It’s the saddest thing in the world watching grown adults sharing the photo of Trump raising his fist with the American flag behind him, as if this disgusting charlatan is a hero. Trump has done everything in his power to make America nastier, more violent, and more hateful. I’m not blaming him for what happened, but he is a wannabe tyrant who doesn’t give a fuck about America.
Thank you for pointing this out. It’s obvious that MAGA is beyond having the capacity to think with truth, integrity, decency, or logic. I am so very disheartened by the events of these past few weeks: The Supreme Court’s immunity decision; the horrible debate performance by President Biden; the gaslighting after the shooting at the rally in Pennsylvania, and now Judge Cannon’s dismissal of the secret documents case in Florida. I am trying to ignore all of the pundits and talking heads on cable news/ “mainstream “ news channels. I fear that the lying liars who always lie have won. The truth tellers need to go on the offensive. Thanh you for being one of the truth tellers
Good summary, good examples, but we know that Republicans are hypocrites and Trump is a pathological liar. The problem is the press and pundits let him and all his allies get away with it. Push back is either nonexistent or mild, with the exception of Medi and few others. I agree that violence has to be condemned, but I've been waiting to hear from someone associated with the hospital to give a press statement about Trump's injury. Why not? Was he hit by a bullet or by some debris from a teleprompter or something else. I don't have an answer. I also don't have any information about Trump's current physical health because that's a total black hole. The last information we had is from April 2020 and we learned that Trump has heart disease (his plaque build up had gotten worse over the years), his BMI indicated that he was obese, he as high blood pressure and high cholesterol. But now, apparently, his medical condition is under audit just as his taxes are. Why is no one pursuing this? We also have no indication of what Trump will do with his businesses if he gets back into the White House. Will no one question the lies about this either? But, Biden is old.
I hope the open carry laws in Wisconsin scare the shit out of them. It’s entirely likely that right wing, would be assassins,don’t think Trump is extreme enough on abortion. Plenty of those nut jobs and he blocked the bill to prevent the them from owning AK47s. I Bet that decision looks real different when the crosshair isn’t trained on Nancy but is own big, dumb head.Karma issued a warning shot.
Please keep in mind that many of us have trouble watching and sharing videos (for example in public places). Text is much easier to deal with. If you can post the transcript it will help.
While I detest violence in any form, I think it is taking the wrong path to treat Trump, emotionally, like we would other leaders we have had. He has shown himself, over and over, to be interested only in what benefits him. If he can gain sympathy, and votes, he will use it. We can't let him do that, because it is just one more lie we are willing to accept from him.
The funniest thing I saw was MTG doing a "words are violence" on the weekend. She of all people who literally said Pelosi needs to be executed because of the border and who gave away a 50 cal rifle to one of her Hog followers after saying "this is a tool punish democrats"
Of all the people in the world, she put out a words are violence tweet accusing democrats and what she thinks the left is of legitimizing political violence!
But the professional victim complex is out in full force and will milk this for years to come.
MAGA is MAGA and we must not expect any rational behavior from the fans of DT.
Even the US Congress members of the far right Republican party is no exception, and at times we worry too much about our political correctness than to tell it like it is.
Republicans have what it takes to be dirty, it appears the Democrats are too scared to play in the same league and are too timid to be called dirty players. Let me share a hockey example to explain. Philadelphia Flyers won their last Stanley cup in 1976, they were known as Broad Street Bullies, visiting team dreaded coming into the Arena; they tried to change their style of hockey and got Lindros started using finesse instead of their muscles and have not won since.
There is no way Biden can overtake the show of strength by DT and he should move out of the way for the next generation of leaders of the Party. There is still a chance we can avoid a 2nd term for the MAGA candidate.
Let us not forget those Capitol Hill officers who died or were injured. The attackers Trump promised to “free”. Maybe Karma doesn’t think a bit of ear is enough…
It's the culmination of the persecution complex that this coddled, overpriveleged demographic is allowed by this nation. What's the term, "fuck your feelings"? They're always tough talking, then straight cowards when it's time to nut up. No one should be giving sympathy.
But Mehdi, this is what Republicans have done for decades! They consistently say Democrats are doing what they themselves are doing. And the media plays along.
What I regret is the attempt on his life, I fell to the ground and spotted an opportunity and rose from the ashes like a phoenix, and that moment could win him the election ( I hope not),
If the American justice system actually worked he would already be in prison and none of this would have happened.
