This was very difficult for me to write. Thank you for allowing me to share her story and share a glimpse of her character to the world.

Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon.

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I'm so sorry for your loss! She must've been a wonderful human being.

I really don't know what to say because I feel there's not much I can say.

It's just so incredibly sad and infuriating.

May she rest in peace

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My deepest sympathy to you, and to all who knew this remarkable, caring and joyous young woman. Her murder touches me deeply.

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Such a heartbreaking story. Thank you for being able to share. May her death not be another forgotten sacrifice on the altar of America's "ironclad commitment".

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What a beautiful human. Its a gut wrenching loss. Its sickening that the Biden or Harris have nothing to say about the IDF murdering another American.

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The indifference of the Biden administration to the endless slaughter of innocent people in Gaza and the West Bank is sickening and disgusting. Their empty words of concern are nauseating. They refuse to do the ONE thing that would help: stop supplying arms to the Israeli government!

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They could impose the ceasefire themselves. The supposed "negotiation" is a ruse.

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Absolutely vile that Biden Harris admin has not condemned Israel for this murder of a peaceful American. Just thoughts and prayers from some flunky via tweet.

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What makes it worse is the outrage and threats they showed when Hersh Goldberg-Polin was killed. Harris said "the safety of American citizens is of utmost importance" when he was killed, She went off on the acts of October 7th - yet, in the case of an Israeli soldier murdering a pro Palestinian American, the same protection and sentiment for "Americans" does not exist.

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America is forever stained by our participation in this immoral, unjustifiable, brutal criminality.

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What a horrific loss. I am so sorry for your loss and I am furious that our country supports the terror that Israel has the gall to describe as “self-defense.” I have never been more ashamed to be an American. May her death NOT be in vain! 🇵🇸💔🇵🇸

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Thank you for your testimony and for helping us to know Ayşenur.

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I'm so, so, very sorry.

For your loss, and for humanity's loss.

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I am so tired of hearing the mantra of "Israel has the right to defend itself" This is not defense. This is murder.

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American freedom and American interests are two very different things. Americans helping Palestinians are blocking American interests so our government doesn't care if they are injured or killed. Remember Rachel Corrie who was bull dozed when she stood in the way of a house being demolished by Israeli's in 2003? The US didn't even investigate. It allowed Israel as usual to investigate itself and they ruled it an accident. The Israeli government has so much blood on its hands just from the deaths of humanitarian workers alone. There is no moral or strategic justification for the US to back Israhell. But it does no matter who is in office though things will be far worse if Trump gets back in the WH. Imagine that. https://www.npr.org/2024/03/30/1241231447/rachel-corrie-gaza-palestinians-aid-israel-hamas-war

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Whoever among us can forget the stoic stand of Corrie in 2003!

Wished the world had more of Connie’s like people, who stand and fight for the truth, regardless of their national or religious identity!

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Not that I like it or want to know but the U.S. must have a strategic and immoral interest in supporting Israel. What are the dark political and financial handcuffs that hold supposedly moral people who believe in justice and care to all this slaughter and destruction?

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Great question. Inquiring minds want to know.

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Western double standards with Israel and Palestine are just grotesque. Why is more not being said about this? Surely all human lives are of equal value?

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Every life is precious. This death seems particularly cruel and senseless but every one of the 40,000 + who have died because they are Palestinian living in Israel is just as precious and beloved. My heart goes out to her family and friends but her death is making the world acknowledge the senseless slaughter taking place in the name of Israel and America. May she be remembered forever.

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Correction: Palestinians living in their own colonized country”Palestine!”

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A beautiful dedication for a brave, loving, compassionate and innocent friend, who was murdered and something has to be done to bring justice for her family.

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Beautiful important piece, for remembrance and setting the record straight. Thank you Ameer -- and to Zeteo for publishing it.

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I am so sorry for your loss - and the world's loss. Ayşenur was a magnificent human and the world is less bright without her. 💔

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I am so very sorry for your loss, Ameer. So very sorry. When I was in the West Bank around 10 years ago, I attended a protest not far from Nablus, but not where Aysenur was murdered. I was there with a film crew and a well-known public intellectual. The protest was completely non-violent and no one was armed. Nevertheless, the IOF lobbed tear gas canisters - 40 at a time - at the rooftops of the house I was inside. They knew we were Americans and they purposefully targeted the house where we were interviewing the protest leader. The roof wasn't very sturdy and so the canisters made small holes. They then ran a tank up the street and sprayed skunk water all over everything and it flooded the house, dripping in from the compromised roof and windows. Once they retreated, we went down to the street. We walked a few feet where we could see the illegal settlement on the hill above. Someone yelled, "it's a trap" and we ran as the IOF jeep charged toward the crowd and lobbed more tear gas at us. When we got back to our car, which had Israeli plates, we found that they had shot out the back window - a very clear warning. It was not a stray bullet. The IOF regularly uses military grade weapons and live rounds on unarmed protestors. They do it on purpose. They do it with US knowledge and permission. This was not a rogue IOF sniper. This was a warning to anyone who dare non-violently protest illegal, criminal activity by Israel. They will not stop and this kind of horrible tragedy will happen again and again unless we get AIPAC out of office and set a new course for humanity. Once again I am profoundly sorry for your loss. Aysenur will be remembered and she will live as a symbol of all that is good in this dark world.

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It is not mostly AIPAC… there are other handcuffs behind the curtain holding us to this grotesque path of permission and support, willing blindness & outright lies. Both Republican & Democratic folks in government are covering for this. There is a definite stink.

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Ameer: Pres Biden, cowed before fascist Israel—loyal to Zionism rather than to what’s righteous, democratic values at home and abroad—had his finger on the trigger that shot the bullet that assassinated Aysenur. I see no difference between Zionism and the Nazis, or fascists. They are supported by American Fascism, referred to euphemistically as authoritarianism. Being anti-Zionist is not antisemitic. It’s a yearning for justice, peace and a demand for protection of Mother Earth and Her children. The unfolding genocide is not only a crime against humanity, a war crime, it’s ecocide; a crime against a sacred but plundered Earth. We must find ways to honor these peaceful courageous protesters including our students and hold accountable the cowards who dare attack, kill and/or hurt innocent civilians, brazenly, with our weapons; paid for with our $. Blinken must resign. Biden must declare an arms embargo and end fascist Israel’s impunity. We need to support a one-state solution w/ equal rights for all. Enough! ¡Basta ya!

Apartheid South Africa was defeated by the BDS movement, in spite of U.S. support for the White, Eurocentric, settler colonial, racist regime. Israeli Jewish supremacy will fall, and its crimes will be held accountable. Impunity assures repetition of the horrific crimes now unfolding; only denied by psychopaths and sociopaths in our midst. Thank you Zeteo for exposing truths too many dare not say.


I’m sending my PMO with my renewal and (+) donation with deep gratitude and solidarity. My apologies for the delay due to issues with the card company, circumstantial ces beyond my control. Keep up the good work! Let’s become Earth protectors. It includes but not limited to social and environmental justice.

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This is the type of reporting and storytelling that is missing from mainstream news, thank you. I feel like I finally know this selfless young woman who was ripped from the world by Israel. If only all the other beautiful souls we have lost could be known to the world. The pain of knowing their stories would be so great that ending this occupation would be the only solution that anyone could come to.

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