Aug 21·edited Aug 21

"All children have value" unless they are a Palestinian children

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What you wrote was sarcasm. Nevertheless, it broke my heart💔and tears came to my eyes. Palestinian children DO matter, as well as the adults. Yes, this "war" has been going on TOO long. As all the speeches were going on, Gaza was on my mind. Nelson Mandela never gave up hope while he was imprisoned for many, many years. South Africa is no longer an apartheid country. I do not have a crystal ball, but I have hope that Palestinians, too, will achieve what South Africa did. Some where in Gaza, there is a child, or teen, or young person (or many) who is (are) developing into positive, intelligent, articulate, empathetic, and courageous leader(s) who will lead the humanitarian and fair way. As Americans are fighting for democracy this election year, against the evil, vicious, fear-mongering, narrow minded wanna be "leaders" who want to dismantle the government and take us backwards. I am reminded of the many of my ancestors and elders who died fighting for fair treatment in getting our civil rights legislations passed. They passed the torch to our youth. We refuse to allow these bigoted folks to take us back and dismantle all that was achieved. There is hope for the civil rights for Palestinians. It may seem hopeless, but I pray for a new crop of fair leaders despite the destruction to irradiate a my fellow human beings. (Sorry if I wrote too much.)

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I believe, The only solution is to abolish the apartheid state and create a democratic, civil society void of any religious influence.

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Why do you think it was sarcasm? It is the reality that we have seen from these people? Have you heard anything from ObamaS about the children in Gaza? Silence is complicity.

"As Americans are fighting for democracy this election year"

Have you seen how Democrats have been behaving even at the convention. Besides, how can one push and support for democracy at home and genocide for others? Do you think this genocide could have been carried out in the same way if it was not for the Joenoicde Biden's full support?

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You know there have been many such leaders - one plausible one is in an Israeli jail right now. Ever heard of Marwan Barghouti?

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Are you kidding me? Do you see what is happening in Sudan and in Haiti in many countries around the world those children are also being ignored and left to die

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Aug 21·edited Aug 21

And is that makes the genocide in Gaza OK?

Are those Sudanese or Haitian kids are blowing up with our 2000lb bombs? Have many vetoes have we burned in the UN to protect the war lords in Sudan?


You seem to be a closet Zionist/AIPAC supporter but the shame of this genocide prevents you to come out and openly cheer for them. After what we have seen in the last 10+ months, this has gone beyond "complex" . The nature of this ZioNOTZ regime has never been more clear and how they were able to carry on with this genocide with our "Iran-clad support" by Joenocide Biden, a Democrat.

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Well those kids are dying as well. I care deeply for not just Palestinian children. Listen, any human being in Palestine who is a civilian and has perished in this unfair conflict is a travesty. It's not right period.

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Thank you, I couldn't agree more.

I will only add that it is critical for all of us to recognize that our government has been an accomplice in that travesty. While we may not be as equipped to help every child, every person around the world, in this case, we are actively participating in killing them.

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She’s breathtakingly eloquent and hard-hitting.

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Agree that Michelle is the finest orator of our time. She was amazing today. I also loved “No one has a monopoly of what it means to be an American”

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Mehdi I agree she was brilliant but she didn’t mention the horror of the genocide and the kids being slaughtered daily so for me like the others where is the humanity ?

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She was magnificent!!! I cannot believe how much I’ve missed her voice! But tonight she was on fire…more so than ever before!!! She had me laughing and crying…but she never gave us much of a chance to do either because she had a message she needed to get across to us all…and for me she took me to another level. Powerful, beautiful, painful, and challenging!! I’m so glad you loved her speech!!!!!!

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I cannot be enamoured by Michele Obama anymore. Being a good speaker does not make a good person. Her complete silence on the killing of 1000’s & 1000’s of women & children in Gaza tells me she plays the “funding” game. Don’t rock the boat as it affects Dem funding. This for me is “aiming LOW”.

