Free Free Palestine ❤️

Cornell West for President ❤️

Go after AIPAC the head of the venomous snake! AIPAC is a terror organization acting as a lobby right in the middle of our country and has been funding terrorism freely for years on behalf of a criminal Zionist entity!

Voting for Cornell West is not a waste of vote; voting for anyone else is a complete waste of vote!.. so don't let this become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Go ahead vote for Cornell West and talk to everyone who has any soul left to vote for Cornell West for President! it's time to take America back and take the world back from those criminal Zionist thugs who are getting away with the slaughter and murder of the entire Palestinian population in bright daylight!

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Elections in America are a choice between two candidates. That’s it. I have voted for protest votes too when it didn’t risk handing the election to a fascist movement, which we clearly face now.

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When both choices are for "fascist movement" then voting would be a way of legitimizing the system. It has been a long long time that we have had free and fair election in the USA.

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Mehdi has repeatedly refuted this dishonest bothsidesing nonsense. Not voting is exactly what the GOP wants, and is an adjunct to their vote suppression of students, minorities and the poor ... they are thrilled to have non-critical thinkers on the left telling those on the left not to vote.

"How does one claim to be anti genocide and yet vote for someone that is directly enabling that genocide?"

By being intelligent, rational, honest, and mature, rather than a ranting troll. By understanding how the American political system works. By not being an elitist narcissist who thinks that a vote is a personal expression of conscience but rather understands that it's a pragmatic action that affects billions of people worldwide. And by not being a childish sociopath who thinks that "a total disaster" is a desirable outcome.

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None of the preceding comments said don’t vote. Referring to anti genocide adherents as non-critical thinkers is unfortunate. If you can stomach voting for a war criminal, that’s your cross to bear.

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Yes they did ... why lie so brazenly? And I'm a fiercely anti-genocide adherent, whereas you are fundamentally dishonest and incapable of critical thinking. I won't respond to you again.

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How does one claim to be anti genocide and yet vote for someone that is directly enabling that genocide? For how long are we going to go along with the 'lesser of two evils'

If there isn't a candidate that supports my core values, then voting would be legitimizing those values that I find them inhumane and corrupt.

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Mehdi has repeatedly refuted this nonsense, which might as well have come directly from Putin and the GOP.

"Nice, parroting Nancy Pelosi BS or GWB's ..."

What a pathetic liar.

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Nice, parroting Nancy Pelosi BS or GWB's 'you are either with us or with the enemy line'

Yeap, that is going to convince me to get behind Joenocide Biden and the continuation of this genocidal policy now that you put it that way.

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A vote for anyone but Biden is a vote for Trump. You may not like Biden’s stance, but we have vital interests in the region, and holding Iranian aggression and ideology in check, is a priority.

And if Trump wins he will give Israel Carte Blanche to operate with impunity. You will have buyers remorse, just like the Brits with Brexit.

Don’t allow your emotional response to dictate the outcome of this election. Contrary to popular belief, Israel is not a colony of the US, it’s an ally.‘ we have little control over their response to a terror attack.

And calling AIPAC a terrorist organization is counter productive. Perhaps you should same that moniker for Hamas.

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‘Vital Interests’ sounds suspiciously like ‘colonial interests’ to me! Perhaps we could try negotiating with owners of vital interests rather than colonising them?

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Yes, keeping oil flowing in the region and trade lanes open from maritime terrorists and pirates are a vital interest. Global oil prices can destroy western economies.

Unfortunately, this is life. Call it colonialism, but it’s more imperialistic policies. Colonialism is effectively invading and governing a country. We just want to oil. And not just us, every country in the world.

You hear people complaining when oil is $3.50 a gallon. Now imagine oil at $10.00 a gallon, and impact it will have on unemployment and inflation.

We are the only country capable of keeping sea lanes open and oil price commensurate with stable supply, and pricing for most of the western world.

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Aren’t our morals and those of our governments slightly skewed when the price of oil is more important than stopping the murder of children? I wonder how we would feel if those children being slaughtered were our own?

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Such strawman arguments are morally skewed. I abhor the genocide but I also support Biden because a) the only actual alternative is Trump and b) Biden is not the primary cause of the genocide, and there many other issues and many other people--and the Palestinians as well--who will suffer greatly if Trump and his fascist Project 25 takes the White House.

