The only stage of mental/psychological development at which a growing human sees him/herself as boundless "king" is at 2yo, which is exactly the level of development at which Our Mad King 9wannabe) Donald the 1st is stuck, due to a terrifying traumatic abandonment at that age when his mother was suddenly rushed off to the hospital bleeding to death following her 5th child's complicated delivery. This has left him frozen in time and is the basis of his DSM psychiatric diagnosis of "Borderline Personality Disorder", and explains his extreme "rejection sensitivity" and obsession with "loyalty" (guarantees he won't be abandoned again). Also, he exhibits the traits of sociopathy, narcissism, impulsivity, grandiosity, sadism, splitting, paranoia, projection, identification with aggressors, regression, and others. He is deeply mentally ill and very dangerous, as any fool can see. He, also, demonstrates the features of Bipolar type 2 and ADHD. So, our baby "king", as best illustrated by a huge baby blimp with the obvious physical features of Our Mad King carried in demonstrations against his reign in Europe during his first reign. Simply Google "the baby Trump balloon".
I am so thankful you are chronicling this. I started but just couldn't keep up, so your lists are very much appreciated as documentation of the attempted undoing of America. Great work.
So when and where does the REVOLUTION begin? Has anyone mentioned withholding 2024 income taxes at least? We will need a means of buying food, paying rent, mortgage, etc., and since so many are being involuntarily "furloughed" it makes sense. He's already threatened to "defund" Maine for not doing his bidding; let's see how many people he can try and jail at once. As he floods our lives with this deluge of shit, how about We The People give him a couple million Rebels to deal with and teach him what anarchy looks like.
Please do some predictions of what we need to watch out for in the next weeks.
What can we expect at the FBI, from the new military, from the alliance with Russian, from the Musk data grab and AI, from the attack on Associated Press on other media, from the new colonialism plans for Gaza , Greenland, Canada, Panama…..
Demand for more migrant deportations, tearing down of department of education. Tariffs for market manipulation,
Cuts to FEMA, cuts to IRS,
There is no need for us to be surprised and always reactive. And if we are wrong with our predictions at least we are prepared
As the clown bus drives the country perilously close to the cliff, other options need to be considered. Based on voter turnout it seems the coalition of despair and disenchantment won the election (~37% to just over 30% for each of the primary two). That screams opportunity. Our network technology and familiarity with it are such that every county in every state, acting independently and cooperatively, could democratically contribute to the definition of a new system literally defined by the people for the people. The cost would be shared across the entire electorate. Every county could elect their own candidate without millions of dollars going to huge media influencers.
Politics has become a forum of talentless celebrities acting out their childhood dreams. That's repairable.
Thanks. Your work on this compilation is invaluable.
The only stage of mental/psychological development at which a growing human sees him/herself as boundless "king" is at 2yo, which is exactly the level of development at which Our Mad King 9wannabe) Donald the 1st is stuck, due to a terrifying traumatic abandonment at that age when his mother was suddenly rushed off to the hospital bleeding to death following her 5th child's complicated delivery. This has left him frozen in time and is the basis of his DSM psychiatric diagnosis of "Borderline Personality Disorder", and explains his extreme "rejection sensitivity" and obsession with "loyalty" (guarantees he won't be abandoned again). Also, he exhibits the traits of sociopathy, narcissism, impulsivity, grandiosity, sadism, splitting, paranoia, projection, identification with aggressors, regression, and others. He is deeply mentally ill and very dangerous, as any fool can see. He, also, demonstrates the features of Bipolar type 2 and ADHD. So, our baby "king", as best illustrated by a huge baby blimp with the obvious physical features of Our Mad King carried in demonstrations against his reign in Europe during his first reign. Simply Google "the baby Trump balloon".
I thought I was keeping up with things, but this, just from this week, is absolutely overwhelming.
Ooof. That's a lot. But thank you, and count on my subscription renewal.
I am so thankful you are chronicling this. I started but just couldn't keep up, so your lists are very much appreciated as documentation of the attempted undoing of America. Great work.
Thanks for the summaries, Team Zeteo. Doesn't make the situation better, but it's good to keep fired up to fight the Trumputin regime.
Thank you. Mehdi
Whew. Genuinely surreal. Thank you, this is a tremendous resource.
So when and where does the REVOLUTION begin? Has anyone mentioned withholding 2024 income taxes at least? We will need a means of buying food, paying rent, mortgage, etc., and since so many are being involuntarily "furloughed" it makes sense. He's already threatened to "defund" Maine for not doing his bidding; let's see how many people he can try and jail at once. As he floods our lives with this deluge of shit, how about We The People give him a couple million Rebels to deal with and teach him what anarchy looks like.
Please do some predictions of what we need to watch out for in the next weeks.
What can we expect at the FBI, from the new military, from the alliance with Russian, from the Musk data grab and AI, from the attack on Associated Press on other media, from the new colonialism plans for Gaza , Greenland, Canada, Panama…..
Demand for more migrant deportations, tearing down of department of education. Tariffs for market manipulation,
Cuts to FEMA, cuts to IRS,
There is no need for us to be surprised and always reactive. And if we are wrong with our predictions at least we are prepared
Per the NYT, General Brown's video after George Floyd's murder is a reason he was fired.
I am No fan of the military imperialism complex, but this is who I would want running US defense. Disgraceful to fire him.
As the clown bus drives the country perilously close to the cliff, other options need to be considered. Based on voter turnout it seems the coalition of despair and disenchantment won the election (~37% to just over 30% for each of the primary two). That screams opportunity. Our network technology and familiarity with it are such that every county in every state, acting independently and cooperatively, could democratically contribute to the definition of a new system literally defined by the people for the people. The cost would be shared across the entire electorate. Every county could elect their own candidate without millions of dollars going to huge media influencers.
Politics has become a forum of talentless celebrities acting out their childhood dreams. That's repairable.
TEAM PUTIN eliminates top American military leaders: Follow the covert operation with this map
For everyone to read,
I served with MGen Lepper and he was a class behind me at the USAF Academy.
The “Warrior Ethos” means knowing more than just how to use a hammer --
What an ugly old man he is.