I cried throughout this discussion. Tears of hope and relief. Please subscribe to Zeteo for truth, unity and humanity. The black and brown movements MUST come together.
Brilliant group. Every single participant is someone I want to hear more from.
I was particularly encouraged to hear Marc address the fact that people mindlessly regurgitate denunciations of October 7 & Hamas. That "reflexive tic" so many people display, every time they talk about this genocide IS unnecessary.
This unimaginable savagery, perpetrated by the WHOLE of Israel, against a defenceless population, whom Israel had already isolated, blockaded, dispossessed, robbed, starved in a "diet" imposed by Israel, weakened, terrorized & imprisoned on their own land, bears NO COMPARISON WHATSOEVER, to a one-day rebellion, perpetrated by a small faction of militants, against Palestine's decades-long oppressor.
To religiously recite a denunciation of Hamas — as if that is necessary to legitimize any criticism of Israel — is a display of deference that undermines (at least in part) whatever criticism of Israel had been intended:
1) Perpetually dividing focus, diverts attention, and any appropriate level of scrutiny, from Israel's genocide. 2) Implying ANY equivalence between Israel's genocide, and a one-day revolt against oppression, explicitly negates the evil inherent in genocide. 3) Constantly coupling Israel's genocide to the Oct 7 revolt, actively supports Israel's false narrative.
This genocide has been in progress for decades. Genocidal Israel threw off its bridle on Oct 7th, but it absolutely DID NOT BECOME a different animal. The slow-moving genocidal annexation that Israel has been perpetrating, for all these decades, was always a genocide.
If I held you underwater for seven SECONDS, and then you caused me harm in the course of trying to free yourself, that would not make YOU the initiator of any maniacal escalation I subsequently chose to engage in. You did not start the fight, the harm you caused me was not equivalent to the harm I was causing you, and any revenge I chose to take against you, citing injuries I suffered during your attempt to free yourself, would not be AT ALL legitimate.
I couldn't legitimize Israel's bloodlust, if ALL of Palestine had fought back after seven DECADES of being held underwater... let alone after only a tiny segment of Gaza's population fought back. It's tantamount to haranguing the victim of my hypothetical attempted-drowning, by constantly reciting, "Yeah, but remember, you scratched your attacker's arm... don't ever forget THAT, you TERRORIST!"
I really wish people would stop showing this completely irrational deference to Israel, as it perpetrates a fcking holocaust.
What an excellent analogy to the attempted drowning & the victim struggling to free herself & causing a harm to the attacker. Makes a lightbulb light up in one’s mind.
I’m just one person in a tiny town in the Southwest, but I voted uncommitted in the Democratic primary & I’ve called the Whitehouse many, many times to say,
Thanks Mehdi and all these beautiful souls attending this. Please don't stop talking about Gaza. Kids and innocent people are dying from starvation, lack of medicine, spread diseases and cold. Today, Israel destroyed the only hospital left in North Gaza. America is complicit in this genocide, and this is Biden's legacy. Shame!
Wow!! What a great panel, a great discussion, and of course, a great moderator! Thanks for sharing this with Zeteo subscribers. It was so very inspiring and made me admire the panelists even more than I already do. (And I loved that it was so dynamic that Mehdi could hardly get a word in edgewise with these folks). I'm sure I'll go back and listen to this one again.
I would also like to hear inspirational Palestinian stories! The brave and creative spirit of a people who have suffered greatly but have shown us the best of the human spirit. Palestinians ON THE GROUND not talking heads or politicians. Bring the human element to the forefront. I wished Zeteo would not follow the usual media analysis! I personally feel that I do not care to hear from another talking head!!!
Which Palestinians “on the ground” are you asking to hear from? Those who live in Michigan, or those who live in the West Bank & Gaza?
I’m sure you’re aware that it’s almost impossible to hear from those in Gaza because Israel won’t allow any journalists with cameras into there without being accompanied by IDF, & where they go & who they may speak to is strictly controlled.
I want to make clear that I’m not being confrontational, I truly am asking for clarification of what you mean.
