When you think your own country can't get any worse or embarrassing, it stoops us lower and lower...seems like the end of USA since the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness has been traded for zion-extremism. There is no rule of law...we are failing, falling.

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Yes, I support your observation. The American empire appears to be collapsing.

Slowly and violently.


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To understand the the US support of Israel we have to go back to the roots:

“It was a very racist country all the way through its history, not just anti-black. That was Jefferson’s image and the others more or less agreed with it. So it’s a settler colonialist society. Settler colonialism is far and away the worst kind of imperialism, the most savage kind because it requires eliminating the indigenous population. That’s not unrelated, I think, to the kind of reflexive U.S. support for Israel—which is also a settler colonial society. Its policies resonate with a sense of American history. It’s kind of reliving it. It goes beyond that because the early settlers in the U.S. were religious fundamentalists who regarded themselves as the children of Israel, following the divine commandment to settle the promised land and slaughter the Amalekitesand so on and so forth. That’s right around here, the early settlers in Massachusetts.”

Noam Chomsky

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Thank you for your comment. I think I responded but don't see my response here. 100% agree with your observations. Native Americans certainly understand it. Not to mention countless other countries that have been colonized and settled by Supremist. Best

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P.S. Sally Hemmings...they were so violent and I can't imagine the terrible things that must have taken place. Yet we revere these men. Clearly he was a pedophile. I'm sure it was rampant and it normalized. Humanity can make me want to vomit and I am truly sick to my stomach. It takes a lot to keep going. May the force be with all of those who are fighting for humanity.

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Ok. Yet, that implies today's citizens are identical to those that founded our country, is if time stands still for 200 years. I don't buy it. Further, my ancestors were Scott/Irish and came to USA not as slave owners. This melting pot of America is way more diverse than 250+ years ago. We the people can and must unite against our common enemy, foreign and domestic. Today, that's zionism.

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Mark The sentiment is still here and never went away. That is why Trump got in. Racism, patriarchy, misogyny all institutionalized and normalized. Ask any person that is still feeling the oppression today. It's all still here and folks like Trump are happy to fight to keep it.

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also they are afraid of the browning of American. Immigrants were okay as long as they were breaking their backs for someone else. Ahhh...but once they move up the chain become educated...time to re-think what to do. Disgusting.

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To understand the the US support of Israel we have to go back to the roots:

“It was a very racist country all the way through its history, not just anti-black. That was Jefferson’s image and the others more or less agreed with it. So it’s a settler colonialist society. Settler colonialism is far and away the worst kind of imperialism, the most savage kind because it requires eliminating the indigenous population. That’s not unrelated, I think, to the kind of reflexive U.S. support for Israel—which is also a settler colonial society. Its policies resonate with a sense of American history. It’s kind of reliving it. It goes beyond that because the early settlers in the U.S. were religious fundamentalists who regarded themselves as the children of Israel, following the divine commandment to settle the promised land and slaughter the Amalekitesand so on and so forth. That’s right around here, the early settlers in Massachusetts.”

Noam Chomsky

Get much more information on my Website https://myworldpresscom-q3v06u8sfn.live-website.com/mein.../

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Ok. Yet, that implies today's citizens are identical to those that founded our country, is if time stands still for 200 years. I don't buy it. Further, my ancestors were Scott/Irish and came to USA not as slave owners. This melting pot of America is way more diverse than 250+ years ago. We the people can and must unite against our common enemy, foreign and domestic. Today, that's zionism.

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Not everyone is still like that but many are. Especially those old enough to occupy positions of power. Joe Biden is definitely still like that. Trump is still like that. I think the vast majority of the US government, on both sides, is still like that. Murderous racism, settler colonialism is bipartisan.

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Agreed. Exactly right. Not everyone but seemingly everyone in a position of power. Thanks AIPAC and the blind eye Americans turn...thinking we can trust our leadership. We need to question every representative now and not let them go on as business as usual...enough is enough.

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My entire world view has completely shifted since October 7th. I see the Zionist ideology everywhere. So very ashamed of our so called global “leaders”. There are no leaders. Only bootlickers left in the room.

The US, UK, (especially) Germany have shown themselves to be no better that the Israelis who have been allowed to get their murderous tentacles literally everywhere 🤑🤑

The world has awoken after a mighty slumber …and it’s terrifying.

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My entire world has changed, too! What do we actually mean with “ terrorism”? The meaning of the word has changed for me. And it will NEVER be the same again!

