If I met him for the first time in a doctor waiting room, I'd find a way away from him however fast.

He looks like hell with his beat-up skin and droopy eyelids, and his voice appears to be almost completely gone. A paragon of good health? Sorry but nope. Plus his brain is missing something essential as his ideas are cuckoo.

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Ya he's kinda out there but I like his idiosyncrasies. And our health care system needs a shake out. Don't you think. You have so many ideas for broadcasts some of them may stick.

Themes I like:

Free Palestine

Free speach

Free us from fascism

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Couldn't Darnold have found even a semi-rational doctor to take over? This guy fell out of a cuckoo tree.

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I don't think he actually supports Palestinians.

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Ya hope he keeps his zionist loving mouth shut when it comes to Palestine.

Free Palestine.

To the Hauge Biden/Netanyahu

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Wait a minute... I don't know about all these video clips, but the one about the COVID virus that spared Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese, I saw the whole video. RFK Jr. was referring to a study that said that. It was not his opinion. That is false information, ZETEO!!!

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You don't take one little study and say you know everything. You say, hm, this is very interesting, it warrants further study.

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Link to the whole video you saw?

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Thank you for supplying the link. But actually, he says that there is "no argument that Covid-19 is ethnically targeted." He did not make any reference to quoting from a study. He did say he's been working on a book for the last two years and the research he has been doing--he implies--is where he gets his information. However, he says that "there is no argument that Covid-19 is ethnically targeted." There is no equivocating, no statement along the lines of "one study theorizes that...and I tend to agree." No, he states quite emphatically that "there is no argument." I disagree that Zeteo is providing "false information."

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No 5.. not insane! Plus water with chemicals... I think you should look at what is going on in America with water supply... plus the cash problem... he's right, banks are trying to remove cash, at any point they can cut us off to our electronic money... so not insane comment...

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He has just enough brain cells left to be dangerous. His anti vax stance is seriously dangerous. We have enough threats to our health. If an adult decides not to take a vaccine, that's their choice. DO NOT discredit what has been proven to save lives. It's bad enough we are seeing diseases that were once nearly eradicated coming back! We need someone that is dedicated to the truth, with a medical background and degree. We do not need a drug-addled goofball free-wheeling around the Capitol pushing conspiracy theories as proven fact.

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Unfortunately, RFK Jr tends to extrapolate from data to certainty. Real scientists tend to be much more cautious! For example, in this set of clips, he says endrocrine disrupters are affecting peoples' gender. This is overstated, but there is reason for concern and relevant evidence surrounding this issue. Take a look at this article from the NIH: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC1281309/.

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Have to play devil's advocate here. For many of the health statements that he makes he would also point out to the (medical) research on the issue, for instance during that podcast with Joe Rogan, they pull up sources on the internet looking at the studies supporting what he says (and I am not suggesting that makes the statements true, simply pointing to the fact that he would show the sources he uses as basis for his claims).

Regardless of what other things RFK Jr. has said to be in disagreement with, this short clips from conversations that have lasted 10s of minutes if not hours to then label them "FALSE" is a bit clickbait-ish media. Not the kind of journalism zeteo should engage with in my opinion.

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I think it is more powerful / useful to bring him on Zeteo - interview him so we get to watch and analyse a primary source for ourselves instead of reacting to an edited video.

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His comments about vaccines and autism should definitely have been included.

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Zeteo, you know we love you but I don't think he is wrong.

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Lawrence O'Donnell has a few things to say about this crackpot.


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Sorry - I've followed RFK Jr's website Children's Health Defense for years. He continues to do solid legal work on a number of environmental fronts, with special emphasis on how toxic chemicals in food, air and water impact the lives of children. Is he anti-vaccine - no. Does he want to wrest back control of development, testing and monitoring of vaccine safety from pharma giants - yes. That makes sense - otherwise there is total industry capture of regulatory agencies like the FDA. Sometimes we have to see outside and step outside our ideological silos when someone is making sound arguments and raising important issues that impact health. RFK Jr. is one of those people we need to listen to.

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So, now there are a convict and a drug user in government.

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OMG, what a piece of work. The heroin must have done just a bit more than enable him to sit up straight in class. He really IS a perfect fit in Donald's cabinate.

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He talks about the blood brain barrier and then admits that he's beyond his knowledge base. So he's inferring something that he doesn't even know about

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Sweet baby Jesus 🤦🏼‍♀️

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