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Agreed. I’m Jewish and despise Netanyahu and his fascist government. I’d love to see a peaceful solution and a two state outcome, but for people to blame Biden is ridiculous.

Israel has always been a thorn in the side of every president since Eisenhower…:)

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I agree wholeheartedly. Trump would be a disaster, not just for USA but for the world.

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Susie, stop being naive! Democratic governments fall all the time because of failing economies. You have to be pragmatic. I don’t see you discussing the death and destruction in Ukraine (500k dead), or the 2 million deaths from the genocide in the Sudan. Or the plight of the millions of Uyghurs in China. I guess for Gen Z, TikTok is more important.

That said, I guess college kids have selective memory when it comes to all the death and destruction occurring throughout the rest of the world right before our eyes.

You only need to look at today’s dysfunction in America to understand how fragile democracy has become. Our economy is doing better than the rest of the world, and a 93 times indicted authoritarian fascist could actually prevail in the next election.

Let that sink in!….:)

We are not colonialists; if we were, we’d have more control over the events in Israel and the occupied territories. Yet here we are.

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You’ve made mass assumptions a) that I’m not discussing other issues in the world elsewhere and b) that I’m Gen Z! It may be worth asking yourself if there isn’t a better solution perhaps than making assumptions based on the knowledge you currently have? Critical thinking is never a bad thing. (I’m over 60)

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"Colonialism is effectively invading and governing a country"

Israeli has been doing exactly what you are describing here and we (the USA) are the primary reason they have been able to continue doing that, which makes us responsible for it. As for your justification for our imperialistic policies are just what you said it but not in the correct description, it is a greed that we have to have our cheap gas and growing economy at their expense.

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Call it greed, but you’re seeing unrest here while we enjoy prosperity for most; not all, but compared to the rest of the world, we as a nation, are doing well.

That said, you can wish to life in Utopia. It’s a great place if it actually existed.

I prefer to live in the real world, and take positive steps to help those suffering in the world. However, it requires America being stable a well. When we are a dysfunctional nation, the rest of the world pays a heavier price.

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Do yourself a favor and take some history lesson to learn about our role in the world and the balance of good and evil that we have done in it, just to enrich ourselves.

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"Iranian aggression"?!?!??!?

Last time I check the main aggression in the region is the Terrorist State of Israel, which has been OCCUPYING other nationS for 56+ years and currently are carrying one of the most horrific genocide of the recent history. The scare tactic does not work any more just as the faux claim of antisemitism does not work. Joenocide Biden has betrayed and a direct complicity in this genocide. Voting for Joenocide Biden is to vote for this genocide.

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“Voting for Joenocide Biden is to vote for this genocide.”

Good luck with that! When Trump wins, let’s see how you feel then living under an authoritarian, fascist kakistocracy that will send in the National Guard to deal with protesters, and giving Israel carte blanche to actually commit genocide.

So vote for West, Stein or RFK Jr., but do so at your own peril and the peril of this nation.

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What are you talking about, we are already living under an authoritarian system as countless students have already been arrested for peaceful protest and objection to this genocide. And it is ironic that you don't see the already "carte blanche" for this genocide. All I can say, you are not fooling me so good luck with others if you think you can fool them with your tactics

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Here’s a thought. Biden sees the light and realizes he is a threat to American democracy by giving Trump a path back to the White House. Beating Trump should have been easy. Leave it to Joe to screw up on an inexcusable level.

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The media is doing a great job of helping Trump as well. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to another Trump presidency since all bets are off…:)

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Get your facts straight. I guess you missed the Russian invasion of Ukraine: 500k dead. Or the 2 million massacred in The Sudan in an actual genocide. If Israel was committing genocide, they have 2. 5 million Palestinians in Israel proper who live side by side with Jews.

Or the millions killed and tortured in Myanmar. Or the plight of the millions of Uyghurs in concentration camps in China. Apparently, you suffer from selective memory.

Israel responded to a terror attacks. I don’t agree with the response, but they have every right to defend themselves.

Granted, the treatment of Palestinians in both the West Bank and Gaza have been atrocious, but terror attacks and kidnappings are not the solution.

