Why do we always focus on the wrong narrative? The question always seems to be: .." should America elect one evil candidate or another? .. The so-called establishment is nothing but two cheeks of the same ass! Republicans and Democrats alike are funded by a criminal zionist terror organization called AIPAC who funds and controlls both parties and nearly everyone in between. They certainly make it difficult for anyone with decency and conscience to play any role in American politics! It is time for this so-called establishment to be dismantled, and for their evil plans to fall apart. We need a fresh conversation about who's going to lead America and the world into the future!

President Elect Cornel West tells it the way it is, in a very impartial, sincere and unbiased way!

He is the real deal. He is honest, elequent, truthful, charismatic, educated and experienced having lived through decades of American dominance and imperialism, and has witnessed the good, the bad and the ugly of our American internal and foreign policies.

America needs to lead and cooperate not dominate, and President Cornel West is the real deal; he is what America needs and the world wants to lead the the world in a responsible, diplomatic, just, peaceful and internationally collaborative and friendly approach.

Cornel West for President ❤

Free Free Palestine ❤️❤️❤️

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You may be sincere but you may be writing this because you really want Trump to win. I’m suspicious.

The reality is that our very imperfect system is such that one of the two major parties will be elected. Any votes for other candidates are in reality votes that are being deprived to one of the ultimate winners. It is the structure here.

a vote for West is one less vote for the ultimate opponent to the real fascist bad candidate.

West would do more good for the country if he ran for an office he could actually win and then have role in government. Siphoning votes from the Democratic candidate may give the fascist the power off all of us.

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You maybe sincere but you may be writing this because you are naive and short sighted.

We have arrived at this two party system primarily because each time people tried to strengthen the third party candidate, they were scared off in the way that you are doing now. Sure they will not win the first round but if enough people to vote for them, they will slowly get that name recognition that the other two party have got and will do better the next round and the next round.

Besides, this time around the two choices put in by the parties are truly EVIL. How can one be loyal to our system and still vote for a person that in his/her heart know is the wrong person. I detest tRUMP and I believe he is a traitor to our nation. Even so, my conscience does not allow me to vote for Joenocide Biden, knowing he has so much blood on his hand. If these are the only choices I will have, I will not vote to legitimize this corrupt system.

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I am very sincere and not naive at all or short sighted. I see clearly that the presidential is a binary election. There will not be a third of fourth round for the minor parties to grow. If they were serious they would begin with elections they can actually win. Council people, congress, school boards, etc. not elections that are decided by an electoral college. Build a constituency and have an office where you have a platform from which to advocate.

The congress people who are speaking out on the issues are much more relevant than the minor presidential candidates and they will still be relevant after Nov election.

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I agree with the congress people and will plan on voting for them (people and not party) but for the high office, if the choices are evil and more evil, then it is best not to participate in it as any participation is a vote of legitimacy. I will not legitimize this evil selection with my vote.

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I disagree. There are multiple issues, not just one. Choose the candidate that you can live with on most issues when they are both wrong on one issue.

One candidate will build camps for millions of people, destroy environmental protection laws, abolish healthcare progress, prohibit medical choice, ban books, attack LBGTQ people, suppress voting. You ought be concerned about that as well as the other issues.

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You are not wrong, even though you are exaggerating a lot!

The single issue voter vs multiple issue but how does one weigh in those issues or what is one to do when one of those issues is so great that becomes his/her red line?

We also need to keep in mind that some of the things we are being scared of that potentially will happen, is already happening. Just look at how many students have been arrested for a simple peaceful demonstration or the law that was passed in Congress to criminalize people simply for criticizing a foreign nation. You may argue that none of those have been a direct result of our President but we have seen that not only he has NOT spoken against those action, he has encouraged it.

I simply can not help to elect a person that is so deeply complicit in this genocide.

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Exactly DK, A third party must be built from the local/state level up, they can’t just float a candidate for the top office in the land every 4 yrs.

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100% in agreement

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Ray A?: Is this a paid or fee political ad?

This kind of nonsense ought to be recognized as either foreign or domestic propaganda and banned in this and any Substack platform

As a former admirer of CW, I once respected him. Now, not so much. In my book, he is a traitor; aiding and abetting the American fascist surge. He along with other 3rd party candidates know or should know that a vote for them is one for trump and his fascist GOP as well as against our imperfect democracy.

MEHDI’S TEAM should investigate your motivation and authenticity. I may support a 3rd party if /when we have proportional representation rather than a winner take all system. A vote for a 3rd Party now is a vote for fascism and against democracy. In the 2024 elections we need to decide: Democracy vs Fascism; it’s that simple.