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To understand the the US support of Israel we have to go back to the roots:

“It was a very racist country all the way through its history, not just anti-black. That was Jefferson’s image and the others more or less agreed with it. So it’s a settler colonialist society. Settler colonialism is far and away the worst kind of imperialism, the most savage kind because it requires eliminating the indigenous population. That’s not unrelated, I think, to the kind of reflexive U.S. support for Israel—which is also a settler colonial society. Its policies resonate with a sense of American history. It’s kind of reliving it. It goes beyond that because the early settlers in the U.S. were religious fundamentalists who regarded themselves as the children of Israel, following the divine commandment to settle the promised land and slaughter the Amalekitesand so on and so forth. That’s right around here, the early settlers in Massachusetts.”

Noam Chomsky

Get much more information on my Website https://myworldpresscom-q3v06u8sfn.live-website.com/mein.../

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Thank you for this! I photographed your reply! ❤️

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To understand the the US support of Israel we have to go back to the roots:

“It was a very racist country all the way through its history, not just anti-black. That was Jefferson’s image and the others more or less agreed with it. So it’s a settler colonialist society. Settler colonialism is far and away the worst kind of imperialism, the most savage kind because it requires eliminating the indigenous population. That’s not unrelated, I think, to the kind of reflexive U.S. support for Israel—which is also a settler colonial society. Its policies resonate with a sense of American history. It’s kind of reliving it. It goes beyond that because the early settlers in the U.S. were religious fundamentalists who regarded themselves as the children of Israel, following the divine commandment to settle the promised land and slaughter the Amalekitesand so on and so forth. That’s right around here, the early settlers in Massachusetts.”

Noam Chomsky

Get much more information on my Website https://myworldpresscom-q3v06u8sfn.live-website.com/mein.../

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Is there a maximum level of disgust? I keep thinking I've reached it, "but wait there's more . . .".

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To understand the the US support of Israel we have to go back to the roots:

“It was a very racist country all the way through its history, not just anti-black. That was Jefferson’s image and the others more or less agreed with it. So it’s a settler colonialist society. Settler colonialism is far and away the worst kind of imperialism, the most savage kind because it requires eliminating the indigenous population. That’s not unrelated, I think, to the kind of reflexive U.S. support for Israel—which is also a settler colonial society. Its policies resonate with a sense of American history. It’s kind of reliving it. It goes beyond that because the early settlers in the U.S. were religious fundamentalists who regarded themselves as the children of Israel, following the divine commandment to settle the promised land and slaughter the Amalekitesand so on and so forth. That’s right around here, the early settlers in Massachusetts.”

Noam Chomsky

Get much more information on my Website https://myworldpresscom-q3v06u8sfn.live-website.com/mein.../

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Has the US government failed the Palestinians? The answer is hell yes. They are responsible for many, many deaths of children, alone. But the US actually expects citizens to support their warped decisions and insane actions. The US is now a truly failed nation.

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To understand the the US support of Israel we have to go back to the roots:

“It was a very racist country all the way through its history, not just anti-black. That was Jefferson’s image and the others more or less agreed with it. So it’s a settler colonialist society. Settler colonialism is far and away the worst kind of imperialism, the most savage kind because it requires eliminating the indigenous population. That’s not unrelated, I think, to the kind of reflexive U.S. support for Israel—which is also a settler colonial society. Its policies resonate with a sense of American history. It’s kind of reliving it. It goes beyond that because the early settlers in the U.S. were religious fundamentalists who regarded themselves as the children of Israel, following the divine commandment to settle the promised land and slaughter the Amalekitesand so on and so forth. That’s right around here, the early settlers in Massachusetts.”

Noam Chomsky

Get much more information on my Website https://myworldpresscom-q3v06u8sfn.live-website.com/mein.../

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And they are still awaiting the results of the pretend investigation into the killing of Hinde, her family and rescuers. The word for this device, I believe, is “ploy.”

They continue to pretend they are doing something and we’re supposed to pretend their response is plausible.

It’s also about waiting. Waiting until it’s water under their bridge. And more blood under the bridge of Palestinians.

They are hoping to accomplish a fait accompli.

They do this with full knowledge and awareness of what they are doing.

They are cold-blooded sociopaths.

