How are they able to conduct so many atrocities in so many countries all at once- at such a destructive scale. In full view of the world. And why are the Arab countries surrounding Israel not speaking up (besides Turkey) at this point? Do they not see that Israel’s “bonds” and relationships with others are dispensable? Are they not concerned? The silence is deafening.

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How will Israel justify continuing massacring Gaza now?

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They don't feel that they really need to bother too much about justifying anything or indeed whether anyone believes whatever justifications they come up with. They are a law unto themselves and have the full backing of both major parties in the USA and most of the governments of Europe + India and ANZ, not to mention western MSM.

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Voting red or blue will not stop the genocide. These people are all in because they have sold themselves to their donors, Zionists and the Defence Industry. You are delusional if you believe it can be stopped within these Parties: Vote Green or something else (non-Genocidal).

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Israel being allowed by the US to kill and terrorise as they please, and perpetrate this genocide, has made me think that is why the US is only a two party political system and it’s hard for a third party to win or get seats in congress… Because having only two parties makes it much easier for greedy and corrupt donors to control and have a stake in what happens.

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I'm voting Jill Stein tomorrow.

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Surely Israelis must now realize that Netanyahu is never going to rescue their loved ones who are being held hostage. How no Israeli has tried to get even with him is beyond me. If the Israelis are so good at finding the location of people they want dead, then surely they must know the location of the hostages. As for the U.S., they have a lot to answer for when all this is over and done with. Their complicity has been there for all to see since the beginning. All the Israelis have accomplished with the death of Sinwar is to make their perceived enemies even more frothing mad.

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I cancelled my WP and NYT subscriptions and directed them to Zeteo and Drop Site News. Well worth it!

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Thanks Mehdi, Rula, and Jeremy.

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Kamala has made a statement and is creating an illusion of an end of the atrocities and again villainizing the “ enemy “ .. this is all propaganda. They will make a movie out of this and further gas light the clueless sheep.

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You can kill thousands of people but you can’t kill peoples desires for Freedom

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I tuned in a few hours ago and had to take an antianxiety pill afterwards. This whole country is a hot damn mess. There is no one in political office representing The people. I'm tired. Fuck it!!!

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Israel can kill the leaders, but others will replace! You don’t kill ideas

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The AIPAC-backed Israel has been known to kill many leaders of the Palestinian people for 70+ years. Did that bring the Palestinians to their knees and give up their homes?

They have been known to murder Iranian scientist. Did that prevent Iran for developing nuclear enrichment?

The resistance to this Zazi regime will continue until Palestine has been liberated.

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As long as Hamas does not confirm he is not dead. They also M.Deif 7 times. Never beleive thoseHyper pathological liars

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*killed M.Deif 7 times…

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I'm not convinced it was Sinwar. I'm holding out hope. But it ultimately doesn't matter, because the resistance network runs deep.

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I hate you Israel...there...I said it. You offer nothing but misery to our world. I am a very proud anti-semite...how can I not be?

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Excellent but very scary discussion. I've read the Biden/Harris statements which make it sound as if the assassination of Sinwar will change everything. I can't help but be skeptical. One has to wonder if the assassination of Netanyahu would stop Israel from its present course. Why does anyone think the psychology of losing a leader would be different for Hamas as opposed to Israel?

It is a brutal irony that after killing 42,000 Palestinians in search of Sinwar, his killing was, well, pretty much accidental. And I fear the creation of a martyr, much though he probably deserved to be brought to justice. I'm not sure offing him is my concept of justice; I'd rather he had been tried and convicted.

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It's time to take the Resistance to the White House.

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I tried to post this previously. I was in DC when Netanyahu spoke. They blocked all access, so we wound up at Union Station. But barely anyone showed up. I spent nearly 4 hours just trying to find fellow protesters.

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Why don’t we ever see Hamas fighters in video images or Gaza?

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Because you're not watching the Electronic Intifada, whose intrepid analyst and journalist Jon Elmer brings "The Resistance Report", showing Hamas and Hizbollah fighters engaging in battles with the IOF, filmed by members of their own resistance, each Wednesday for the last year. Catch up with the EI Podcast at https://electronicintifada.net/

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I follow RNN Prisoners and Resistance News Network on Telegram when I have enough time. There's also Quds News Network.

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