This is a perfect example for:

How an interview needs to be conducted


How politicians easily speak from both sides of the mouth and it needs a interviewer with integrity to hold them accountable for that dishonesty.

1776 - Independence from England tyranny

2024 - *Independence* *from* *Zionist/AIPAC* *tyranny*

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Yea...with all the stuttering he answered the questions. No palestenian lives don't matter to him as much as the others. Disgusting. All human life is important and matters.

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Criticism of Israel is long overdue. Since Jews were extremianted during WWII, Israel has benefited from an assumption of innocence - and among some Israelis, the conviction that 'Arabs' are inferior.

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I didn't mean to imply that the Jewish race was exterminated! Careless writing!

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Superb direct questions to the Congressman - well done again Mehdi! Now, could you get a member of AIPAC on your show - that would be a very interesting exchange…

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20

I love writing comments here on zeteo and interacting with other people, but I'm so enraged at the moment and if would type out what I think about this absolute psychopathic, subhuman racist POS I will get booted from this platform.

So I'll leave at that and keep my thoughts to myself this time.

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Hi Robert, I'm sure most of us have the same thoughts as you. I just hope Israel does not get away with paying up for it sins, they have escaped justice way too long. Their ancestors were the ones who suffered, not them so they should quit using the holocaust as a shield for them to get away with everything. They have proved to be god awful people for the most part. The Israeli women in particular shriek like fishwives and banshees when they are giving their opinion of Palestinians, the latter being very kind and generous people from all that we hear. Can't wait for them to be hauled up in front of fair-minded judges who will give them what they deserve. But as long as the U.S. cover for them I fear that day may never come.

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I agree, it will be very interesting to see how that whole ICC/ICJ will play out. But yes, abolishing the Apartheid state and everything that comes up with it won't be enough. For there to be peace, justice is needed. Internationally but also nationally!

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This may be the undoing of the US. Trump started the process, and Joe seems intent to take it over the line.

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I’m pretty certain everyone here more or less feels your sentiment.

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No. No, you shared your thoughts. I was heartened.

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“Over 70% of Americans believe lobbyists have too much influence – so why do Democrats and the media remain silent when it comes to the most powerful pro-Israel lobby in America, AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee?”

The operative word is “Americans,” not American politicians on either side of the aisle. I haven’t heard any politicians calling for legislation to curb lobbyist groups at all. We sometimes hear general rhetoric, but never an entire denigration of a particular PAC, or industry group. Either way, we’ve never seen enough bi-partisan support to enact change.

That said, I support “J” Street, the alternative Jewish Israeli PAC which calls for better treatment of the Palestinians, and for a two state solution; sooner than later.

And I agree, AIPAC isn’t doing Israel any favors by supporting Netanyahu, and his right-wing fanatical government with impunity. The cracks in the foundation in Israel itself, are becoming readily apparent.

I hope this war ends soon, and America and the world pays more attention to a future Palestinian government, so we don’t have a leadership vacuum emerge, which puts an even more demonic organization in power, than even Hamas has shown itself to be.

And I also hope that Israel has elections very soon, and Netanyahu and his fanatical cabinet are handedly defeated.

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Jill Stein is incredibly vocal about lobbying groups. Voting for her could mean actual change.

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Except she can’t win, so it’s a wasted vote that helps Trump. Stein isn’t even polling at 5% nationally, and isn’t in a position to win even 1 electoral vote.

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Americans complain about no change, but when change presents itself says, “a vote for them is a vote for ( insert politician here). Biden is not going to win in my opinion, but if Stein gets enough support she will get government funding for next election which could make all the difference for her party, and bring forth the change Americans claim they want to see. Millions of us have protested around the world for Palestine, but I’ve never seen Americans stand up to protest Democratic nominees. To say, Biden is not an acceptable candidate, and we want another nominee. What Americans seem to do is moan about “no other choice but a Genocidal child killer, oh well gotta vote for him or worse guy gets in office.” And the cycle continues, and the world pays the price.

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You’re absolutely right and anyone who responds with a novella is blowing smoke up their own hind area.

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Sarah, please contact me again when you join the real world. Biden didn’t kill anyone. He was late to the game, but at least he’s trying to get a ceasefire accomplished. Is he a great candidate? No, I agree with you, but too much is at stake, including our democracy.

You may want your pound of flesh, but think about the Palestinians. Will they be better off if Trump wins? Remember, it’s Trump that gave Bibi Carte Blanche to impose some of the most draconian measures against the Palestinians. And Bibi wants Trump to win because Trump will let Bibi nuke Gaza if need be.

And you think things will be fine under Trump? Have you read about the Heritage Foundations Project 2025? They will turn this country into an authoritarian kleptocratic theocracy.

And don’t you care about the judiciary? If Trump wins he will put more Federalist Society judges on the SC and federal benches. They will control the courts for the next 40 years because Alito and Thomas will retire and then a much younger version of them will have lifetime appointments.

So blame Biden for Hamas attacking, and Israel overreacting and committing heinous crimes. Only complete fools could blame a guy who doing what every president would: support an ally when they are attacked by a terror organization.

So do what you have to do Sarah, because it is you that will have to live with the consequences. And if you think things are bad now in Gaza or here, they can always get exponentially worse.

