
At age 73, I am a lifetime Democrat, voting Dem in every election since college. I can never vote for the mafia boss Trump. But nor can I vote for Biden, who has made himself a war criminal by enabling in genocide. Biden continues to by send weapons to Israel to commit ongoing war crimes. He has repeatedly vetoed an immediate, permanent cease fire at the UN Security Council despite for worldwide support for one by international humanitarian and human rights organizations. Biden has undermined international law by rejecting the role of the International Court of Justice investigating legitimate charges and clear evidence of genocide by Israel. Biden undermined humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza by ending support for UNRWA, the most effective and experienced humanitarian aid organization in Gaza. Now the US Congress has piled on. Biden has refused to recognize a Palestinian state, vetoing the measure at the UN Security Council. Biden has enabled impunity for war crimes by Israel. Sorry. Biden and other Dems who vote for continued military aid to Israel will not have my vote in November.

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Cornel West is a Colossus of humanity, a fierce advocate of human rights and dignity for all the people's of the Earth. One Billionaire in the World is too many. You only get that rich by exploiting the Poor and keeping your Boot on the neck of humanity. How is it possible that people with obscene wealth pay no tax? They could be truly Philanthropic and end Child Poverty overnight, fund free education, healthcare and affordable Housing Projects so every citizen could live in Peace and Dignity, work hard, and live a real American Dream. Fund research in cures for Cancer , and Alzheimer's, and easily make the world a better place, and still hardly make a dent in their off shore bank account. Stop treating Mother Earth like a rubbish dump,not open sewer. It's not a pipe dream, to strive for better is a necessity. This lonely Planet of ours deserves more respect, the harmony of Mother Nature proves it.

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Free Free Palestine ❤️

Cornell West for President ❤️

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Thank you for having Dr. West on! I hope Zeteo will provide him more of a platform and amplify his voice, so important right now.

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Cornell West for President ❤️

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He’s never impressed me. He’s actually a little cuckoo. I will do everything in my power to save our democracy. The threat is real. Two choices for Americans, Democracy or Autocracy. Don’t blow it now.

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Cynthia Nixon is truly a woman of morals and someone to look up to. Shame there aren't more like her. Mehdi did a great job of speaking with her and asked the relevant questions. A thought for a future interview would to be speak with Andy Worthington. He has devoted years to trying to free the unfairly imprisoned men in Guantanamo. Another stain on the U.S.

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West is an altruistic genius, but presidential material? Unfortunately not.

If protests are denied then so is democracy.

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I’m with Dr. West! You have my vote! Cynthia Nixon, thank you for your insight! It’s so refreshing to listen to you.

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Apr 24·edited Apr 24

You know what choice I refuse? Throwing away my vote on a grifter like Cornel West, who announced his candidacy on Russel Brand's show, where he called his fellow grifter a "truth-teller" and a "justice-seeker" and a "genuine force for good" whom he watches "reg-u-lar-ly, re-li-gious-ly" lolol. This after West put his name on a WSJ article praising Ron DeFascist, co-written by a conservative who runs an organization listing West on its advisory board, a position I'm willing to bet comes with a salary. Then we find out he took the max individual political donation from right-wing king-maker Harlan Crowe. Who knows who else is behind his pointless spoiler campaign.

The reality is, while he often says a lot of the right things in public, over the years West has allowed himself to be repeatedly used as a useful idiot to give credibility to right-wing propagandists such as Joe Rogan and the aforementioned Brand, as well as corporate media stooges like Anderson Cooper. So while I fully agree that our current choices for president are both horrific, Cornel West is also a terrible choice, because he has demonstrated that his words and actions and name can be bought whenever he needs money to support his extravagant lifestyle or to pay his unpaid back taxes or child support (look it up, he's a hypocrite). Never mind that he has absolutely no chance to win.

I fully understand and respect that some people just can't stomach voting for zionist Joe Biden, but if you're going to cast a protest vote, write in "Cease Fire" or something like that. Don't encourage grifters like Cornel West. Voting for him is just a sucker play.

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I must agree with commenter Beetolone, that West does have great ideas regarding changes that need to take place in our govt particularly the military industrial complex & the belief that we need to police the entire world. However, he is totally unrealistic in his explanation as to how he

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Thank you Mehdi for asking the question. Dr. West, whom I used to appreciate, is now wiggling like a MAGA without answering the question you asked. Yes, he is helping Trump to the point that I wonder where his funding is coming from. He is another politician who mentions MLK Jr as if he owned him. MLK Jr didn't run for office as far as I know, and thus maintained his integrity. What Dr. West says is worthy in an opposition context, but totally invalidated by the fact that he is doing exactly the opposite of what a true nonviolent and anti imperialist activist would do. So what he says, instead of being inspiring comes out as pompous and empty.

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Our country has, through its shortcomings and failures opened the door to autocratic rule. If we allow Trump and his handlers in a second time, which is much more likely now than before October 6, what will then be your path to justice? I say there will be no such path. What say you?

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Sadly, West has authored some great work but is now delusional.

Someone should let Joe Scarborough know what Cynthis Nixon has seen when he goes on his reactionary Columbia rant every morning.

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Let us hope that everyone with conscience will support him for the presidential election.

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Third party voting is a math question, not a policy question. As long as our electoral system (know as "First Past The Post") continues to award 100% of the elected office to the candidate who gets the most votes (even if it is fewer than 50%), the electorate will devolve into only two viable parties. And, paradoxically, the third party does the most harm to the party with which they most agree on policies. When faced with a choice between the lesser of two evils, choose the lesser evil. Don't pretend your "protest vote" serves any useful purpose.

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