I am not sure what Mehdi is babbling about! Anyone with 2 cents of wisdom and 2 bits access to information about this genocide will know that this is an ethnic cleansing and a Palocaust with the explicit help and assistance from the USA.

Voting for the "lesser of two evil" is still to vote for an evil person and reward her for her complicity in this genocide.

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Harris, Biden, Blinken, and Trump are all genocidal moral voids.

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I'm voting for Dr. Jill Stein

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Mr. Khanna needs to do more if he wants to be president of USA in 2028/2032... Or even he wants to earn the pro Palestinians vote in his own Congress district....

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"You must never be fearful about what you are doing when it is right." — Rosa Parks

Stein/Ware 2024 🇵🇸🇱🇧🕊️✊🏾💚

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Posting again

Break the corrupt two-party system. RepubliCONS and DemocRATS are two evil sides of the same coin.

Please DO NOT vote for Republican Trump or Democrat Harris. Holy scriptures urge us to do the right thing, not choose the lesser of two evils. God controls the outcome. We must vote a third-party candidate like Jill Stein even if it results in Trump's win. He may win anyways, kamala may lose like Hillary. America is crumbling because both parties are enslaved to corporate donors, silencing public opinion, suppressing free speech on college campuses, supporting Israel's Genocide, and sending billions overseas for destruction instead of using the same for improving our daily lives, our domestic needs like healthcare, education, and infrastructure. We are having issues because we are short-sighted and want immediate results. Change doesn't happen overnight. Moses didn't freed Israelites overnight. It took over 200 years of enslavement and oppression before Moses led them to freedom. We must pave the way for future now by breaking the corrupt two-party system.

Imagine Jill Stein with 36%, Republicans/Democrats 32% each, making Jill win all electoral votes. This can happen only if we begin the change now and bring Jill from 2% to winning presidency. The young generation is fed-up with corrupt two-party system and chances look bright for America in future with 3rd party.

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You are right, I would love a 3rd party, and a 4th and a 5th. Where I grew up, we have 9 parties, and big donor money is not allowed, only merit counts. We need to take the money out of politics in US, and release for instance AIPAC from its power and hold over America. Nevertheless, Trump will be catastrophe, not just here in US for the minorities, but also in the Middle East together with Netanyahu and his cronies. With Harris there is a bigger chance for change, once she is in power and not under Bidens agenda. Stein dosen't have any members in congress, therefore she will not have much power, technically she is not even a choice.

At this moment, we cannot seek perfection, we just have to save US and the rest of the world. With Trump at the wheel, we don't even know when or if, we will have an opportunity to vote again.

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My blood boiled all day as Blinkin met with his clients, he said nothing about this ghastly siege and ethnic cleaning of Northern Gaza. Mr. Khanna is a fool if he thinks Netanyahu will follow through on the requests of the US government. Disgusting.

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Did this guy really just say, in response to people being angry about their families being killed, "you need to think with your head."

That's surreal levels of detachment from humanity.

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The horror and tragedy of it all. The UN hasn’t been able to stop Israel’s war rampage. No-one is. All this talk about peace and democracy in the UN assembly, yet Israel does act with impunity, invading whichever country it wants. Also, it’s setting a dangerous precedent when the international community doesn’t stop them.

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As long as Harris has neocons like the Chenneys and Clintons hanging around her, she will never be allowed to make peace in the ME. She has to dump these people and choose her own council.

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Very good points and a compelling argument by both Mehdi and Omar Baddar. Please Please Mehdi invite Sami Hamdi on your show so we can get the other side of this.

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Stop enabling and radically accepting the status quo. On what planet is a democracy choosing between “lesser of two evils? “

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Trump just said that Biden is holding back Netanyahu, adding he should let him do what he wants. This is a terrible situation and I hate the whole “lesser evil thing.” But we have to block Trump from power as cold calculated strategy. If Trump gets to be President there will be no possibility of pressuring him to stop backing Israel. My fear with Trump is that things will change quickly from a regional war, including with Iran to (include then China) and suddenly that guy’s got us into a world war! Our movement is getting strong, but we’re in no position to take on Trump and his storm troops and cult followers. Yes, it’s true I think that the Democratic leaders are in a slow boat to realizing the same objectives & the Abraham Accord alliance with Saudi Arabia, just like Trump. BUT. We need all the time we can get to organize. If we get “second time Trump”, they will be deporting Palestinians and jailing dissidents in the wink of an eye. We need to build the movement stronger—that is to say, MASSIVE. That’s the only thing that can stop these fascists.

