This is where you are wrong, Mr. Harwood. This IS Reagan's influence! Trump is merely the more crass, white trash version of him but the paternalistic, authoritarianism and christian nationalist BS was always there.

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Remember that while running for president, Reagan promised to eliminate the Dept. of Education. Once elected, his admin. cut education funding by 30% for seven years straight. By the time Reagan left the White House education funding had been cut by half. My mom who was a 5th and 6th grade teacher called him "evil". I don't think education in America ever quite recovered from that.

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Republicans have not drifted that far really since Reagan. Trump is just Reagan without any self-control and a potty mouth His foreign policies are really the only major difference


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Just to note, Reagan's successor was H.W. Bush and not W.

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"Watching Democrats win the popular vote in seven of the last eight presidential elections has persuaded Republicans democracy is not their friend"...Yet, due to unabashed gerrymandering, a favorably "packed" court system and voter suppression tactics, the MAGA's will continue to control most levers of government. And still complain about everything!!

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