Black voter here…Biden cannot and will not have my vote. For years, I’ve felt the government did not represent my interests but I engaged in lesser of two evils voting. The plight of the Palestinians and the support of Israel drew a line in the sand. Biden (and friends) will forever be complicit in genocide. He doesn’t get my vote no matter what he does now. As far as I am concerned, Trump is a convicted criminal and Biden is a yet to be convicted war criminal. This applies to every elected official: No matter the party.
There is so much more at stake this election than the Gaza genocide. Who’s the alternative to Biden? I’m as disgusted by his support for Israel’s genocide as anyone. But what’s the alternative? A guy who will destroy this democracy for good this time, will rule by executive fiat, and a wannabe dictator? A guy who wants to ideologically screen immigrants? Trump just said last week he’ll reimplement the Muslim ban, and was calling for the deportation of pro-Palestinian protesters. Yesterday he posted a video calling for a “unified reich.” He said he will roll back every Biden gun policy that’s been implemented. Biden is bad on Gaza, and Trump and the republicans are far worse. Trump just yesterday said he will deport all pro-Palestinian protesters and shut them all down. You can’t tell me that’s better than Biden.
I’m with Biden, because I also care about other issues like climate, abortion, guns, democracy, etc. I know Trump would be 10x worse in a 2nd term. A “protest” vote gets us nowhere, but it will lead to a 2nd trump term. If you’re eager for the election department to be cut, the interior department to be cut, taxes to go up, and a mass deportation operation to occur, then sit this one out. Sorry, I’m not willing to throw away our democracy to a dictator. It’s not going to get us anywhere. A year from now, it’s going to be Trump or Biden in the WH. Not Jill stein.
Reread my comment. I am not and never have been a “single issue” voter. But to say that Gaza is a “single” issue is not something I can intellectually understand. Gaza represents so many “voter” issues: genocide; dignity for marginalized people; policing of Black and Brown folks; military spending; international law; the stability of legal systems; democracy itself; environmental justice; media credibility; student debt cancellation; criminal justice system as a whole, AIPAC, etc. Until Gaza, most of us didn’t even know that it is illegal to boycott anything associated with Israel and requiring businesses that do business with local governments to sign agreements never to boycott Israel. What other ally do we have such laws for? How is that democracy? Biden also lied to us and now we are being gaslit for the election. We have been complicit in apartheid and genocide for generations. I have not slept well since I realized my taxes are paying to murder Palestinians and when we asked Biden and Congress to stop…they ignored me. That is not democracy. My bottom line…I can no longer support anyone that maintains oppression of others. Additionally, there are other people in the race…why do people seem to believe that we MUST vote Dem or Rep? There are more people against them both. We are we not encouraging people to vote Green or Independent or one of the other candidates?
Fully agree with you. Gaza is not "single issue" - it is about money in politics, oligarchy, hypocrisy, equal rights/access restricted for select populations (Palestinians, Blacks, some Latinos, some other minorities), it's about healthcare/Medicare/Medicaid being underfunded b/c our $$ goes to destructive efforts like bombs for Israel (hey, if they have their Iron Dome, then they don't need that many bombs), out of control executive pay (b/c all this gov't revenue/our tax dollars goes to companies as general revenue that then contributes to salaries/stocks that then contributes to worsening inequality), and with all this guaranteed income from our tax dollars, then how is it that people don't have job security? The list goes on. It's so egregiously representative of our messed up priorities in this country. No wonder the billionaire elites are fighting tooth and nail to insist that this has all been about Antisemitism. Because if it's not, then it means we're waking up to the grift. What I see is so many more people waking up to it.
"...happy songs being pumped over loudspeakers to drown out the sounds of you and your neighbors weeping..." - yep. We see it. We see who is doing the actual damage in real time, on top of the gaslighting.
I wasn’t denigrating you or didn’t mean to. I’m just saying let’s remember that a year from now, it’ll be Biden or Trump in the WH. On Israel alone, Trump is way worse. His biggest donor is Miriam Adelson —a Zionist freak. Let’s be real here. Let alone on every other issue.
