Wow! All these fakes are absolute frauds. I'm more Christian than them … and I'm an atheist! If Christ was real and coming back they would be sent to the inner circles immediately, do not pass go , do not collect whatever bribe you've arranged… Don't bother taking any winter clothes … you won't need them!!!!
I don’t worry about anything happening in the next 2 years. There is nothing to be done. We have an opportunity in 2 years. This is not a parliamentary government that can be overthrown with a vote of no confidence. I watch Zeteo, Drop Site news, the Lever, Novara news and Owen Jones. I no longer watch CNN, MSNBC, IDFNN or IDFNBC.
THANK YOU SO MUCH! This is what EVERYONE needs to hear in order to fully understand what is happening to our country. 😱 PLEASE be careful. You are my hero. ❣️❣️❣️
The only thing to be done by any sane person that has the means, is to leave the country and seek immigration else where. This is not for sane people anymore.
Is there going to be even one righteous person in the Trump government? He, Trump, has a knack for picking the most criminal, the most insane and the most immoral that can be found. The next few years will be most interesting. Not sure if even Trump is going to survive all that he has put in place. As for Hegseth, well I'm not sure he is all there either. They are all nothing but a bunch of very angry malcontents.
Mehdi properly illuminates the reasons why this combat veteran is not appropriate as Secretary of Defense. Hegseth will attempt to mold the military into a mirror image of himself, because who could be more patriotic than him? No women. No people of color. No what he considers "woke" wimps to cloud the killing of whoever Dear Leader designates as the enemy. Hegseth's blind obedience and his religious conviction will require "tests" of whether a recruit is a warrior not. If he will blindly idolize the Trumperor, and be willing to carry out clearly illegal orders that involve killing innocents, then so-called defeats like Vietnam, and Iraq, and Afghanistan will no longer be our outcome. Genocides will.
Well, I think my ability to have the hell scared out of me has been burnt out permanently. I’m beyond, I suspect, holding out any hope the dominant paradigm can be rehabilitated. We’re on our own now, I reckon. The concept of government in toto has failed us utterly. Not surprising, considering the institution as a whole was unsustainably overstocked on both sides of the aisle with white men of a certain privilege and a logo. Whaaa? How can I blaspheme with such an abundance of commas?
I think it is Yuval Noah Harari (among others, probably) who states that in any battle the most organized side wins. They had a 900 page plus handbook for what to do in the event they won. Where is our corollary handbook for how to protect the most vulnerable amongst us in the event we lost? It exists not, because we fall in love, not in line. In this epoch, we may be the Neanderthals, friends. We may prove to be swamped by a superior, albeit cancerous, intelligence.
What is, is. But perhaps inquiries related to your gobsmackedness might be best directed to Mr. Hasan who, if he is so inclined, will beseech his god for emotional succor in the form of an explanation as to how all of this ineluctably wends its way toward The Good. Else wise, or at least in the meanwhile, we might consider a non-governmental, decentralized approach to clawing our way, not back—very specifically not back—but on over to a human scale method for distributing equitably, the potentially unlimited bounty of our Mother Earth. Just sayin’
Thanks Mehdi for being a lighthouse on this dark and dangerous ocean. Reading other biased mainstream media is really a nightmare. Greetings from Bosnia.
America is looking a lot like India. Both governed by messianic, polarizing, lying madmen. The madman is backed by a very rich guy (Musk/Ambani). The madman appoints other madmen and endorses hooliganism.
I find it really strange that for a guy that's ostensibly so devoted to 'facts' and 'context' Medhi continues berating the so called 'naivety' of Muslim and Arab Americans who may have either voted third party, withheld their vote or voted for Trump (all of which would've guaranteed that DJT became POTUS47) because they genuinely believed Trump is anti-war. Sure, he brought that Imam that took the stage at a Trump rally on the show. But is he reflective of all Arab and Muslim Americans?
It's reductionist to the point of infantalising to suggest that Arab and Muslim Americans were under some sort of delusion or were so easily hoodwinked. When it comes to unfettered pro-Israelism, there is virtually zero daylight between the GOP and the Dems. Substantively, the Zionists win either way. It's only the rhetoric that's slightly different. Democrats create fake red lines which Israel can violate at will whereas the GOP doesn't bother with the optics.