I cry every day for my mother (self-identified Black woman, dark brown in color) and grandmother (more the shade of what Black folk would call "lighter than the paper bag test) and great grandmother (50% German, 25% Native American, 25% Black) who looked European even though she self-identified and moved solely in Black circles on most days.
Each were raped.
Each faced hatred from both Black folk and White folk due to either their gender and/or skin tone.
I have so much clarity on hatred and how it is not limited to White folks, many of whom are clear about Trump, but if we are not clear every single day, every single moment, every single time folks target us for hatred...
If we don't respond by holding up the voices of those unafraid--namely people of color, those of religious minorities in the context of the United States--to challenge Trump in ways that challenge him...
If we don't, then we fail this test of how to respond to white Christian-based supremacy.
How do you respond?
You respond with voices of color and those not of Christian faith unable to lie and brave enough to speak their pain and speak their Truth at all times.
That's how you respond to supremacy and those who hawk it.
Trump will play US all like fools after this attempted assassination.
But sure, let's give him and the Party of Supremacy a week to canonize their hate monger.
Let's all sit quietly and think—oh—those Rrepubicans are just SAYING they will seek political retribution on DEMS for them creating a climate where our candidate was nearly killed.
Let the chickens continue to roost?
The progeny they birth will be coming for folks who are not white, are not men, are not heterosexual, are not Christians.
Trump literally praised Mein Kampf, Hitler's blueprint to demagoguery and supremacy as something that spoke to him. "Mein Kampf" translates to "My Struggle" in English. Hitler wrote a book in which he was victim. Trump states it influenced his political strategy.
When people show you who they are—believe them. I have no faith that this changes Trump. It's another opportunity for him to improve his brand of hatred.
Cue the Republican convention posters on the convention floor with Trump bloodied and fist pumping.
You know what?
I am not even mad at Trump's fist pump.
That should be how any Manchurian candidate who gets his ear whistled and nearly cut off by a bullet might respond.
Still, Malcolm X was controversially clear about this. Political violence has context. Malcolm did not wish JFK dead.
Instead, he put the violence that took a political life in context. So should we.
And we should be truthful about it and—
Too many journalists and talking heads normalize this by pretending we can sit down and debate:
1) Whether Trump's racist, hateful rhetoric is too much; or
2) Is Trump just saying what some Americans feel.
It is, of course, both.
But why do we normalize by debating whether white supremacy has a place in our world?
For giving Trump a break.
For journalists not challenging his racist, misogynist and supremacist bona fides every chance we get.
take a break—
for decorum—
for peace—
to give us all a chance not to say that the chickens are coming home to roost even though that is the gosh darned truth.
Let's all play pretend for a week—
Sing kumbaya—
While republicans print his bloodied ear on a t-shirt to raise money so that PROJECT 2025 IS MADE REAL, they get ever closer to turning America into a white and Christian supremacist dictatorship.
Trump will endeavoor to play us all like fools after this attempted assassination.
But sure, let's give him and the Party of Supremacy a week to canonize their hate monger.
Let's all sit quietly and think—oh—they are just SAYING they will seek political retribution on DEMS for them creating a climate where our candidate was nearly killed.
Let the chickens continue to roost.
The progeny they birth will be coming for folks who are not white, are not men, are not heterosexual, are not Christians.
Trump literally praised Mein Kampf, Hitler's blueprint to demagoguery and supremacy as something that spoke to him. "Mein Kampf" translates to "My Struggle" in English. Hitler wrote a book in which he was victim. Trump states it influenced his political strategy.
When people show you who they are—believe them. I have no faith that this changes Trump. It's another opportunity for him to improve his brand of hatred.
Cue the Republican's focusing on Trump's ear on the convention floor with Trump bandaged and fist pumping.
I am not mad at Trump's *delayed* fist pump—even as it was a political show, an afterthought.
This man is a deftly smart political opportunist.
That is a not unreasonable response by any Manchurian candidate who gets his ear whistled and nearly cut off by a bullet and wants to use it for political advantage.
Still, Malcolm X was controversially clear about this.
Political violence has context.
Malcolm did not wish JFK dead when he said, "the chickens are coming home to roost."
He put the violence that took a political life in context.
So should we.
And we should be truthful about it and—
We all need to be like my mother, my grandmother, my great grandmother.
Passion and clarity and a take no prisoners boldness is a legacy all three women bequeathed to me.
