Jamaal and Cori, what a dynamic, qualified and on-target pair. Grats on getting them!

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I am so excited to listen to these two LEADERS. If the rest of Congress had their level of courage, this world would be a hell of a lot better.

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Ms. Bush used to be my rep and I'm glad she has this platform. Thanks Zeteo.

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Fellow Democrats,

It’s time for some hard truths. Too many of the people we’ve elected—yes, the ones with a (D) next to their names—have been selling us out to corporate interests. They talk about fighting for the working class, but when it comes time to vote, they cave to the donors who fund their campaigns. Healthcare for all? Nah, too disruptive for insurance companies. Workers’ rights? Only if the Chamber of Commerce approves. Holding Wall Street accountable? Not when their next fundraiser depends on hedge fund cash.

We need to be smarter and more strategic about who we vote for. It’s not enough to just check the blue box anymore. The difference between a Democrat who actually fights for us and one who plays along with corporate lobbyists is the difference between real change and more of the same empty promises.

That’s why I’m excited about this show, and I think you should check it out also, featuring Jamaal Bowman and Cori Bush, two progressives who’ve actually taken risks to stand up for the people. They’ve been vilified by both Republicans and establishment Democrats—not because they’re wrong, but because they refuse to bow to corporate pressure. They talk about exactly why the party needs to change and how we can stop electing politicians who make bold speeches but fold the second their donors call.

And speaking of folding—let’s talk about the Democrats’ latest hilarious capitulation to the Republican spending bill. The GOP threw in provisions that Democrats claimed to oppose, but rather than fighting back, our leadership did what they do best: cave spectacularly while calling it a “necessary compromise.” It’s like watching someone negotiate a used car deal by agreeing to pay more than the sticker price, then walking out of the dealership bragging about what a great deal they got.

We can’t keep settling for this. We need to vote smarter, organize harder, and stop letting corporate-backed Democrats dictate the party’s future. Otherwise, the working class will keep losing, and the people who profit off our losses will keep winning.

Let’s wake up. Let’s be strategic. And let’s start electing Democrats who actually give a damn

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It actually made me fucking sick to hear that Biden say, “trust your President” to Cori Bush, a Black woman. WOC historically and in the present have never been given any reason to ever trust the current centralized institutional power of the white hetero-patriarchy.

Cori Bush was there to represent her people, the people of St. Louis, not to serve the neoliberal establishment.

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Legions of pro-Palestinian voters voted for this horror! Elections have consequences! This horrifying situation can now only be defeated by we, the people, showing a united front!

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Stop trying to blame pro-Palestine voters who couldn’t bring themselves to vote for another genocidal candidate. Kamala lost because she didn’t earn their votes by supporting the slaughter of their families! Votes have to be EARNED -the corrupt Democrats failed to do so, so the corrupt Republicans won by default. Stop playing the blame game and listen to what Cori & Jamal are actually saying! The system is rigged by big money. Your Islamophobia is showing if you are blaming Palestinian voters for her loss as well as your failure to grasp what really happened.

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In this crazy duopoly that we call a democracy, we had the choice between a soft-spoken fascist and a loud-mouth fascist. Soft-spoken deported more migrants & separated more families than the loud-mouth. Any wonder that many Latinos voted for the loud-mouth? One in five Black men voted for the loud-mouth (zero promises fulfilled). Soft-spoken promised student-debt relief but never delivered. A large number of students voted third-party. The Pro-Palestine movement was also very clear, No vote for genocide. The pattern is clear. The Democratic party made numerous promises but never delivered. Maybe we should blame the Democrats and big-money lobbies instead of blaming the people looking for promises fulfilled.

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Bowman and Bush is terrific! Look forward to the next conversation.

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This is great, please spread clips far and wide to get the message out to non-subscribers and folks who aren't already on our side. Growing the movement is the #1 need. Ending Citizens United has huge majority support across all political ideologies but to do so will require millions of people literally in the streets, or a general strike. We need DEMANDS, not unfocused marches and chants.

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100% agree on Citizens United. As a senior that was active in the anti-war movement of the 70s, marching works. We stopped a war. We gained civil rights. Abortion rights. Let us not ever think that the government GIVES us anything. Americans have always FOUGHT for their rights.

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Brilliant podcast! Loved hearing from Jamal and Cory, two fierce voices that are truly FOR THE PEOPLE! Simone Zimmerman was a wonderful addition and shared transparency on the realities of AIPAC. Keep it coming! We need more of this.

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This is class warfare with the rich destroying our federal government! TAX those rich bastards who are buying our government - who are destroying the federal government and causing so many of our problems; tax them at a rate that they can no longer engage in government destroying shenanigans. Google says: "The top income tax rate reached above 90% from 1944 through 1963, peaking in 1944, when top taxpayers paid an income tax rate of 94% on their taxable income." Anything over $10 million a year, or maybe $1 million a year, should be taxed at 90% with no loopholes. Then billionaires would still have plenty of money but they wouldn't have SO MUCH to be able to buy elections or presidents. IT IS TIME TO TAX THE RICH APPROPRIATELY.


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Excellent duo, Zeteo

They have been there and are providing insights in the inner workings of Congress.

Would like to see them back in the US Congress.

Good addition to the line up Zeteo.

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Awesome show! 👏I knew you 2 were going on to greater things- so nice to see that you have. Keep on speaking the truth. So grateful for you both and Zeteo during these crazy times! Congratulations on the new show!

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Dynamic duo! love you guys!!!

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This was such valuable insight into how corrupt AIPAC is.

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An excellent interview with Kshama Sawant on the Bad Faith podcast suggests why Bowman and Bush (especially the former) are extensions of the same old flailing and failing Democratic Party. How about inviting Sawant on your show for some genuine left critique.

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What a brilliant first show. Thank you, Zeteo!

It is well worth watching “Israelism.” I also recommend watching Simone’s Jan 2024 interview on DemocracyNow:


Cori, Jamaal, and Simone, you are beacons.

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