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To understand the the US support of Israel we have to go back to the roots:

“It was a very racist country all the way through its history, not just anti-black. That was Jefferson’s image and the others more or less agreed with it. So it’s a settler colonialist society. Settler colonialism is far and away the worst kind of imperialism, the most savage kind because it requires eliminating the indigenous population. That’s not unrelated, I think, to the kind of reflexive U.S. support for Israel—which is also a settler colonial society. Its policies resonate with a sense of American history. It’s kind of reliving it. It goes beyond that because the early settlers in the U.S. were religious fundamentalists who regarded themselves as the children of Israel, following the divine commandment to settle the promised land and slaughter the Amalekitesand so on and so forth. That’s right around here, the early settlers in Massachusetts.”

Noam Chomsky

Get much more information on my Website https://myworldpresscom-q3v06u8sfn.live-website.com/mein.../

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Those letters are the biggest joke. They NEVER mean what they say. Just trying to placate the masses

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To understand the the US support of Israel we have to go back to the roots:

“It was a very racist country all the way through its history, not just anti-black. That was Jefferson’s image and the others more or less agreed with it. So it’s a settler colonialist society. Settler colonialism is far and away the worst kind of imperialism, the most savage kind because it requires eliminating the indigenous population. That’s not unrelated, I think, to the kind of reflexive U.S. support for Israel—which is also a settler colonial society. Its policies resonate with a sense of American history. It’s kind of reliving it. It goes beyond that because the early settlers in the U.S. were religious fundamentalists who regarded themselves as the children of Israel, following the divine commandment to settle the promised land and slaughter the Amalekitesand so on and so forth. That’s right around here, the early settlers in Massachusetts.”

Noam Chomsky

Get much more information on my Website https://myworldpresscom-q3v06u8sfn.live-website.com/mein.../

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Yet more proof that we Americans are all hostages to our sold-out politicians, and most unfortunately for Palestinians.

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To understand the the US support of Israel we have to go back to the roots:

“It was a very racist country all the way through its history, not just anti-black. That was Jefferson’s image and the others more or less agreed with it. So it’s a settler colonialist society. Settler colonialism is far and away the worst kind of imperialism, the most savage kind because it requires eliminating the indigenous population. That’s not unrelated, I think, to the kind of reflexive U.S. support for Israel—which is also a settler colonial society. Its policies resonate with a sense of American history. It’s kind of reliving it. It goes beyond that because the early settlers in the U.S. were religious fundamentalists who regarded themselves as the children of Israel, following the divine commandment to settle the promised land and slaughter the Amalekitesand so on and so forth. That’s right around here, the early settlers in Massachusetts.”

Noam Chomsky

Get much more information on my Website https://myworldpresscom-q3v06u8sfn.live-website.com/mein.../

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Thank you for your reporting, Prem, I've been following your work and it's admirable. I'm not sure if I believe in hell, but there is a special place there for people who are contributing to heinous war crimes like this (and that's a severe understatement). How this administration can live with themselves is beyond me. Shameful and disgraceful

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To understand the the US support of Israel we have to go back to the roots:

“It was a very racist country all the way through its history, not just anti-black. That was Jefferson’s image and the others more or less agreed with it. So it’s a settler colonialist society. Settler colonialism is far and away the worst kind of imperialism, the most savage kind because it requires eliminating the indigenous population. That’s not unrelated, I think, to the kind of reflexive U.S. support for Israel—which is also a settler colonial society. Its policies resonate with a sense of American history. It’s kind of reliving it. It goes beyond that because the early settlers in the U.S. were religious fundamentalists who regarded themselves as the children of Israel, following the divine commandment to settle the promised land and slaughter the Amalekitesand so on and so forth. That’s right around here, the early settlers in Massachusetts.”

Noam Chomsky

Get much more information on my Website https://myworldpresscom-q3v06u8sfn.live-website.com/mein.../

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No words, but those of utter condemnation that the US chooses to ignore its own warning to Israel. The shame brought to this great nation by "politics" we thought belonged only to the insurrectionist President. Wrong. President Biden, by the time he leaves office will have lost his hard-earned, well-deserved acclaim for accomplishments in the face of ignoring the Palestinian/Lebanon holocaust.

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To understand the the US support of Israel we have to go back to the roots:

“It was a very racist country all the way through its history, not just anti-black. That was Jefferson’s image and the others more or less agreed with it. So it’s a settler colonialist society. Settler colonialism is far and away the worst kind of imperialism, the most savage kind because it requires eliminating the indigenous population. That’s not unrelated, I think, to the kind of reflexive U.S. support for Israel—which is also a settler colonial society. Its policies resonate with a sense of American history. It’s kind of reliving it. It goes beyond that because the early settlers in the U.S. were religious fundamentalists who regarded themselves as the children of Israel, following the divine commandment to settle the promised land and slaughter the Amalekitesand so on and so forth. That’s right around here, the early settlers in Massachusetts.”

