Good talk. The grief of a parent is so inconceivable, that the word used in Sanskrit is vilomah, totally bereft.. my heart hurts for the parents in Gaza. Thanks Rob Delaney for your empathy.

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Loved this!! These 2 men calm my anxiety about the world and make me feel hopeful that rational thoughts and humanity do actually exist. If only people like them were in charge of decision making, the world would be so much better. Thank you both 🙏🏻❤️

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Still no Mehdi in shorts. I`m going to unsubscribe if it doesn`t happen in the next 3 episodes...

But let`s be real about Biden and his refusal to step down from the candidacy. He literally is Trump II Dementia Boogaloo. Extremely narcicistic, has far right immigration policy, built the wall, put his fail son in the white house and now became orange thanks to the most insane spray taint.

Literally Trump 2.0

About we are not kidding in general.. I really enjoy everything, Mehdi has done w zeteo so far. Two Outspoken is great, the town halls are always very informative, all the different coloums are very great and I can learn and take away something new I didnt know or thought about before. But We are not kidding has become my favorite a bit in recent weeks. Because I can listen to people I never llistened to before and didn`t know had such awesome politics. And seeing Mehdi Hasan in a more relaxed and unserious environment is always fun to watch.

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Jul 11·edited Jul 11

I am from Delaware. We are such a corporate friendly state. No surprise there. Also I am not only a voter but I call and write my legislators and the Dems and Rethugs ignore us. PS. Rob, so very sorry for your loss.

I am a historian and a pessimist. As a Black woman and one who has a 101 year old grandmother who I talk to all the time, these are not the best of times. The more things change, the more they stay the same. This country has never been safe for us and never will be. Yes, if Genocide Joe goes, he will be fine but the multitude of Black folk he and the Dems have used won't be.

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I've liked Rob Delaney for quite a while, but I didn't realize that I genuinely love him, until Mehdi showed us Rob's fierce heart & beautiful soul.

We're Not Kidding has been unfailingly spectacular!

Thank you so much, Mehdi❣️


"Not only do I think he should drop out of the race, I think he should resign as president."

Thank you so much, Rob❣️

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Mehdi, thank you. Excellent choice. It was helpful to hear again that Biden must resign now as president so that Kamala Harris may assume the presidency. Otherwise, Biden can drop out of the race, endorse Harris, and allow Harris to be the acting president. It’s urgent that Biden no longer be the focus of attention. BTW, Trump fears Harris, a good thing; she’s a fierce former prosecutor with a disarming smile, when appropriate. All the issues raised, everything said, were more than helpful. Brilliant!

We got to keep the Palestinian genocide alive; I too support the one-state solution, with reparations and restoration of all that the fascists destroyed merely motivated by: Hatred for the Other, penchant for violence, mendacity, etc. While antisemitism is wrong, antiZionism is more than justified; it is necessary.

We need to support and expand the BDS movement. It succeeded in So Africa and can and will in Apartheid Israel.

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So happy to be subscribed. Excellent content! Great person.

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Nice sweat shirt Mehdi. He used to be called Senator Credit Card.

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Thank you, Mehdi, Thank you, Rob.

I've never experienced a grief as great as that of losing a child, can't imagine what it must be like. I'll have to read Rob's book, as well as his Tuchman recommendation.

I did read a book recently about the value of grief, of grieving, called *The End of Ice* by Dar Jamail, about what we stand to lose as we cook Earth, and how to embrace, if that's the right word, grief for this beautiful planet as an expression of our love for her. Highly recommended for those, like me, who struggle with staying somewhat sane in the face of Gaza/criminal catastrophic climate disruption/injustice/inequality/racism/militarism etc.

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I promise you Rob's book is a spiritual experience. Highly recommend the audio version. I think his words are more impactful in his voice.

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How to keep going without bringing oneself down these days with all the bad events on this earth. I personally deal with things by giving away things to the less fortunate and caring for them to keep my self sane!!!

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Rob's discussion of the difference between personal anguish and desire for revenge vs. revenge exacted by the State, made me think of what Michael Dukakis was unable to articulate clearly in his infamous debate answer about the death penalty. Rob Delaney for President! The fact that he'd never do it makes him more qualified!

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I don’t agree with the analysis of Biden—much more generous than how I feel about him, but I also think it’s important to respect different (thoughtful) viewpoints—especially from people who are not fascists! Thank you!

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Would John Oliver will be joining the show?

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I loved listening to this heart felt talk with Rob Delaney. Simultaneously, thinking of many parents in Gaza who have lost more than one child. Thank you Rob for speaking on their behalf.

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What a great interview! Thank you both for this.

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Thank you for a sentimental comic guest

Yes, we cannot understand what the parents of a dead child goes through. It doesn't matter how old the child is, the parents do go through a very grueling ordeal.

One of the stark difference in Gaza has been the absence of one or both parents even to grieve. I do remember that we (Americans) were very empathic people, the control of the MSM by the pro-Israeli group have essentially dissipated empathy from most of us when it comes to the sufferings of the Palestinians at the hands of the Israelis.

It is not just the MSM but during this Genocidal war on the Palestinians a lot of US Government agencies' official are using their official capacity to force people under them to have a pro-Israel (a foreign country) stance. Case in point are the actions of Neil Barofsky, a monitor appointed by US Courts to oversee the working of UAW. Mr. Barofsky is using his official power to push UAW stance on Gaza ceasefire. UAW has been voicing their concern re the Genocide in Gaza and has asked for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza- this was the opinion and recommendation of the International UAW Board. Neil has been pushing the point of view of the Pro-Israel ADL which is serving Israeli propaganda throughout. ADL has also infiltrated in the US Congress and has been actively complaining about these statements as anti-Semitic- even a ceasefire calls to be anti-Semitic.

It is time for Biden who has presided this ongoing Genocide in Gaza to withdraw from the race as he will make sure that the unthinkable will happen.

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