I carry them with me and their pain and triumphs every single day of my life.
It's almost as if I am both blessed and haunted by the legacy they left.
Blessed because they spoke their minds always, without filter.
Cursed, because they all died before they were meant to because of what American wrought and I feel a heavy responsibility not to let that happen to generations after me.
My mother, grandmother, and grandmother -- three shades of African descendancy -- each with different experiences within and without their communities due to their sometimes "unwelcomed-by-others" shade of brown.
They moved with power and grace and, on some days, anger.
Neither really got to experience whatever it is America promises emptily and without regard to so many dreams deferred.
Deferred and dismissed were black folk and women and queer folk and folks not Christian.
There must be an unwavering commitment to amplifying their voices, their struggles, their solutions to balance what white supremacy works to dismiss: their humanity, their triumphs, and certainly what was deferred so completely their children and children's children barely are accepted fully equitably in these United States of America, so in denial, so unhinged, so closed to making visible those who are not White and Christian.
Until that changes, America is doomed.
Of that, I have no doubt.
So, I always uplift what they taught me. Never be silent when folks show you their hate and mark you for violence because you are who you are.
I am forever indebted to them.
They were each a firebrand who refused to bow, on most days, to those who would shut them down, and ignore them.
Each walked with a confidence they bequeathed to my siblings and me.
I am my mother, closer to Nubian.
I am my grandmother, closer to a shade that speaks of the promise of those who are open to embracing other than those that look like them.
I am my 50% white grandmother, once splashed with lye by a Black woman, who did not like she held hands with her husband, a shade of black not far from jet black.
Until we each can be empathetic and see those who remain humane despite their pain, than we are doomed to fail as a species, as children of God (if that is what you or others believe), as people of no faith or with faith, that struggle every day to be heard.
We will not get to that place in my lifetime. But hopefully someday. I am 99% pessimistic and 1% optimistic. But that means also I am not absolutely without hope that things can change.
Courage to us all.
Courage to be unafraid and speak our Truth to those who hawk supremacy include one that silences folks who are neither White nor Christian nor both.
Noted this on another thread, but;
It’s the saddest thing in the world watching grown adults sharing the photo of Trump raising his fist with the American flag behind him, as if this disgusting charlatan is a hero. Trump has done everything in his power to make America nastier, more violent, and more hateful. I’m not blaming him for what happened, but he is a wannabe tyrant who doesn’t give a fuck about America.
Thank you for pointing this out. It’s obvious that MAGA is beyond having the capacity to think with truth, integrity, decency, or logic. I am so very disheartened by the events of these past few weeks: The Supreme Court’s immunity decision; the horrible debate performance by President Biden; the gaslighting after the shooting at the rally in Pennsylvania, and now Judge Cannon’s dismissal of the secret documents case in Florida. I am trying to ignore all of the pundits and talking heads on cable news/ “mainstream “ news channels. I fear that the lying liars who always lie have won. The truth tellers need to go on the offensive. Thanh you for being one of the truth tellers
Good summary, good examples, but we know that Republicans are hypocrites and Trump is a pathological liar. The problem is the press and pundits let him and all his allies get away with it. Push back is either nonexistent or mild, with the exception of Medi and few others. I agree that violence has to be condemned, but I've been waiting to hear from someone associated with the hospital to give a press statement about Trump's injury. Why not? Was he hit by a bullet or by some debris from a teleprompter or something else. I don't have an answer. I also don't have any information about Trump's current physical health because that's a total black hole. The last information we had is from April 2020 and we learned that Trump has heart disease (his plaque build up had gotten worse over the years), his BMI indicated that he was obese, he as high blood pressure and high cholesterol. But now, apparently, his medical condition is under audit just as his taxes are. Why is no one pursuing this? We also have no indication of what Trump will do with his businesses if he gets back into the White House. Will no one question the lies about this either? But, Biden is old.
I hope the open carry laws in Wisconsin scare the shit out of them. It’s entirely likely that right wing, would be assassins,don’t think Trump is extreme enough on abortion. Plenty of those nut jobs and he blocked the bill to prevent the them from owning AK47s. I Bet that decision looks real different when the crosshair isn’t trained on Nancy but is own big, dumb head.Karma issued a warning shot.
As insightful as always Mehdi-keep up speaking the truth as you’re so outnumbered in the “press.”
Please keep in mind that many of us have trouble watching and sharing videos (for example in public places). Text is much easier to deal with. If you can post the transcript it will help.