And to suggest that the occupation is all the fault Israel is rich. Last I checked, it was Egypt, Syria and Jordan that attacked Israel in 1967. And Israel would love to give back the West Bank and Gaza to Jordan and Egypt, respectively; except neither wants those territories back because the Palestinians have always been nothing more than a thorn in their respective sides. Not to mention, Jordan has to deal with its own 4 million Palestinian population.

Why don’t you consider the treatment of Palestinians by Hamas in Gaza? They only have approximately 30% support before the war. Palestinians are terrorized by Hamas daily.

So criticize Israel as much as you like, but compared to any other regime in their neighborhood; they are tame…:)

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You see when one pushes back a bit, the true color of Zionist comes out. Engaging with a Zionist is just like with the tRUMP MAGA, they have become a cult and it is very difficult to have a meaningful conversation with a cult mentality as they are void of any logic and facts.

Those facts are the Zionist Israel is an OCCUPYING force, even our corrupt and sellout government recognize the OCCUPATION and international law is clear about the role of OCCUPIER and OCCUPEE. The only thing Israel is defending is the OCCUPATION and its apartheid treatment of Palestinians.

You are defending and trying to justify that OCCUPATION which is the root cause of all these violence.

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Only the most horrid people call everyone who disagrees with them a Zionist.

P.S. The response is pure lies from a very hateful and dishonest person.

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Not everyone but those who are defending the Zionist actions in Israel or advocating for those who are directly supporting the Zionist.

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I’m not justifying anything. I’m putting the situation into perspective. Clearly, you have no sense of understanding the history or modern conflict.

I take no issue with “pushback,” I take issue with your assertion and argument that the occupation falls solely on Israel. They were attacked by several nations in 1967 and the occupation is the result of that invasion. Are you honestly positing that Israel would control both Gaza and the West Bank otherwise?

As HL Mencken once said, “complex problems have simple, easy to understand, wrong answers.”

Please don’t simplify this quagmire; better men and women than you and me have tried, and failed miserably!…:)

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Of course you are justifying it, what else do you call this. Only you are using the old tactic of the Zionist/AIPAC playbook by claiming "it is complex"

Nothing about this complex, if we believe in the rule of law and that rule of law applies to everyone.

There has been a proposal by the Arab League since 2002 for complete peace and normalization of all Arab nations in return for Israel to respect and implement international law. What part of that is complex?

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The 1967 war happened some 56+ years ago. For how long are you going to use that to justify this occupation? As for the complex problem all you need to do, if you are willing to be honest with yourself, reverse sides. Consider Israel under such military occupation and Palestinians are the occupiers. Then consider the international law and see if the solution is still a complex one?

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Who is the occupying force in the Westbank, East Jerusalem and now Gaza?

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Does the US support China, Russia aso in doing their crimes? In fact is the support so strong for decades now that without the US these countries wouldn't be able to commit these crimes? What is this Zionist apologia?

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"And Israel would love to give back the West Bank." What? What evidence is there in support of this view? Everything I've seen and heard says the opposite is true... And, taking a step back, I would say you let Israel (and the USA) off the hook for its actions/behavior... But, I agree with many of your statements and general view about the importance of voting for Biden and the general wisdom of keeping Trump out of office. Thank you to all for civil/respectful comments.

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Yes they have. Israel negotiated a peace deal with Jordan in 1987, including giving the West Bank back to Jordan; they said no!

“In 1987, Israeli Foreign Affairs Minister Shimon Peres and King Hussein secretly tried to arrange a peace agreement that would give the West Bank to Jordan. The two signed an agreement that defined a framework for a Middle Eastern peace conference.”


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The Westbank doesn't belong to Jordan! It's good to see that you think Palestinian shouldn't have any autonomy and that you're fine with other nations making treaties that decide the fate of the Palestinian people!