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Saying, “think about the Palestinians” is a laugh. You think anyone with family in Palestine is voting Biden. He IS the one actively supporting the Genocide. And yes Biden is to blame, one phone call from him could have ended one of the worst slaughters of innocents in recent history. He actively supplies weaponry to Israel, but says he wants a ceasefire? I am no idiot sir, I follow politics very closely. The so called deal Biden put on the table is the same deal Hamas has been pushing for months. It is Israel that doesn’t agree to it because they are not finished ethnic cleansing. Biden just gave 300 million to Congo for mining which is being done by literal slave children. You warn of Trump, but my conscience would never allow me to vote for a man funding the war and slaughter of innocent civilians around the world for monetary gain. Call me naive, call me whatever names you want. Biden is doing horrendous things, but when everyone follows your thought process, nothing changes. And yes I do know all of the things Trump proposes, he’s an evil man, but so is Biden.

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You truly are a moron. I don’t care if you or they vote for Biden or not, the point is the same; Trump will allow Bibi to achieve his ultimate goal. Annexing the West Bank and forcing more than a million Palestinians into refugee camps.

And Israel is not the 51st state of America or a colony. They do t take marching orders from the US.

What happened in Gaza is decades in the making for which all parties are to blame. Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas leader recently said that the more civilian Palestinian deaths, the better it is for Hamas.

So if you believe making sure Biden loses is an accomplishment; congratulations! I hope you get your Pyrrhic victory; then you’ll get the government you want; good and hard, and the dystopian future you deserve.

There’s a reason Ismail Haniyeh, Netanyahu and Putin call people like you useful idiots; you’re too stupid to realize you are working against your own interests and playing right into their hands.

Don’t bother responding because I really don’t give a damn how you vote. In fact, I hope Trump wins. Your victory lap will be short lived.

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the media can't talk and attack the bad influence of the lobby in american politic because they are part of it. They are funded by the lobby and they speak for whom pay more.

When you have only 2 parties , it means there is no democracy in USA and by some way or another, you will choose the same. And Aipac likes it because it make it easier choice and high chance to get its own people on power 1/2 instead of 1/7

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To get this man to agree with Mehdi is like flogging a dead horse, why bother. We all know these people are full of it. They pretend to put on a sympathetic face but the truth always comes out, they do not give a crap for the suffering of Palestinians. Israelis are not special and why people like Dean Phillips continually apologize for these psychopaths is beyond me.

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I don’t think Mehdi wanted him to agree, Rosalind. He wanted us to agree, to listen and learn. Poor Philips is so compromised, but it is useful to listen to the way he operates. He appeared genuinely surprised that anyone could possibly think that killing hundreds of unarmed Israeli citizens in order to release four Palestinians hostages was reasonable. The Israeli hostages were alive, and looked surprisingly fit. Strange. He also said, possibly a slip of the tongue, that Israel is a country. He should know better than that, surely…

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This politician really believes his positions on Israel and a Trump pardon sound reasonable. What a deluded fool and outright contributor to the license that so many politicans are giving the Israeli government to murder Palestinians. He is also totally wrong that 'the majority' of Americans support Trump and believe that justice system is persecuting him.

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Excellent interview, but his position is appalling. Honestly depraved.

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According to Phillip and many others in our government we have to side with our “ally”, regardless of the morality of their actions.

More to the point, why are they even our ally?

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Good question!

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Mr Hasan, may you live a thousand more years to expose these hypocrites more and more. You are the master of the media and as a journalist, you have opened many eyes to the truth. Keep up the great work, wishing you the best!

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A hundred years ago when I was in school, I remember we were asked to bring in our pocket money to contribute to Israel to buy trees! Seems everything since then has been handed to them on a silver platter. Then we heard they lived in a desert which they made bloom - total rubbish.

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A hundred years ago, before WW2, when I was child, we used to have Jaffa Oranges. Imagine!

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I don't have to imagine it Davena, I remember those oranges and while at the pictures they used to advertise Jaffa oranges. Now the Israelis are into destroying fruit and olive groves, not theirs of course! Those were simpler times alright.

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We were provided with orange juice, every child was, and cod liver oil. We never saw bananas, of course, until the war was behind us. But I remember the name - I thought it just meant Big. And now we are (willingly) required to boycott them. Looking back on my almost-hundred years of almost-constant war, I doubt if we have anything to teach our young people.

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Mehdi: Well done. You exposed Dean Phillips as a hypocrite and a demagogue; a member of the Dem Party undermine the Party; a Zionist who hates the Other, Palestinians. We needed to explore whether or not he qualifies as a fascist Dem, using Jason Stanley’s

, author of “How Fascism Works, ” definition.

I noticed Phillips supports a two-state“solution. It would legalize the theft of almost all of Palestine by Israel. Please review and promote The Case for Palestine, by Dan Kovalik, wherein the author concludes by urging a one-state solution; Israel/Palestine—with equal rights for all. Such a solution would require Israel to restore what it has destroyed. Please interview Kovalik, ASAP.

I’m hoping that you will explore whether Biden should be asked to resign; allowing VP Harris to finish his term and run for president. In my view, Biden has soiled his legacy with his unconditional support for Netanyahu and his cabal. Of course, if the choice is between Biden and the wannabe dictator, DJT, I’ll vote for Biden reluctantly.

People should be writing to Biden asking him politely and concisely, to retire or resign. If he does not comply, I would urge a bipartisan effort to impeach the president.

Harris would likely reenergize the base, assuming she is not a Zionist even though her husband is.

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Brilliant interview Mehdi holding Dean Philips to account. The congressman should be ashamed of himself! If he lies and uses that type of logic how can people ever trust him?

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اللہ کرے زور زباں اور زیادہ

Mehdi Hasan my trust and prayers are for you

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He couldn’t answer if it was ok for Palestinians to use the same logic to save Palestinian detainees from Israel . That is all I heard in the interview..

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