Thanks so much for the video! It made my day and lifted my spirits. Keep the videos of activism coming! You can't overexpose the work the people and some of their elected representatives are doing. Onward!

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So disappointed to see my senators vote for some of these Trump appointees and legislation. AND, they need to object to unanimous consent! Too many dems love thier cushy jobs and their GOP raquetball buddies so they don't fight, they just perform and gaslight. They think we are ignorant about the senate and legislative jargon, and most of us are, so they can get away with saying one thing and doing another. They also refuse to provide a rarionale for why they voted to confirm some of these picks. I wish a journalist would ask them. Our future depends the honorable dems we do have left.

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Thank you so so much for the great work you do, great reporting you do, great human being that you are. I honestly am so lifted up every time I see you at work re. Palestine of course and

wherever there is injustice. I didn't even know about this demonstration.

Thank you so much.

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We either fight or lose our country to someone who wants to destroy it.

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Much admiration for your excellent work as a journalist. Thank you.

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Thanks Prem! Keep exposing the corrupt Dems underbelly. People need to know who they voted in to represent them and how they aren't representing them so someone new can get voted in next time that doesn't have big money backers or wants to have corporate money behind them. Dems need to know too that their game is up.

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Ken Klippenstein had a good analysis of the (in)action of dems on this - they're basically attacking a lack of process. Gerry Connoly had the absolutely asinine suggestion of putting musk up for a senate confirmation vote! What kind of shit is that??? These people are simply not up to the moment!!!

Incidentally, there's probably a case that can be put forth on behalf of USAID and its benefits for normal, workaday Americans. I don't think the dems have done that so far.

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Thanks Prem! Appreciate your hard work

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R Tlaib with her message of "uncommitted" and putting off the a large portion of Muslim voters from voting for Harris gave Trump his presidency ,

If R Tlaib thinks her actions are helping Palestinians then God help the Palestinans !!!

R Tlaib should be held to account rather than seen as some hero

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Blaming the uncommitted for Harris losing is refusing to see the failure of Harris for not committing to atop the flow of arms to Israel. More importantly, Joe Biden's commitment to the Genocide against the will of the American people directly led to this mess.

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M Hassan interviewed Noam Chomsky on Intercept 17/4/2020 . Watch at 12 min into the interview. Vote for the lesser of two evils

Also blame MH for not being vocal enough on this "lesser of two evils "

By not voting (and trying to make a point that their votes should not be taken for granted ) they have added to the Palestinians misery rather than help them

Also J Stein - she is a joke

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It really was the Underdeveloped (as in mentally) Uncommitted's circular logic that really gave us this mess, wasn't it?

"Both sides are the same"

"Nothing's worse than genocide"

"We already have fascism"

And as we can see they're STILL blaming Joe Biden for everything bad happening today in the new Trump administration. Maybe they should've listened to actual Palestinians in Palestine who wanted Harris? Nah, they wanted to feel smug. And like MAGA trash, they don't take any responsibility for their vote or non-vote.

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The Democratic Party has been the lesser of two evils since Bill Clinton. They have a huge share in the blame.

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Even if all of the meager 600K votes Stein got had gone to Kamala, it wouldn’t have made up the gap in her massive loss to Trump. Stein was never the problem. (And yes, Mehdi should know this too.)

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I SO can't stand genocide apologists who are just as big of bigots as magas. While weak, bootlicking Dem sheep were following in line and staying silent about the slaughter of Palestinians, Rashida was standing up for her people. Those criticizing her don't have a fraction of the bravery and integrity that she has. F'k Trump, but also f'k those that stayed silent about genocide, then later had the audacity to say people speaking up about genocide were the problem.

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I'm concerned that peaceful protests are insufficiently disruptive. The malevolent are distant from the consequences of their actions and, with good reason, feel insulated. They don't care.

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I don't have to view the video or read th repoert. an alternative to the democrats is essenial if change is to be geniunly implemented...

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Can Federal workers go on strike? I know there are essential workers that can't. Wouldn't it make sense to have a government wide strike to show Trump & co. that Federal workers are essential. It would be painful to all but I have learned that pain is the only way people wake up and understand what is important.

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Democrats are really Fucking bullshiter dumbass... They are incompetent...

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Any Senator who votes for any Trump nominee is aiding an insurrection against the Constitution. Trump is not qualified to hold office, he is an insurrectionist that took office through a complicit supreme Court. The supreme Court attempted to maintain slavery, and when it failed it instituted Jim Crow. Now it has established fascism. https://nevinhoraceoliphant.substack.com/p/our-constitutional-republic?r=3sr22y

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Where is that despicable minority leader AiPAC cheerleader Jeffries and the democratic leadership?

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