The cause-and-effect needs focus RIGHT NOW. We MUST reject Biden RIGHT NOW. It is the only way we can squeeze something better out of the Dems. To keep saying "Trump is worse" is not dealing with RIGHT NOW. All eyes on Rafah. All eyes STILL on Gaza. Because of all the reasons iterated above/below, this issue is shining a light on ALL of what ails the system. Dems want to keep us fearful of Trump so that they do not have to change. And thanks to all the Uncommitteds in Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and all the polls, we are getting some change out of Biden. But it is not over. RIGHT NOW matters. One step at a time. It's a face off. RIGHT NOW, this moment in time. We are all in a game of chicken with the Biden Administration and Establishment Dems. We must use all the levers we can. Threatening to not vote for him is one such very powerful lever. Threatening your Senators/Reps, also effective. Don't let them get complacent about Trump/GOP is worse. Your threat to vote 3rd party/remain uncommitted is still also effective. Who wants Trump? Let's see how badly Establishment Dems in office - RIGHT NOW - don't want Trump. They have the power to change. Between RIGHT NOW and Nov, they can vote to support Bernie's measures in Congress. RIGHT NOW. They can stop the flow of weapons, RIGHT NOW. You and me, we just have our Nov vote. But they're busy trying to scare people that Trump will be worse so that THEY don't have to change on Gaza, RIGHT NOW. That is just the most twisted morality and should make all decent people ask questions about who they are, who are your neighbors, why are you obsessed with Trump when there is a disgusting wholesale slaughter resulting from a dystopian confluence of power and money happening RIGHT NOW because you are looking the other way? Adelson has given to both Dems and GOP. Whoever is for sale will be for sale. The $$ is in the hands of the few. But the rest of us- we have our votes. If enough people wake up to withhold our votes, then that is real power. Adelson gets 1 vote, just like the rest of us. But what she (and her dead husband) had was $$ to influence - so they, like others, paid to create the noise. A lot of noise that created cover for the non-stop slaughter of Palestinians and stealing of their land, AND the votes in Congress, AND news media complicity, AND the policies of XYZ WH Administration, and the capture of university administrators. Now more of us are waking up to what that's been about. So then what? Choose the moral path. For RIGHT NOW. Scare your local rep's and your neighbors. They fear Trump so much that they will have to wake up and examine their assumptions. Then a whole bunch of us "in the middle" - the uncommitted, the 3rd party voters - they will have to wake up to realize they have to fight for our votes by CHANGING. And they are. More voices are supporting the Squad. Leaders like Ro Khanna are being embraced. Mearsheimer is making the rounds all over. I'm amazed that so many people now even know his name! Polls are showing that the Dems are REALLY worried. Hence the shift we are seeing - RIGHT NOW. But it's not over. You have influence. Withhold your vote. Trump is worse, but so what? Stay focused on RIGHT NOW.
KC, I’m writing mainly to request clarification. In January, 2025, in all likelihood, either Biden or Trump will be inaugurated. Are you indifferent as to which one it is?
While I ask for a multitude of reasons, I would note, under despotism, oppression will not stop after deporting 15 million immigrants, as Trump has promised he would. Nor does it stop after rounding up all one’s enemies, another Trump promise. Ultimately it doesn’t end. Hence, the stakes couldn’t be greater. We stand either for the continuation of the United States of America or we don’t. Which do you want?
Hello Barbara, Main stream media has us locked into a zero sum dialogue. The discussion seems to be Dem or Rep…Trump or Biden. I will respond with questions: Will things change for you if Trump is removed from the ballot in a number of states b/c of his convictions? Do you think Trump has a chance of winning since the majority of 18-25 year old said they are not voting for him no matter what? Are we assuming that those same voters are too unsophisticated will just sit home on Election Day? Have you considered the possibility that mainstream media is maintaining a false narrative about Trump likelihood of winning in order make us vote for Biden as the lesser of two evils? Are we here to maintain our government or is our government here to serve the needs of the people?
If Black people were given a choice beforehand between Jim Crow or slavery, do you think they would have chose either?
Recently I realized we are stuck in dialogue with one another that puts everything and everyone into 1 of 3 categories. Villain, Hero and Victim. This is false and dangerous thinking. We are told that only dem or Rep could win, but what if, we all voted for the 3rd party candidate to send a message to every single politician their seat is not secure and they need to listen to their constituents? Are we living in a democratic republic or is this an oligarchy with the facade of democracy?
