Don’t forget 2/3 are women and children - not terrorists. A very important item for him to ignore.

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They have even killed Americans. Do your homework! Look up the history of the USS Liberty in the 1967 war.

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One of Jose Andres workers that was killed is an American.

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The Gaza Representatives say that 32,000 Civilians have been killed in Gaza. Netanyahu is not even in Gaza but he claims that it's only 13,000. Thirteen thousand is too many Civilians to be killed unless you're trying to wipe out the population.

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Stunned by the Hiroshima and Nagasaki comment.

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And this is just the one someone caught on video. Makes me wonder how many other members of Congress are saying things like this.

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Probably most of the GOP.

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It's showing sheer bigotry and stupidity. A nuclear bomb on Gaza would spread lethal levels of radiation right over Israel.

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At this point all I want is hard justice against every single ghoul responsible for the deaths of civilians.

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Weapons transfers just authorized by Biden include 2000 lb "dumb" bombs not good for much except leveling an entire city block. This is the type of bomb the Israelis used on a refugee camp, claiming they were "targeting" a Hamas leader, about a hundred civilians killed.

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That scene in Long Island just shows that the cops really are the nation's biggest street gang. What did Biden do to get all these cops to hate him? Simple, he's a Democrat. And what did the Democrats do wrong? Well, SOME Democrats criticized SOME cops for SOME things they did. And that's enough for a Declaration of War.

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New York changed its bail laws that now allow many accused criminals to be released on appearance tickets after their arrests. This happened under Gov. Kathy Hochul, a Democrat.

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I think you meant "people ACCUSED of crimes."

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My bad. I meant accused criminals. Correcting it.

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Breaking news chyrons and outraged op-eds on MSNBC and NYT are only for when Bibi comes out imploding Hamas for killing 13,000 human shields. That said, I'm actually quite surprised at the gaffe, such a pronounced deviation off script to admit they were civilians!

On a separate but related note, another batch of billions in munitions and aircraft have been dutifully delivered by this most gaffe-prone of presidents to the world's most moral military. Included within with special compliments are 1,800 two-thousand pound dumb bombs - which have a lethal fragmentation radius of 365 metres (pulverising ~2,700 Gazans per strike based on the pre-Oct 7th population density).

I'm all for not normalising Trump the Totalitarian's fascistic tendencies and wet dreams, but at what point do we stop implicitly peddling Biden the Butcher as the 'less worse' option? Granted, it's not going to get the Dems to change their candidate, but surely at this point consistency demands that we call out Genocide Joe with the same unflinching tenacity as Demagogue Don! Particularly when the former is juxtaposed against the latter!

That the MAGA maniac would've done the same is, at the end of the day, a counterfactual. By contrast, in the last week or so, this administration HAS gaslighted the public by describing the UNSC resolution as non-binding, smeared Francesca Albanese without substantively addressing a single point in her report, ignored the ICJ's newly issued provisional measures - all while giving his bosom buddy in barbarity Bibi billions more in weapons and fighter jets!

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Thing is, Biden is a known quantity. With Trump, odds are that the maniac would be much worse.

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It's a known quantity that he's gaslighting the public at Trump-esque levels? He says a couple of weeks ago that it's unacceptable for Israel to kill another 30,000 Gazans, then he gets Chuck Schumer to make a meaningless gesture in the Senate, then he abstains from the UNSC vote, then he lies to the public that it's non-binding when it passed, then he gives Bibi all these weapons and fighter jets?

Or is the known quantity that he's genuinely serious about averting a catastrophe Rafah? With all these munitions that just got delivered in the last week of Ramadan, how is anyone to seriously believe there isn't going to be a full scale assault, where it's raining dumb bombs over 1.5 million trapped people?

The only difference is Biden's perhaps paid some lip service to the apocalyptic level of human suffering, whereas Trump probably wouldn't have (counterfactual, but probably true). What difference does that make in real, tangible terms? Diddly squat!!

Biden has presided over a genocide with a kill rate that's been compared to Rwanda. Like I said before, I'm all for not normalising Trump's fascism. But this CANNOT be normalised or minimised in the process!!

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Meanwhile, Republicans speak openly in support of genocide and even the use of a nuclear bomb on Gaza.

You're not going to find many politicians other than Rashida Tlaib and Bernie Sanders openly calling for a complete ceasefire.

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With all due respect, it is precisely such binary forms of reasoning that I fear will invariably become normalised whenever Trump's MAGA-lomania gets scrutinised (which is the crux of my previous comments). Why? Because the choice for POTUS is a binary one, which makes it susceptible to being framed in lazy, reductionist terms.

