Thank you for pointing out how thoroughly Trump has captured a whole political party and the shameless people who have been corrupted.

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Trump just gave Republicans the opportunity to show us their true colors. Sadly, approximately 35% of the electorate doesn’t see anything wrong with their behavior.

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Most Americans are just CLUELESS about what's happening in America!! Worse, they're OK with everything!!

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It’s just amazing to me that people think Trump is fit to be president.

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Corrupting those who are CLUELESS is easy!!

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Vance's "cultural heroin" remark was very insightful. But that was then, this is now. He's turned his back on the very people he purported to care about in his "hillbilly elegy" to do what soulless, opportunistic Republicans always do--lie their asses off for just another taste of political heroin.

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Democrats would do well to incessantly quote both of these vermin for the remainder of the campaign. Whether it’s violence or bodily autonomy, guns or freedom, democracy or fascism, they’re both on record.

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Thank you for keeping the focus here and on Project 2025. These topics need to remain THE focus.

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Of course, I’m not surprised at all bc Vance was the biggest suck-up of the three VP contenders. Not long ago, he called Trump “reprehensible,” an “idiot,” “noxious,” and “cultural heroin.” He also publicly wondered “what percentage of the American population Trump had sexually assaulted.” Clearly, he’s forgotten how much of a scumbag and criminal Trump is. I can’t think of one Republicans who has an ounce of integrity. They all say and do whatever is convenient in the moment in order to get elected, gain power, escape consequences or get media attention.

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And with his recent shooting we are going to have to suffer through him again. The Dems are already shutting down any. Criticism. Theater all of it

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J.D. Vance gladly agreed to be assimilated into the Borg.

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We can at least look forward to the attack ads... since we can't look forward to the debates anymore...

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Thank you for this essay Mehdi! Thanks for keeping us focused on reality and on Project 2025. History is important.

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Great work Mehdi. There is nothing like documentation

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15

I really didn't think Trump would pick Vance, for exactly this reason. Clearly I was wrong, but I'm glad to see Mehdi highlighting Vance's obvious craven phoniness. The rest of the press needs to do the same and hammer both Vance and Trump about every one of these statements.

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It’s less about Vance and more about the political system that is run by two parties. “Get in line, or you have no future in politics”. This is our democracy -sad to say- and so long as we keep talking about the system and not the cause, more of this will come out.

The Dems are no better. Look at what they did to Jamaal Bowmen. They allowed AIPAC to primary him with an establishment Dem just for speaking out against the genocide in Gaza. Now AOC is under attack. They don’t even consider Sanders as a replacement for the ticking heart attack that is Joe Biden.

The idea that one elected official saw where “the wind is blowing” and followed for self-interest preservation is only an example that amplifies the bigger problem in our -so called- democracy.

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Both AOC and Bernie deserve to be under attack. They scream about genocide and the need to stop sending arms to Netanyahu. And who is sending those weapons and blocking cease fire resolutions and calling the ICC ruling “Outrageous”? Biden. And yet they pretty much say shut up and get in line with the king who has no clothes. None of the Squad stood up for Jamaal Bowman. Hakeem Jeffries has accepted 1.5 million from AIPAC.

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Sadly, most politicians are bought and paid for by AIPAC— on both sides of the aisle. If AIPAC had been required to register under FARA back in the early 1960s, it would not have the power it does today to bully, threaten, buy, corrupt and control politicians and others who have influence that may be useful to its Zionist agenda. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

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"They don’t even consider Sanders as a replacement for the ticking heart attack that is Joe Biden"

Bernie is actually supporting Biden, as is AOC.

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Making my point sir! Get in line or get out. Bernie knows where the wind blows too. Big picture folks

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Biden’s legislative wins are only partially implemented. AOC, Bernie and others fought for them. Thrte is a big Administration that has implemented great policies. They are not mediated in the American press.

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Sorry, misunderstood part of your comment. Best.

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Or maybe he considers Trump the greater threat, and so he's willing to ally with Biden because of that?

Seriously, what could they possibly threaten Bernie with that would cause him to support Biden if he didn't want to? He's hugely popular in Vermont, and doesn't even run as a Democrat, so they can't primary him, right?

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Same with AOC, she's already had primary challengers and beat them all easily, what does she have to fear?

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We are at the end of the road in the USA.

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INDEED! The REPUBLICAN COUP is already in progress, and NO ONE cares!! The CALVARY is NOT coming to save us!! Most AMERICANS ................................

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Mehdi, i am afraid for you. This guy is coming , you better seek refuge in old england though strammer that SOB Wont be any better

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We created 4 minute audio clips of Vance's comments about Trump from Mehdi's blog in both English and Spanish with AI.

What Does J.D. Vance Really Think of Trump? Listen to AI insights in English or Spanish.


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You can put the truth out there, but SO many people are deaf to it. You can video tape it right before their eyes, and they are blind to see it. Why?

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Has any politician ever gone to the crossroads, and NOT taken the deal?

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