When exactly will it be released?

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Hi - The film will be releasing this week!

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When will it be released? I am a subscriber and I can only find the trailer

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Hi - The film will be releasing this week!

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I have been looking on this site and elsewhere to try to find out how and when and where I can watch this documentary. All I can seem to get is that it's "July 2024" on Zeteo.com. Okay, so I signed up for a free account, found no new information, then thought maybe if I sign up for a paid subscription, which I did, and then still no doc, no information, no release date or location/method to view. It looks like a good one, but the promotional material and host site lack the very basic information that people need/want.

When can I watch this, where, and how?

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Hi - The film will be releasing this week!

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thank you! glad to hear it

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When is this coming out?

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Hi - The film will be releasing this week!

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Multiple questions here regarding info on the release but not a single reply or update to subscribers via email or app. I'm a big supporter of the work but the lack of basic admin/production support is becoming challenging to get past.

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Hi Shirley, very sorry for the delay. The film will be releasing this week! Right here on reelisrael.film.

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Probably a silly question, but how do I watch it? Will it be on this channel and when?

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Hi - The film will be releasing this week, right here at reelisrael.film.

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The truth is disgusting...

and more desperately necessary than ever.

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Seriously, I have been a subscriber since you started. Are we ever going to be able to see this documentary?

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Hi - The film will be releasing this week! Right here on reelisrael.film.

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Glad to see I’m not the only one confused when it’ll be released and where to watch it. So much for paying to upgrade I guess…

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Hi - The film will be releasing this week! Right here on reelisrael.film.

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How can we watch it/purchase it?

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Hi - The film will be releasing this week! Right here on reelisrael.film.

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How do I watch this? I've been frantically searching everywhere and don't see any way to watch it.

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Hi - The film will be releasing this week! Right here on reelisrael.film.

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Thankyou for documenting! This is just a docu as proof they did commit genocide and it was their intention!

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Zionism "is an Evil Apartheid Racist Colonial Regime ".

Make No Mistake


History Doesn’t Lie

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Last day of July and no updates. Paid for a subscription partly to watch this. This is unprofessional and poor communications Mehdi. Try and win the argument that it isn’t…

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Hi Dillydee - Sorry for the delay! The film will be releasing this week. Right here on reelisrael.film.

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This is unprofessional from Mehdi and Zeteo. It’s nearly August and still no release date. At least let us know

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I'm a subscriber, when will it be released?

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Hi - The film will be releasing this week! Right here on reelisrael.film.

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