Took me a minute to stop crying to write this. I've been watching Hind on Al Jazeera for some years now. I pray that she stays safe and know that her life will never be the same. And that breaks my heart.

The problem with Western Media is more than complicity. They see Palestinians, or Arabs generally, living in the middle east very differently. They see Arabs living there the same way the British saw aboriginals in North America. They are savages. They kill each other indiscriminately. Even with social media showing otherwise and reporters knowing differently.

I remember coming back from a 6 week trip to Morocco, where I met and later married my husband, and was showing family and friends photos and the comments I received were shocking. Comments such as, they look and dress like us, oh, nice house, they went to University? they speak multiple languages?

It's almost like regular media cannot report what the average person here STILL doesn't comprehend. Not savages, not terrorists but a wonderful people who live and dream just like all us HUMANS do.

Be safe Hind. Hope to watch you for years to come ❤️

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Thank you, Linda for sharing your feelings from your heart. I remember Trevor Noah, the South African comedian, spoke similarly of the stereotypical portrayal of Africans in Western media as poor people, dirt roads, and hungry children with extended bellies. The portrayal was almost laughable because there are modern buildings and beautiful places and cities. Yes, there are places and homes still with dirt floors, one room homes, but not ALL of Africa.

I believe it's best if people come out of their little world and travel to other places to learn and experience other cultures.

I loved how you said "...live and dream just like all us HUMANS do." Take care, my friend.

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Those who control our media and entertainment, control the content and narrative.

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Let's be frank for once... They are Jews.

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I am in awe of your talent, your courage, your determination to bring the truth to us. What a wonderful gift you are to the world

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This is so frustrating and infuriating. The US could stop this genocide very quickly if Israel didn't dictate US Middle East policy. Why we allow this, and are almost indifferent to it, is incomprehensible. Bibi Netanyahu has his wider war. Where will all the refugees and displaced people go? How many deaths are enough to satisfy Israel?

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The Israelis, the Zionists, want to kill EVERY LAST PALESTINIAN! How else will they steal their land?

And Joe Biden... who is extremely racist... is determined to help them murder every single person in Gaza and the West Bank and Lebanon as well.

That's what is happening. It's amazing. We are witnessing a Nazi style Holocaust committed principally by the United States and Israel, primarily, because of deep rooted racism.

Western media outlets and Western governments are waiting, like vultures, for the slaughter to be completed after which they'll pretend that they had NO IDEA about what was happening.

They'll say, [*We would have stopped it if we knew. But it's in the past now. Let's move forward."]

Remember Clinton saying something similar after Rwanda?

At that time Paul Kegame's army saved the Tutsi.

Whose army will save the Palestinians or the Lebanese or the Iranians from the United States and Israel?

It took the allied armies to stop the Nazis. It took an army to stop the Serbian genocide. It took an army to stop the Hutus. It might require an army to stop the Israelis and the Americans.

But, which army? Who is powerful enough to stop these evil people? And I say evil people because there is no other expression, no other word, that can accurately describe them.

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And guess who supplied many weapons for the atrocities committed in Rhwanda? ISRAEL and England sent weapons via proxies in Ukraine, Albania etc...as I recall or maybe I'm remembering that they supplied Pinochet in Chile who massacred so many people with CIA help. It could be both...? Anyway point is Western hipocracy is all about $$$

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Key, key, key question: Why. Why do we allow it?

What is it that the U.S. wins from supporting Israel’s aggression.

We’re in bed with them somewhere very very valuable. Oil, supply chains, geopolitics?

AIPAC is not rich enough to be the answer.

Folks say we are manipulated by Israel … is there another side to it? Are they doing our dirty work?

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I think it's about money and power. In the Citizens United decision, the Supreme Court declared that money is speech. In other words, the more money you have, the more political speech you are entitled to. Therefore, the wealthy can control this country including the Federal government. And the drive to gain great wealth clearly leads to moral corruption. I se this in all aspects of American culture. We live in a country run by people who have sacrificed their souls for money and power.

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Not all of us!

