These events on campuses are running parallel to Trump's DOJ backed statements stating what will happen to protestors on campus participating in "illegal" protests. I believe it is all a platform that will start on campuses and widen across the country to as Trump has said arrest and deport people protesting for any reason and at any location.
What Trump does to any one of us his words and actions show he will do to any one of us. And what is an "illegal" protest? What makes any protest "illegal?" There is a saying "follow the money" and when it comes to Trump and anticipating the "final solution" he has in mind for all of us "follow the transgressions and threats" to all demographics and know Trump's "final solution" is coming for you and your friends and loved ones as well.
The arrest of this man who holds a green card hunted because of his "free speech" and activism who has harmed no one and committed no crime is a foreshadow of the environment for which Trump and the DOJ is laying a foundation and the "final solution" he has in mind for us which includes complete loyalty to Trump.
Do not look away because you are not a student with a green card, for it is this student and those like him who will be harmed as we watch from the sidelines that will be the first strike toward "normalizing" stripping of all of our rights under the Constitution including free speech and peacefully protesting; both bulwarks to our experience as Americans.
And then as Trump has promised will be the "rewriting" of our Constitution. There is no one coming over the hill to save us from this fate. We, the people, are alone and must understand what Trump does to anyone of us he will to any one of us.
Don't look away and step over the dead and crumpled bodies thinking what happened to this student cannot happen to you, or your child. This event is in fact "the shot that was heard around the world" for it is the first bold move to remove our rights starting with free speech which will be subjected to arrest if it is according Trump and our DOJ to be "illegal."
I concur, I was just saying something very similar to my wife the other day! Cinnamon Hitler trump will continue to excise illegal powers eroding our democracy. He will expand these arcane non democratic "laws" to whomever opposes him and his/Putins dream of a uSA corporate autocracey.
I agree. I would just make one, small, adjustment by changing, "We, the people, are alone" to "We, the people, are together." This is the truth, so let's act like we know it.
This will be routine. It is all predictable. They are not inventing how to become a totalitarian society. They are following the playbooks of other dictators.
Soon, arrest of journalists, violence against judiciary and political opponents.
Ask people what it will take for them to protest.
Is it going to be missing checks? That’s coming too.
Right, hence their new mandate to hand pick the press pool who is allowed to cover potus. MGT's boyfriend who was part of the press pool for the Ukrainian Mineral Hostage deal with President Zelensky that went south asked the inane question about his dress. No content question of importance just an attempt at bullying on the heels of the potus/ vp's bullying. It's a kangaroo🫡 circus🎪 presidency.
Violence against journalists is already happening....there will be blood shed in the streets when Cheeto's private militias "stand up" and commence the carnage. It IS around the corner...
This is not normal. This is a Bridgeman to first amendment rights for a permanent resident and I’m sure that is completely illegal and the ACLU and many others need to be involved in that.
Why only Muslims. Let it be all people with conscience and humanity must revolt against their regimes and Government that have been under the control of the Zio NOTZ regime.
This is not surprising. While I wish Musk was the one who was detained and deported, I was raised understanding that any green card holder can have their card revoked, as can naturalized citizens too, if the government finds them undesirable. Here is a German woman's situation who tried to enter the US legally, and just wants to go back home to Germany.
I am reluctant to return to my home in the US, because even though I am a born citizen, I don't consider that a criteria to make me safe. I really don't want my daughter returning to the Land That Hates Women!
In America men hate women and women hate women. In America at least half or more of us respond with anger toward a woman who stands up in pursuit of rising to their full potential. This is so unlike democracies across the globe where nations have females working in typically male roles. Look at all the female Prime Ministers who lead and use their power for the greater good.
Here we experience a part of our culture that is baked in but must be discarded and soon, which is misogyny and prejudice. I draw a parallel when comparing America to other democracies such as those in Scandinavia but others as well. America is stuck in the development state of adolescence.
A democracy cannot survive if the citizens are stuck as we are here in America where we cull people based on gender, race, creed and other demographics disallowing them from participating and applying their full potential and even genius to serve our nation and our world. Those fully "accepted" to lead and hold power springs from a very small and stagnant pool as a result. And I attribute this as part of our current downfall.
A democracy cannot sustain if the nation is stuck as we are in adolescence while our contemporary nations barrel along in their maturity toward a state of full self-actualization. Oh, the things we might have achieved by now if we had not constrained whom amongst us may participate and lead with power.
