imprisoned. We've used these volunteers before, when does the debt to society get paid in FULL?

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Tragic that it's just that easy to give prisoners something that's preferable to the daily warzone of the yard and cellblock.

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Tragic because they should be paid wages that reflect the value of the contribution and risk? Easy to give? I think education might be 'easy to give' and as to "preferable to the yard, cellblock" etc, firefighting has DIGNITY and value to be certain, but ease? . I would like to see many more life affirming opportunities, for people who are incarcerated. Your sarcasm misses the mark entirely-.

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Giving EVERYONE back their dignity at the same time should be ’easy’ of course. I am by no means letting the system off the hook because they camouflaged rank exploitation as ”here’s a chance to give back” for a handful. ”I want to tear it down, brick by hypocritical brick”.

Thanks for challenging me. My cryptic/indecipherable yelling into the void usually just gets ignored.

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I’m sorry, I have the worst ADHD and I have been trying to explain what I was getting at for the part hour and started over three times. I wasn’t being sarcastic, and I agree with you. Just with a ton of cognitive dissonance. Like, I am happy for them because they’re having a better time, but also sad and infuriated because it’s as if they were given the choice of getting jabbed with a hot poker every five minutes until the end of time or doing possibly lethal slave labour, and I come to realise that their overall predicament is so fucking grim that they’re (seemingly) happy and grateful and enjoying the work, not just doing whatever they have to to avoid actual torture. It’s hard to process.

I saw a dude on the news on Al Jazeera today. He did time and joined the fire camp, got out, got a job as a firefighter and got promoted to captain. He started his own program to help advocate for the guys in the camps and get them jobs after getting out and it seemed really wholesome, but at at the end when pay and working conditions came up he was like ”you have to remember, the work is voluntary”. Disappointing. Prisoners’ and workers’ rights are really important to me but my brain is too broken to make a coherent point, so if any of this seems naive, sarcastic, flippant or privileged, I sincerely apologise.

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Appreciate the clip, White America doesn’t fucking care!!! Why do you think felonious Trump got a second term?! White Americans are dumber than sheep and being led to the slaughter by their white savior El Trumpe. The American plantation will eventually burn down including BIPOC house servants who thought they’d be accepted at the whiteness table. It’s only a matter of time.

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Thank you for this story, Francesca! Keep the great stories coming; our nation's future hangs in the balance!

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Buena, Francesca! Important monologue.

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