Democrats introduced many amendments to stop tax cuts:

• First, stop tax cuts for those making over $10 million a year—Republicans voted no.

• Second, they tried to set the cutoff at $100 million—Republicans still said no.

• Third, they tried to set the cutoff at $500 million—Republicans still said no.

• Fourth, they tried to set the cutoff at $1 billion— Republicans said they were for giving billionaires a tax break on the backs of the poor and the elderly.

1) Republicans, 217 of them in the House, won’t even block tax cuts for people making $1 billion in a single year.

2) Republicans, 217 of them in the House, are more than happy to slash funding for kids with disabilities and seniors in nursing homes to give billionaires a financial break.

If you voted for one of these Republicans you are complicit in their actions.


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What people need to understand is that it was the income tax with its high upper marginal rates that created our inclusive and extensive middle class because it controlled the aggregation of wealth. It is an economic law that if wealth is not controlled it aggregates that is proven by every civilization that did not control wealth. The GOP's agenda has been to repeal the income tax, at least effectually, to allow the oligarchs to take control as they are doing now.

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While it seems no one wants to go there, I think Mr. Walsh is correct in saying that 47 wants to see the violence in the streets. It would serve his psychopathic ego and Putin.

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He's just waiting for his very own Reichstag Fire. Unfortunately, you can only push a population so far before it delivers precisely the opportunity he and Putin want. And the population is being pushed and pushed and pushed.

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I don't especially like Joe Walsh but he and Mehdi are correct about the Dumbocrats who often snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, and bring a can opener to a gunfight. And yes we need a populist, perhaps Governor Pritzker in Illinois.

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I’m tired of exGOP folks saying Democrats are flat footed. ExGOP assxxxxs getting away with their complicity and telling us how to deal with Trump. Yeah, Joe, it’s not going to be a bloodless coup. I thank you and my children and grandchildren thank you.

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I don’t mind hearing their perspective on MAGA. But yes, they are all culpable in the rise of MAGA, but so are feckless and ineffective democrats.

What I cannot stand is people like Walsh or Liz Cheney or Joe Scarborough insisting that the Democratic Party must “be more moderate” (read: more old school right wing conservative) to win elections. That’s infuriating and demonstrably wrong.

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Stay tired never been with the GOP but the democrats are terrible. Many need to retire and let young people shine but they only care about donations. Let’s be honest democrats still think they’re in the pre Trump era they’re weak. They’ve weakened themselves for money.

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It’s not about age. It’s about corruption. Hakeem Jeffries is what… late 40’s? He’s as corrupted, unprincipled, and bought off as the octogenarian leadership. While Bernie is like 85 and kicking ass.

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Brilliant analysis by Joe Walsh - absolutely right on almost every point with no holds barred!

But maybe part two about Gaza won't be as "satisfying"?

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Mehdi- When will you interview the leaders on the left who are a true alternative to the duopoly, e.g. Working Families Party, and Democratic Socialists of America? I remember your Green Party interview and I hope you will use your platform to give these alternatives a voice to convey what they stand for etc. instead of criticizing them for not getting sufficient votes much of which is dependent on exposure and money. You could help provide exposure which could improve their financial resources - otherwise your platform, Zeteo, is just another duopoly apologist media outlet. Why not lead to take down the duopoly instead of perpetuating it with softball interviews of never Trumpers and pathetic Democrats?

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I’m old enough to remember when Joe Walsh was seen as one of the most extremely radical tea party republicans. It’s astonishing to watch the Overton window fall off a right wing cliff in real-time.

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Why don't Republicans own their stuff! They did this to themselves! Hell, he helped it back in 2016. When people have a made up mind, there's nothing you can do to convince them otherwise. That why they call it the "Cult of Trump". Stop blaming Democrats for not doing more to stop you from shooting yourself in your own damn face. They tried to tell you!

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love joe walsh....and even as a lefty i agree with him on immigration and even ukraine....but he has one blindspot..and that is unconditional support for israel ..sadly its probably deep religion...it usually reliefs most rational people of their senses :(

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Thanks Mehdi.

I am hoping you can interview people in opposition or anyone who has a better plan for the US working/middle class. Peoples better ideas really need elevated at a time like this.

We already know the Dems have no general idea or good plans, as a whole.

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Democrats have no soul. That’s why we lost.

At least the MAGA are purposeful.

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Mehdi, you come across as an extreme left puppet. Good journalism requires even mindedness and objectivity, meaning understanding both sides, thinking outside the box, and coming up with a few possible scenarios. Pls do better. Your fear of maga, maha, trump is misplaced.

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I would have to say as a European having seen that appalling display in the oval office yesterday that if anything Mehdi is underestimating just what has happened to American democracy. Your president allowed Russian journalists into the oval office, is canceling surveillance of Russian cyber and he is telling us that Vladimir Putin is not gonna go back on his word about Ukraine when he has already gone back on his word 10 times in the last 15 years. I don’t know whether you have a Russian asset in the White House, but you certainly have a Russian sympathizer, which wouldn’t matter if he wasn’t the president of the United States.

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