So, the Tory Party is just like Republicans? I have to admit I only pay attention to UK politics in a general sense, and not in the weeds although I did follow some of the scandals (economic, financial and healthcare) and Brexit.

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They’re literally called Conservatives. Them and the Reform Party (think if Trump had his own party) are the biggest right wing players

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And the Liberal Democrats but they’re more like classic Democrats though Kier Starmer isn’t great

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At this point I'd argue Labour is more like the Dems and LD is between them and the Tories, there hasn't been a genuine left in the UK since before at least Blair's Labour government (notwithstanding the brief Corbyn interlude, just look at what the party did to him). The Tories got really gross over these 14 years and they weren't exactly good even before then.

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I’m aware Labour hasn’t been the same since neoliberalism took over. They at least have better policies regarding healthcare that are left of Dems but I know they’re not the leftist party of old

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Nope labour under keir starmer is almost identical in politics agenda to the Conservatives, just new faces. He even admitted that he wanted to bring the party more to the right of centre.

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Essentially yes.

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I don't think Labor is better than the Conservatives. Both parties take their marching orders from the Zionist lobby in the UK.

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Labour wouldn’t be dead set in gutting the NHS. They’re definitely not great in many regards but they’re far better than Conservatives

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Damned by faint praise.

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It's not about Marching Orders per se, it's more likely electoral cynicism combined with the trauma they're still suffering from having their last leader Corbyn totally eviscerated by the weaponisation of antisemitism. But yes they've been really bad. The good news is Labour were surprisingly defeated in four seats by candidates standing against them on one issue: Gaza. I hope now they aren't in election mode, they will do something to address that.

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And Corbyn did win his own seat as an independent.

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Funny how every single conservative government in the Western world always ends this way.

Yet the mouth breathers keep voting against their own self-interest.

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You’d have thought the Brits would have dumped the Tories after experiencing Thatcher but then again we died under Reagan who led the way for Trump (actually it was Ford’s pardon of Nixon that made Reagan and his cabal possible.

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And Tony Blair? The Labor party leader who joined Bush in the brazen Iraq war killing millions?!!!

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True but his weakness (because that’s what it was … failure to oppose the US) was not universal throughout his tenure.

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I wouldn’t call an invasion of a country based on lies and imperial objectives that leashed the war on terror destroying innocent lives and killed millions of innocent people a “weakness”! It qualifies as a war crime. If you read more about Blair and his relationship with Murdoch-you will understand.

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You miss the point of airplane jokes as well?

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Rishi can use his American green card and disappear. Good Riddance, for sure. Will Keir Stammer be just another ordinary leader beholden to Zionism? His pre-victory days, when he was shy to call out the Genocide in Gaza, were understandable. He was aware of Corbyn's fate. Now, as the Prime Minister of the UK, the 'superboy' in study, football, and flute should be the 'superman' and dare to challenge the blatant lies of Netanyahu and his savage cohorts.

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I hope Keir Starmer turns out to be better. Last I heard he was planning on continuing many of the Tory policies.

And it is truly ironic that the "Labour" party forbids its ministers from standing in solidarity on picket lines.

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It increasingly feels and sounds like the neutered left of the “new” Labor under Blair. New Labor or the new middle under Clinton did not deliver a thing except forfeiture of left’s ideological stands. We are where we are because of them.

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Yes, I don’t hold out much hope; just as in the US politicians are selected from the wrong segments of society. In general, those that want power should not be given access to it.

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The American Prospect's Robert Kuttner is more optimistic than I am:


I hope he's right.

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Here Mehdi Hasan makes some fascinating comments on Labour. They got a majority of seats by winning 33% of the vote, no one is enthusiastic about Starmer, and Greens and independents did surprisingly well:


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I would be elated if this actually were the end to Conservative rule, but (Sir) Keir Starmer is a lying, stinking Tory, in Labour drag. The name of the ruling party has changed, and some Tories have been duly humiliated (hurrah), but cannibalistic conservative rule is going nowhere.

