Mehdi did a spectacular job confronting that Zionist!

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Mehdi has far more patience during these debates than I ever would.

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[Insert still image of Ta-Nahisi Coates incredulously saying, "Wow, that was really racist!"]

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Honestly! That "dark people" comment should have been the end of it.

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Thank you for being our voices! For being humanity’s voice, Mehdi!

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The ease with which the likes of Jonathan and his ilk lie and gaslight almost every human on the planet is mind boggling. Zero accountability for the mountain of barbarism they’ve committed and continue to commit and have the audacity to play victim all in the one breath! They just spew lie after lie in the hope that at least one sticks!

I guess the silver lining in all this is that the world is slowly waking up to their BS finally.

Free Palestine and Free Lebanon 🙏🏼🙏🏼

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It killed me to hear it. But we are so lucky for Mehdi, Drop Site News, Al Jazeera... We need more independent thinkers.

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Well done, Mehdi. 👏🏾 🇵🇸 🇱🇧 🕊️

Stein/Ware 2024 💚

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I agree cheers on holding Israel accountable and kudos to Mehdi.. this genocide and corruption and atrocity is horrifying.. but Stein is endorsed by David Duke and aims to spoil the election so Trump wins Michigan and all. I voted for Nader in 2003 and was possibly one of the handful of Floridians that allowed GW Bush to win and I still stand by that choice even though I hated the idiocy that Bush brought forth. But to align with a third party this election and risk Trump’s further atrocities seems confusing to me.

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Dr. Stein already rejected his endorsement. One may disagree with her politics but Dr. Stein is not the one who is courting racists. Kamala Harris meanwhile is buddies with Cheney who is not known for being inclusive to put it mildly.

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Oct 16·edited Oct 16

Please, are you for real? David Duke is a white trash/piece of shit so I don’t give a damn who he’s endorsing. But I certainly care about the never-ending Israeli genocide in Gaza that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have wholeheartedly supported for the past year. So, I will never vote to re-elect genocide enablers. It’s as simple and as clear as that. Don’t you have a conscience?

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And so you would rather have a vote for Stein which would be a vote for Trump. Makes no sense and as a queer woman I am 100% voting for Kamala and my conscience. She is VP so not really in a place in current admin to have any say in foreign (or other) policy and it is Trump and Russian misinformation to say she does. I won’t go down the rabbit hole arguing but just thought I might plead to those feeling like Stein is their “best option” to know even people like David Duke are behind what a vote for her means… it means a vote for Trump and his racist, sexist, trans and homophobic regime… which includes blind support to Israel and the Christofascist PACs they are tied to here.

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We minorities understand very well the kind of threat Trump poses but we cannot vote using the lesser of 2 evils argument because Biden/Harris are partners in Genocide the highest crime against humanity while Trump might continue it. Kamala Harris has promised not to deviate from Biden’s policy. On a positive note, one approach could be to make a pact with your conservative friend or uncle. You vote Green & they vote Liberatarian. That way both parties get the message that majority of Americans want an end to this disastrous policy and net effect is that Trump does not win.

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But I actually support Harris and I think she will do right by Palestine much more than any other option. It is insanely urgent and horrifically sad it isn’t happening immediately but again I have been getting the message she is going to be better than Biden and not just continuing his policies. She wouldn’t even meet Israel’s leader and was called out for snubbing him which I took as she isn’t cosigning the current admin/Biden policy of buying his bs and sending him everything he requests. I don’t like current trends of certain Dems backing down on trans support and I felt she gave a decently solid stance showing trans support in her Fox interview without getting pulled into sound bites they would use against her but I wish she could have been stronger there, too. And I support all of her policies except maybe fracking now being on the table… It is very hard to have any candidate or party hit every exact need. Eslecially in dealing with such inept journalism looking for anything to make it that they are “both evil.” And yes I know you would say by not focusing on something as crucial as Genocide is unforgivable but it is such a complex moment in our democracy with lies and distrust running rampant. It would be so easy for her to get slammed as an Anti-semite by making her support of Palestine a key issue while trying to appeal to moderate voters in such a close and critical race. And I am sure Putin is amplifying anything he can to take votes from Harris so his fanboys Trump snd Vance can win.