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AIPAC is the only PAC that does not have to register as a foreign agent. There is something very wrong with many people up and down our political leadership systems that is allowing this. There is no such thing as a Hamas or Palestinian PAC that is allowed to operate like this. Anyone who is saying otherwise is trying to create cover for the military $$ that has captured our American tax dollars - most of which is garnered from hard-working Americans through payrolls for Federal Taxes - to then be funneled to these wars that most of us do not want. Israel is a very unfriendly ally to the United States when its leader thinks it can rally our law enforcement system against our children. If you think otherwise, you are an unpatriotic foreign agent promoting violence against American citizens for goals of a foreign nation that are not in the interests of American citizens here at home. We want to build and rebuild America - bridges, schools, roads, transportation, manufacturing, good jobs, houses - all of this is being stolen from us by these nonsensical wars.

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1776 - Independence from England tyranny

2024 - Independence from AIPAC tyranny

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“Now we have exposed this Robert Jaffe for what he is - a know-very-little dilettante who just might be some kind of pro-Zionist plant who wants to keep the rest of us confused and afraid so that we keep handing over our money.”—-LC

Yes, I’m a plant. You can’t win the argument on the merits, so I’m a “Zionist” plant!

Whatever that means! “Hey everyone, I infiltrated your secret organization website to cause chaos and gaslight the entire comments section.”

Is this what you mean?

Your comment says more about you, than it could ever say about me. Seriously, get some help!…:)

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You tell us. You're the one making endless excuses for Israel's behavior by constructing "whataboutism" arguments about the Arab nations. Meanwhile, the rest of us are saying "stop killing, stop mass murder, stop genocide." So yeah, you tell us what you really stand for. America has a lot of problems - right here, right in our communities. We are being told again and again that there is no money to help people in America, to help our schools do better, to help our local governments do better, to help hospitals, firefighters, help sick military veterans from past wars, etc. But here are people like you saying we have to help the Israelis commit their atrocities b/c if we don't, then Tump is worse and anyone who objects doesn't really understand the real world. Now more people are saying "No more." It's up to people like you to prove that this mass murder is justified. The rest of us are saying flat out - "NO!"

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“AIPAC is the only PAC that does not have to register as a foreign agent.”

It’s a simple answer. Foreign agents do the bidding of foreign governments as lobbyists. AIPAC is a political action committee or organization made up of Americans; Christian’s and Jews who are not officially affiliated with the Israeli government. They just support its agenda without coordinating on behalf of the government.

It may be a distinction without a difference, but the difference, perhaps nuanced, is still a legal distinction. And AIPAC isn’t alone; lots of PAC’s operate under the same rules and regulations.

“Israel is a very unfriendly ally to the United States when its leader thinks it can rally our law enforcement system against our children. If you think otherwise, you are an unpatriotic foreign agent promoting violence against American citizens for goals of a foreign nation that are not in the interests of American citizens here at home.”—LC


Yes, these wars are nonsensical, but Israel isn’t responsible for every problem or war the US has fought. It wasn’t Israel that attacked us on 9/11. It wasn’t Israel that manufactured a war in Iraq. In fact, Israel intelligence told Bush it would be a catastrophic mistake to invade Iraq, and the consequences could be a boon for Iran.

And it wasn’t Israel who attacked, killed and kidnapped Israeli’s on 10/7.

We can debate the treatment of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza under Israeli occupation. I will agree that the treatment is barbaric.

That said, don’t lay every problem in the US on Israel. It’s not only wrong, it’s untrue!…:)

