This is disgusting behavior from our government.

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Not shocking, we have witnessed so many Americans being killed by the occupation going far back as Rachel Corrie that, it is clear, imperialism only values power and profit, not people.

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American citizen in Lebanon : "Help we want to evacuate"

US Ambassy : "Hello you are a American"?

American citizen in Lebanon : "Yes"

US Ambassy : "Are you Arab"?

American citizen in Lebanon : "Yes"

US Ambassy : "beeeeep"

American citizen in Lebanon : "Hello, are you there, helloooo, ... where are you? please help ... "

US Ambassy : "Our services are closed, please call tormorrow, goodbye"

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This whole business with Israel is sordid. Now they have told the Lebanese people of 20 odd towns that they should leave, that's 20 towns! It's obvious that in their hatred and rage they do want to turn Lebanon into Gaza - the incredible thing is no entity on this earth is willing, or seemingly able to stop the Israeli juggernaut. How surreal this whole thing is.

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