Let me explain. In this comment thread, the sitting president was first described as a "known quantity" and then juxtaposed against members of the MAGA Mob who've said the 'quiet parts' out loud (of which there are many - although we all know that nobody's dropping a nuke because unlike the desperate, trapped Gazans, radiation cannot be contained in a cage, as has already been conceded elsewhere in this thread). Inevitably, Biden comes off as 'less worse' or 'more benign' while what the current administration was doing, is doing and in all likelihood will keep doing to the besieged enclave gets minimised, downplayed, even obfuscated. I fully accept that such an outcome could be inadvertent or unintended, but it does tend to be the end result nonetheless.

We must be mindful of preventing this at all costs, for it is abundantly clear that Biden, with the tacit approval of the vast majority of Democrats, has been actively aiding and abetting the annihilation of Gaza over the past six months. He has rationalised this publicly by borrowing many of the same deplorable methods that Don the Despot uses (lying, smearing, gaslighting, sowing discord and division etc.). That he's prone to such fanatical tendencies shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. There was a time when even Menachem Begin, hardly a dove when it came to the Palestinians, had disassociate himself from the callous remarks of a certain Senator Joseph R. Biden because they were too extreme (see: https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2024/4/2/biden-is-still-the-best-us-president-israel-could-wish-for). And 42 years on, there's virtually nothing to suggest that his thinking on this subject has substantively moderated.

Please remember, this is a plausible genocide, the crime of all crimes, that we're witnessing unfolding before our very eyes in real time for 180 days and counting. So counterfactuals that a Trump White House would do exactly the same or worse, as rooted in precedent as they may be, are irrelevant. As is contrasting the GOP's belligerent rhetoric against the Democrats' lip service acknowledgement of the appalling levels human suffering we're seeing day in and day out. It is frankly an egregious insult to all 2.2 million murdered, maimed, missing and imprisoned Gazans to give more credence to those who ARE complicit in this savagery because the alternative COULD BE worse.

Look, I'm not oblivious to the realities and constraints surrounding this most repulsive of choices that lies ahead: between a genocide enabler and a totalitarian insurrectionist. I can empathise, deeply, with voters planning to either sit out or select a third party candidate in November because they find it unconscionable to vote for a genocider regardless of what it brings. But I also appreciate the pragmatism behind mobilising the power of the ballot to deny the highest office of the land to a fascist tinpot no matter what. What a wretched bind to be stuck in!

Which brings me back to the argument I've been making all along. Be bold, passionate, unflinching in denouncing Donald J Trump's unworthiness to be on a school board let alone the Oval Office. But don't do it by minimising, sidelining, whitewashing the gruesome fact that Joe Biden is amongst the worst war criminals in history. I implore everyone reading this to recognise that both can and must be true at the same time. Just because the election is binary doesn't mean the conversation also has to be.

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Excellent comment! Mehdi ought to keep his focus on Gaza and on Biden's continued backing of Israeli barbarity. More bombs. More death. More AIPAC support to bought Zionist politicians.

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32,000 dead Palestinians is a severe undercount. Israel has destroyed the medical and civic infrastructure that would track those numbers, by this point. Gaza looks like Dresden now. This is Joe Biden’s legacy - the notion that he thinks he’ll be remembered for some infrastructure bill is beyond preposterous. He’s determined to keep arming & funding War Crimes R Us, consequences be damned.

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They made every known atrocities

And broke every low on this planet

Killing children and journalists

Bombing hospitals

Collective punishment as a revenge

Taking civilians as hostages

Starving millions of people

I can't believe these actions are acceptable to this time

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Somewhat off topic but 9am in Oz and I seeing on MSNBC trump is saying he is "the chosen one".

No. No. He is the "cloven one". I could twitter this little play on words but can't stand the X facist.

If there is any mileage in a quick response, hope your team can put it to use to control the conversation whereever possible.

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Lies are accepted as a norm and seekers of truth are targeted.

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He is bolder than ever, he will admit more of his crimes in the coming days.

That’s because he didn’t face any consequences yet and the way things are going I wonder if he ever will?

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Crushing it Mehdi

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Let us also not forget that no other government in the world is permitted to bomb entire hospitals, killing hundreds of innocent people, in order to assassinate a single Hamas official.

Palestinians are clearly expendable. To the world, their lives mean nothing.

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Looks like Netanyahu doesn’t like the news coming from Al Jazeera because-truth?

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Chris Cuomo is not worth it. His notion that the GOP and the Democratic Party are in an electoral struggle, actuated by a similar adherence to the rule of law, and governed by the same fundamental moral principles, is ridiculous.

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