Mehdi, As an American Jew, I know your reporting is truthful, and I try to read and watch as much as I can; yet I find it agonizing, and often cannot open your emails or read/watch them entirely. I wonder if you can address how Jews like me are struggling with feelings of alienation and guilt, and the fear that by committing at minimum war crimes and at maximum genocide, Israel has made Jews worldwide lose any moral authority, and made the future for all Jews forever unsafe.

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Lois, you have absolutely nothing to feel guilty about. Be angry with the Israelis, they are the ones doing this horror to everyone else. They want all Jews to feel guilty and responsible for their sins. Don't fall into their trap. The very fact that you have said that Israel is committing genocide sets you far apart from them. They think they're doing nothing wrong, totally delusional.

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Thank you, except for 2 things: 1) The US, my government, is hugely complicit. Without US aid and approval, Israel could not conduct its Gaza and Lebanon and who knows where next, wars this way. 2) Jews are taught of the Holocaust: "Never again!" and of Israel: to be in awe. Now it seems our most religious and Israel-connected are the most vengeful -- so much for "Never again" OR beloved Israel.

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Lois, you might consider looking into JVP: Jewish Voice for Peace, which is taking action daily (as Jews in America) to stand against Israel's insanity and our complicity in it. I joined (as an ally) a year ago and intend to remain a paying member. There may also be activist groups in your area where you can find solidarity.... I wish you heart strength & peace.

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Lois, Mehdi has platformed Simone Zimmerman who made the film Israelism. She is active with Not in Our Name who have been highlighting their efforts to distinguish Judaism from Zionism - at a global level. Amy Goodman of Democracy Now has long been an activist journalist highlighting the nightmare of Israeli Occupation and the unfair treatment toward Palestinians. She is Jewish. Naomi Klein is part of Zeteo and is Jewish. Find her here on Zeteo, let alone places like The Guardian and more. It is unfair to make Mehdi the only voice on this topic, especially because he is Muslim. There are plenty of prominent Jews around the world who are actively resisting. The problem is the platforms - the mainstream media are run by people who literally PROFIT from the war machine. They don't want peace. They feed the machine because they thought they had the perfect cover in the form of the Holocaust. And it works. Simone Zimmerman makes this very clear, very explicit with her exposure of Birthright trips. For you, as an American Jew, it is up to you to connect with these people and amplify the message, if you care to do so. That you look away or don't have the courage to reach out to other Jews who are doing the work is up to you. Use your struggle, your suffering to bolster your courage and your moral resolve.

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Please excuse my intrusion

I have very good Jewish Friends that are asking the same question

These people are as innocent as the Palestinian and Others

This so called alliance between the Uk and USA supporting the mass killings by the Zionist state has to be addressed more on the media

Which unfortunately is controlled

This morning I sent a email to Sky news in response to there naming off the 4 IDF soldiers that had been killed by the drone attack

Why and how can they say this is not one sided coverage.

I for one am lost for words

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Israel has no choice but to fight for it's existence. Jews moved back to Israel, their ancestral land, since the late 1800. They purchased their land and did not take it by force. On the day that the UN declared and gave world recognition of the state of Israel in 1948, Arabs who lived in a feudal society listened to their leaders and to encouragement from Israel and fled Israel. On that day, five Arab countries around Israel started a war with the newly minted state of Israel. The land is Israeli land purchased fairly, Israel has not occupied the land of Palestine.

You have no reason to be ashamed. In WWII jews tried to appease the Nazi's , they did not fight and 6 million died, including 17 members of my family. Shia Islam does not value human lives like we do. Hamas and Hezbollah are using this to blame Israel for loss of lives. But it is they who built tunnels and command centers in the center of civilian populations.

Stop the unprovoked attacks, agree that Israel has the right to exist, don't start wars and use the money you had been given to make the life of your people better, not make war. Many in Israel and Gaza and Lebanon would support living side by side in the middle east. It is IRAN Hezbollah and Gaza who have attacked Israel, who want to occupy Israel, and kill the jews.

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I sympathize, but I want to know how you would fight an enemy who has for years been firing at you and has t stopped. Has sent suicide bombers to ride on your buses. Has sworn that forever they will continue to fight you until you are all gone.

Has carried out Oct 7.

Do you have a better idea, or are you just saying war is terrible and makes people into monsters.

I’d like to see demonstrations against Iran arming their proxies. Demonstrations against those who spend their resources on building tunnels and weapons and then going and attacking a much stronger foe because they believe the response and death of thousands of civilian martyrs will be good PR. What did they think will be the result? In this post it is clear that it ought to have been known that “dahiya” will be the Israeli response.