Raissa, Our democracy is at different points depending on where you live. I am at the point where I think to save "the Democracy" the Blue States must separate from the Red States and allow people to leave or come as they wish to align themselves. A new nation can be formed called the United Blue States. Ready to stay in NATO and keep USs traditional allies. Then, let the Red States be The Confederate States of America and fly their flag, and tell everyone that they are cool because they have Trump as their king.
I say this because I am reading Jefferson Cowie's book Freedom's Dominion. In it he is talking about the concept of freedom developed from having slaves, so a White, male entitled right to own other people and do whatever they want without consequences. Then I read this article from the Bulwark that someone in my bookclub shared. It talks about how the red states are just less developed democratically from the git go.
If this does not happen, I have grave concerns for the groups who are targeted by this administration, which at this point is pretty much everyone except for Billionaires. I wrote this two articles on this, this one being the more recent one, with a link to the first one. This is A Plan C for Catastrophe.
I am in Germany right now, where I have my battles to take on too. The good news here is that even though the far right gained, the Left gained too. And, it is not so much the traditional left, which are the Russian propaganda influenced we love left dictatorships because they are anti-American imperialism. Instead it is a youth movement more of women than men, but that is the same shift as in the USA. Here is Anand's Girahandas' Substack The INK, where he interviews someone from the Left about how they had a TikTok campaign, and a door knocking campaign and a Left influencer.
Martin Niemöller's unforgettable “First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out” applies here. The quote is about the Holocaust and is a call to action against apathy. Trump's actions so far and threats of more to come need to be taken very seriously. Hold peaceful protests and use your free speech in opposition.
Last fall something similar happened at the University of Pennsylvania only it apparently was an in house operation. This is definitely not in the mainstream press and I am very thankful to have this reported here.
I don't know that I have the bandwidth to search the Inquirer site this evening - I will look in the morning. Fred Wellman, who is also here on Substack, is also covering this - so info is getting out there, albeit slowly.
I don't think the term "puppet" is accurate in this case. Trump is all in on ethnically cleansing Palestine without any help. He did take a $100 million from Miriam Adelson to do just that. And that is some tempting potential waterfront property in Gaza. The puppet is just as insane as the would be puppeteers.
The Uniparty, under whatever second name you choose, will do nothing to stop this.
If there's time, then this is the time to create a functioning, true, third-party, which in reality would be the first functioning "second" party in my lifetime.
Columbia, you did bend over, where did it get you? we told you so that they will come for you next, they took away over $400 million from you to send more bombs to Israel and yet you are not listening. Columbia you need to resist to save the Republic
Zionist Jews have been funding all American presidents for decades. Once in the office the selected president obviously has pay back the Jews and that's how the Jews have been looting the USA in billions and trillions and sending it to Israel and now also to Ukraine.
Americans need to wake up and revolvt against the Zionist Jews who have enslaved them totally.
Whereas the Muslim despot regimes roll in trillions of dollars to the USA as they have been imposed and backed by the USA.
Saudis, Qataris, Émiratis, Jordanians and Egyptian regimes must be revolted against by the people who must put in place honest and educated politicians who can liberate them from Americans, Jews and Europeans slavery.
Zionists come in all religions, and, sorry to say, even atheists. Christian Zionism pre-dated political zionism by some 400 years. The numbers of Christian zionists outnumber Jews some two-to-one. Your incomplete analysis can only give cover to those you claim to oppose. Why do that?
These events on campuses are running parallel to Trump's DOJ backed statements stating what will happen to protestors on campus participating in "illegal" protests. I believe it is all a platform that will start on campuses and widen across the country to as Trump has said arrest and deport people protesting for any reason and at any location.
What Trump does to any one of us his words and actions show he will do to any one of us. And what is an "illegal" protest? What makes any protest "illegal?" There is a saying "follow the money" and when it comes to Trump and anticipating the "final solution" he has in mind for all of us "follow the transgressions and threats" to all demographics and know Trump's "final solution" is coming for you and your friends and loved ones as well.
The arrest of this man who holds a green card hunted because of his "free speech" and activism who has harmed no one and committed no crime is a foreshadow of the environment for which Trump and the DOJ is laying a foundation and the "final solution" he has in mind for us which includes complete loyalty to Trump.