While I detest violence in any form, I think it is taking the wrong path to treat Trump, emotionally, like we would other leaders we have had. He has shown himself, over and over, to be interested only in what benefits him. If he can gain sympathy, and votes, he will use it. We can't let him do that, because it is just one more lie we are willing to accept from him.
I guess Jim Clyburn will now endorse trump to "heal the nation"
Lol, so true
The funniest thing I saw was MTG doing a "words are violence" on the weekend. She of all people who literally said Pelosi needs to be executed because of the border and who gave away a 50 cal rifle to one of her Hog followers after saying "this is a tool punish democrats"
Of all the people in the world, she put out a words are violence tweet accusing democrats and what she thinks the left is of legitimizing political violence!
But the professional victim complex is out in full force and will milk this for years to come.
MAGA is MAGA and we must not expect any rational behavior from the fans of DT.
Even the US Congress members of the far right Republican party is no exception, and at times we worry too much about our political correctness than to tell it like it is.
Republicans have what it takes to be dirty, it appears the Democrats are too scared to play in the same league and are too timid to be called dirty players. Let me share a hockey example to explain. Philadelphia Flyers won their last Stanley cup in 1976, they were known as Broad Street Bullies, visiting team dreaded coming into the Arena; they tried to change their style of hockey and got Lindros started using finesse instead of their muscles and have not won since.
There is no way Biden can overtake the show of strength by DT and he should move out of the way for the next generation of leaders of the Party. There is still a chance we can avoid a 2nd term for the MAGA candidate.
See how Trump incites political violence with this intractive guide:
MAGA Dog Whistles: Learn to recognize the coded calls to Political Violence.
Let us not forget those Capitol Hill officers who died or were injured. The attackers Trump promised to “free”. Maybe Karma doesn’t think a bit of ear is enough…
It's the culmination of the persecution complex that this coddled, overpriveleged demographic is allowed by this nation. What's the term, "fuck your feelings"? They're always tough talking, then straight cowards when it's time to nut up. No one should be giving sympathy.
But Mehdi, this is what Republicans have done for decades! They consistently say Democrats are doing what they themselves are doing. And the media plays along.
What I regret is the attempt on his life, I fell to the ground and spotted an opportunity and rose from the ashes like a phoenix, and that moment could win him the election ( I hope not),
If the American justice system actually worked he would already be in prison and none of this would have happened.
I cry every day for my mother (self-identified Black woman, dark brown in color) and grandmother (more the shade of what Black folk would call "lighter than the paper bag test) and great grandmother (50% German, 25% Native American, 25% Black) who looked European even though she self-identified and moved solely in Black circles on most days.
Each were raped.
Each faced hatred from both Black folk and White folk due to either their gender and/or skin tone.
I have so much clarity on hatred and how it is not limited to White folks, many of whom are clear about Trump, but if we are not clear every single day, every single moment, every single time folks target us for hatred...
If we don't respond by holding up the voices of those unafraid--namely people of color, those of religious minorities in the context of the United States--to challenge Trump in ways that challenge him...
If we don't, then we fail this test of how to respond to white Christian-based supremacy.
How do you respond?
You respond with voices of color and those not of Christian faith unable to lie and brave enough to speak their pain and speak their Truth at all times.
That's how you respond to supremacy and those who hawk it.
Trump will play US all like fools after this attempted assassination.
But sure, let's give him and the Party of Supremacy a week to canonize their hate monger.
Let's all sit quietly and think—oh—those Rrepubicans are just SAYING they will seek political retribution on DEMS for them creating a climate where our candidate was nearly killed.
Let the chickens continue to roost?
The progeny they birth will be coming for folks who are not white, are not men, are not heterosexual, are not Christians.
Trump literally praised Mein Kampf, Hitler's blueprint to demagoguery and supremacy as something that spoke to him. "Mein Kampf" translates to "My Struggle" in English. Hitler wrote a book in which he was victim. Trump states it influenced his political strategy.
When people show you who they are—believe them. I have no faith that this changes Trump. It's another opportunity for him to improve his brand of hatred.
Cue the Republican convention posters on the convention floor with Trump bloodied and fist pumping.
You know what?
I am not even mad at Trump's fist pump.
That should be how any Manchurian candidate who gets his ear whistled and nearly cut off by a bullet might respond.
Still, Malcolm X was controversially clear about this. Political violence has context. Malcolm did not wish JFK dead.