I don’t believe domestic politics are worth 30000 lives. But also what we have seen in the last 8 months is domestic politics at their worst.
A president lying in every sentence,Students beaten and locked up, kick out of universities, people sack from their jobs, millions of American dollars needed for education, Healthcare, housing…. Sent to Israel to commit genocide.
People in America, can’t access. basic health care and Biden and his government are sending millions to Israel. And you don’t think those are domestic issues? I am afraid is domestic, as domestic as it gets. Biden is putting Israel needs well above the needs of American people.
Biden has done what it seemed just imposible. He had divided the country more that Trump ever did.
Both should be locked up.
These two monsters are only a reflection of the society that has elected them, the saddest thing is that we are prepared to re-elect them AGAIN, despite both being psychopaths.
Let’s stop finding excuses as to why we need to vote for Biden. If you vote for him would be like signing one of those bombs that is going to be dropped in Gaza.
That bomb will kill thousands of innocent people. That bomb represent the lost opportunity of education for millions of Americans, the death of those Americans who can not afford health care, a decent shelter, a meal.
That bomb represent the death of all the American values and you have chosen to put your name on it!
I agree but as an American I have to consider domestic as well as foreign policy. Domestically trump will be a nightmare that I don't want to live with. Not voting for Biden give trump a fighting chance. I can't take this risk and it sickens me.
Exactly. I get why people don’t want to vote Biden due to Gaza, but OUR country could burn to the ground if we don’t keep Trump out and the rest of the lunatics he will bring. As in an airplane, we must put the oxygen mask over our own face first.
Biden sent billions of dollars and weapons to other countries that murdered Inocentes while Americans go hungry. All because he’s a religious zealot. He will not get my vote.
There is so much more at stake this election than the Gaza genocide. Who’s the alternative to Biden? I’m as disgusted by his support for Israel’s genocide as anyone. But what’s the alternative? A guy who will destroy this democracy for good this time, will rule by executive fiat, and a wannabe dictator? A guy who wants to ideologically screen immigrants? Trump just said last week he’ll reimplement the Muslim ban, and was calling for the deportation of pro-Palestinian protesters. Yesterday he posted a video calling for a “unified reich.” He said he will roll back every Biden gun policy that’s been implemented. Biden is bad on Gaza, and Trump and the republicans are far worse. Trump just yesterday said he will deport all pro-Palestinian protesters and shut them all down. You can’t tell me that’s better than Biden.
I’m with Biden, because I also care about other issues like climate, abortion, guns, democracy, etc. I know Trump would be 10x worse in a 2nd term. A “protest” vote gets us nowhere, but it will lead to a 2nd trump term. If you’re eager for the election department to be cut, the interior department to be cut, taxes to go up, and a mass deportation operation to occur, then sit this one out. Sorry, I’m not willing to throw away our democracy to a dictator. It’s not going to get us anywhere. A year from now, it’s going to be Trump or Biden in the WH. Not Jill stein.
Biden’s blind and sadly enthusiastic support of Israel will cost the democrats this election. The racist overtones of the genocide is apparent to most minority voters yet the Democratic Party remain oblivious to this.
As a Black voter, I am choosing "none-of-the-above." Genocide is not a "single issue." This genocide and the "side" you are on is purely about racism - even if internalized. Nobody knows what will happen. Fear of Trump is not enough. These kinds of people are constantly trying limit our political imagination and tell us that our current status as part of a permanent underclass is acceptable. It is not. I hope that my fellow Black Americans are inspired by the Palestinian resistance. Their insistence on being and staying human is something that we have not yet fully aspired to. We need to re-envision our struggle as about dignity and human rights - versus access at any cost. We need to understand that our conditions here in the US can only change when we unite with the colonized and racialized peoples struggling against US imperialism and white supremacy throughout the world.
Thanks Medhi for having these important discussions. I think it is absolutely necessary for us to keep talking about this and to keep putting pressure on the White Housd and Democrats to stop supporting the genocide of Palestinian children and civilians and to demand a cease fire and release of all hostages including the hundreds of Palestinians being held by Isreal. This must change from the current policy.
I began writing to Biden shortly after 10/07. Multiple times. I also wrote my state Democratic representatives, who I voted for, on the missteps and terrible decisions of the Biden Administration and how it could be handing the election to Trump. Only one could be bothered to reply.