My preference: Biden steps aside now (resigns,) retires or is promptly impeached for complicity in Israel’s crimes of genocide; VP HARRIS becomes president and takes on and crushes trumps and his GOP.

Hope MEHDI will comment on this hypothetical scenario.

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Robert. You know that hypothetical scenario is not going to happen unless Biden falls seriously ill or dies in the next 6 months.

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P.J., thank you for your thoughtful and civil comment.

I’m old enough to remember when Nixon resigned, under extreme pressure. Had he not, he faced impeachment for crimes that arguably where less than those Biden could be charged with; complicity in the crime of genocide and violations of conditions related to the transfer of weapons to other nations.

We’re accustomed to follow traditional presidential impunity. Presidents become emboldened each time committing ever more egregious offenses, eg wars based on lies, torture, and now arming and financing genocide—the killing, maiming, starving, displacing and annihilating of innocent men, women and children for the sake of a settler colonial shield supremacy Zionist fascist scheme concocted by Imperial UK followed and mirrored by sycophantic U.S.—to say the least.

In the U.S. and most everywhere, too often people “…go along to get along;” when dealing with the White, wealthy and powerful elite—oligarchs, the fascist so-called Power or Ruling Elite. We’ve become a nation of sycophants.

The criteria ought to be whether the action recommended, or to be taken, is just and fair.

The fact is that Biden needs to be held accountable for willingly or incompetently supporting Fascist Zionist colonial settler Israel’s crimes against Palestinians.

I’m relatively sure VP Harris is more qualified/competent and would be a more formidable opponent to trump than Biden.

If you agree, send a brief email to Biden at WH.gov encouraging him to retire, noting that you support a permanent cease-fire. Ask your congresspeople to do the same. Write letters to the editors. Urge others to do the same. Snowballs grow fast, even become avalanches. The crime of genocide ought not to enjoy impunity. Palestinians deserve justice.

BTW, I’ve voted Democratic for more than 50 years and intend to continue doing so.

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I still plan to vote uncommitted in the Dem primary to register my disapproval of the genocide our govt is supporting. If that choice isn’t available, then I will write in my candidate of “Cease Fire”

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I have done everything you suggested over the last several weeks. I have called the WH, VP, FLOTUS, 1st Gentleman, & sent emails, & said stuff at them on their sm sites; have done the same with my NM federal representatives.

I am just as distraught over the war crimes of Netanyahu’s govt as you are, it’s horrible.

However, I was only being realistic. It is not just 1 man, Biden, who is in favor of supporting Israel; it is practically all of our govt, except for the 54 or so Dem representatives who have spoken out against sending more weapons. Almost every elected official has taken campaign donations from AIPAC. They are apparently an extremely powerful group.

I’m sure you’ve heard the recent outcry & condemnation of Biden when he said he was pausing the delivery of offensive weapons. Therefore, I think it is unfair to lay all of the blame at the feet of only one man. It is absolutely my hope that he will stand firm & not cave to the pressure from the majority of Congress.

I’m well aware of how the State of Israel came into being in 1948, 2 big bullies, the UK & US forced it into existence.

I’m currently listening to the audiobook “The Hundred Years War on Palestine” to try to expand my knowledge & understanding of the background to all of this hatred between those peoples. I know the US leaders have threatened Israel before about expanding settlements into Palestinian territory, & yet they have continued to do it & suffer no real consequences.

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Exercising my right to vote is the same as exercising my right NOT to vote. The doom of a Trump presidency will not scare me to participate in this election. Democrats deserve to lose. They’ve played us. Earn my vote. Don’t scare me with a Trump presidency to vote. If our institutions our fragile that one person can dismantle our system then we have bigger issues to worry about.

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Well put.

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They are, in fact, that fragile. Our democracy is no more strong than Germany’s was in the 1930s, or Italy’s was when Mussolini took over.

We are tettering on the knife’s edge of falling to an autocracy.

I despise our govt’s full-on support of Netanyahu’s assault on the civilians of Gaza & the West Bank, the war crimes the IDF has most certainly committed, but I think it is unfair to place all of the blame on Biden. It is, in fact, the majority of our elected officials who are pro Israel, for many different reasons.

The campaign money from AIPAC, the fact that many of them are Jewish or married to a Jew, Evangelicals who believe that the

“Rapture” cannot occur until Israel is in complete control of the entire Holy Land, & that the formation of the State of Israel was a project of the USA & the UK in 1948.

Just about 54 Dems have spoken up & denounced us sending more bombs & other weapons to Israel.

