As a voter in SC I can say definitely I’m scared any time I go to a polling place. The overt intimidation is impossible to avoid for those of us who even give a vague appearance that we may lean left.

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I’m so sorry. How can people in blue bubbles support you?

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Hey Adrienne, thank you for the kind gesture. All we can do is continue to try to raise awareness about these issues.

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I would like to see Snipers in prominent positions, for the public to see, at the Trump sentencing hearing. The faux fascists and supporters must be shown that No one is above the law. They must be shown there are CONSEQUENCES to their actions. Had there been snipers at the Capital, Jan 6th would not have progressed to what it became.

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I think we can assume that all future electoral counts will take place with the Capitol surrounded by high fencing and National Guard troops. That's MAGA's gift to America.

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You don’t need a huge national guardsmen presence. Snipers in clear view backed by snipers not in plain view. Make clear announcements that anyone beyond the barriers will be shot. When/if the first breach happens, they get dropped. They need to understand that this is serious and that there are consequences. I once got too close to the entrance of a Nuclear power plant and was rushed by guards armed with automatic weapons. I told them I was helping with my son’s school project and they de-escalated the situation.

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If America has to resort to what you describe, democracy and the rule of law has already lost. That scenario is not part of civil society. It's a dystopian nightmare where brutal force meets brutal force with lots of collateral damage. Yes, there are consequences - America becomes a police state either way.

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I hate that our Capitol - from now on - has to be surrounded by troops when we're electing a President. But this is what MAGA has brought us to, I can still see the difference between armed force used in the defense of democracy and armed force being used to destroy democracy.

Anyway, the idea of having a sufficient show of force is that nobody gets hurt because nobody is stupid enough to challenge it.

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One of the fallacies of Jan 6 was that they didn’t take theat of domestic terrorism seriously. The didn’t have National Guard in place to reinforce the small Capital Police force. 4 unarmed students at Kent State were killed by inexperienced National Guard in Ohio in 1970. Trump wanted non-violent protesters shot so he could have a photo op in front of a church. Having snipers to protect the seat of our democracy on the day they were scheduled to confirm the Presidential Election is NOT an unreasonable expectation.

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Are people really convinced he's going to jail? Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see that and not only with Trump. But I fear that he's too white, too rich and too powerful to spend even a day in a cell...

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Actually, it is too awkward because of his former-POTUS Security detail.

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The Secret Service detail can easily be accommodated as explained by many former law enforcement officers & even former FBI Director Comey. In fact their jobs would be much easier if TFG (The Felony Guy) was stuck in one place with the added security of prison officers on hand. This is NOT a consideration, although there are others which may mitigate against incarceration similar to other convicted felons of "white collar" crimes.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

Seems like potentially a significant cost savings for the taxpayers. I'll have to remember to bring this up the next time some Republican tells me the government spends too much. Just think about how much the Secret Service will save on golf cart rentals!

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I’m skeptical, but if he keeps slandering the judge, prosecutor and jurors it will get more likely. And of course he keeps claiming innocence, which doesn’t go over well for sentencing.

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That`s true! It will be interesting to see, what is happening next.

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It's also Trump's first criminal offence which usually is taken as mitigating the circumstances and usually doesn't get jail time unless the offence is considered egregious. This is, at heart, white collar crime by a rich white guy. You don't need to be a former president to get the kid glove treatment. Even Jeffrey Epstein was housed in a "luxury" jail for high-class criminals.

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"Even Jeffrey Epstein was housed in a "luxury" jail for high-class criminals."

Well, if he ends up like Epstein did, I won't complain about how "luxurious" the accommodations are.

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If anything like that happened to Trump while in custody that would be a double blot. In the first sense, a person in custody is in the care of the state and any harm done is the total responsibility of the state so it would be a failure of duty by the state. Secondly, can you imagine the howling chaos of the ravening mob if any physical harm came to their President Precious in custody? It would complicate the election beyond imagination.

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Good points, if he's actually in prison I want him to live to be 100, so he'll have plenty of time to think about what he did. Also I relish the idea of waking up in the morning and thinking, "I'm free, and Donald Trump is in prison" and I'd like to prolong that experience.

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I think even if the judge sentenced him to jail time, he would be allowed to stay out of jail while his appeals play out (a deal only the Rich&White seem to get, the poor and POC sit in jail while appealing their cases.) And the appeals process could take a year or more, certainly it will drag on til after the election.

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Jun 5·edited Jun 5

I think it's important to be clear about their capabilities. This is not a movement that can overthrow the US government. Or stop judicial or other legal proceedings from happening. Or overturn the results of an election.

But, what they can do is terrorism. Shooting up a synagogue, parking an explosives-laden rental truck outside a federal building, that sort of thing. This is not terrorism as an effective means to seize power, they don't have the organization and discipline and numbers for that, they're not the Taliban, no matter how much their religious extremism might suggest that. Nevertheless, they have the potential to murder many, many people and must be taken seriously as a terrorist organization (a thing the FBI seems reluctant to do with people who have White skin and claim to be Christian.)

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There are many black conservative Trump MAGAvites as well. The so-called Christian rightists are a 'plastic-wrapper' veneer cover for Trump malignancy. Trump fascist style terrorism, legal system tie-ups & political congressional maze-merizations hog ties a democracy & prevents real useful goverance on vital community needs. Welcome to the American Nightmare - albeit comfortably padded for the well-off, or otherwise, sedated or silenced.

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I do like "maze-merizations", thanks.

Yes, if they can win a majority in either house of Congress, they will play no useful role whatsoever, and will only obstruct. We know that. But there's a clear remedy for that. We, the voters, do have the power to prevent that from happening.

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Trump never used any of his money or donations from the NAGA faithful to help the January 6th insurrectionists with their legal bills for committing violence on his behalf. Hopefully, any other supporters calculate the risk and decide he won't help them either.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

Keep up the great writing! You can tell Mehdi he really should read what gets sent to info@zeteonews.com . If nothing else, to get some feedback if things are not going well for subscribers. Perhaps he hasn't had time to assign a member of his staff to view that inbox (if he has staff to direct given the constraints on his time with his new creation to try and help save humanity from itself!). :-)

See Pogo.....


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