There is a difference between voting for a man that spent his whole life in politics as an arrogant war monger who has always been hyper focused on debt and is a self-proclaimed Zionist and choosing to vote for a third party candidate or to sit out. For me, Biden will never get my vote back no matter who he is running against on the red side because he has changed script on everything he promised to do while he was campaigning and is continuously ok with trying to mislead the American people about when our tax dollars will stop being sent overseas to carpet bomb. His failures and decisions have made us complicit in a horrible atrocity. And I know the view of "Trump would be worse and more cruel and a dictator" is enough for some and that's fine, but the leader of the free world does not get to use that fact as an entitlement to continue in their position. Joe Biden needs to win back votes. He likely won't win back enough because this administration is up it's own ass. I hope Biden does beat out Donald Trump, but I will be voting for Cornell West. He won't win, but he's not complicit in genocide.
That was a really interesting discussion. It hinged around Biden/ Trump omitting that there is another choice. I’m nearly 70 years old and a white male. At this point I don’t see any way I can pull the lever for Biden. He’s had 8 months to see the light on Gaza and is incapable of turning a corner on his terrible Israeli policy. Why wouldn’t black Americans vote for the first all black campaign? As in West/ Abdullah. Enough of this splitting the vote spoiler nonsense. If both the Republican and Democratic parties are serving up a crap sandwich, why not support an independent candidacy?
The problem with the logic "we'd rather deal w/ Biden than Trump" is that it ignores how little daylight there is between Biden and Trump on immigration, foreign policy, health care, policing, and, frankly, yes, even climate. The main difference ends up being that Biden can get away with these policies with relatively little opposition - unlike Trump, who (once in office) becomes the focal point of Democratic opposition organizing. Let me offer a different frame: the only way to get Democrats to actually advocate for progressive policy is to make them the opposition party to someone like Trump.
Black voter here…Biden cannot and will not have my vote. For years, I’ve felt the government did not represent my interests but I engaged in lesser of two evils voting. The plight of the Palestinians and the support of Israel drew a line in the sand. Biden (and friends) will forever be complicit in genocide. He doesn’t get my vote no matter what he does now. As far as I am concerned, Trump is a convicted criminal and Biden is a yet to be convicted war criminal. This applies to every elected official: No matter the party.
There is so much more at stake this election than the Gaza genocide. Who’s the alternative to Biden? I’m as disgusted by his support for Israel’s genocide as anyone. But what’s the alternative? A guy who will destroy this democracy for good this time, will rule by executive fiat, and a wannabe dictator? A guy who wants to ideologically screen immigrants? Trump just said last week he’ll reimplement the Muslim ban, and was calling for the deportation of pro-Palestinian protesters. Yesterday he posted a video calling for a “unified reich.” He said he will roll back every Biden gun policy that’s been implemented. Biden is bad on Gaza, and Trump and the republicans are far worse. Trump just yesterday said he will deport all pro-Palestinian protesters and shut them all down. You can’t tell me that’s better than Biden.
I’m with Biden, because I also care about other issues like climate, abortion, guns, democracy, etc. I know Trump would be 10x worse in a 2nd term. A “protest” vote gets us nowhere, but it will lead to a 2nd trump term. If you’re eager for the election department to be cut, the interior department to be cut, taxes to go up, and a mass deportation operation to occur, then sit this one out. Sorry, I’m not willing to throw away our democracy to a dictator. It’s not going to get us anywhere. A year from now, it’s going to be Trump or Biden in the WH. Not Jill stein.
Reread my comment. I am not and never have been a “single issue” voter. But to say that Gaza is a “single” issue is not something I can intellectually understand. Gaza represents so many “voter” issues: genocide; dignity for marginalized people; policing of Black and Brown folks; military spending; international law; the stability of legal systems; democracy itself; environmental justice; media credibility; student debt cancellation; criminal justice system as a whole, AIPAC, etc. Until Gaza, most of us didn’t even know that it is illegal to boycott anything associated with Israel and requiring businesses that do business with local governments to sign agreements never to boycott Israel. What other ally do we have such laws for? How is that democracy? Biden also lied to us and now we are being gaslit for the election. We have been complicit in apartheid and genocide for generations. I have not slept well since I realized my taxes are paying to murder Palestinians and when we asked Biden and Congress to stop…they ignored me. That is not democracy. My bottom line…I can no longer support anyone that maintains oppression of others. Additionally, there are other people in the race…why do people seem to believe that we MUST vote Dem or Rep? There are more people against them both. We are we not encouraging people to vote Green or Independent or one of the other candidates?