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I agree but do WE who have not, count? What power do we have to change this system? And yet, we cannot give up!

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Yes, they are doing "our" dirty work and making $$$ while at it. It's about maintaining control in the region as we need those resources in order to keep Capitalism going. As soon as the oil is gone, the jig is up. The earth is rebeling first in the form of massive storms then ice age...

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Good question!

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Yes, we have all watched how, in the last year, Netanyahu has played Biden like a fiddle. Recently, I heard someone (wish I could remember) say the simplest description of Zionism is: Israeli Supremacy. This is a myth that must be dismantled, for the sake of everyone.

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True. If you have not, please read Michael Sparks'

"Gaza, Sophie’s Choice, & The Myth of the Immaculate Victimization Conception" comment from Oct., 6th, further down on this post/thread, or some where after. (I do not know if he was quoting from other sources.) and it was a lot to unpack. Nevertheless, it caused me to rethink about what I perceive and have been taught through the years.

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My fellow US citizens please understand that our political elites are bought by AIPAC and have sold their constituents and souls. It is unfathomable that we are helplessly witnessing a modern day genocide. Actually, it is worse, it is our tax monies that is funding this genocide.

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Your political class is racist to its core. It is genocidally racist on both sides of the aisle.

The thing that amazes me is seeing the complicity of black representatives. They are the descendants of genocide.

They are the descendants of people who lived through ethnic cleansing. Whites wanted to kill all their ancestors after slavery...

That is what lynching was about..a desire to ethnically cleanse America of every person of African descent.

They know that history and yet they are complicit in this genocide??

It is incredible. The American political class is psychotic.

they are the descendants of people who survived that.

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It is money that makes the world go round! The fact remains that the western media creates a narrative that the bozos in politics live by. You repeat the same thing over and over again and it becomes true. Here the narrative is that Israel is a victim, so no matter what, the holier than thou believe they are on the right side of history. Facts be damned. How many times have been fed the lies of Israel being a democracy? The fact that it is the Jim Crowe style of democracy does not matter.

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I think money is definitely a factor...i think it's a very important factor...but I also think that It's about more than money.

Just as I think anti-black racism is about more than money. It's about white identity.

I think this racism is rooted... in a feeling of kinship between members of European settler colonies (Americans and Israelis) and a feeling of antipathy towards the people that have been colonized.

It's also about white identity.

I think members of the black political class don't want to lose their perks or their power..

The Black political caucus wasn't always as relevant as it is now ... Black politicians weren't making the money that they make now.

I think they've decided that money and perceived power is far more important than principles.

I think they're making a mistake. They're undermining themselves and any future argument they might make against racism. But, perhaps they don't care about that.

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Ditto. Democrapartheid? Disgusting. I SO dislike that trope ( The right to defend itself. At what point will the "defending" end? Total annihilation of Gaza, Lebanon?

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This also applies to the Zionists who survived the Holocaust and so quickly forgot the horror of it. Unhealed trauma makes monsters of human beings.

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Yes, precisely what I was thinking.

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Please note that there are intellectuals who are completely see the problem. The issue is that the western media only touts a given narrative.


Posting this link to Piers Morgan who has been set straight multiple times by @Mehdi and many of his guests. Except he continues to insist on the talking points.

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I understand and feel your frustration, David, but I think you are over generalizing about black folks. What is the basis for your comments?

ALL blacks did not want to kill ALL whites. The African Slave trade was a materialistic, economic, brutal and inhumane psychological act. Blacks were considered sub-human. Blacks were a "business" to the Southern plantation owners. Blacks were subjected to crop-breeding, inter-racial rape, and mental conditioning.

Lynching was not, ethnic cleansing. Lyching was an immoral and hateful mob act! Since blacks were considered sub-human, why not hang them from a tree?

David, you can try to kill an entire race like was tried with the Native Americans, people of Jewish faith etc., etc., but it is impossible. The best thing is to break their spirit! People of different cultures are resilient! Fear is the motivation of hatred, as well as xenophobia.

My friend, ALL blacks are NOT complicit to genocide.

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Hind is extraordinary. It's a privilege to see and listen to her.