People like Sami Hamdi, Muhammad Jalal, Hassan Abdel Salam, Tom Facchine have all painstakingly detailed the long term strategic view of abandoning Harris/Biden this time around. Much of it is very cogent and grounded in reality - recognising that they're starting from a place where BOTH parties are resoundingly and unconditionally pro-Zionist. But rather than engaging with their arguments, Mehdi prefers to point fingers at a small faction of Arabs/Muslims who may have fallen for Trump's lies (like that clown job of an Imam) to paint entire communities with a broad brush stroke.
At a time when so called liberals (most of them are 'blue fascists' once 'scratched' as they were on Nov 5th) have openly spewed the most vile forms of bigotry against Arabs, Muslims, Latinos, Black men etc. (tweets calling for Trump to turn "Gaza into a parking lot," as if Biden hasn't already), I find it astounding that Mehdi hasn't even touched on this vitriol of 'blue' hate. Why is he giving them a free pass?
The appointment of this fellow and a slew of other neo-cons into State and Defence is not a surprise to Arab and Muslim Americans who have seen and experienced first hand the US waging endless wars (overtly or covertly) in their homelands for the better part of at least four decades. Many of them have left these homelands behind and fled to the US PRECISELY because of these wars. It's a shame that Medhi chooses to patronise and insult their intelligence rather than engage constructively with them.
That's really rich, trying to deflect blame and responsibility. The mayor of Dearborn, who at this point might as well be Emperor of all American Muslims, endorsed Trump because he wasn't Genocide Joe or Killer Kamala or Holocaust Harris. So Dearborn and Michigan went for Trump. It really ought to be that simple.
But you're trying to suggest that the "punish" vote was an outlier or that there was a deeper, more noble reason for this electoral suicide bomb and the rest of us were all too dumb to understand it. I hope you'll have a more convincing argument for the Black community who are increasingly saying "You're on your own." It got so bad, the official Uncommitted Twitter account disabled replies, so only quote replies were allowed:
Before I even listen to this, I want say that we need to step sideways and take a whole new approach to these provocations. Every bit of this psycho-politics is fully intended to distract us, one and all, from living well and creating a choice in THIS WORLD that's realistic and hopeful. It's where we can focus.
As an atheist I can only say GOD HELP US ALL!
Wow! All these fakes are absolute frauds. I'm more Christian than them … and I'm an atheist! If Christ was real and coming back they would be sent to the inner circles immediately, do not pass go , do not collect whatever bribe you've arranged… Don't bother taking any winter clothes … you won't need them!!!!
I don’t worry about anything happening in the next 2 years. There is nothing to be done. We have an opportunity in 2 years. This is not a parliamentary government that can be overthrown with a vote of no confidence. I watch Zeteo, Drop Site news, the Lever, Novara news and Owen Jones. I no longer watch CNN, MSNBC, IDFNN or IDFNBC.
Surprised you didn't mention his "Deus Vult" tattoo on his bicep. Goes well with the Jerusalem Cross.
THANK YOU SO MUCH! This is what EVERYONE needs to hear in order to fully understand what is happening to our country. 😱 PLEASE be careful. You are my hero. ❣️❣️❣️
America is so dangerous, full of lunatics. Could we please build a wall around the USA in order to protect the rest of the world?
The only thing to be done by any sane person that has the means, is to leave the country and seek immigration else where. This is not for sane people anymore.
Is there going to be even one righteous person in the Trump government? He, Trump, has a knack for picking the most criminal, the most insane and the most immoral that can be found. The next few years will be most interesting. Not sure if even Trump is going to survive all that he has put in place. As for Hegseth, well I'm not sure he is all there either. They are all nothing but a bunch of very angry malcontents.
Mehdi properly illuminates the reasons why this combat veteran is not appropriate as Secretary of Defense. Hegseth will attempt to mold the military into a mirror image of himself, because who could be more patriotic than him? No women. No people of color. No what he considers "woke" wimps to cloud the killing of whoever Dear Leader designates as the enemy. Hegseth's blind obedience and his religious conviction will require "tests" of whether a recruit is a warrior not. If he will blindly idolize the Trumperor, and be willing to carry out clearly illegal orders that involve killing innocents, then so-called defeats like Vietnam, and Iraq, and Afghanistan will no longer be our outcome. Genocides will.
ahhhh, we are already engaged in genocide.
Well, I think my ability to have the hell scared out of me has been burnt out permanently. I’m beyond, I suspect, holding out any hope the dominant paradigm can be rehabilitated. We’re on our own now, I reckon. The concept of government in toto has failed us utterly. Not surprising, considering the institution as a whole was unsustainably overstocked on both sides of the aisle with white men of a certain privilege and a logo. Whaaa? How can I blaspheme with such an abundance of commas?