Bullingdon-endorsed toff, Sir Keir, has completely neutered the Labour Party. There's no LEFT left in British Politics.

Look how much public pressure — and public shaming — it took just to retain Diane Abbot! (And I just want to take a moment to admire her backbone!) But how long can she hang on, completely surrounded by backstabbing right-wingers, in this new, morally bankrupt, enthusiastically-racist, Thatcher-loving version of "Labour?"

The Bitter: Sir Keir Starmer is a saboteur, who robbed the British public of any alternative to Conservative rule, by infiltrating the Labour Party & turning it into a clone of the Conservative Party.

The Sweet: JEREMY CORBYN❣️❣️❣️ He yanked Sir Keir Starmer's ornate, jewel-encrusted dagger out of his back, ran as an independent, and WON! F🖤CK I love that guy!!!

The Bitter-sweet: Even though Faiza Shaheen didn't win, Sir Keir Stabber still paid a price for sticking his dagger in HER back!

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I am an ex pat Brit but couldn't be happier that the conservatives are finished, though I'm not crazy about the pro-Israeli Starmer either. Britain certainly isn't the country I used to know.

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Hasn’t Britain always been kinda shit to someone. When Labour had teeth Britain was actively fucking with the Irish and other colonial territories. The role your country had in the establishment of Israel.

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I couldn't agree more.

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Great article Mehdi.

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Thank all the Gods!! I doubt these despicable people will pause more than a moment before whining on MSM about how misunderstood they were 🙄

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Have to hope that our Tory equivalent doesn’t win power in November either.

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Yay! Now if Britain would abolish that useless Monarchy, the actual citizens may have a government that works for them.

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Be careful what you wish for. Democracy grew out of monarchy slowly relinquishing Divine Right and brings a stability that a a federal democracy like the United States does not have. The American founders did not anticipate that a scoundrel would ever occupy the highest office and thus has neither established institution nor written law to shield it from the likes of Trump who romped in and broke all the unwritten rules.

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But this is POST Trump. Surely while they are writing the rules for their new republic they will not forget the horrors the US faced by not having clear laws and consequences in place. Are they that thick over there? Anyway, they don’t have to model their republic after ours but you would think they would be tired of that corrupt family and government they have now. Being a subject/peasant of some trashy king would be unbearable imo.

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It's a newly-elected national government for the United Kingdom which is part of British parliamentary democracy. The newly-elected Members of Parliament will each swear an oath of loyalty to King Charles III as do Members of Parliament in the British Commonwealth made up of 15 former British colonies including Canada. Many people in Great Britain and the Commonwealth countries support the British Royal Family because they represent the thousand-year-old history of rule and the traditions of democracy that grew out of the relationship between the people and the British Royals. It is an ancient, mystical tradition that goes back into the mists of time and the original covenant that the Monarch will always be willing to die for the good of the people of the land. All the ceremony and robes, crowns and coaches add to the tradition. True, some people think it's a lot of fuss and feathers but not enough to end the British monarchy, not yet, anyways. Besides, it brings in millions of dollars in revenue for Britain through tourism every year.

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Come on Mehdi tell us what you really think!! 😝

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Mehdi rocks. Really.

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Congrats on Tory Independence Day!

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I want to give Keir Starmer a chance but nothing will change. He will be taking orders from Netanyahu

Rishi Sunak should be changed with war crimes for giving weapons to Israel . Let's see if Keir will become Netanyahu lab dog like Joe Biden. How come The Hague is taking so long for issuing arrest warrants for all the Israeli criminals and their cohorts but moved very fast on Putin?

All you hear on the American networks are nasty lies about the Israeli genocide. The Zionist control them . America will become a dictatorship soon under Trump. Great article Mehdi . Bring Velshi on your Zeteo.

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Sunak and his buddy Indian Prime minister Modi were a disgrace to the countries they served.

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