Do not look away because you are not a student with a green card, for it is this student and those like him who will be harmed as we watch from the sidelines that will be the first strike toward "normalizing" stripping of all of our rights under the Constitution including free speech and peacefully protesting; both bulwarks to our experience as Americans.
And then as Trump has promised will be the "rewriting" of our Constitution. There is no one coming over the hill to save us from this fate. We, the people, are alone and must understand what Trump does to anyone of us he will to any one of us.
Don't look away and step over the dead and crumpled bodies thinking what happened to this student cannot happen to you, or your child. This event is in fact "the shot that was heard around the world" for it is the first bold move to remove our rights starting with free speech which will be subjected to arrest if it is according Trump and our DOJ to be "illegal."
I concur, I was just saying something very similar to my wife the other day! Cinnamon Hitler trump will continue to excise illegal powers eroding our democracy. He will expand these arcane non democratic "laws" to whomever opposes him and his/Putins dream of a uSA corporate autocracey.
Agree 100%....AIPAC has more power over us ultimately than Washington D.C....why?
Not just that, but that too. Power, Profits, and Prophets. All three are at play here. Overlook any one of them, at our peril.
I agree. I would just make one, small, adjustment by changing, "We, the people, are alone" to "We, the people, are together." This is the truth, so let's act like we know it.
I sooooo hope you are right...
What Trump does to any one of us his words and actions show he will do to any one of us. Yes, that is so.
Yeah Man , well said.
This will be routine. It is all predictable. They are not inventing how to become a totalitarian society. They are following the playbooks of other dictators.
Soon, arrest of journalists, violence against judiciary and political opponents.
Ask people what it will take for them to protest.
Is it going to be missing checks? That’s coming too.
Right, hence their new mandate to hand pick the press pool who is allowed to cover potus. MGT's boyfriend who was part of the press pool for the Ukrainian Mineral Hostage deal with President Zelensky that went south asked the inane question about his dress. No content question of importance just an attempt at bullying on the heels of the potus/ vp's bullying. It's a kangaroo🫡 circus🎪 presidency.
Violence against journalists is already happening....there will be blood shed in the streets when Cheeto's private militias "stand up" and commence the carnage. It IS around the corner...
This is not normal. This is a Bridgeman to first amendment rights for a permanent resident and I’m sure that is completely illegal and the ACLU and many others need to be involved in that.
"A Republic, if you can keep it."
Well, Dr. Franklin, we're about to answer that.
Omg Mehdi. This is outrageous!!🥺
With the Fascists, MAGAs and oligarchs taking over the government, free speech is how they define it ay any particular moment.
Next is my Citizenship.... So be it.
All Muslims all over must revolt against their own despot regimes who have been imposed by the Jews and Americans
Why only Muslims. Let it be all people with conscience and humanity must revolt against their regimes and Government that have been under the control of the Zio NOTZ regime.
This is not surprising. While I wish Musk was the one who was detained and deported, I was raised understanding that any green card holder can have their card revoked, as can naturalized citizens too, if the government finds them undesirable. Here is a German woman's situation who tried to enter the US legally, and just wants to go back home to Germany.
What a horror story that is rolling in with this dreadful tide.
I am reluctant to return to my home in the US, because even though I am a born citizen, I don't consider that a criteria to make me safe. I really don't want my daughter returning to the Land That Hates Women!
In America men hate women and women hate women. In America at least half or more of us respond with anger toward a woman who stands up in pursuit of rising to their full potential. This is so unlike democracies across the globe where nations have females working in typically male roles. Look at all the female Prime Ministers who lead and use their power for the greater good.
Here we experience a part of our culture that is baked in but must be discarded and soon, which is misogyny and prejudice. I draw a parallel when comparing America to other democracies such as those in Scandinavia but others as well. America is stuck in the development state of adolescence.
A democracy cannot survive if the citizens are stuck as we are here in America where we cull people based on gender, race, creed and other demographics disallowing them from participating and applying their full potential and even genius to serve our nation and our world. Those fully "accepted" to lead and hold power springs from a very small and stagnant pool as a result. And I attribute this as part of our current downfall.
A democracy cannot sustain if the nation is stuck as we are in adolescence while our contemporary nations barrel along in their maturity toward a state of full self-actualization. Oh, the things we might have achieved by now if we had not constrained whom amongst us may participate and lead with power.