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It was Israel/Zionists who killed Palestinians and stole homes in 1948 and subsequent years. It continues to be the Zionists who gaslight non-Zionist Jews and the rest of us into believing that Israelis/Zionists are so pure, innocent, and helpless in this entire conflict that they need to steal our hard-earned American tax dollars to prosecute their dirty wars/genocide. It is Israelis/Zionists who refuse to cooperate with international law and international bodies to resolve their conflicts, thereby tearing down all the efforts - the institutions, the rules of law, the treaties, the covenants - to correct Humanity's past mistakes with WWI and WWII. These efforts at building the International World Order do not belong to Israel alone. And whatever failures by other nations, those are not an excuse to disregard all of humanity wholesale just for their selfish aims. Bernie has already registered his retort to Netanyahu. Israel is at fault in this current crisis. We all see it. They can gaslight all they want. Now it all finally came out. More Americans than ever have been educating themselves on the actual facts of this issue and are HORRIFIED to discover that we've been gaslit for more than just 6-7 months, but for over 75 years!!! I have seen/heard more Jews than ever reclaiming their Jewish identity to take Judaism away from Zionism. They are doing amazing, beautiful, courageous things to stand up against the Zionists, to say they are with Humanity. It is the Zionists who now stand with only the war mongers - whether Democrat or Republican - the military contractors, the billionaires who profit from all this madness, and sure - the oil companies who can use this crisis as a shield to rake in record profits, just as they were using the Pandemic to do so. That is DOCUMENTED in mainstream news and by newsletters/blogs that economist/financial analyst who tracks/attends earnings calls are putting out. So don't even try to keep gaslighting the rest of us. And as for AIPAC - yeah, more Americans than ever before are learning about their narrow, narrow interests. Just look at Jen Perelman's candidacy to unseat Wasserman. People are figuring it out and taking action. Look at Summer Lee winning her primary b/c her district voters figured it out - they have needs/interests of their own. They are not interested in AIPAC's interests. AIPAC stands against humanity and only for Israel's interests. The majority of Americans do not live/breathe/eat for Israel. That means AIPAC is against the common good of the majority of Americans, against our collective democracy.

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I have no idea what you are talking about when you say zionists? So you believe Israel should cease to exist? Is this your point?

And as for the Jews stealing homes in 1948, so did the Palestinians. It was Arab nations that attacked Israel in 1948. It was war!

As for gaslighting, do you even know what the word means? How am I manipulating you? You have your opinion based on ignorance, and I have mine, based on facts.

I’m sorry, when Hamas attacked Israel did they conform to international law? Or in Munich? Or the various suicide bombers or thousands of missiles fired into Israel proper?

All sides are responsible. Stop taking one event out of context to make a broader point.

I’m done, have a good evening. And make sure you vote third party so Trump wins, then you’ll get the government you deserve: good and hard!!!!!!

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You're so wrong on your history and the reasons. But all of that has been exposed and explained ad-nauseum. Even The Daily Show has laid out the history and the rationales. The Arab Nations were against creating a narrowly defined RELIGIOUS nation state b/c they were multi-religious - they had all sorts of Christians and Jews alongside Muslims living in their lands. The Arabs also wanted to go through and international process to figure it out but the Zionists took unilateral action. Look it up yourself, unless you're too lazy. But stop gaslighting the rest of us just b/c you don't want to read for yourself and would rather spread half-assed rumors to perpetuate endless war. "Zionist" is the term that anti-Zionist Jews are using when they say that they are taking back their Jewish identity away from a project that insists on oppression and persecution. Whether anyone "believes" Israel should exist or not is for future debate, for them to figure it out. Whether or not Israel should have ENDLESS capture of our American tax dollars to commit atrocities is absolutely the purview of any American citizen to debate and decide right now.

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True, emotions must not get the better of us and yes, voting for anyone other than Biden, as much as I detest the man (I used to respect the man and volunteered for him in 2020) is a vote for a bigger evil whose name makes me want to puke!!

As for AIPAC they are wolves in sheep's clothing. They currently come across worse than HAMAS!! Cold blooded, heartless and brutal just like the country that controls them!! At least HAMAS is a resistance force, fighting for a state of Palestine that has been deprived to the Palestinian people since 1948.

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Other than supporting Joenocide Biden, I could not agree more. I voted for him in 2020 and feel betrayed in a way that I have not by any of our politicians. A wolf in a sheep clothing is what describes Joenicde Biden and I am committed to hold him accountable next Nov. for his complicity in this genocide.

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Thank God Biden Biden is not giving Israel all they want.. Also, "vital interests" what are those interests? I'm sorry but Biden did so little good during his presidency that it certainly doesnt outweigh the bad he did.

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Vital interests include stability in the region. An all out war could send global oil to over $150 a barrel (possibly $200).

Additionally, keeping Iran and its proxies in check. If they take control of Syria and or Iraq, it would change geo-political the dynamics in the region, which would be bad for us and our European allies.

When you say Biden did so little, I have to disagree. He wasn’t given a proper transition period. He inherited the worded health epidemic since 1918 (mismanaged by Trump).

He was handed a surrender agreement in Afghanistan. 8”% of the government was in Taliban hands before he took office and Trump reduced the troop levels there from 25k to 2,500 before leaving office; making the evacuation more hazardous.