Witness the major outcry against Biden, for merely pausing the latest weapons shipment to Israel over the Rafa attack. He is attacked by one side or the other no matter what decision he makes. My preference is more in line with Bernie Sanders’,

no more weapons at all & not another nickel in monetary support until there is a full & permanent cease fire AND a huge surge of humanitarian aid into Gaza, including restoration of fuel, water, & electricity.

IMO it would seem that everyone should be able to see that Israel is up to no good & trying to hide what they are doing, as evidenced by them preventing outside journalists from reporting from inside Gaza, that the IDF have intentionally murdered over 100 journalists inside Gaza, & now their latest assault on truth by shutting down Al Jazeera.

I just think everyone should put more pressure on your own elected officials to come out against sending weapons & for them to push Biden to call for a cease fire, if they aren’t already among those who have.

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This x 10000

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Not voting is a vote for Trump, simple as that. Please show up and exercise your right to express your true heart and feelings at the polling place, but just know that going in.

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I’m sorry but I can’t in good faith accept not voting is a vote for Trump. I’ve always wrestled with the notion of voting for the lesser of two evils but that’s the old me. The new me will not vote for Biden out of fear for Trump.

In 2020, the democrats high jacked the primary and took the nomination away from Sanders after the establishment threw their weight behind Biden in South Carolina. They had four years to prepare for an election and the best they could do is Joe Biden? From 2016 to 2020 the democrat’s best option to run against Trump was Joe Biden? The voters wanted Sanders but the establishment said no. I voted for Biden then because of fear of a second Trump term. What did we get? A genocidal senior citizen.

With all due respect, I will exercise my right to NOT vote. Not voting is neither a vote for Biden or Trump. It’s a vote against the entire two party system that serves nobody’s interest but a select few.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think that Sanders was ousted by some "establishment cabal". As I understand it, he lost out because younger voters didn't show up in expected numbers on Super Tuesday. Isn't that what it boiled down to? --I was a Sanders guy all the way, btw, and I'm still a Sanders fan.

Anyway, here's the thing. If you don't vote, you don't block a Trump vote. Net result: a Trump vote. Even if you decide to not vote, it's a vote. You can't get away from it.

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Apologies for multiple edits.

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There has never been a perfect president elected in America. And, no matter who is elected, he or she is evil for somebody.

Biden believes in the Rule of Law, the Constitution, the Fourth Estate (a free press), and the responsibility a great nation like ours has to the young, the poor, the sick, and the elderly. Not to mention the Separation of church and state.

Trump, and MAGA, believe in NONE of those things.

That's the choice, plain and simple.

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It’s mind-boggling that 90% of Republicans will vote for trump while 81% of them say he is a greater threat to democracy than Biden and 56%/57% disapprove of his dictator ways. I can only conclude that a majority of Republicans really do want a dictator! They are anti-American in every way.

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Would Zeteo be willing to publish the methodology of the poll? One of my big gripes with media publication of polls is the utter lack of information on methodology. How was the sample put together? How was the sample polled? What is the estimated margin of error. I need this information and more in order to evaluate the results of the poll, and Zeteo seems the most likely media company actually to publish this sort of information so that readers can evaluate for themselves.

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Definitely agree!! Every time I see one of these polls, I always wonder how they were conducted. As an example; if they are conducted via phone, either landline or mobile, text, or email? I never answer ph calls from unknown numbers. At one point I may have done a text poll, but every one I’ve opened isn’t really a poll, it’s a fundraising ask.

That irks the heck out of me because I would do a text poll if it wasn’t tied to a donation request.

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I subscribed to Zeteo because of Mehdi's vocal commitment to Palestine liberation. Please stop the campaign propaganda for Genocide Joe. M y vote is for West or Stein.

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Mehdi understands the danger to our democracy and to the world of another Trump admin. I don't see him advocating voting 3rd party.

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Bob, allow me to addt “[Your anticipated] vote for West or Stein [will be]one for fascism, period; end of discussion. If you’re okay with that, say so. Trump, if elected w/ 3rd parties covert support, would drive nails in the coffins of Palestinians yearning for liberation. Or, Join the nascent movement to pressure Biden to resign. Otherwise, find a pro-trump platform and drop the concern for Palestinian’s pretext.

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No one asked me and so many others who will vote their conscience. I am so tired of voting for the lesser of two evils. I will not vote for anyone who supports the Israelis onslaught in Gaza and the West Bank. I’ll either vote for Jill Stein or Dr. Cornell West. I was all for RFK, Jr. til the Israeli Lobby had him by the cojones. Pardon my Spanish.

