Trump and Republicans Are Lying About Immigration and the Border
Busting the myths about Biden’s record on immigration.

Conventional wisdom hardened rapidly after Joe Biden took office as president: he had opened America’s southern border and triggered unprecedented levels of illegal immigration.
In early 2021, Republicans made “Biden’s border crisis” a heavy weapon. By 2024, it was a pillar of Donald Trump’s campaign to recapture the White House. Since Trump beat Vice President Kamala Harris, many Democrats have accepted the Republican story and backed constitutionally dubious legislation empowering red-state governments and judges to seize control of immigration policy.
But the Republican story, says immigration expert David Bier, suffers one big problem: “This is untrue.”
It would surprise no one to hear that from Biden, defending himself as he limps toward an unhappy exit. But Bier – a former aide to a right-wing GOP congressman – is neither friend nor defender of the outgoing Democratic president. He directs immigration studies at the libertarian Cato Institute.
Facts, Not Feelings
Bier’s methodical deconstruction of what so many believe, won’t do Biden any good. But it’s an argument for heeding facts and not just feelings – even if the latter overpowers the former politically.
His first point?