He started his presidency with a recession and unemployment at 6.7%. And even after McConnell said, his goal is to make Biden fail, he still managed to pass several bi-partisan bills including infrastructure, and the CHIP’s Act.

I’m not a Biden fan either, but he’s better than any Republican president we’ve had in modern times. Has it ever dawned on you that whenever republicans leave office, they leave it worse off than when they came into office? And that it’s democrats that have to clean up the mess?

Whatever your politics, Trump was a disaster before and will only create more chaos and havoc. He’s also beholden to the religious right and we’re already seeing the chaos they continue to cause throughout the federal courts and our lives. These people don’t believe in democracy; they believe in a theocracy, run by an authoritarian regime.

So pick your poison: Biden, or either the Christian Taliban or Iranian inspired theocracy. Because with Trump, all his cabinet and administration officials will be filled with white nationalist sycophants, hell bent on delivering their goal of a Christian version of Sharia Law to this nation.

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Excuse me, Biden had all three branches of government and did almost nothing with it. He promised a lot and delivered next to nothing, especially in the beginning! His NLRB does good work, but that's not because of him but despite him. Nothing about policing after George Floyd, the infrastructure bill was a joke, Build Back Better was destroyed, did nothing about the parliamentarian,

his foreign policy has always been awful and I would say now is quite horrible, does nothing to stop a genocide in fact he supports it as much as he can, does nothing about the land grabs in the Westbank, nothing about the minimum wage, didn't even fight the rotating villains in congress to pass important stuff, student loan debt was a failure, no Marijuana legalization, no criminal justice reform and and and

His approach to most of the things I listed was "Guys, I tried nothing and it didn't work. I'm sorry" The only good thing was to get the hell out of Afghanistan even though the way was kinda rough! And I have to disagree on the stuff about Iran and its proxies. The US shouldn't even be there, yet they are because they want to defend their forward operating base called Israel. The real destabilizing force in the region.

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You’re being a bit harsh. He had the senate at 50/50 and had issues with Manchin and Sinema.

What exactly was Biden supposed to do about Floyd? These crimes are local. Presidents don’t control local crimes or make policy regarding local crimes. Most DOJ indictments are white collar, drug trafficking, bank robberies, wire fraud and international terrorism. What exactly are you expecting from Biden to fix?

If the DOJ thought the Floyd incident was a hate crime, they would have investigated. That said. The DOJ may be part of the Executive, but they operate independently. They even investigated his son Hunter.

And how was infrastructure a joke? It’s created over a million jobs so far and will add even more next year as the bidding processes’ award project’s across the country. This is the first bill to be passed for infrastructure in more than 40 years. Please elaborate on why it’s a joke; be specific!

And we aren’t in the Middle East because of Israel. News flash: we were there before Israel even existed. Our interest is keeping the oil flowing at steady affordable prices, by insuring the sea lanes throughout the Persian Gulf, Mediterranean and East China Sea stay open and safe from extremist regimes that cause chaos as well as sea pirates. We do this for ourselves and our Allies.

And whether you’ll admit it or not, oil prices can make or break democratic elections. Just look at the dysfunction here when oil prices rise above $3.50 nationally.

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Shouldn't have called it a joke, it was too little too late!

I meant no police reform after George Floyd and the protests nationwide. As he promised. Not even a federal chokehold ban!

And Yes, he had a 50/50 senate w Harris as the tie breaker and he didn't use it properly. And he got rolled by those two in the senate, is what most people said. I say, he was quite happy with Manchin and Sinema acting as the new Lieberman. They destroyed BBB, mimum wage aso and he didn't even try to put pressure on them. In fact, he never put pressure on those standing in the way of real progress. That's why I'm saying, he was quite happy with Manchin and Sinema.

I never said we are in the middle east only because of Israel, but Biden (and all presidents before him tbf) acted on their behalf and the US uses Israel as a forward operating base for all kinds of operations aso

I know, the US is over their for the resources and don't you think it is a problem how the US behaved in this part of the world over the last decades? Overthrowing governments, waging wars, killing millions, allying with the most horrific regimes and and and

A destabilized middle east is what the US needs and wants.