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Amanda LNU(?), I suggest you join a trump platform. You’re likely to be happier and more helpful there. Your comments seem, to me, disingenuous.

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Why don’t you talk about your own thoughts rather than criticizing me.

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Amanda: I have so, do and will continue doing. Thank you for asking.

I try to offer constructive criticisms where I sense it’s warranted and to express my opinions when I feel it’s appropriate; as politely as possible, even when my dander is raised by the outrageous and brazen—seeking, to the best of my ability, to avoid contributing the dystopian confusion fascists weaponized, promote and benefit from.

As fascism raises its ugly head, yet again, we’re duty bound, as American and Earth citizens, to confront and call out disinformation, demagogic propaganda, meant to, or that might unintentionally, help the ongoing fascist coup attempt in our midst. Silence is complicity.

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Still, all you did was criticize me. I’m not a trumpian. Nor do I think Biden is any good. Both are puppets. Both zionists as far as I can see.

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I wish more people understood that voting in our electoral reality is not a popularity contest. It's a strategic act, like a chess move. We should make the move that brings us closer to our goals, stops us from going backwards and makes it possible to move again in the future. This is why I'm voting for Biden and Democrats up and down the ballot.

There's also a saying that activist voters choose the leaders that they seek to influence with their activism. Trump is not a person who can be influenced by protest. He would not hesitate to use the National Guard against protesters and impose draconian penalties.

Paradoxically, it's not about choosing the person we feel most aligned with politically if voting for them will allow the person we are least politically aligned with to win. In our current system, third party candidates do not win. That's just reality.

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Yeah….But GJ has robbed us of the entire concept of democracy being an actual thing. I used to believe that democrats had the monopoly on caring about humanity. I used to think all media was researched journalism. Gospel. Truth. I used to think the NYT was the most unbiased. Ha!

Boy did I have a rude awakening. Everything has changed.

I’m writing a book titled, “The Age of The Great Disillusionment.”

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I am a paid subscriber. No one contacted me about this poll. Oh and that statement about genocide Joe being the better of the two to uphold democracy is beyond laughable. We do not live in a democracy, we live in an Empire. Go find out what that means. We are so F'ed no matter who is elected. The American people are not in good hands either way.

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Team Zeteo, please, no more polls. They are just not accurate, nor helpful — just divisive. Please focus on the “why”, like greed (Capitalism), competition (alienation), and individuality (how greed and competition fosters toxic behavior that has led us to point of extinction). To me, those would be a good place to start.

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You'r kind of negative comment is what ends up being a self-fulfilling prophecy in defeating any real Hope for Change in America. I am disgusted by your comment and I urge everyone who reads it to completely disregard it and vote for who they really believe in their heart will bring positive change not only for the United States but for the rest of the world At Large!

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I’m hoping the wool over your eyes brings you some peace.

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Ray A?, I’m disgusted too, but for a different reason; dislike for misleading propaganda. We’ve conveniently forgotten the role played by Nader, Stein and the so-called Green Party, helped the GOP “win.” Now new names, but same scheme.

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Robert - no one forgot anything. I am not disillusioned only by one party. I was just part of that party and realized that politics is all about farce- the whole system. Leaves the people completely out of the picture. And one has to be willing to be a monster-if duty calls for it- to be a politician - therefore there is no such thing as a good politician with power.

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Does Zateo really need to be replicating this sort of mainstream media research? I thought Zateo was an alternative voice?

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Voting for Jill Stein. The blue and the red parties are owned by AIPAC.

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What do you have to say about Jill Stein being so buddy buddy with Putin?

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I do remember the photo of her sitting next to Putin at a dining event table following the 2016 election. I never heard how that came about. The image is stuck in my brain along with a need to know the backstory.

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I don't believe anyone voting for 🧠 🪱, mercury poisoned guy was going to vote for Biden in the first place.

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I too was surprised to see a large chunk of Democrats voting for RFK Jr. Seems more Republicans would be drawn to his whacky positions.

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Just for accuracy, it was mercury poisoning, due to him eating way to much ocean fish, especially tuna.

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Pity, that. It would have been funnier if RFKJ was secretly a milliner and had gotten his madness from good, old-fashioned hattery.

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It's more than a little confusing to get all of this whiplash about how unreliable federal election polling is while there are constant discussions on polling that is constantly generated. I'm sure it's an news driver, but sheesh...

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I can smell you Zionists like I can smell pigs!

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A) these polls are worthless and b) the conclusion that the not-so-bright Kennedy would have a greater impact on Biden makes no sense -the anti-vaxxers are much more likely to be GOP/MAGA

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