I think it is Yuval Noah Harari (among others, probably) who states that in any battle the most organized side wins. They had a 900 page plus handbook for what to do in the event they won. Where is our corollary handbook for how to protect the most vulnerable amongst us in the event we lost? It exists not, because we fall in love, not in line. In this epoch, we may be the Neanderthals, friends. We may prove to be swamped by a superior, albeit cancerous, intelligence.
What is, is. But perhaps inquiries related to your gobsmackedness might be best directed to Mr. Hasan who, if he is so inclined, will beseech his god for emotional succor in the form of an explanation as to how all of this ineluctably wends its way toward The Good. Else wise, or at least in the meanwhile, we might consider a non-governmental, decentralized approach to clawing our way, not back—very specifically not back—but on over to a human scale method for distributing equitably, the potentially unlimited bounty of our Mother Earth. Just sayin’
Thanks Mehdi for being a lighthouse on this dark and dangerous ocean. Reading other biased mainstream media is really a nightmare. Greetings from Bosnia.
America is looking a lot like India. Both governed by messianic, polarizing, lying madmen. The madman is backed by a very rich guy (Musk/Ambani). The madman appoints other madmen and endorses hooliganism.
Hilarious and terrifying at the same time...
I find it really strange that for a guy that's ostensibly so devoted to 'facts' and 'context' Medhi continues berating the so called 'naivety' of Muslim and Arab Americans who may have either voted third party, withheld their vote or voted for Trump (all of which would've guaranteed that DJT became POTUS47) because they genuinely believed Trump is anti-war. Sure, he brought that Imam that took the stage at a Trump rally on the show. But is he reflective of all Arab and Muslim Americans?
It's reductionist to the point of infantalising to suggest that Arab and Muslim Americans were under some sort of delusion or were so easily hoodwinked. When it comes to unfettered pro-Israelism, there is virtually zero daylight between the GOP and the Dems. Substantively, the Zionists win either way. It's only the rhetoric that's slightly different. Democrats create fake red lines which Israel can violate at will whereas the GOP doesn't bother with the optics.
People like Sami Hamdi, Muhammad Jalal, Hassan Abdel Salam, Tom Facchine have all painstakingly detailed the long term strategic view of abandoning Harris/Biden this time around. Much of it is very cogent and grounded in reality - recognising that they're starting from a place where BOTH parties are resoundingly and unconditionally pro-Zionist. But rather than engaging with their arguments, Mehdi prefers to point fingers at a small faction of Arabs/Muslims who may have fallen for Trump's lies (like that clown job of an Imam) to paint entire communities with a broad brush stroke.
At a time when so called liberals (most of them are 'blue fascists' once 'scratched' as they were on Nov 5th) have openly spewed the most vile forms of bigotry against Arabs, Muslims, Latinos, Black men etc. (tweets calling for Trump to turn "Gaza into a parking lot," as if Biden hasn't already), I find it astounding that Mehdi hasn't even touched on this vitriol of 'blue' hate. Why is he giving them a free pass?
The appointment of this fellow and a slew of other neo-cons into State and Defence is not a surprise to Arab and Muslim Americans who have seen and experienced first hand the US waging endless wars (overtly or covertly) in their homelands for the better part of at least four decades. Many of them have left these homelands behind and fled to the US PRECISELY because of these wars. It's a shame that Medhi chooses to patronise and insult their intelligence rather than engage constructively with them.
That's really rich, trying to deflect blame and responsibility. The mayor of Dearborn, who at this point might as well be Emperor of all American Muslims, endorsed Trump because he wasn't Genocide Joe or Killer Kamala or Holocaust Harris. So Dearborn and Michigan went for Trump. It really ought to be that simple.
But you're trying to suggest that the "punish" vote was an outlier or that there was a deeper, more noble reason for this electoral suicide bomb and the rest of us were all too dumb to understand it. I hope you'll have a more convincing argument for the Black community who are increasingly saying "You're on your own." It got so bad, the official Uncommitted Twitter account disabled replies, so only quote replies were allowed:
Before I even listen to this, I want say that we need to step sideways and take a whole new approach to these provocations. Every bit of this psycho-politics is fully intended to distract us, one and all, from living well and creating a choice in THIS WORLD that's realistic and hopeful. It's where we can focus.
word is that he was involved in a sexual assault in CA - like most of frump's nominations, this one has sexual issues.