While solidarity is always important I find it interesting that there is a concerted effort on the part of many to equate Black struggle and Palestinian struggle specifically. It seems like this is the primary focus of the Palestinian solidarity movement and it is a bit disturbing to me in two ways. One, because at times it seems like Black people are being used a prop for pushing the case for Palestinian Liberation, I'm not saying this is intentional on the part of activists but it can come off a like objectification, to set a apart Black struggle from all other struggles that are happening all over the world. Second, I find it concerning that Palestine solidarity activists have seemingly done little to discuss the fact that Palestine is a Muslim issue. In fact, Marc Lamont Hill has gone as far as to deny that it is a Muslim issue. While of course not all Palestinians are Muslim, I remember a time when the only solidarity for Palestine was pushed by Muslims, I remember when it was only the MSA's on campuses that were doing the activism and now that the West has finally learned about Palestine, they have the nerve to tell us that this is not our issue, when our faith tells us it is. I wish there was as much effort in uniting our Ummah around this issue as there was in trying to unite Black and Palestinian struggle.
Absolutely. It feels like gaslighting the way black people have been told that apparently Arab-Black struggles are linked despite the latter group facing discrimination from the former for centuries. Apparently a Malcolm X-PLO photo op, a mural and some tear gas advice that you could Google in 10 seconds is supposed to mean that Black people and Palestinians have always been allies? Ridiculous
Well it seems like Black peoples are just constantly used as the litmus test of oppression and anytime groups are facing oppression the go to is to align with black struggle. It seems disingenuous. Black peoples are not objects to be used they’re human beings just like all other human beings. The other issue is that black struggle is not unique in the world. Struggle happens and has happened all over the world and liberation belongs to all people. To constantly behave as of only one group is the height of oppression erases all the other ppl who are facing oppression as well. Oppression, struggle and liberation are global. They don’t belong to any one group.
I didn’t say it was just a Muslim issue and yes I know who those ppl are. You can have many ppl who show solidarity while still saying it’s a Muslim issue. Anytime our ummah is dying it’s a Muslim issue according to our faith. That doesn’t mean others cannot also speak up
Yeah.. I hate it when a fight/struggle/resistance against fascism, genocide and ethnical cleansing gets traction beyond just a specific group of people. Keep it in-house, right? No need to rush things.
Thank you to Medhi & all of the panelists. I find it distressing that there are so few comments on this presentation. I sincerely hope that many more people watched this, but just didn’t comment.
I was very disappointed that the DNC chose not to have even one Palestinian to speak at the convention, I think it was a big mistake. It was also very unfair for the House to officially censure Rep Tlaib, & then fail to censure others who have said terrible things.
The massive amount of money spent by pro Israel organizations to mount primary campaigns against members of the Progressive Caucus, who spoke out for Palestinian independence & a cease fire, was despicable. I’m so sorry that Reps Bowman & Bush lost their races. I hope both will run for office again & if they do, I will donate.
I fear for what may come when the new administration takes office in January.
Mike Huckabee as Ambassador to Israel is terrible. I know that the Netanyahu administration will rapidly move to annex the entirety of the West Bank & that there will be no attempt to stop it from the Trump admin. Miriam Adelson paid Trump for his cooperation with that.
Keep up the excellent work at Zeteo Medhi, I support you.
My thanks to everyone on the panel for an incredible discussion. Cori Bush made me cry, Palestine makes me cry every day. I am a retired quantum chemist and I have to make a comment on intersectionality, When a subject becomes complex enough that we can't include everything we make approximations. Intersectionalities are simply the boundaries between those approximations, they are required to accurately describe reality, they do not represent different realities. Those currently in power use boundaries to divide us, so they hate intersectionalities.
This feels like gaslighting the way black people are being told that apparently Arab-Black struggles are linked despite the latter group facing discrimination from the former for centuries. Apparently a Malcolm X-PLO photo op, a mural and some tear gas advice that you could Google in 10 seconds is supposed to mean that Black people and Palestinians have always been allies? Ridiculous
I cried throughout this discussion. Tears of hope and relief. Please subscribe to Zeteo for truth, unity and humanity. The black and brown movements MUST come together.
I've come to believe we should refer to the West Bank and Gaza as "Occupied Palestine", because that would be more accurate, though not politic.
Brilliant group. Every single participant is someone I want to hear more from.