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What is your answer, then, to the question - how do you propose to elect a rational, humanitarian President of the US? We know the harm that will come if Trump is elected. What is the right action in this moment? It is so easy to say "make stopping the genocide in Gaza the priority because it is so horribly wrong". America could stop sending arms to Israel. Do you really think that would actually stop Netanyahu? Because it wouldn't. What it would do is cause a funding backlash against the Democratic Party that would result in Trump's election and the subsequent end of democracy in the US. You would also not have ended the genocide in Gaza. Trump is best buddies with Netanyahu. He would support Netanyahu against Hamas in a heartbeat if he could make money off it. He would easily find a way.

It's really easy to demand that the US stop sending arms to Israel but it won't end the war. It won't stop the genocide.... and you would have elected Trump.

Is that your answer? Because it isn't how to stop the genocide. It's how to elect Trump.

If you can come up with a way to stop the genocide, I would really like to hear it. Because if "Stop sending munitions to Israel" is all you've got, it's not enough.

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Biden has already done harm to Ghaza worth BILLIONS dollars of weapons

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Yes. And... what? Biden's not going to be President come January 2025. And he's been trying to put together a ceasefire... a permanent ceasefire. But Netanyahu doesn't want an end to the war. He wants an end to Gaza and he wants the territory for Israel. So do a large number of Israel's hard right citizens and some American land developers. So...... what? As I said, stopping the shipment of American weapons to Israel won't stop the war. It won't stop the genocide. So what is your plan after that? You don't have one because there isn't one.... except the likelihood of a larger conflict breaking out between Israel and one or more of Israel's sworn enemies in the region.

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Aug 22·edited Aug 22

The collective DNC silence on the issue of Gaza, and the active silencing of protesters demanding a ceasefire, is to us on the outside, the rest of the 7-8 billion citizens of this planet, complicity in this crime of Genocide.

To the 50-100 of Palestinians men, women and children being slaughtered every day, whilst the USA navel gazes between Trump or Harris, it does not make a difference to them if the US bombs being dropped on them are sanctioned by a Biden-Harris government or a Trump government. They will die.

The gaping flaw in your argument is “stopping the shipment of American weapons to Israel won't stop the war”. IT WILL!! Israel does not have an infinite arms supply. Ronald Reagan stopped Israel’s carnage in Lebanon in 1982, with a phone call to Menachem Begin.

The other flaw in the USA Democracy is that either way – Republican or Democrat, you are all beholden to your funders - the pro-Israel lobby, and the Arms Manufacturers who make billions from these wars that the USA fuels (Gaza, Ukraine….and many more). These funds are what the Obamas are worried about too.

STOP MAKING YOUR ELECTIONS ALL ABOUT MONEY!! Many countries have a cap on how much money every party can spend on election campaigns.

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Well you can thank the republicans for that. The only way to get money out of politics is to overrule Citizens United. The only way to do that is to elect a democratic president and senate. I agree with you that the only reason that we support Israel unconditionally is because of money in politics. The only way to change that is to elect democrats. No quick fix here which is devastating. Biden is working towards a ceasefire and Harris supports that. Both oppose Israel taking over Gaza.. The hell that the people of Gaza are living through will only get worse if Trump is elected

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I understand the passion that people have to try to do everything you can to end that hell on earth. It is horrific and yet you can't turn away. Genocide in our time is a mark of shame on the human race. We are all morally responsible yet there is so little we can do to stop it. I am heartened that so many feel compelled to give of their time and resources to demonstrate, to witness and to oppose. I think it is wrong and shameful for the DNC to refuse to let a Palestinian speak.