Fully agree with you. Gaza is not "single issue" - it is about money in politics, oligarchy, hypocrisy, equal rights/access restricted for select populations (Palestinians, Blacks, some Latinos, some other minorities), it's about healthcare/Medicare/Medicaid being underfunded b/c our $$ goes to destructive efforts like bombs for Israel (hey, if they have their Iron Dome, then they don't need that many bombs), out of control executive pay (b/c all this gov't revenue/our tax dollars goes to companies as general revenue that then contributes to salaries/stocks that then contributes to worsening inequality), and with all this guaranteed income from our tax dollars, then how is it that people don't have job security? The list goes on. It's so egregiously representative of our messed up priorities in this country. No wonder the billionaire elites are fighting tooth and nail to insist that this has all been about Antisemitism. Because if it's not, then it means we're waking up to the grift. What I see is so many more people waking up to it.
This post reiterates what you said.
"...happy songs being pumped over loudspeakers to drown out the sounds of you and your neighbors weeping..." - yep. We see it. We see who is doing the actual damage in real time, on top of the gaslighting.
Yes to all of this!!
I wasn’t denigrating you or didn’t mean to. I’m just saying let’s remember that a year from now, it’ll be Biden or Trump in the WH. On Israel alone, Trump is way worse. His biggest donor is Miriam Adelson —a Zionist freak. Let’s be real here. Let alone on every other issue.
The cause-and-effect needs focus RIGHT NOW. We MUST reject Biden RIGHT NOW. It is the only way we can squeeze something better out of the Dems. To keep saying "Trump is worse" is not dealing with RIGHT NOW. All eyes on Rafah. All eyes STILL on Gaza. Because of all the reasons iterated above/below, this issue is shining a light on ALL of what ails the system. Dems want to keep us fearful of Trump so that they do not have to change. And thanks to all the Uncommitteds in Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and all the polls, we are getting some change out of Biden. But it is not over. RIGHT NOW matters. One step at a time. It's a face off. RIGHT NOW, this moment in time. We are all in a game of chicken with the Biden Administration and Establishment Dems. We must use all the levers we can. Threatening to not vote for him is one such very powerful lever. Threatening your Senators/Reps, also effective. Don't let them get complacent about Trump/GOP is worse. Your threat to vote 3rd party/remain uncommitted is still also effective. Who wants Trump? Let's see how badly Establishment Dems in office - RIGHT NOW - don't want Trump. They have the power to change. Between RIGHT NOW and Nov, they can vote to support Bernie's measures in Congress. RIGHT NOW. They can stop the flow of weapons, RIGHT NOW. You and me, we just have our Nov vote. But they're busy trying to scare people that Trump will be worse so that THEY don't have to change on Gaza, RIGHT NOW. That is just the most twisted morality and should make all decent people ask questions about who they are, who are your neighbors, why are you obsessed with Trump when there is a disgusting wholesale slaughter resulting from a dystopian confluence of power and money happening RIGHT NOW because you are looking the other way? Adelson has given to both Dems and GOP. Whoever is for sale will be for sale. The $$ is in the hands of the few. But the rest of us- we have our votes. If enough people wake up to withhold our votes, then that is real power. Adelson gets 1 vote, just like the rest of us. But what she (and her dead husband) had was $$ to influence - so they, like others, paid to create the noise. A lot of noise that created cover for the non-stop slaughter of Palestinians and stealing of their land, AND the votes in Congress, AND news media complicity, AND the policies of XYZ WH Administration, and the capture of university administrators. Now more of us are waking up to what that's been about. So then what? Choose the moral path. For RIGHT NOW. Scare your local rep's and your neighbors. They fear Trump so much that they will have to wake up and examine their assumptions. Then a whole bunch of us "in the middle" - the uncommitted, the 3rd party voters - they will have to wake up to realize they have to fight for our votes by CHANGING. And they are. More voices are supporting the Squad. Leaders like Ro Khanna are being embraced. Mearsheimer is making the rounds all over. I'm amazed that so many people now even know his name! Polls are showing that the Dems are REALLY worried. Hence the shift we are seeing - RIGHT NOW. But it's not over. You have influence. Withhold your vote. Trump is worse, but so what? Stay focused on RIGHT NOW.