I was particularly encouraged to hear Marc address the fact that people mindlessly regurgitate denunciations of October 7 & Hamas. That "reflexive tic" so many people display, every time they talk about this genocide IS unnecessary.
This unimaginable savagery, perpetrated by the WHOLE of Israel, against a defenceless population, whom Israel had already isolated, blockaded, dispossessed, robbed, starved in a "diet" imposed by Israel, weakened, terrorized & imprisoned on their own land, bears NO COMPARISON WHATSOEVER, to a one-day rebellion, perpetrated by a small faction of militants, against Palestine's decades-long oppressor.
To religiously recite a denunciation of Hamas — as if that is necessary to legitimize any criticism of Israel — is a display of deference that undermines (at least in part) whatever criticism of Israel had been intended:
1) Perpetually dividing focus, diverts attention, and any appropriate level of scrutiny, from Israel's genocide. 2) Implying ANY equivalence between Israel's genocide, and a one-day revolt against oppression, explicitly negates the evil inherent in genocide. 3) Constantly coupling Israel's genocide to the Oct 7 revolt, actively supports Israel's false narrative.
This genocide has been in progress for decades. Genocidal Israel threw off its bridle on Oct 7th, but it absolutely DID NOT BECOME a different animal. The slow-moving genocidal annexation that Israel has been perpetrating, for all these decades, was always a genocide.
If I held you underwater for seven SECONDS, and then you caused me harm in the course of trying to free yourself, that would not make YOU the initiator of any maniacal escalation I subsequently chose to engage in. You did not start the fight, the harm you caused me was not equivalent to the harm I was causing you, and any revenge I chose to take against you, citing injuries I suffered during your attempt to free yourself, would not be AT ALL legitimate.
I couldn't legitimize Israel's bloodlust, if ALL of Palestine had fought back after seven DECADES of being held underwater... let alone after only a tiny segment of Gaza's population fought back. It's tantamount to haranguing the victim of my hypothetical attempted-drowning, by constantly reciting, "Yeah, but remember, you scratched your attacker's arm... don't ever forget THAT, you TERRORIST!"
I really wish people would stop showing this completely irrational deference to Israel, as it perpetrates a fcking holocaust.
What an excellent analogy to the attempted drowning & the victim struggling to free herself & causing a harm to the attacker. Makes a lightbulb light up in one’s mind.
I’m just one person in a tiny town in the Southwest, but I voted uncommitted in the Democratic primary & I’ve called the Whitehouse many, many times to say,
“Stop sending weapons to Israel.”
Thanks Mehdi and all these beautiful souls attending this. Please don't stop talking about Gaza. Kids and innocent people are dying from starvation, lack of medicine, spread diseases and cold. Today, Israel destroyed the only hospital left in North Gaza. America is complicit in this genocide, and this is Biden's legacy. Shame!
I can listen to this panel conversation on a loop. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow!! What a great panel, a great discussion, and of course, a great moderator! Thanks for sharing this with Zeteo subscribers. It was so very inspiring and made me admire the panelists even more than I already do. (And I loved that it was so dynamic that Mehdi could hardly get a word in edgewise with these folks). I'm sure I'll go back and listen to this one again.
I would also like to hear inspirational Palestinian stories! The brave and creative spirit of a people who have suffered greatly but have shown us the best of the human spirit. Palestinians ON THE GROUND not talking heads or politicians. Bring the human element to the forefront. I wished Zeteo would not follow the usual media analysis! I personally feel that I do not care to hear from another talking head!!!
Which Palestinians “on the ground” are you asking to hear from? Those who live in Michigan, or those who live in the West Bank & Gaza?
I’m sure you’re aware that it’s almost impossible to hear from those in Gaza because Israel won’t allow any journalists with cameras into there without being accompanied by IDF, & where they go & who they may speak to is strictly controlled.
I want to make clear that I’m not being confrontational, I truly am asking for clarification of what you mean.
