As you mentioned Spain, you forgot my home country, Ireland, definite contenders ☘️❤️☮️

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Mehdi, you forgot yourself. Obviously, you're Hamas as well.

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and I am also because I am opposed to hopelessness and hypocrisy. I have an Israeli friend for 45 years who told me I was not allowed to say anything negative or criticize Israel. She has changed into a complete racist and denial about Palestine even ever existing. She has become delusional and has told me I have changed. I told her I have not and that her thinking is deadly. She wants to destroy the Al Aqsa Compound and rebuild the Temple Mount. She is full of hate and despicable speech. She says all Arabs are monsters. Her mother was in a concentration camp. How can she be so cruel to helpless people and starving people and children. She was unwilling to have her child be in the IDF because she was afraid he would die. She has no empathy for others. Only Israelis. She used to be open minded. Now she wants all Palestinians out. Israel wants more and more land. The love of money is the root of all evil.

She feels entitled and superior in race, intellect and power. It doesn’t concern her at all that all of occupied territories and Gaza are dying. She blames them for their own deaths. Psychosis.

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I'm so sorry your friend turned out this way. I've had a similar experience with people around me but maybe not this extreme and it is tough when you recognize a person is lost, not only to oneself but in general.

But I guess that's what happens when you've been told the things she is saying here throughout your whole life. And listening to Israelis or jews in diaspora who overcame this Propaganda, it is quite tough to let go of something that has been hammered in your head for decades.

I truly hope you maybe can get through to her. Not completely change her way of thinking but planting little thoughts here and there as a starting point. That's how I tried to do it, sometimes successful and sometimes not so much...

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She was never open-minded, her mask fell of, just like millions of other Israelis.

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Waaaay Khamasssss

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But Netanyahu, who supported the existence of Hamas, is NOT Hamas??

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International Court of Justice (ICJ)

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90 % of the world population supports Gaza Palestine. They must also be Khamass

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I really don't care what my label is. As a South African born into apartheid (classified as "non-white") and having been involved in the anti-apartheid struggle, I recognize apartheid when I see it. I have no choice but to call out those who promote acts of oppression and injustice of the Palestinian people. I condemn, in the strongest terms, the brutal treatment and genocide of the Palestinian people.

Like South Africa, PALESTINE WILL BE FREE!! ✊ 🇵🇸

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Pope Francis, Jon Stewart and Bassem Youssef are Hamas.

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Francesca Albanese is Hamas

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Oxfam !

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Not confronting this genocidal regime would be akin to not confronting Hitler out of fear of destabilizing Europe

" Gaza has become the moral compass of the world " - Rev. Munther Isaac

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you have missed out a few important ones..

Water is Hamas - as israeli blew up the water treatment plant?

4 days old babies will probably be Hamas ...as well , i guess we will have to wait for the "Report" which never arrives? :(

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Proud to be a subscriber for one of the few independent voices in journalism, unafraid to call out what is clearly a human rights catastrophe: a purposeful, planned and ongoing genocide. All with the aid and support of the American government. These genocidal maniacs appear to have the blessing of the vast majority of the Israeli population. They think they are superior to the indigenous population, they are entitled to their land. They have four decades, systematically rid the place of Palestinians by any means possible. This looks and smells much like Germany in the 1930s and 40s.

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Agree. Perhaps worse because they know. Their parents survived a genocide.

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Through all the grizzly awful months and months of Israel's genocide in Gaza, Hamas has been conveniently and deviously used as a bogeyman to justify utter depravity. Yet, little real attention is paid to what and who Hamas really is. There is an urgent need to demythologize Hamas. To make the crucial point that, when an entire people - the Palestinians - face never-ending oppression and deprivation of all rights by an occupier - they too have a right to "defend themselves" - just as Israel constantly claims. October 7 happened - unlike the US 9/11 - against a backdrop of massively rising Israeli violence against Palestinians.

Hamas - as a branch of the Moslem Brotherhood - began as a social welfare organization. Like similar organizations in similar contexts - including the Jim Crow South of the USA - religious institutions (churches, mosques, sinagogues) have become relatively more "safe" places from which to help the ostracized and the oppressed. Hizbollah similarly first emerged in South Lebanon in the 1980s in response to the oppression of poor Shia brought on by Israel's invasion.

That Hamas and similar organizations - like the ANC in apartheid South Africa - soon established armed military wings was in response to state violence against them. For all the lies and misinformation intentionally spread to justify the eternal conflict Israel seeks to wage, as Allison Weir's "If Americans Knew" recently detailed, Hamas has offered a long term peace to Israel thirty times in the past. Each time they were rebuffed by Israel and the USA. Because Israel needs perpetually ongoing conflict to justify settlement expansion - even though it is illegal and unjustifiable.

Seen in this light, when Netanyahu talks of eradicating or destroying Hamas, this is really code for eradicating or destroying the Palestinian people. This is why the ICJ has ruled there is a plausible case of genocide being conducted by Israel and that Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories in The West Bank and Gaza is illegal under international law.

In 2006 shortly after winning the PA legislative elections, Hamas' leadership - including the now assassinated Ismail Haniya - publicly offered Israel to enter into peace talks for a long term truce (hudna). This offer was repeated for months throughout 2006 by the top leadership of Hamas. Op-eds appeared in major Western newspapers detailing the offer - including in the New York Times, the Washington Post, The Guardian UK among others. Strangely the archives of these newspapers now seem to have "lost" these op-eds. Though I recently recovered a copy from the Labour Net UK website.

It is worth noting too that even other Palestinian leaders and organizations - who have disagreements with Hamas - such as Hanan Ashrawi, a Christian - have readily pointed out the true social nature of Hamas as an organization. See Ashrawi's interview a few months ago available on YouTube.

All this is not to say that Hamas has not had its own major political flaws and problems. Nor that all or most Palestinians support it. And of course there have been many violent acts committed - just as there have been many many violent acts by Israel.

Just as in the cases of apartheid South Africa, and Mau Mau Kenya, colonial settler violence and oppression will always result in self-defense - including armed self-defense. The best way to end this is not to demonize the oppressed and raise the level of state violence - as Israel has done. It is to end the occupation and give those excluded full civil, legal and human rights and equality. It is worth recalling that Jomo Kenyatta - once the hated and feared leader of Mau Mau - later became the first president of an independent Kenya, and was later much respected by the British leaders he had fought against.

History shows how to end the armed struggle waged by Hamas. It is through a just peace - not through never-ending war.

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You missed Gaza Health Ministry and the ICC prosecutor, Karim Khan

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Love the digest updates and the Hamas list is a great edition. It really helps to look back over the craziness of the past ten months and see how insane Israel has been. Great work!

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