And now, the US is (again) destabilizing the whole region even more because they're not willing to control their attack dog? The US never tried the option of not doing all of that to keep the oil price under 3.50? And why is the US democracy more important than democracy in all those countries the US has destabilized and basically destroyed? You know, most of these "extremist regimes and pirates that cause chaos" wouldn't exist if the US had not acted like a mad dog and caused chaos itself all around the global south! In fact, I find the american exceptionalism stuff quite extraordinary. Maybe the US needs to experience some higher oil prices and some other inconveniences to stop acting like in recent decades!

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It is amazing that you continue to bring up and blame Iran considering what we know about Israel and its criminal activities against Iran. Who was here earlier that was advocating "critical thinking" ?!?!?!?

Can we do some of that please instead of just repeating what AIPAC and ADL tell us to say.

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Green Party's Jill Stein will be on more ballots than Cornel West. She will make a larger protest statement. Her position is squarely in support of Palestinian freedom

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Her candidacy in 2016 was instrumental in peeling off enough votes from Clinton to help trump win in key swing states. You may think they are the same, but you will NOT like what a 2nd trump term will mea. Maybe you don’t care about BIPOC voting access, women’s health, children’s rights, public education, gun safety, the climate, Muslim ad Arab Americans, so your privileged vote for stein (whom Putin promotes, by the way, look it up) feels virtuous but if you care about the majority people who would be adversely affected by a trump win, maybe consider the impact of your vote

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Bloody Biden remains tone deaf to the cries of Palestinians. Biden could easily skipped the correspondents dinner, citing the deaths of Palestinian journalists. But, no. Its as if this people doesn't even exist. All he sees in the Middle East is Israel.

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The horror of the Gaza massacres is on Netanyahu, who has exclaimed publicly now he resents Biden and his focus on civilians and human rights in Gaza. Netanyahu said openly he wants Trump back in the WH. Do you think that would be better for Palestinians anywhere ? One of these men will be the next president. The pressure on Biden to pull the financing is good, no question but doesn’t mean you’d be happier in a trump administration-or that anyone but the oligarchs would be better off.

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If there is a maniac on the loose and I give him/her a gun, I am partly responsible for the crimes committed by that maniac.

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She will be my choice if she is on the ballet. I will not vote for the 'lesser of two evils' especially that now I am not sure which one is less than the other.

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Go with Cornell West. She has little to zero chance. Dr. West has a big support base. Heck African Americans alone will get him 25% of the vote. Then you have the Latinos, the Arabs, The Muslims, the Orientals, the Africans, East Europeans, the American white Gen Z's and more all of whom are on his side 100%.

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Absolutely, but if he makes it on the ballet.

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He will InShaAllah

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in response to Ray A.


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The duplicity of MSM is simply vile. Focusing obsessively on student protests to divert attention away from genocide, famine, and mass graves. Thank you Zeteo for giving a platform to decent people such as Professor Jason Stanley.

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The genocidal apartheid regime will continue to murder, maim, ethnically cleans and terrorise Palestinians as long as can act with impunity and it remains fiancially and politically affordable to do so.

According to Netanyahu the Israeli economy provided c. 90% of the revenue needed to suatain the regime. Israel is a net importer of goods with a trade defecit of $34 billion in 2022 which is sure to baloon as a result of the economic impact of the genocide.

The "conflict free" diamond industry is Israel's No.1 net export and major source of the foreign currency needed to maintain the western living standards which the settlers demand and the regime needs to attract and keep the colonists on board with the genocidal policies.

The global diamond industry is lead by a handful of public companies whose brands, which took decades and cost $millions to develope, can be ruines in an instant by linkage to the bloodshed and violence of the genocidal regime.

Diamonds processed in Israeli account for approximately 20% of the global market share and about 40% of all diamonds sold in the US in value terms. All leading diamond brands including Tiffany's, De Beers, Harry Winston, Cartier, and others sell Israeli diamond claiming they are "conflict free".

Diamonds that fund war crimes and crimes against humanity are blood diamonds. Jewellery companies must be exposed and held to accouunt.

Corporations with Israeli supply chains are aiding genocide of the Palestinian people.