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But Biden is letting Netanyahu do what he wants, Harris said she wouldn´t have done anything differently and made it perfectly clear where she stands on Palestine.

And it is already turning into a regional war under BIden. His advisors told Netanyahu he should invade Lebanon and there are not many admins that were more hawkish on China than this one! And this administration DID deport Palestinians and other activists and DID jail dissidents. Your mistake is that you think all of this is somehow happening without Biden and his admins approval. Blinken literally told aid workers that they will not try to stop the occupation forces from bombing aid trucks/workers and Biden advisors told Netanyahu that if he invades Lebanon he could "reshape the middle east for decades to come"

At one point people need to realize, this is Trump, but without the noise!

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Don’t disagree with your description of Biden administration, including Harris. But, terrible as it is, it could get worse faster, very fast, with Trump. This has to be a tactical call. Strategically, we have to defeat the pro-Israel colonialist agenda. Both parties support it, but tactically I think it would be a mistake to let Trump win. Corey Bush was interviewed on Al Jazeera and she expressed it well. She said there’s a difference between what we feel emotionally and what we have to consider tactically. Been reading You Have Not Yet Been Defeated by Alaa Abd El-Fattah. He was an Egyptian dissident during the Arab Spring. He’s now (last I heard) in solitary confinement in prison. Amazing book. It gave me a sobering sense of what it means to have a full-on right-wing government. Yes, we have it bad with the Biden-Harris administration, but the only alternative at this moment in our struggle is much, much worse and could potentially destroy our movement at this early stage of development. We’ve made so much progress! 70 percent of Democrats want a ceasefire. This administration is ignoring this huge change and Americans are becoming more aware of the true nature of the Israeli project and American complicity. Let’s not squander all that progress. If Harris is elected, she will most likely continue the Biden policies, but this will give us more opportunities to expose the duplicity between what they say and the bombs they provide. Emotionally I agree with you, but this is war, and we need to fight with objective analysis of our strengths and weaknesses at this moment in time. “Know the enemy and know thyself, and win a thousand battles.” This is not the time to invite Trump to the table. No time is the right time. Next election there will be no Trump. We don’t know what will be the circumstances. We can’t gain anything with another Trump presidency. We need more time to organize. Fascists use speed to conquer. That is what Trump is most likely to do with the support of Christian Zionists and the Republican Party. Blitzkrieg. “…it is clear that terror is not simply an emotional and psychological phenomenon but a physical one as well in the sense of physics and kinetics, a phenomenon related to what I call the ‘acceleration of reality.’” From Paul Virilio, The Administration of Fear, as he relates his experience of the German blitzkrieg to Hannah Arendt’s observations of totalitarian governments. “Terror cuts to the quick: it is connected to life and quickness through technology.” The so-called “law of speed.”

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Yeah, I guess it boils down to whom one wants to organize against. I get all that but it just sucks...

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@38:00 "Finish the job" is what Mehdi is warring us about tRUMP's Presidency. While that may be true, another job that tRUMP will accomplish is finishing USA as we know it as I have come to believe no one can destroy this system as fast as tRUMP. Perhaps then the world and take a breather and the American people wake to the reality and rebuild this nation with more sanity and fairness in its core.

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I have actually pondered this possibility too. But once the forces of entropy begin spinning faster & faster, there's no telling where it will end.

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Look, most of these Israelis and especially the settlers are the scum of the earth. Arrest any of them as they return to the States or Canada, those that went to fight with the IDF and kill the Palestinians.

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While I totally agree with you, that won't happen anytime soon. It seems as if the Zionists are doing their best to run every aspect of the US: our elections, our college campuses and our media. Zionism feels like a cancer and I hope more Jews speak out to this effect. Many already are.

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Coward, Ro.

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What would it take to abandon the Democrats Mehdi? Do you have an answer??

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