Noam Chomsky

Get much more information on my Website https://myworldpresscom-q3v06u8sfn.live-website.com/mein.../

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Great work Prem. I can’t understand how openly our politicians lie. How can they be so corrupt and point fingers at others for human rights violations. Our govt has allowed the worst human rights violations to happen. So shameful. Hope these corrupt and evil people get punished. History will remember them.

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To understand the the US support of Israel we have to go back to the roots:

“It was a very racist country all the way through its history, not just anti-black. That was Jefferson’s image and the others more or less agreed with it. So it’s a settler colonialist society. Settler colonialism is far and away the worst kind of imperialism, the most savage kind because it requires eliminating the indigenous population. That’s not unrelated, I think, to the kind of reflexive U.S. support for Israel—which is also a settler colonial society. Its policies resonate with a sense of American history. It’s kind of reliving it. It goes beyond that because the early settlers in the U.S. were religious fundamentalists who regarded themselves as the children of Israel, following the divine commandment to settle the promised land and slaughter the Amalekitesand so on and so forth. That’s right around here, the early settlers in Massachusetts.”

Noam Chomsky

Get much more information on my Website https://myworldpresscom-q3v06u8sfn.live-website.com/mein.../

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Prem always doing the real work! 🫶👊

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To understand the the US support of Israel we have to go back to the roots:

“It was a very racist country all the way through its history, not just anti-black. That was Jefferson’s image and the others more or less agreed with it. So it’s a settler colonialist society. Settler colonialism is far and away the worst kind of imperialism, the most savage kind because it requires eliminating the indigenous population. That’s not unrelated, I think, to the kind of reflexive U.S. support for Israel—which is also a settler colonial society. Its policies resonate with a sense of American history. It’s kind of reliving it. It goes beyond that because the early settlers in the U.S. were religious fundamentalists who regarded themselves as the children of Israel, following the divine commandment to settle the promised land and slaughter the Amalekitesand so on and so forth. That’s right around here, the early settlers in Massachusetts.”

Noam Chomsky

Get much more information on my Website https://myworldpresscom-q3v06u8sfn.live-website.com/mein.../

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Prem, the U.S. has never genuinely supported a two-state solution. It’s all talk and empty promises. The pro-Israel lobby is simply too powerful to challenge. Biden, Blinken and the west in general are complicit in the genocidal continuum of the Palestinian people. If you think things are bad now, just wait—what's coming will be pure unadulterated evil!

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To understand the the US support of Israel we have to go back to the roots:

“It was a very racist country all the way through its history, not just anti-black. That was Jefferson’s image and the others more or less agreed with it. So it’s a settler colonialist society. Settler colonialism is far and away the worst kind of imperialism, the most savage kind because it requires eliminating the indigenous population. That’s not unrelated, I think, to the kind of reflexive U.S. support for Israel—which is also a settler colonial society. Its policies resonate with a sense of American history. It’s kind of reliving it. It goes beyond that because the early settlers in the U.S. were religious fundamentalists who regarded themselves as the children of Israel, following the divine commandment to settle the promised land and slaughter the Amalekitesand so on and so forth. That’s right around here, the early settlers in Massachusetts.”

Noam Chomsky

Get much more information on my Website https://myworldpresscom-q3v06u8sfn.live-website.com/mein.../

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Is there a lower sense of shame? The level of shamelessness of this administration is astounding.

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To understand the the US support of Israel we have to go back to the roots:

“It was a very racist country all the way through its history, not just anti-black. That was Jefferson’s image and the others more or less agreed with it. So it’s a settler colonialist society. Settler colonialism is far and away the worst kind of imperialism, the most savage kind because it requires eliminating the indigenous population. That’s not unrelated, I think, to the kind of reflexive U.S. support for Israel—which is also a settler colonial society. Its policies resonate with a sense of American history. It’s kind of reliving it. It goes beyond that because the early settlers in the U.S. were religious fundamentalists who regarded themselves as the children of Israel, following the divine commandment to settle the promised land and slaughter the Amalekitesand so on and so forth. That’s right around here, the early settlers in Massachusetts.”

