Zeteo brings us solid reporting from seasoned journalists and from others, insight that contribute to the important questions of the moment. This media movement benefits all of whom believe in democracy and are willing to fight for it - and fight we must. The challenges of the next several years need the combined voices of Mehdi Hassan and friends old and new to help us through them with truth telling and facts. Thank you to all who are part of this important alternative to the noise of msm.
Especially for me as s german it is hard to find good reporting on Palestine, the middle east and so on for example. There's almost none in Germany media and you and your coworkers are my primary news/commentary source when it comes to this topic. But the same goes when it comes to your and your coworkers' coverage of US and international politics. I'm not sure there's a better source for (opinion) journalism online to be honest.
I immediately subscribed when you started zeteo and it was a great decision on my part, for once ;)
Thank you so much for all your hard work and for keeping us informed and updated.
Zeteo! Please keep up the great work of bringing TRUTH where mainstream media fails. We love it. May GOD bless you all and keep you and your families safe.
Zeteo is our hope for fair and unbiased coverage of news. Fairness and justice are scarce these days. Please keep up the good work. Wishing you all the success!
No i say back in response ,Thank you....for reporting in america in the mainstream has been dreadful, and getting worse.....even some of the british news ,is missing items of news that should be available....in a world , that seems to be near losing its mind,its comforting to have a place , i can come with some clear news without corruption and bias ..so i say thank you mehdi and your team for bringing that to us :) happy christmas to you all
As I wrote on LinkedIn 9 months ago, "Subscribing to Mehdi Hasan’s new media company for $8/month was the easiest decision I’ve made in a while."* I upgraded to founding member when Zeteo made good on its promises. I was aware of Naomi Klein, Owen Jones, Bassem Youssef, Kat Abughazaleh, Cynthia Nixon, and others before but only really started getting to "know" them since they began contributing here. Very glad Zeteo exists.
I would consider myself conservative leaning and do not always shares the views of Mehdi Hasan but always appreciate his/other contributors comments. I was appalled at attempts to muzzle him. A free press is fundamental to any democracy.
Zeteo brings us solid reporting from seasoned journalists and from others, insight that contribute to the important questions of the moment. This media movement benefits all of whom believe in democracy and are willing to fight for it - and fight we must. The challenges of the next several years need the combined voices of Mehdi Hassan and friends old and new to help us through them with truth telling and facts. Thank you to all who are part of this important alternative to the noise of msm.
Mehdi, thank you so much for starting zeteo!
Especially for me as s german it is hard to find good reporting on Palestine, the middle east and so on for example. There's almost none in Germany media and you and your coworkers are my primary news/commentary source when it comes to this topic. But the same goes when it comes to your and your coworkers' coverage of US and international politics. I'm not sure there's a better source for (opinion) journalism online to be honest.
I immediately subscribed when you started zeteo and it was a great decision on my part, for once ;)
Thank you so much for all your hard work and for keeping us informed and updated.
Zeteo! Please keep up the great work of bringing TRUTH where mainstream media fails. We love it. May GOD bless you all and keep you and your families safe.
أَعُوذُ بِكَلِمَاتِ اللَّهِ التَّامَّةِ مِنْ كُلِّ شَيْطَانٍ وَهَامَّةٍ وَمِنْ كُلِّ عَيْنٍ لاَمَّةٍ
A’uzu bikalimatillahi-ttammah Min kulli shaytaniw-wa hammah, wamin kulli ‘ayni-llammah
*O Allah! I seek Refuge with Your Perfect Words from every devil and from poisonous pests and from every evil, harmful, envious eye.*
I am a subscriber to Zeteo because I appreciate hearing the truth from honest journalists and media personalities .
I find that listening to Zeteo helps my chronic hypertension which is aggravated every time I read the NYT times or WAPO.
Zeteo is our hope for fair and unbiased coverage of news. Fairness and justice are scarce these days. Please keep up the good work. Wishing you all the success!
I appreciate the ability of Zeteo reporters to pole-vault over the wall of Official Government BS and get inside to where the truth is. Keep it up!
Context is everything, I have found Zeteo gives context and highly appreciate it. Onwards and upwards 😊
No i say back in response ,Thank you....for reporting in america in the mainstream has been dreadful, and getting worse.....even some of the british news ,is missing items of news that should be available....in a world , that seems to be near losing its mind,its comforting to have a place , i can come with some clear news without corruption and bias ..so i say thank you mehdi and your team for bringing that to us :) happy christmas to you all
I subscribed to zeteo, because it's a beautiful growing team fighting for our future
All of the above contributors plus the excellent Prem!
As I wrote on LinkedIn 9 months ago, "Subscribing to Mehdi Hasan’s new media company for $8/month was the easiest decision I’ve made in a while."* I upgraded to founding member when Zeteo made good on its promises. I was aware of Naomi Klein, Owen Jones, Bassem Youssef, Kat Abughazaleh, Cynthia Nixon, and others before but only really started getting to "know" them since they began contributing here. Very glad Zeteo exists.
Paid since day one. Stay real.
I would consider myself conservative leaning and do not always shares the views of Mehdi Hasan but always appreciate his/other contributors comments. I was appalled at attempts to muzzle him. A free press is fundamental to any democracy.
Love the content and contributors. So refreshing, thank you.
Proud to be a Zeteo subscriber Medhi. Keep it up!
The reason is to have a qualitative alternate media.