Democrats introduced many amendments to stop tax cuts:

First, stop tax cuts for those making over $10 million a year—Republicans voted no.

Second, they tried to set the cutoff at $100 million—Republicans still said no.

Third, they tried to set the cutoff at $500 million—Republicans still said no.

Fourth, they tried to set the cutoff at $1 billion— Republicans said they were for giving billionaires a tax break on the backs of the poor and the elderly.

1) Republicans, 217 of them in the House, won’t even block tax cuts for people making a $1 billion in a single year.

2) Republicans, 217 of them in the House, are more than happy to slash funding for kids with disabilities and seniors in nursing homes to give billionaires a financial break.

If you voted for one of these Republicans you are complicit in their actions. I hold you personally responsible and as disgusting as they are.


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https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2025/02/corruption-trump-administration/681794/?gift=4dTfJpaWKAxPRgFrKJwrAJ-Vynm9u7AcdT7Ukld6NSo&utm_source=email&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=social. Here you go. A way to take down Trump. (1) INCOMPETENCE (2) CORRUPTION with examples in real life and the affects on real people. And hammer these home EVERY SINGLE DAY, EVERYWHERE in America. Especially in red and rural areas of America - home to Trump supporters. Here are the affects on real people where YOU live! And do NOT let up EVER!

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Thank you. Tomorrow, Fri 2/28, some are joining a Buy Nothing Day, a form of peaceful resistance. Others are staying home as much possible and buying nothing but essentials.

The link follows, for more information. (masslive.com)


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...placing epstein next to Tate's name as headline is something to consider revising. In one hand we have a convicted and jail epstein working for israeli moussad, while on the other side an unfair attempt to convict an innocent person simply because of he's views and new adopted beliefs.

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Hug him and kiss him he’s so nice!

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Love Ellie. Thanks for great interview

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This episode was 🔥! This is why I cut cable (6 years ago), tuned out MSM and subscribed to Zeteo! Elie Mistal is a treasure and I cannot wait for the next video! Many thanks!

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It’s the pipi tape

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@Mehdi Hasan, I’d really like to know if you too subscribe to the headline of this episode?? I recently took the annual subscription of Zeteo to support independent journalism, but now it’s been more than once that I feel that publications on ‘Substack’ are also following the lines of motivated journalism inspired by ‘deep state’ propaganda. In case of Zeteo, it’s the first instance that The ‘Alleged Sex trafficker’ being used with Andrew Tate’s name makes me think twice. But there are multiple instances from ‘The Free Press’ where certain words/sentences are subtly mentioned in the articles in order to put them in the readers’ psychology for e.g. a recent article ‘Life and Death of the oldest hostage in Gaza’, where I don’t have a problem with the article itself but I don’t see any other balancing article from them covering similar plight on the Palestinian side.

I’d really appreciate if you’d clarify your stand about Zeteo and also your take on Zeteo being part of this platform ‘Substack’ ?

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I would like Wajahat and Francesca to discuss why we can’t impeach Trump. He is unhinged

and lies constantly to fellow Americans!

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I assume you already know you need a majority in the house to impeach and then 60? votes in the senate to convict and that leaves us with presidents Vance, Musk and Thiel…

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an expert at anything, but a master of none. Maybe not a master, let's grade him on performance.

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