KC, I’m writing mainly to request clarification. In January, 2025, in all likelihood, either Biden or Trump will be inaugurated. Are you indifferent as to which one it is?
While I ask for a multitude of reasons, I would note, under despotism, oppression will not stop after deporting 15 million immigrants, as Trump has promised he would. Nor does it stop after rounding up all one’s enemies, another Trump promise. Ultimately it doesn’t end. Hence, the stakes couldn’t be greater. We stand either for the continuation of the United States of America or we don’t. Which do you want?
Hello Barbara, Main stream media has us locked into a zero sum dialogue. The discussion seems to be Dem or Rep…Trump or Biden. I will respond with questions: Will things change for you if Trump is removed from the ballot in a number of states b/c of his convictions? Do you think Trump has a chance of winning since the majority of 18-25 year old said they are not voting for him no matter what? Are we assuming that those same voters are too unsophisticated will just sit home on Election Day? Have you considered the possibility that mainstream media is maintaining a false narrative about Trump likelihood of winning in order make us vote for Biden as the lesser of two evils? Are we here to maintain our government or is our government here to serve the needs of the people?
If Black people were given a choice beforehand between Jim Crow or slavery, do you think they would have chose either?
Recently I realized we are stuck in dialogue with one another that puts everything and everyone into 1 of 3 categories. Villain, Hero and Victim. This is false and dangerous thinking. We are told that only dem or Rep could win, but what if, we all voted for the 3rd party candidate to send a message to every single politician their seat is not secure and they need to listen to their constituents? Are we living in a democratic republic or is this an oligarchy with the facade of democracy?
I am but I know trump is worse. I will never forgive Biden and the Democrat party.
No body should vote a politician that supports genocide. Not Trump, not Biden are worth of decent people votes.
Nobody? I'm voting for Biden. I am NOT a fan of @Netanyahu or the Israeli gov't. The only thing they understand is their entitlement and their hate.
I don’t believe domestic politics are worth 30000 lives. But also what we have seen in the last 8 months is domestic politics at their worst.
A president lying in every sentence,Students beaten and locked up, kick out of universities, people sack from their jobs, millions of American dollars needed for education, Healthcare, housing…. Sent to Israel to commit genocide.
People in America, can’t access. basic health care and Biden and his government are sending millions to Israel. And you don’t think those are domestic issues? I am afraid is domestic, as domestic as it gets. Biden is putting Israel needs well above the needs of American people.
Biden has done what it seemed just imposible. He had divided the country more that Trump ever did.
Both should be locked up.
These two monsters are only a reflection of the society that has elected them, the saddest thing is that we are prepared to re-elect them AGAIN, despite both being psychopaths.
Let’s stop finding excuses as to why we need to vote for Biden. If you vote for him would be like signing one of those bombs that is going to be dropped in Gaza.
That bomb will kill thousands of innocent people. That bomb represent the lost opportunity of education for millions of Americans, the death of those Americans who can not afford health care, a decent shelter, a meal.
That bomb represent the death of all the American values and you have chosen to put your name on it!
I agree but as an American I have to consider domestic as well as foreign policy. Domestically trump will be a nightmare that I don't want to live with. Not voting for Biden give trump a fighting chance. I can't take this risk and it sickens me.
Exactly. I get why people don’t want to vote Biden due to Gaza, but OUR country could burn to the ground if we don’t keep Trump out and the rest of the lunatics he will bring. As in an airplane, we must put the oxygen mask over our own face first.
Biden sent billions of dollars and weapons to other countries that murdered Inocentes while Americans go hungry. All because he’s a religious zealot. He will not get my vote.
There is so much more at stake this election than the Gaza genocide. Who’s the alternative to Biden? I’m as disgusted by his support for Israel’s genocide as anyone. But what’s the alternative? A guy who will destroy this democracy for good this time, will rule by executive fiat, and a wannabe dictator? A guy who wants to ideologically screen immigrants? Trump just said last week he’ll reimplement the Muslim ban, and was calling for the deportation of pro-Palestinian protesters. Yesterday he posted a video calling for a “unified reich.” He said he will roll back every Biden gun policy that’s been implemented. Biden is bad on Gaza, and Trump and the republicans are far worse. Trump just yesterday said he will deport all pro-Palestinian protesters and shut them all down. You can’t tell me that’s better than Biden.
