If only Kagan had spoken out about Reagan's New Right in the 1980s, maybe we wouldn't be at this point today. Reagan was the president who first and most openly welcomed the fundamentalist Christians into the GOP. The Rev. Billy Graham was a frequent visitor to the White House during the Reagan years. Since Reagan, every successful GOP president has had a fundamentalist Christian somewhere on the ticket - Dan Quayle, George W Bush, or Mike Pence. It is part of the reason John McCain took lightweight Sarah Palin as a running mate. Recall that even the GOP's 2012 candidate Mitt Romney - a devout Mormon - wasn't considered "Christian enough" for the fundamentalist Christian crowd. The GOP is now controlled by religious extremists who are a powerful voting block. They want to oppress anyone who is non-white, non-straight or non-Christian. It is frightening.

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If only everyone could grasp this! Too many of the population are deaf & blind, wrapped up in their particular grievance.

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We desperately need a third party!

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The new book by Steven Hahn, Illiberal America, makes this point, with greater historical depth than Kagan.

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Nothing new about Rapey Jews’ unrestrained greed corrupting markets and throwing the masses in to starvation events either.

Guess which one comes first.

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