I cannot ignore that Israel is acting with callousness (understatement) and that Netanyahu is a bad person, but to complain that in a war that you keep being an aggressor by firing rockets, the enemy is tough and cruel instead of begging for a cease fire, is naive. From the sidelines it seems absurd to complain the enemy is too harsh instead of stopping your aggression.

If I kick hornets nests I expect to be stung out of proportion to what I’ve done (a questionable analogy).

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The groups resisting Israel exist for a reason. Israel has provoked Arabs since its inception. This is about Zionism, which is based in its own terrorism and which birthed Israel. It is Israel that needs to lay down its weapons and say we're done killing. Let's figure out how to live in peace together. Sadly, the Zionists have never been interested in Middle East peace; only domination.

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Netanyahu needs to be eliminated. Period.

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And yet, Iran is the 'danger to the world'...

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Well, if you get as much $$$$ from AIPAC, you probably would claim the same thing :)

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That is anti-jewis trope. If you hate people that are not like you, just be honest about it.

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This is the wrong platform to promote your pro-genocide racist lies. Nobody here buys your anti-semitic conflation of calling out the corruption of US politicians that take bribes from the apartheid state to support their monstrous war crimes with hatred against Jews. The anti-genocide movement in the US is led disproportionately by Jews, and Israel doesn't represent Jews; it represents a greed and racism fueled white European colonialist criminal land grab.

You're just an ignorant genocide supporter. Your side is ultimately destroying the state of Israel. No nation can survive long by constantly attacking all of their neighbors, and the biggest welfare suckers, the apartheid state we US taxpayers are extorted to support with billions per year, is committing suicide along with the multiple genocides.

The economy of the apartheid state is already collapsed and nobody but a few idiotic enablers like the US and Brits want anything to do with it. All the decent people of the world will dance on the grave of the disgusting criminal apartheid state when they finally meet their end, none too soon.

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That ship sailed some 11 months ago. If anti AIPAC is an anti-"jewis" trope, then count me in as one.

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Let's maintain a clear distinction between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism. It's crucial, now more than ever.

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Could not agree more but as we have seen, especially in the last 11-12 months, there has been a concerted effort to equate any criticism of Israel, Netanya-who or this genocide with anti-Semitism.

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I dare you to watch the GAZA documentary. Watch and see what your Zazi friends are doing.

Watch and report back to see if you still support these monsters.


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This discussion is about Zionism. It is not anti-semitic to criticize Israel or be an anti-Zionist (which I am). And many of my Jewish friends are anti-Zionist activists, as well. Look, you're here because you want to dig below the surface; this is what Zeteo does. So dig and don't be afraid to be disappointed or even flattened by what you find.

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The Democrats are arming the illegitimate Zionist regime to carry out the Dahiya doctrine, and Mehdi—through his support for Democrats—has blood on his hands, even though on the other hand he supports Palestine. For the next two months, every waking moment should be spent by Mehdi and his company, Zeteo, exposing and shaming the Democrats for enabling and escalating this genocide. If Mehdi claims to have any faith or principles, he must realize that this slaughter must end, and not be rewarded at the ballot box. Only a crushing, humiliating defeat of the Democrats will force them to confront their complicity. They need a reckoning, and the time is now.

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Yes, I called Mehdi on that when he interviewed (and mowed down) Jill Stein & Butch Ware. I'm voting the Stein/Ware ticket but only because I live in the blue blue state of CA. I wouldn't if I was in one of the 7 swing states. I think we all know how much worse Trump would be. My wish is that it's close, a very close win for Harris. I want them to win but not celebrate.... I want their knees to shake and their bellies to quiver when they realize just how disgusted we are with them. Perhaps THEN, they will wake up.

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What horrific idea with they come up with next? So much evil in such a small area!

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Netanyahu is War criminal and he must be arrested. VIVA ZETEO FOR YOUR news

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Can we see more coverage of Netanyahu's vision for the Middle East which he presented again at the UN General Assembly a year after his last visit. His desired pipeline from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean needs to be investigated thoroughly and analyzed properly. He spoke about "the Blessing" and "The Curse." Let's name all the players behind this scheme (fossil fuel industry...), how this is driving all the policy decisions, and how many of them are supporting Trump? Thank you for all you do.

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Mehdi, but You throw your support to Harris? She's in support by new war font and the previous genocide. So you support these atrocities in the Middle East by default. Voting for the lesser monster doesn't make good choices.