I’m with Biden, because I also care about other issues like climate, abortion, guns, democracy, etc. I know Trump would be 10x worse in a 2nd term. A “protest” vote gets us nowhere, but it will lead to a 2nd trump term. If you’re eager for the election department to be cut, the interior department to be cut, taxes to go up, and a mass deportation operation to occur, then sit this one out. Sorry, I’m not willing to throw away our democracy to a dictator. It’s not going to get us anywhere. A year from now, it’s going to be Trump or Biden in the WH. Not Jill stein.
Biden’s blind and sadly enthusiastic support of Israel will cost the democrats this election. The racist overtones of the genocide is apparent to most minority voters yet the Democratic Party remain oblivious to this.
As a Black voter, I am choosing "none-of-the-above." Genocide is not a "single issue." This genocide and the "side" you are on is purely about racism - even if internalized. Nobody knows what will happen. Fear of Trump is not enough. These kinds of people are constantly trying limit our political imagination and tell us that our current status as part of a permanent underclass is acceptable. It is not. I hope that my fellow Black Americans are inspired by the Palestinian resistance. Their insistence on being and staying human is something that we have not yet fully aspired to. We need to re-envision our struggle as about dignity and human rights - versus access at any cost. We need to understand that our conditions here in the US can only change when we unite with the colonized and racialized peoples struggling against US imperialism and white supremacy throughout the world.
Thanks Medhi for having these important discussions. I think it is absolutely necessary for us to keep talking about this and to keep putting pressure on the White Housd and Democrats to stop supporting the genocide of Palestinian children and civilians and to demand a cease fire and release of all hostages including the hundreds of Palestinians being held by Isreal. This must change from the current policy.
I began writing to Biden shortly after 10/07. Multiple times. I also wrote my state Democratic representatives, who I voted for, on the missteps and terrible decisions of the Biden Administration and how it could be handing the election to Trump. Only one could be bothered to reply.
There is a difference between voting for a man that spent his whole life in politics as an arrogant war monger who has always been hyper focused on debt and is a self-proclaimed Zionist and choosing to vote for a third party candidate or to sit out. For me, Biden will never get my vote back no matter who he is running against on the red side because he has changed script on everything he promised to do while he was campaigning and is continuously ok with trying to mislead the American people about when our tax dollars will stop being sent overseas to carpet bomb. His failures and decisions have made us complicit in a horrible atrocity. And I know the view of "Trump would be worse and more cruel and a dictator" is enough for some and that's fine, but the leader of the free world does not get to use that fact as an entitlement to continue in their position. Joe Biden needs to win back votes. He likely won't win back enough because this administration is up it's own ass. I hope Biden does beat out Donald Trump, but I will be voting for Cornell West. He won't win, but he's not complicit in genocide.
That was a really interesting discussion. It hinged around Biden/ Trump omitting that there is another choice. I’m nearly 70 years old and a white male. At this point I don’t see any way I can pull the lever for Biden. He’s had 8 months to see the light on Gaza and is incapable of turning a corner on his terrible Israeli policy. Why wouldn’t black Americans vote for the first all black campaign? As in West/ Abdullah. Enough of this splitting the vote spoiler nonsense. If both the Republican and Democratic parties are serving up a crap sandwich, why not support an independent candidacy?
The problem with the logic "we'd rather deal w/ Biden than Trump" is that it ignores how little daylight there is between Biden and Trump on immigration, foreign policy, health care, policing, and, frankly, yes, even climate. The main difference ends up being that Biden can get away with these policies with relatively little opposition - unlike Trump, who (once in office) becomes the focal point of Democratic opposition organizing. Let me offer a different frame: the only way to get Democrats to actually advocate for progressive policy is to make them the opposition party to someone like Trump.
Did they show up for Biden? Biden was nowhere in the primaries until Obama endorsed him (sadly) - they showed up for Obama.
Dwan Obedalliah, Masih Alinejad
Agreed, I abhor Genocide being described as “one issue”. There are many ways to describe Genocide, an issue is not one of them.