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The State of Israel under the leadership of Netanyahu is committing genocide in Gaza with the weapons and money supplied by the Biden administration. Western governments have not done anything to put pressure on this administration. The UN has condemned Israel but needs to do more. I have been getting my information from Democracy Now! who have done a remarkable job of revealing the crimes taking place in Gaza and the West Bank daily.

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Macron calls to halt arms deliveries to Israel in Gaza war


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Israel has always been a genocidal enterprise. Even before it was created... it was envisaged as a genocidal enterprise.

Netanyahu once said that he is a return to the roots of Zionism and he is correct.

Zionism is as genocidal as Nazism was. They are twin philosophies... even though Nazism is younger than Zionism.

They have the same beliefs and motivations. The destruction of some people believed to be inferior by a people it holds to be superior in order to steal the resources of those inferior people... just as they stole their lives.

Joe Biden is a Zionist. His administration is Zionist. He has to go down in the same sphere of a high level Nazi ... if not in the same sphere as Adolf Hitler.

He is as evil as any Nazi because he is completely aware of what he is doing.

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DN does good reporting. Many, many countries' leaders have spoken up (Remember the diplomats who walked out when Bibi last spoke at the UN?) Bibi's arrogance was on display...AGAIN. I do not know what it will take to move the arms embargo needle. I know Bernie Sanders is trying. A change of leadership in this US presidential election (NOT Trump..)?

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Heart breaking to watch. Thank you Medhi for giving Hind a platform. I hope she can see her loved ones soon and Israel's obliteration of Gaza is stopped.

Some of us in the west do care and are not forgetting OPT, but we are the little people who march, boycott and hold placards.

I am ashamed of the UK government. I am appalled at the UK press and MSM. Channel 4 seem to be the only news channel that make any attempt to report factually.

Sadly, due to alleged Freeview broadcast contract changes I cannot watch or record Al Jazeera anymore. I can watch you guys on my phone but my eyes are too old to read the strap lines etc. All your broadcasts are valued as it is the only way we can hear the truth.

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Your comments are very heartfelt. Do take care of your eyes.

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This woman is such a treasure! Her intelligence, sharpness, sencerity and responsibility are way beyond the level of the huge part of prominent Western journalists. Usually I watch her on Al Jazeera, but now, because of the 2017 report you played, for the first time I noted how young really she is and how big the burden she carries is. Keep safe Hind!

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I'll never be numb to it. I'll never give up on Gaza.

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I thought there were no tears left…but when you, Mehdi, didn’t want to let her go, at the end, there, and she said thank you, I couldn’t hold them back….

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That made me cry so hard. It took me a bit to regain my composure. I feel you ❤️

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I have friends there. One with a newborn baby…another just managed to get to Cairo with two children…❤️‍🩹

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I am thankful your friends are safe here. I pray those not as fortunate stay as safe as possible. Inshallah.

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I have friends from there. Luckily they are here and safe but there's nothing left to go back to. 💔

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I find her courage, empathy and humanity inspiring and deeply moving. What a wonderful person, she and her Palestinian colleagues put their abject, bought western counterparts to shame. May God bless her and keep her and her colleagues safe. Thank you, Mehdi, for giving her this airtime.

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I do not know what to say anymore. I don't find her courage ennobling.

I would rather not be amazed at her humanity.

I would prefer that someone impeach Biden and overhaul his criminal administration so that they don't succeed in their genocidal ambitions.

That's what I want to see. I want to see someone stop these American Nazis.

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What is happening in Gaza and now in Lebanon is pure evil. Unblieveable this is happening in 21st century...... shame on humanity....... specially the Western world.

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I am so thankful that Hind is safe 🙏 she is a #Shero

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We have not moved on we’re more determined than ever to stop Biden and Harris’s genocide! Jill Stein Against Genocide 🇵🇸🇱🇧

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She won't make it this year. A protest vote is gonna backfire!

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Only if you live in a swing state.

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My heart goes ❤️to you, nothing will happen to Israel because it is protected by all the western powerful nations Shame on them 😥

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