It’s disappointing that people have to speak so diplomatically about genocide, that Americans must tiptoe around the Zionist control of Hollywood, Wall Street, DC, and Palo Alto. Say it already!

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Once again, does anyone really care what uber-rich/genocide apologist/Kamala surrogate John Legend thinks about Hollywood and Gaza? 🥱 He’s nothing more than a disingenuous shill for DNC neocons. I have a suggestion, Mehdi. Why don’t you interview Hassan Abdel Salam, one of the co-founders of the “Abandon Harris” movement?

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John Legend has been advocating for Palestine for years. He has also donated hundreds of thousands to Palestinian charities to help them. Whether he supports Kamala or any other candidate is besides the point. He is actually doing something to help Palestinians not just paying lip service to the cause or writing social media posts like most other people. So yes, it would be nice for Medhi to have Hassan Abdel Salam on to interview but that doesn't have anything to do with John Legend. Attacking someone who is actually doing something to help the people of Gaza because you don't like his politics is the definition of hypocrisy.

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18 hrs ago·edited 17 hrs ago

It’s not “besides the point,” Karen. It is the point. Legend is an entitled celebrity who engages in performative progressivism, which means he only speaks up/ donates to Palestinian charities when there’s no risk for him or his corporate brand. In other words, he lacks the courage of his so-called convictions. And he’s doing nothing to stop Israel’s genocide in Gaza which is being directly supported by the Biden-Harris administration so he’s not helping the Palestinian people. Why are you rewarding the people who are enabling the annihilation of Gaza and the occupied West Bank (plus Israel’s new killing spree in Lebanon) by voting them (i.e., Kamala Harris and her neocon overlords) back into office? And you’re not even demanding a single thing from them. Sorry to break this to you, Karen, but you’re being played for a sucker by duplicitous Democrats.

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I’m afraid, I agree with you Zizi. Whilst watching any video, clip, newsreel etc…., I try to take myself out of subjective mode, and attempt to view things from an objective lens. I don’t know much of John Legend to be able to criticise him per se, but it seemed to me, that he was making sure to be very selective with his choice of words, and had already created/formulated an “out”, which is to say, “I don’t know enough to weigh-in…..and I need a comeback to any online post that I tender…” Therefore, he ensured that what he said, by seeking to qualify his statement almost immediately, was designed to protect his credibility and status, which oozed with someone who wasn’t (by choice??) speaking entirely freely. That said, at least he said SOMETHING, and by donating something, he is doing something!! Only he really knows his intentions, the rest is speculation!

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On a related note, it's not just Hollywood people whose careers are threatened when and if they speak out for Palestinian rights,, or even try to humanize Palestinian suffering. Dr Rupa Marya, who's been a professor teaching and practicing internal medicine at University of California San Francisco for twenty years, has been suspended, apparently permanently, from her tenured position at UCSF for speaking out in support of Palestinian rights. Mehdi, I would love for you to check this case out, and perhaps interview Dr. Marya. In solidarity, thank you.

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This is McCarthy era redux. And the omertà among most Jews about Israel’s barbarity rivals the Mafia.

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Break the corrupt two-party system. Republicans and Democrats are two evil sides of the same coin.

Please DO NOT vote for Republican Trump or Democrat Harris. Holy scriptures urge us to do the right thing, not choose the lesser of two evils. God controls the outcome. We must vote a third-party candidate like Jill Stein. Even if Trump wins again, we've survived his presidency once and can do it again. America is crumbling because both parties are enslaved to corporate donors, silencing public opinion, suppressing free speech on college campuses, supporting Israel's Genocide, and sending billions overseas for destruction instead of using the same for improving our daily lives, our domestic needs like healthcare, education, and infrastructure. We are having issues because we are short-sighted and want immediate results. Change doesn't happen overnight. Moses didn't freed Israelites overnight. It took over 200 years of enslavement and oppression before Moses led them to freedom. We must pave the way for future now by breaking the corrupt two-party system.

Imagine Jill Stein with 36%, Republicans/Democrats 32% each, making Jill win all electoral votes. This can happen only if we begin the change now and bring Jill from 2% to winning presidency. The young generation is fed-up with corrupt two-party system and chances look bright for America in future with 3rd party.

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The absolute worst thing that could happen to the Palestinians is a second Trump presidency. It’s also the worst thing that could happen to the planet, American seniors, women and low income citizens. This is surely not the election to try to change our election system. If Bernie couldn’t do it, it’s laughable to think Jill Stein will.

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Only GOD has the power to change. Not Jill or Bernie.

Surah Ar-Rad (The Thunder), verse 11, which says: "Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves."

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Do you mean to say Palestinians are good now? We believe in destiny. "QADR-ALLAH". What is destined shall take place. Mark my words. TRUMP will win.