Raissa, Our democracy is at different points depending on where you live. I am at the point where I think to save "the Democracy" the Blue States must separate from the Red States and allow people to leave or come as they wish to align themselves. A new nation can be formed called the United Blue States. Ready to stay in NATO and keep USs traditional allies. Then, let the Red States be The Confederate States of America and fly their flag, and tell everyone that they are cool because they have Trump as their king.
I say this because I am reading Jefferson Cowie's book Freedom's Dominion. In it he is talking about the concept of freedom developed from having slaves, so a White, male entitled right to own other people and do whatever they want without consequences. Then I read this article from the Bulwark that someone in my bookclub shared. It talks about how the red states are just less developed democratically from the git go.
If this does not happen, I have grave concerns for the groups who are targeted by this administration, which at this point is pretty much everyone except for Billionaires. I wrote this two articles on this, this one being the more recent one, with a link to the first one. This is A Plan C for Catastrophe.
I am in Germany right now, where I have my battles to take on too. The good news here is that even though the far right gained, the Left gained too. And, it is not so much the traditional left, which are the Russian propaganda influenced we love left dictatorships because they are anti-American imperialism. Instead it is a youth movement more of women than men, but that is the same shift as in the USA. Here is Anand's Girahandas' Substack The INK, where he interviews someone from the Left about how they had a TikTok campaign, and a door knocking campaign and a Left influencer.
Fascist Zionist actions. So much for the "land of the free"
Palestinians teach us courage. I don't know who said it. May have been Anthony Bourdain.
What a brave man. It's the fascist playbook continuing to play out and it's horrific.
Gotta put sand in their gears and keep standing up to it really hard There is no other option. no one can sit this out. It is too dangerous.
Martin Niemöller's unforgettable “First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out” applies here. The quote is about the Holocaust and is a call to action against apathy. Trump's actions so far and threats of more to come need to be taken very seriously. Hold peaceful protests and use your free speech in opposition.
Last fall something similar happened at the University of Pennsylvania only it apparently was an in house operation. This is definitely not in the mainstream press and I am very thankful to have this reported here.
The Philadelphia Inquirer did some reporting on the situation at UPenn. Will see if I can find the article(s) to repost.
But you are correct that this news is NOT in the mainstream press - and it needs to be.
I don't know that I have the bandwidth to search the Inquirer site this evening - I will look in the morning. Fred Wellman, who is also here on Substack, is also covering this - so info is getting out there, albeit slowly.
I still can't believe how much Israel controls Trump. Trump is just another puppet.
I don't think the term "puppet" is accurate in this case. Trump is all in on ethnically cleansing Palestine without any help. He did take a $100 million from Miriam Adelson to do just that. And that is some tempting potential waterfront property in Gaza. The puppet is just as insane as the would be puppeteers.
And the Democrats. I’m waiting to see if and how they respond.
The Uniparty, under whatever second name you choose, will do nothing to stop this.
If there's time, then this is the time to create a functioning, true, third-party, which in reality would be the first functioning "second" party in my lifetime.
Columbia, you did bend over, where did it get you? we told you so that they will come for you next, they took away over $400 million from you to send more bombs to Israel and yet you are not listening. Columbia you need to resist to save the Republic
Zionist Jews have been funding all American presidents for decades. Once in the office the selected president obviously has pay back the Jews and that's how the Jews have been looting the USA in billions and trillions and sending it to Israel and now also to Ukraine.
Americans need to wake up and revolvt against the Zionist Jews who have enslaved them totally.
Whereas the Muslim despot regimes roll in trillions of dollars to the USA as they have been imposed and backed by the USA.
Saudis, Qataris, Émiratis, Jordanians and Egyptian regimes must be revolted against by the people who must put in place honest and educated politicians who can liberate them from Americans, Jews and Europeans slavery.
Zionists come in all religions, and, sorry to say, even atheists. Christian Zionism pre-dated political zionism by some 400 years. The numbers of Christian zionists outnumber Jews some two-to-one. Your incomplete analysis can only give cover to those you claim to oppose. Why do that?
But the traditional orthodox Jews have also turned into Zionist Jews. All Arab regimes are run by despot zionsts who care only for their money.
When evil is in power, they can do whatever they want to.
The ACLU needs to be involved in this. They are trying to abridged first amendment rights for a permanent resident, and that cannot be allowed.