Good to know SOMEBODY'S paying attention.

One fact that really sticks in my craw is that the

Christo fascist twerp spkr Johnson threatened to arrest

anyone protesting, while he let MTG scream at Pres Joe

during the SOTU, What a repulsive little scumbag he is!

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So glad to see that you and many others are calling Netanyahu out on his bullshit!

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Benjamin Netanyahu was met with sustained applause and dozens of standing ovations from about half of the members of the United States Congress (seats were filled by let-ins to make the room appear to be full) on Wednesday afternoon, while others, mostly Democrats, boycotted the event and hundreds of supporters of Palestinian human rights peacefully demonstrated outside the White House. While Netanyahu cynically tried to portray the demonstrators outside as being on the payroll of Iran and dupes of terrorists, the remaining members of Congress seen standing and applauding wildly like rock band fans (save Rashida), read like a human info-graph of who in Congress is on the AIPAC payroll.

Proud to say no Democratic officials from my state showed up—at our bequest.

Israel is moving to align with the Republican Party of the US (Democrats have too much baggage—us). This will push more progressives and moderates of the Democratic Party further away from Israel. It will also fracture Jewish American support for Israel.

Joe Biden’s speech last night was right about one thing—we need to unite. He was just confused about who is uniting.

Unite to fight the right!

And, arrest Netanyahu as a war criminal while we’re at it.

The sensible choice.

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The only issue is Biden himself became complicit. He continued to either show support or do nothing.

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We have to assume that to some degree they will all be complicit if they make it through the corporate controlled vetting process. That’s in the job description. Doesn’t mean we can’t defeat them. Just going to take a protracted fight and really really hard work. But I take heart in seeing the conservative wall crumbling i UK and in France with progressives gaining prominence. The centrists forced to unite with progressive or be defeated by the right. Two can play that game. We have to make the DNC come begging to us. Don’t think it’s gonna be this election, but definitely coming. How long can they play “the better than Trump” card to get their candidate in? I don’t think anyone will be safe if Trump is elected. The centrists needed us to get Biden, now they need us to get Harris. But the thing they have to face at some point is a mass movement they can’t split and they absolutely need. Worldwide opposition is building too against the US and Israel (and their allies). So we’re all in this together. Not just a national movement.

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Case in point, Kier Starmer, Prime Minister of UK, announced the will not pursue Sunak’s plan to block the ICC warrants. Their victories are our victories, our victories are their victories. This is an international movement. It has to be to win. Israel must face international condemnation. When the flow of weapons stops and the arms dealers’ profits tank, the road to peace with be clear. Palestine will be free.

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I would say he’s been more than complicit, he’s been an accomplice, aiding and abetting. This is not news, this is policy. This is an administration. Ultimately the buck stops at the White House. Trump vs Biden is good cop/bad cop tactics. But it’s what’s behind the curtain that we should pay attention to—as the neoliberals become neocons.

As in con artists.

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And the US politicians applaud the genocide and the ongoing killing of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. They are all complicit in this war crime. Paid for by AIPAC they support Bibi’s characterization of Palestinians as sub-human and “barbaric”. The two state solution is long dead, buried by Bibi and his “settler” partners.

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More and more evidence that U.S. politicians are bought and paid for. As for the lies, that was expected. They don't matter. What does matter is these paid for politicians who will strangle the American economy in this insatiable desire to be the top dog of the world, instead of using common sense and the rule of law. For these people, laws are only for everyone but them. This is another sign that the United States is a feudal system run by wannabe nobility.

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I applaud all those who had the patience to listen to this devil spew lie after lie.

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I tried, but my TV set almost got destroyed ;) The arrogance of the man is surreal. It actually can only be the one of a psycho PN

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My worry is that the attendants were either bought or so dumb they believed everything he said

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You're doing the good work! Keep it up!

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That you Mr. Hasan! Well said.

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Yesterday has shown who the true idiots are. Definitely not the protestors, but those clapping 70 times to a bloodthirsty genocidal maniac!

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What disgraceful applauding and cheering from the AIPAC caucus. I don't know how Rashida Tlaib could sit through that whole display of barbarity. That was a calumny, by the way, that Mehdi forgot to include--that this war is a battle between civilization and barbarity, as if genocide represents civilization.

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I didn’t think she would do this..lsomeone forced her , and he will only harm her with progressives and poc . I’ll never vote for her, now but since I live in California, only the Dem can win… now let’s talk about Michigan, ffs

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Netanyahu and Trump: two scheming, pathological liars. What an outrage to see either one of them lauded in the US Congress. America is in free-fall and for that the Dem. Party bears a large share of the blame. Kamala Harris is a symptom of how out of touch the Dem. power structure is with reality. She is not fit to be president, but then neither was Biden.

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Very true! The more I realize it the stronger is my question: what do we do now as a nation?

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I am sick to my stomach that he was invited to speak at all. That speaks volumes. It's a crying shame that we would pretend that what we are doing is upholding war crimes. I'm particularly outraged that Biden met with Netanyahu AND hostage families. Has he ever met with Palestinian American families? I'm so sick over this issue. It's not going to help.

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" I asked him how many civilians were killed. He said, ‘Prime Minister, practically, none" - the simple lawyer answer is that Bibi[&his general] dont see palestinians as Civilians[they see them all as hamas]..in which case Bibi's answer here is grammatically correct [in his mind] [deep sigh of pain] :(

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Thank you so much. It is amazing how some people will accept these lies for their own comfort while so many suffer and die. We are our brothers keepers after all. Thank God, the young know it.

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