I’ll send a message to DT and ask about putting a third person in the DOGE position. Efficiently, of course. Someone with logic and sense and not a billionaire. :)

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Trump’s government-cutting Hardy Boys need to take a hard look at Congress, too. There is a time-tested practice in the military-industrial complex wherein contractors make donations to a favored member of Congress, thus buying access. Then when budget time comes, they send their lobbyists to their bought and paid for the MOC to induce him to add “plus ups” to appropriations that they feel are not generous enough. So, Contractor A wants the Air Force to buy 50 planes instead of the 5 planes the Air Force actually wants, or maybe doesn’t want at all. The MOC obliges. It makes Contractor A very happy because he can keep his company going strong, and in gratitude Contractor A continues to be generous with campaign donations.

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Fox guarding the henhouse

They fit right in with DJT, remember DJT wants to protect women whether they like it or not!

Yes, Mehdi the biggest bloated department is the War Department. MIC has made sure that every Congressional district has an office so that the MIC could blackmail the Representatives to allow for the bloated spending in the Pentagon Budget.

Bring back the Zero base budgeting for every USG department in Discretionary spending

Let them justify all their budgetary requirements every year as we do in the private sector.

Abolish cost-plus contracts. This will ensure transparency and need instead of just adding more money

Good luck with that as the MIC would probably have us killed before agreeing to it.

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Given that Musk's companies have huge government contracts and/or depend on government subsidies, how is putting him in charge of cutting budgets not the biggest conflict of interest in an administration based on conflicts of interest from Trump on down? Maybe I haven't been paying attention, but I haven't seen any detailed accounting of Musk's CoI in the corporate media.

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Nov 27
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This is brilliant!

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Musk and Ramaswamy are both vested in the markets. Musk, most know about. Ramaswamy, Roivant

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Recently, I posted this on Facebook: Subject: DOGE

Dear Elon Musk,

Trump wants to kill Obama Care.

Why not Medicare for All?

It costs less, no 25% admin costs.

Save $600 billion.

Reduce costs like you are charged.


Mansur Johnson

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Please stop using the Republican propaganda term “entitlement programs”. These are EARNED BENEFITS. We pay for them with every paycheck and they are not optional. I’ve been paying for my earned benefits since I was 14 years old.

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Indeed. Framing matters.

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Thank you for pointing out the ironic use of ‘efficient’ in having two people especially these two. As we said in 70s “let the Pentagon have a bake sale to raise money”!

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Meanwhile only in LA more then 60 000 homeless people.

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What is the GAO doing in the meantime?

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What about White House sucking up millions of dollars every year

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Don't forget the yearly $3.8 Billion sent to Israel. Not to mention all the additional sums in this last year alone.

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One of my sisters is dating a guy that’s saying he a federal agent & all he does is play video games use psychiotic medication from being in the army while smoking weed & feed his autistic son fruit snakes. I believe they should shut down these ghost unauthorized toy cops playing federal agents. They gone save money crossing out imposters like the guy explained in this paragraph

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Mehdi, I seriously believe there is a gaping hole in Zeteo's military analysis. You need a specialised military analyst, because you are definitely missing crucial details.

I'd suggest Task and Purpose, Preston Stewart and Ryan McBeth, who is an advisor to NATO on misinformation and is a drone operation expert, involved in a start up which is focused on saving lives, not taking them.

They have an understanding of these programs, particularly the F-35 program, that is severely lacking on Zeteo, to the point where it's actually getting rather annoying.

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Ha! I can see Musk doing that just to flex. (not his own contracts, of course, but hmm who are his competitors? Who are Thiel's?)

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DoD is a gravy train. Obtains funds for military while ensuring US private companies, like

Lockheed, have business. It helps US companies and US economy. It also allows ex-politicians and ex-military to have administrative jobs behind the scenes. Also, there’s UAP research and work - funding for that isn’t mentioned, but comes out of DoD, Pentagon. It’s unlikely spending will be cut much, as it helps US economy and politics.

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