Thank you
While solidarity is always important I find it interesting that there is a concerted effort on the part of many to equate Black struggle and Palestinian struggle specifically. It seems like this is the primary focus of the Palestinian solidarity movement and it is a bit disturbing to me in two ways. One, because at times it seems like Black people are being used a prop for pushing the case for Palestinian Liberation, I'm not saying this is intentional on the part of activists but it can come off a like objectification, to set a apart Black struggle from all other struggles that are happening all over the world. Second, I find it concerning that Palestine solidarity activists have seemingly done little to discuss the fact that Palestine is a Muslim issue. In fact, Marc Lamont Hill has gone as far as to deny that it is a Muslim issue. While of course not all Palestinians are Muslim, I remember a time when the only solidarity for Palestine was pushed by Muslims, I remember when it was only the MSA's on campuses that were doing the activism and now that the West has finally learned about Palestine, they have the nerve to tell us that this is not our issue, when our faith tells us it is. I wish there was as much effort in uniting our Ummah around this issue as there was in trying to unite Black and Palestinian struggle.
Absolutely. It feels like gaslighting the way black people have been told that apparently Arab-Black struggles are linked despite the latter group facing discrimination from the former for centuries. Apparently a Malcolm X-PLO photo op, a mural and some tear gas advice that you could Google in 10 seconds is supposed to mean that Black people and Palestinians have always been allies? Ridiculous
Well it seems like Black peoples are just constantly used as the litmus test of oppression and anytime groups are facing oppression the go to is to align with black struggle. It seems disingenuous. Black peoples are not objects to be used they’re human beings just like all other human beings. The other issue is that black struggle is not unique in the world. Struggle happens and has happened all over the world and liberation belongs to all people. To constantly behave as of only one group is the height of oppression erases all the other ppl who are facing oppression as well. Oppression, struggle and liberation are global. They don’t belong to any one group.
Just a Muslim issue?
Have you ever heard of Edward Said?
or Hanan Ashrawi? Or Saeb Erekat? And many many more voices for Palestinian liberation from early days who saw the struggle beyond religious issues.
I didn’t say it was just a Muslim issue and yes I know who those ppl are. You can have many ppl who show solidarity while still saying it’s a Muslim issue. Anytime our ummah is dying it’s a Muslim issue according to our faith. That doesn’t mean others cannot also speak up
Yeah.. I hate it when a fight/struggle/resistance against fascism, genocide and ethnical cleansing gets traction beyond just a specific group of people. Keep it in-house, right? No need to rush things.
Never said that ur reaching
Thank you to Medhi & all of the panelists. I find it distressing that there are so few comments on this presentation. I sincerely hope that many more people watched this, but just didn’t comment.
I was very disappointed that the DNC chose not to have even one Palestinian to speak at the convention, I think it was a big mistake. It was also very unfair for the House to officially censure Rep Tlaib, & then fail to censure others who have said terrible things.
The massive amount of money spent by pro Israel organizations to mount primary campaigns against members of the Progressive Caucus, who spoke out for Palestinian independence & a cease fire, was despicable. I’m so sorry that Reps Bowman & Bush lost their races. I hope both will run for office again & if they do, I will donate.
I fear for what may come when the new administration takes office in January.
Mike Huckabee as Ambassador to Israel is terrible. I know that the Netanyahu administration will rapidly move to annex the entirety of the West Bank & that there will be no attempt to stop it from the Trump admin. Miriam Adelson paid Trump for his cooperation with that.
Keep up the excellent work at Zeteo Medhi, I support you.
Yes, let's remember OCT 6 in GAZA...and for calling out the reflexive 'what about HAMAS' nonsense...Great panel!
My thanks to everyone on the panel for an incredible discussion. Cori Bush made me cry, Palestine makes me cry every day. I am a retired quantum chemist and I have to make a comment on intersectionality, When a subject becomes complex enough that we can't include everything we make approximations. Intersectionalities are simply the boundaries between those approximations, they are required to accurately describe reality, they do not represent different realities. Those currently in power use boundaries to divide us, so they hate intersectionalities.
This feels like gaslighting the way black people are being told that apparently Arab-Black struggles are linked despite the latter group facing discrimination from the former for centuries. Apparently a Malcolm X-PLO photo op, a mural and some tear gas advice that you could Google in 10 seconds is supposed to mean that Black people and Palestinians have always been allies? Ridiculous
From the river to the motherfucking sea, I love your passion Marc. Free Palestine 🇵🇸
These are the people that should be running our country. These are the people that represent who we claim to be.