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Trump will be next president. Kamala will lose like Hillary Clinton lost. Holy scriptures urge us to do the right thing, not choose the lesser of two evils.. Are you going to leave America if Trump wins?

we've survived his presidency once and can do it again.

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could not agree more. #JillStein2024

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Thank you Mehdi, some people would like to hear politicians say what John just said. First, there are a lot of people who respect him. Second, maybe politicians will learn from him.

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Mehdi, one more question for you: are you vying for the “press secretary” position in a Kamala Harris administration because you seem to be singularly focused on trying to get her elected?

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Many people want Kamala elected, because her policies make sense and the other side is crazy.

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Republicans and Democrats are two evil sides of the same coin.

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Rewarding Killer Kamala for enabling genocide makes sense? That’s insane/indefensible and morally depraved! You’re not even demanding anything for your vote. How sad and pathetic.

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I’m not a single issue voter and I just don’t understand people who are. There are hundreds of issues in this election make supporting Donald Trump morally deplorable. We don’t know what a Harris presidency would look like in terms of policy towards Israel. She’s in the unenviable position of still working for the Biden administration. One thing that’s a given is under a Trump administration Bibi will get whatever he wants, but he won’t fare well treating Harris the way he’s treated Biden.

The only time I hear anything about Jill Stein is when she’s getting her ass handed to her in another election. If the Greens want to be a viable 3rd party, then it’s on them to make themselves relevant. I’ll never vote Green if it’s just tossing away my vote and voice.

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I agree 100%. Are you prepared for TRUMP's presidency. Chances are he will win, regardless of you voting for Kamala.

Don't say its Biden not Kamala. Kamala did not reach out to any or invited any Palestinian voices in DNC. What makes her qualified for your vote.

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I agree that was a terrible decision at the DNC, but I disagree that it’s going to cost her the election. Women are overwhelmingly for Harris and that is a huge voting block. Seniors in danger of losing their earned benefits are another huge block of voters as are the children of those seniors. Anyone old enough to remember pre-existing condition clauses isn’t going to vote for Trump. Basically he’s got MAGA and that’s it. I think Democrats are going to sweep these elections and, since they tend to have a much more favorable stance on Palestine, that’s a good opportunity to usher in much needed change. Waste your vote on “principle” and see what that does for Gaza.

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Faith is belief in Allah and the Angels

The holy scriptures, Messengers and the Final Day

*And to believe in destiny That good and bad both come from Allah*

And the Resurrection; there is no god but Allah.

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What favorable stance democRATS have on GAZA? What ever is happening in GAZA is already decreed by GOD and whatever is destined will happen, regardless of who wins the election.

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Ha, ha, and sitting back and let Trump win is not pathetic.

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You cackle inappropriately just like Holocaust Harris. You’re a damn fool!

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Not sitting back. Voting for the right candidate, even if it results in Trump's win.

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No mention of Israel's actions for decades, preceding October 7th. You don't have to have a phD in International Affairs to know that Israel is an apartheid, racist state. It's sad that a black man is unable to admit that. October 7th was a jail break. A horrific day, funded & approved by Netanyahu himself. Can we start telling the truth here folks? Or must we continue to "tap dance" around it?

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Methinks Legend is a bit on the naive side.

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22 hrs ago·edited 22 hrs ago

Hollywood much like the White House, the Congress, the mainstream media or the financial institutions are owned by the Israeli agents/AIPAC. They would not dare say anything or much like yourself they would need to say good bye to their corporate jobs.

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I heartily agree, center the innocent children.

There is complexity yes, but thousands of innocent children at risk and killed is clear and simple.

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Ok. Time to leave this platform. Interesting how some try hard to convince you that “you just don’t know” in order to excuse the inexcusable and kindly get you to shut up. Of course that guy is not afraid of being cancelled.

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It’s shameful that powerful voices are too concerned with their own well being and incomes that they do not speak out when a genocide is happening. How many innocents have to be starved , killed , orphaned, burned etc for people to say something. No one can say they had no idea down the road. The war crimes and those complicit must be answered for

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If Mehdi's position is to support, Kamala, then it is time for us to unsubscribe and quit ZETEO.

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Harris and Biden have taken too much money from AIPAC. They will never hold zionists accountable. The U.S. should be ashamed that they are supporting this genocide. I am voting third-party (period)

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DemocRATS and RepubliCONS are two evil sides of the same coin.

No matter how you toss the coin, you end up with the same coin.

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Watch Omar Mukhtar "LION OF DESERT" movie. He says, I am not fighting to win, I am fighting for the Right.


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Sorry but he actually spoke about "Hamas" WITHOUT CONTEXT. He's just another ignoramus or else he too IS AFRAID TO SPEAK UP... and Mehdi please don't say it's fashionable to talk about Gaza now. It's not... it's the bare minimum we can do now that we actually SEE what's happening. Its not fashionable, it's excruciating.

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