But refusing to vote for Harris only makes a bad situation worse. It does not help Palestinians. It does not save lives or stop the war. It is self-indulgent. It could cause great harm and it accomplishes nothing except to make oneself feel better even though that feeling is nothing but an illusion. Doing all you can to prevent Trump from winning is the only meaningful action any American can take at this moment. That's not what you want to hear but it is the truth. Harris doesn't control the agenda, the DNC or the country yet. There is a good possibility she can and will take action on stopping the war once elected, maybe even before she takes office. Voting for Harris could be part of the solution if not the entire solution. Right now, there is no meaningful alternate. Halting the supply of weapons to Israel worked before but that is no guarantee it will work again. The support structures for Israel are stronger and wealthier now. The war would continue. The killing would continue. The suffering would continue and Trump could be President with all else that would bring. Don't turn you back and deny the power of your vote. It is not what your heart demands but it is what Palestinians need.

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She was absolutely dynamic!

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She didn’t mention the Palestinian kids

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Silence Is Complicity: Rev. Dr. Munther Isaac


Please watch

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However it is not. You have to have a strategy. They know. I wish it was that simple.

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What is "not"

Why is it not simple to stand against genocide?

Why is it when it comes to multi decade military OCCUPATION by the Zionist Israel, all the sudden it becomes "complicated"

Silence is indeed complicity and diverting attention is certainly complicity.

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Sure, nice speech. Michelle is definitely the most talented of all. The thing is that wonderful speeches are utterly useless if not matched by actions. The Democratic Party is currently in power. The fact that these politicians are giving amazing speeches while in action sending billions of dollars and weapons to conduct a genocide in Gaza is appalling to me. It only shows how sophisticated their ability to con and manipulate the masses is. It makes me feel hopeless that we can create any meaningful change.

Perhaps there’s hope. But not for the children of Gaza.

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self-possession and authenticity, grace and power. it was so good to see them both and remember what’s actually possible.

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And in other (more important) news, US taxpayers funded the slaughter of another 52 Palestinians yesterday in the ongoing 11 month long Israeli genocide in Gaza. And anti-genocide protestors in Chicago were assaulted, and dozens of them were arrested, by the city's militarized police department.

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A good orator does not necessarily translate to be the lead the World is needing right now. Actions speak louder than words, a permanent CEASEFIRE is needed in Gaza before any more talk can be believable from whoever takes a major platform. I have been inspired in the last 11 months of the wisdom, faith and hope of the Palestinians who against the roaring World deafness and inactions still persevere for their rights to exist against the 'continued' billions of dollars given by usa to israel for more weapons that are killing them.

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Michelle Obama's honeyed speech means little in the context of the hypocrisy of this Empire. Zingers and one-liners aside, even her speech boiled down to, "we're not as evil as the other guy "

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She is fully aware as an African American. That is what some people don't understand and why she can't fail forward, or use affirmative action money legacy. No one gets immediate satisfaction in this horrible genocide. Neither did blacks or Native Americans please understand and keep moving forward to a solution stop whining

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Such a sad position you’re espousing. Whining, eh? Guess that’s what blacks and Native Americans have been doing for hundreds of years. That stopping the weapons for genocide won’t make a difference? I’m pretty sure Palestinians would have a different take.

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They didn't whine they stood up and fought, and we all should keep doing that. I'm so thankful for the protesters and doctors and journalists, the doers

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"The affirmative action of generational wealth" was the most righteous burn in Michelle Obama's speech, I thought. The crowd needed a second to process that remark before bursting forth with applause. Now I've started to wonder if there might be some substance to the persistent speculation about her running for office in the future. Dick Durbin is looking very old these days.

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I saw first hand the affirmative action of generational wealth from the halls of exclusive schools to the corridors of the ivy league universities endowed by the wealthy families. But the Obamas are now in that same league and wealthier after the presidency.

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Totally disagree. They worked hard for anything and everything they ever got. imagine being where they are today with all of the genocidal racism that still exists.

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It's odd. I haven't thought abut ethos, logos or pathos for so long, because these tools of rhetoric have been so badly abused for more than seven years. The Obama's understand, as few American political figures do, how to connect concepts like dignity, responsibility, equity and ethics to policies -- to the very reason why we chart a particular course, and what it means for all of us. Smart, subtle, memorable, and effective. I realize tonight how much I miss their class and dignity.

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