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What will happen if most of the nations of the world decide to "Dahiya" Israel ?

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That would be Iran, Russia or China. The latter two are sitting back and taking it all in. Karma is a bitch. Ours is coming, too (if I can believe my apocalyptic dreams).

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It is logically flawed reasoning to complain that Israel is flattening Military targets that Hezbollah built in the middle of civilian population. Israel is not the aggressor it is responding to an unprovoked, Islamic Jihad attack by Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis and IRAN . Hezbollah, without provocation, has attacked Israel for more than a year. It has launched more than 12,000 missiles towards Israeli civilians and more recently they sent a few towards military targets. Shia Islam uses incitement, rape, murder against Jews now, but if not stopped it will continue in it's campaign to convert the world into Islamic society. It wants to take away women's rights, religious rights as well as freedom itself.

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None of the constant violence of the white supremacist apartheid state is ever provocation in the eyes of its bigoted psychopath supporters.

In the eyes of the world however, Israel has provoked far more violence than it's ever experienced. But I get it, facts don't matter when you're a Zio-Nazi POS.

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What a mouth on you. I’m sorry I read your vile reply. It is shallow and ugly. (Don’t bother telling me you don’t care what I think or anything else. )

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We are witnessing the Palocaust in real time.  Not confronting this genocidal Zazi regime in Israel is akin to not confronting Hitler out of fear of destabilizing Europe 

" Gaza has become the moral compass of the world " -  Rev. Munther Isaac

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Are you having a laugh? You seriously think Israel is the victim - give me a break.

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Israel is the aggressor and the provocateur. It has provoked every attack on it for the last 76 years. Israel is not the victim; the poor David against Goliath. It is quite the other way around. The IDF has close to 10,000 hostages it tortures, starves and RAPES. You are preaching to the wrong crowd dude. I have no, I repeat: NO sympathy for Israel.

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Mate you are absolutely deranged if you still believe that crap after a year 🙄

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I understand why you believe this to be true. It’s the narrative most Americans are familiar with regardless of race, religion or political affiliation. It’s the narrative in the minds of most of the people we trust - the teachers and politicians and journalists.

It’s also easy to understand why Muslims and Arab Americans might push back against a narrative that casts them as “the bad guys”. None of us want to be “the bad guys”. But, and this is important, none of us are “the bad guys”.

This framing of good guys and bad guys was invented by fiction writers and people in Hollywood. There are no good guys and bad guys in real life- there are just good and bad motives and good and bad ideas and good and bad actions. Some ideas and motives and actions are better than others and some are worse than others. The degree depends on the amount of benefit or harm it causes.

With that in mind, can you answer a very simple yes or no question?

In your opinion, has the IDF, led by Netanyahu, caused significant long term harm to Palestinian civilians?

Just “yes or no” without any explanations or qualifiers or words like “but” or “because” or anything else.

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Is it possible for the US State Department to provide the current administration's official policy and view of the origins of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, how it came to power, and why it began with an anti-American orientation?

Can we get the official stance on the origin of Hamas?

Can we get the official stance on the origin of Hezbollah?

What is the US' official stance on US support of the Pahlavi dynasty?

Support of conventional allies for short term political interests in spite of US propaganda and espoused values is a travesty that grand, great grand, and great great grand children experience.

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Her voice is heart breaking , such a cruel world

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I am increasingly resolved to switch my vote from Harris/Walz to Jill Stein. After all, Jill Stein is a Jew, while Kamala is only married to one. Harris/Walz could be speaking out right now to say "Israel must be stopped from attacking Lebanon," but they don't. It's ironic, isn't it? The Jewish candidate on the ballot vs. the others who say they will protect the Jews... It says a lot about America.

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Are HAMAS and Hezbollah interested in peace? Are the rockets fired every day into Israel calls for peace?

Are these groups from lands that Israel hasn’t controlled really resisting?

Unfortunately when I think about it you are making my point. With Iran’s cynical help they are causing the death of their citizens. We already know after this horrible year that Israel isn’t being a gentle opponent. If we want peace it isn’t rational to expect the strong one to not respond when fired upon.

I can’t think of any situation where one side will stop fighting while the other side fires at them and vows not to stop till they kill them all.

If we want peace we need to be balanced in our criticism of the combatants, otherwise who will listen to us.

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Maybe Musk is Drumpf's biggest booster now is that Musk sees Agent Orange faltering and wants to prop him up. He knows Kamala will continue to quash the rampant right wing billionaires who envision a strictly controlled pro-overlord Reich under the Maga Republicans.

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