My latest - https://www.amandla.org.za/genocide-in-gaza-funded-by-the-diamond-industry/

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Very good discussion with an honest, objective, and enlightened Jewish leader. We need more interviews like this in your program. Thank you.

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I especially like his description of himself as an American.

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Here is what antisemitism has been made ot mean since Oct 7th 2023:

'Anyone that dare question the mass and indiscriminate killing of Palestinians or any critics of funding and arming this genocide or simply voice any support for freedom for the Palestinians '

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That and beyond ... any criticism of Israel or Zionism is deemed "antisemitic". The U. S. Congress, the media, college presidents, have all adopted this stance, which is a continuation of the AIPAC/hasbara project for decades.

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Jason Stanley expressed how I felt this was playing out. I am old enough to have experienced the Vietnam war protestors on campus.

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It is complex when your aim is to 'eat your cake and have it too' otherwise it is not that complex.

If we are to live and respect the international law, the peace is not complex at all, unless the aim is to make it so and have an army of gullible people to parrot those "complexities"

The "right of return" is one of those international laws that must be respected unless we are to live by the rule of jungle.

As for Hamas goes, the world now know the history of this group and who propped them up and why. But also the fake notion to blame everything on Hamas has been exposed to the world by witnessing what HAS been happening in the West Bank where there is no Hamas.

As for the Arab's league proposal, the Zionist Israel is yet to respond to that so unless you can provide some evidence to back up your claim, that proposal has been on the table waiting a response. There proposal is based on 1967 borders and even Hamas charter accepts that. You don't believe me, go read it for yourself as it is in black and white on Wiki.

But I think you are just deflecting the attention away from the OCCUPTION and the genocide that is happening daily and we are witnessing it live on our screen. This is what this protests are about and I am in full support of them, not only because they are confronting a genocide but because this is their right to free speech and free of control of AIPAC

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This was a really good interview. This is the type of guest I wish would be on more news interviews but they seem to be pushed aside for SME who just talk nonsense.

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fas·​cism ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm also ˈfa-ˌsi-

Synonyms of fascism


often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

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Fantastic interview! The interviewer led a thorough discussion of college

protests in the wider political context. Also, enjoyed insight into Professor Jason's personal story and his views regarding what the state of Israel meant to many Jews initially.

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Lovely, Rula you are Magnificent ❤️❤️❤️

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Thank you for this interview! I read Stanley's "How Fascism Works" in 2020, and his more recent "How Propaganda Works" in January of this year, as well as following him on social media, and I really respect his perspective and academic integrity. I'm looking forward to the new book.

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Good and informative discussion, Professor Stanley is thoughtful, provocative and very articulate.

Rula Jebreal did a good job keeping the interview focused on the happenings in the US on the college campuses.

Some clips would be good to share on the social media promoting sane points of view in the conversation.

Timely and focused

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its a good clarifying report on the college campus protests, which again sees the same old characters, of old money donors resistance to change&keep to the rules, with the new republican authorantian take [free speech for me, but not for thee] , and the other view , where it seems jewish campaigners both within the protests and without the protests[jewish people do seem a passionate lot -winks]..but it certainly is a report that puts to bed, many of the concerns i had about such protests, which i might add, is not the how many in the american media are framing such things :(

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Protest against Hamas and you will be moving closer to a resolution.

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Oh stop.

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What? Do Yale, Columbia and all the other universities invest in Hamas and have all kind of cooperation with Hamas? What a stupid comment...

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Is that the only thing to protest? Not those that are egging this on and are playing the public by not ending this horror? How many civilians need to die before Hamas releases the hostages and surrenders? How many more have to die so that American college students can protest. These protest are by a very small minority of students and they are protesting only one side. Cal me stupid.

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The Oct 7 lies continue with the twisted report of anti-semitism in campuses when actually it is anti war demonstrations. When more American wakes up and realise that Israel is bleeding America for perpetuating Genocide and Apartheid and most of their politicians are beholden to AIPAC the music will stop. Israel will have no chair to seat and will be caught standing awkwardly amongst the comity of nation as an outlier and a pariah.

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Well I had a nice afternoon at the protest at UPENN in Philly. Everything was peaceful, the weather was nice and a police officer was handing out water.

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