Instead, he put the violence that took a political life in context. So should we.
And we should be truthful about it and—
Too many journalists and talking heads normalize this by pretending we can sit down and debate:
1) Whether Trump's racist, hateful rhetoric is too much; or
2) Is Trump just saying what some Americans feel.
It is, of course, both.
But why do we normalize by debating whether white supremacy has a place in our world?
For giving Trump a break.
For journalists not challenging his racist, misogynist and supremacist bona fides every chance we get.
take a break—
for decorum—
for peace—
to give us all a chance not to say that the chickens are coming home to roost even though that is the gosh darned truth.
Let's all play pretend for a week—
Sing kumbaya—
While republicans print his bloodied ear on a t-shirt to raise money so that PROJECT 2025 IS MADE REAL, they get ever closer to turning America into a white and Christian supremacist dictatorship.
Trump will endeavoor to play us all like fools after this attempted assassination.
But sure, let's give him and the Party of Supremacy a week to canonize their hate monger.
Let's all sit quietly and think—oh—they are just SAYING they will seek political retribution on DEMS for them creating a climate where our candidate was nearly killed.
Let the chickens continue to roost.
The progeny they birth will be coming for folks who are not white, are not men, are not heterosexual, are not Christians.
Trump literally praised Mein Kampf, Hitler's blueprint to demagoguery and supremacy as something that spoke to him. "Mein Kampf" translates to "My Struggle" in English. Hitler wrote a book in which he was victim. Trump states it influenced his political strategy.
When people show you who they are—believe them. I have no faith that this changes Trump. It's another opportunity for him to improve his brand of hatred.
Cue the Republican's focusing on Trump's ear on the convention floor with Trump bandaged and fist pumping.
I am not mad at Trump's *delayed* fist pump—even as it was a political show, an afterthought.
This man is a deftly smart political opportunist.
That is a not unreasonable response by any Manchurian candidate who gets his ear whistled and nearly cut off by a bullet and wants to use it for political advantage.
Still, Malcolm X was controversially clear about this.
Political violence has context.
Malcolm did not wish JFK dead when he said, "the chickens are coming home to roost."
He put the violence that took a political life in context.
So should we.
And we should be truthful about it and—
We all need to be like my mother, my grandmother, my great grandmother.
Passion and clarity and a take no prisoners boldness is a legacy all three women bequeathed to me.
I carry them with me and their pain and triumphs every single day of my life.
It's almost as if I am both blessed and haunted by the legacy they left.
Blessed because they spoke their minds always, without filter.
Cursed, because they all died before they were meant to because of what American wrought and I feel a heavy responsibility not to let that happen to generations after me.
My mother, grandmother, and grandmother -- three shades of African descendancy -- each with different experiences within and without their communities due to their sometimes "unwelcomed-by-others" shade of brown.
They moved with power and grace and, on some days, anger.
Neither really got to experience whatever it is America promises emptily and without regard to so many dreams deferred.
Deferred and dismissed were black folk and women and queer folk and folks not Christian.
There must be an unwavering commitment to amplifying their voices, their struggles, their solutions to balance what white supremacy works to dismiss: their humanity, their triumphs, and certainly what was deferred so completely their children and children's children barely are accepted fully equitably in these United States of America, so in denial, so unhinged, so closed to making visible those who are not White and Christian.
Until that changes, America is doomed.
Of that, I have no doubt.
So, I always uplift what they taught me. Never be silent when folks show you their hate and mark you for violence because you are who you are.
I am forever indebted to them.
They were each a firebrand who refused to bow, on most days, to those who would shut them down, and ignore them.
Each walked with a confidence they bequeathed to my siblings and me.
I am my mother, closer to Nubian.
I am my grandmother, closer to a shade that speaks of the promise of those who are open to embracing other than those that look like them.
I am my 50% white grandmother, once splashed with lye by a Black woman, who did not like she held hands with her husband, a shade of black not far from jet black.
Until we each can be empathetic and see those who remain humane despite their pain, than we are doomed to fail as a species, as children of God (if that is what you or others believe), as people of no faith or with faith, that struggle every day to be heard.
We will not get to that place in my lifetime. But hopefully someday. I am 99% pessimistic and 1% optimistic. But that means also I am not absolutely without hope that things can change.
Courage to us all.
Courage to be unafraid and speak our Truth to those who hawk supremacy include one that silences folks who are neither White nor Christian nor both.