And honestly I am not a fan of Stein and could never vote for her. I really knew little about Harris but everything she is showing me indicates that she has integrity and is led by her values so how could she not do right by Palestine when she has the power?

And if I had any Trump voter willing to vote Libertarian I would be shocked anyhow. They are so dug in and willing to overlook a million despicable and evil things about Trump. I know the genocide and instability of the Middle East should be everyone’s top priority but I think the very real threat of another Trump presidency and the fascism and dictatorship it could turn into would usher in even more horror for women and LGBTQ and immigrants (even naturalized ones) here ON TOP of his America First bs that would certainly not help the situation in Gaza and also possibly start us on a path of authoritarianism that would end the freedom of even our debate of this or having any votes counted in the future. But I sympathize with where you are coming from and feeling like you and this issue is being ignored hurts and makes the soul of our democracy questionable.. I just would rather vote to ensure we have a democracy at all and then push Harris to have the balls to do what these others are not.

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I usually stay away from Piers Morgan’s show because he is one of those sick ppl profiting from this genocide. However, I watched it for you. Thank you for bringing facts, not letting war criminal and former spokesperson intimidate you with spurious claims about anti-semitism. Every single one of these people need to be held accountable for their complicity in genocide.

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Kamala Harris just said on Fox News that her commitment to Israel’s defense is “unwavering.” And she said again that Iran is the biggest threat to the United States. Bottomline: She’s a Zionist necon nitwit.

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Oct 17·edited Oct 17

Every time the DNC calls my house, I tell them, "I will never vote for that genocidal hyena." I did get an elderly guy on the phone the other day. I told him I could never support genocide or a candidate that stands for it.

I'm in rural NC. He was very upset. I never rose my voice. And I wasn't mean. I think he understood.

I am only hoping someone, anyone listens to a candidate against genocide.

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Mehdi wins by a landslide against the Nazi in Zionist clothing!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

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Excellent work Mehdi. Live long and talk more! You were born for this sad time for the Palestinian brothers and sisters 🙏

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Oct 17·edited Oct 17

True Journalism. Thank you 🙏🏼 Mehdi

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It's no good arguing with these people. They think they can do nothing wrong. I've seen this colonel before, he lies as easily as he breathes. And I like the way he accuses others of being "dark people" of course the Israelis believe they are the children of light! They have that arse- backwards. You know what they say, every accusation is a confession. Whenever I listen to Israeli (and some American) spokespeople I need an extra blood pressure pill. These Ashke-Nazis are the most belligerent and irritating. They have lost positive public opinion on the world stage now so they are desperate.

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The ability not to be struck dumb, by the shameless inhumanity of zionists, is a talent in its own right. Or maybe it's a skill, rather than a talent. Either way: If it's a talent, I just don't have it, and if it's a skill, I have yet to figure it out. That totally unrepentant, complete lack of humanity, knocks me back, for a beat or two, every time. There's always that why-are-you-not-human moment that I need to find a way to get past, before I find my voice again. I think they count on that.

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Phenomenal job Mehdi! It's hard to stay calm when confronted with so many blatant lies from Jonathan. But you kept bringing accurate facts, real life testimonies from displaced Palestinians. It almost feels like all these horrific stories goes into deaf ears...You know you are on the right side of history when you support human rights. Keep up the great work Mehdi and Team Zeteo!

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Which guest would you allow into your home? Mehdi...thanks for making IDF, Zionist hypocrites look like total fools.

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When Mehdi asked Conricus whether he himself had ever committed any of the war crimes which the IDF is committing regularly, I noticed that Cornicus never answered, even though asked repeatedly. He pivoted to his talking points -- his lies -- adroitly, having had lots of practice defending the indefensible, and avoiding answering questions.

Good job, Mr Hasan. Thank you.

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