Noam Chomsky

Get much more information on my Website https://myworldpresscom-q3v06u8sfn.live-website.com/mein.../

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This is Disgusting America. An Insane Psychopathic Racist Genocidal Cowardly Zionist Israel is allowed, supported and financed by America to Genocide and Ethnic Cleanse people of their own country contrary to US and International laws. If the US just applied the Leahy Law this never would have happened. Genocide, actually a Holocaust of Defenseless mostly Women and Children! What Cowards!

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To understand the the US support of Israel we have to go back to the roots:

“It was a very racist country all the way through its history, not just anti-black. That was Jefferson’s image and the others more or less agreed with it. So it’s a settler colonialist society. Settler colonialism is far and away the worst kind of imperialism, the most savage kind because it requires eliminating the indigenous population. That’s not unrelated, I think, to the kind of reflexive U.S. support for Israel—which is also a settler colonial society. Its policies resonate with a sense of American history. It’s kind of reliving it. It goes beyond that because the early settlers in the U.S. were religious fundamentalists who regarded themselves as the children of Israel, following the divine commandment to settle the promised land and slaughter the Amalekitesand so on and so forth. That’s right around here, the early settlers in Massachusetts.”

Noam Chomsky

Get much more information on my Website https://myworldpresscom-q3v06u8sfn.live-website.com/mein.../

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Yes, I'm familiar with that. However it is no excuse which I know you were not implying it was.

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Was it really a warning? More like a tentative nudge with the full knowledge that it would be ignored and even rebelled against.

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To understand the the US support of Israel we have to go back to the roots:

“It was a very racist country all the way through its history, not just anti-black. That was Jefferson’s image and the others more or less agreed with it. So it’s a settler colonialist society. Settler colonialism is far and away the worst kind of imperialism, the most savage kind because it requires eliminating the indigenous population. That’s not unrelated, I think, to the kind of reflexive U.S. support for Israel—which is also a settler colonial society. Its policies resonate with a sense of American history. It’s kind of reliving it. It goes beyond that because the early settlers in the U.S. were religious fundamentalists who regarded themselves as the children of Israel, following the divine commandment to settle the promised land and slaughter the Amalekitesand so on and so forth. That’s right around here, the early settlers in Massachusetts.”

Noam Chomsky

Get much more information on my Website https://myworldpresscom-q3v06u8sfn.live-website.com/mein.../

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Are we supposed to believe this wasn't the plan from the beginning? Israel permitted 10 trucks of meat and fresh produce in just before the deadline and immediately upon unloading of the trucks bombed and set fire to them. Zionist depravity is visible in everything they do. Antony Blinken has been the one implementing Netanyahu's plan within the US Government. They have made a mockery of America.

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Can you provide a link to this story, about Israel bombing and burning aid trucks.? Thanks.

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To understand the the US support of Israel we have to go back to the roots:

“It was a very racist country all the way through its history, not just anti-black. That was Jefferson’s image and the others more or less agreed with it. So it’s a settler colonialist society. Settler colonialism is far and away the worst kind of imperialism, the most savage kind because it requires eliminating the indigenous population. That’s not unrelated, I think, to the kind of reflexive U.S. support for Israel—which is also a settler colonial society. Its policies resonate with a sense of American history. It’s kind of reliving it. It goes beyond that because the early settlers in the U.S. were religious fundamentalists who regarded themselves as the children of Israel, following the divine commandment to settle the promised land and slaughter the Amalekitesand so on and so forth. That’s right around here, the early settlers in Massachusetts.”

Noam Chomsky

Get much more information on my Website https://myworldpresscom-q3v06u8sfn.live-website.com/mein.../

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To understand the the US support of Israel we have to go back to the roots:

“It was a very racist country all the way through its history, not just anti-black. That was Jefferson’s image and the others more or less agreed with it. So it’s a settler colonialist society. Settler colonialism is far and away the worst kind of imperialism, the most savage kind because it requires eliminating the indigenous population. That’s not unrelated, I think, to the kind of reflexive U.S. support for Israel—which is also a settler colonial society. Its policies resonate with a sense of American history. It’s kind of reliving it. It goes beyond that because the early settlers in the U.S. were religious fundamentalists who regarded themselves as the children of Israel, following the divine commandment to settle the promised land and slaughter the Amalekitesand so on and so forth. That’s right around here, the early settlers in Massachusetts.”

Noam Chomsky

Get much more information on my Website https://myworldpresscom-q3v06u8sfn.live-website.com/mein.../

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