I just watched Owen speaking to James Elder in Rafah. I'm incensed at what I heard, the cruel sheer evil of the Israeli soldiers and their wanton killing. They are drunk on the blood of the Palestinians. I bet if you tied up Blinken and his rotten crew in chairs and made them watch all the crimes the IDF have committed, that afterwards they would still make excuses for them. Also shows you that Biden and his spokespeople are soulless.

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Oh, Blinken and all these other ghouls know whats happening and they do not care. I just watched the interview as well and still kinda shocked. I can`t even begin to imagine how ofteni thouhgt "okay, thats it. they went too far and the US will step in and stop this madness" but no.. Theres nothibg the IOF can do, no matter how genocidal, evil and brutal that will make the US step in and stop this onslaught.

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The UN has now placed on the blacklist of countries that have or are harming children. There're only a handful on the list. I think this should be highlighted more

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*placed Israel

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The IDF are so incompetent, they remind me of the Keystone Cops! I doubt they would be any good in hand to hand combat - only good for bombing and attacking from a distance or by air. I was wondering also if they (Israel) will be represented at the Olympics. If Russia was outlawed in the past, then so should the Israelis. It's a shame for their athletes but fair is fair.

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Thank you for this. I feel like I am going out of my mind with the one-sided reporting. Also, what of the 3 hostages that were killed in the operation. Who are they? Why don't we know their names?

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President Biden has put the American citizenry in an untenable position. It’s vote for me, the Israeli genocidal supporter and enabler, or get Donald J Trump.

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God bless you two outspoken man. Thanks for exposing Israeli lies.

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Thank you for articulating the crazymaking we’re all feeling! 😵‍💫

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Thank you for providing a clear and sane analysis of the current behavior exhibited by the US and Israeli governments. Neither of those governments have the slightest respect for the truth when they address the Gaza conflict.

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Not only is the ratio of 274:4 grotesque, but it's 274 MURDERS to 4 temporary CAPTURES. 274 murders AND countless maimings & injuries, to 4 temporary captures. Four kidnapped Israeli hostages who were treated far better by Hamas, than the THOUSANDS of kidnapped Palestinian hostages are treated by Israel. EVERY part of the equation is its own horror.

Regarding the perpetual, wilfully-backward, bad-faith, aggressive misrepresentation of your opinions: Would either of you, or both of you, consider suing these far-right propagandists for defamation? Might it be possible to block that one avenue of their incitement to mass-murder and genocide?

It's just not possible for them to believe the imbecilic lies they tell about you. You are so careful (both of you) to qualify your comments, that I personally find it to be too deferential. There's no possible way for anyone to genuinely 'mistake' you to mean that you wish hostages were still hostages.

As I mention above: It's not just their attempts to damage your reputations that are the problem; it's their use of defamation as a strategy to defend mass murder.

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Great programme again. I have been feeling so mad at the gaslighting too. I watched Blinken the other night lying & gaslighting for his life I nearly threw something at the tv I was so mad! Thanks for showing me I am not alone in this.

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Lovelies, Mehdi and Owen, as always both of you are Marvelous❤️❤️❤️ and again thank you for your voices 💗💗💗

It has been proven throughout time and years, that people of colour's are less and are undeserving of existence like the white people, but I still don't understand the fact that Abraham and Jesus are originally Palestinian "NOT WHITE"

All this is a LIE and it is natural resources and land grab.


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Susan - I think you will find Abraham was born near UR, Mesopotamia. Modern day Iraq. True, Jesus was a Palestinian Jew.

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Thank you,😊😊😊 yes you are correct☺️☺️☺️, but he had dark skin color, I have a feeling he was not blond with freckles and blue eyes, LO)L.

I don't have any hate towards white, but it has always been like this throughout history no mater the location, but being dark skin and a Muslim, OMG that is a double hate, triple hate considering being Palestinian.

Thank you again for the correction ❤️❤️❤️

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I've been giving money to families in Gaza but other than that it's really hard to know how to help as an ordinary citizen.

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The American leadership cannot or will not stop Netanyahu's Genocidal rampage. Biden's red line is considered a joke by the Israelis. Meanwhile, when Blinken comes around to have a chat with the Arab leadership, he follows it up with more 2000-pound bombs for the IDF and vetoes the vote for Palestine's Statehood. If this is not an insult to MBS and Co, then we are not sure what an insult is. By intercepting the Iranian missiles over Israel, the Sheikhs thought they had got the attention of the demented Joe. We can call it the Arab delusion not shared by Hamas, Iran, Houthis and Hizbollah.

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similar things on morning joe this week, where they spend 20mins blaming hamas for not taking the deal, later reduced to hamas have asked for conditions that the israelis will not accept so its them that is collapsing the deal, and then when they went to the israel correspondent in tel aviv he is correcting them , saying israel has not confirmed their end of the deal, causing them to backtrack and CYA happens :(

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My mind keeps going back to the hostages/pow’s wouldn’t have needed rescuing if Hamas (not the people of Gaza) hadn’t kidnapped them. I’m at both sides are wrong at this point.

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Thank you both, gentlemen.

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