Awesome Mehdi!!

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you’re a king, Mehdi 👑 thank you for your work!

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The media is complicit it is criminal. It is also a litmus test on corrupt the media is and how they will be supportive of fascists if inline with elite thinking.

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I fully agree. Journalists have a moral duty to reports the facts. Yet, most US media are afraid to speak the truth by saying the word "genocide" bc they don't want to risk offending certain Jewish individuals/ groups. These people/ groups have wealth/power. They're everywhere--including the media. This fact influences almost all to walk on egg shells to avoid offending Netanyahu/ultra right even in USA. Votes, power and jobs are depending on keeping Bibi /ultra right happy as they commit GENOCIDE. This is why certain unbiased Jewish and Palestinian people/ groups like Jews For Peace, Sen. Bernie Sanders, Noa Achinoam, an Israeli singer/activist ("Look At Me") and Israeli journalist/filmmaker Yuval Abraham, Israeli cinematographer/editor, Rachel Szor and Palestinian witness/ amateur videographer/ filmmaker, Basel Adra and Palestinian filmmaker/farmer, Hamdan Ballal of film "No Other Land" are so vital to the truth. They all had the courage to speak up and give witness to the cruel reality. What is happening is: GENOCIDE.

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Thank you for exposes Joe Walsh "The One-Eyed Jack" reprehensible twisted answers .. lost all respect

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It’s funny! How in a “democracy” can the orange cretin “order” all these things? THIS IS NOT A DEMOCRACY DUDES! Effing stop deluding yourselves! A nation of idiots and sheep will soon get what ignorance and delusion deserve!

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Genocide Indeed only a cretin would not see that.

A holocaust by definition. That;s where bombs hit a school and vaporize the closest children

Thereby incinerating them and ripping the limbs off those not close enough to be vaporized

Then vaporizing the aid workers in their car who are on the way to help those still alive, but dying.slowly.

That's a holocaust. A furnace and chimney are not a prerequisite for a holocaust..


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I don't subscribe to NYTimes or The Atlantic anymore precisely because they CLEARLY show VERY DANGEROUS sociopathic biased behaviors against Palestinians. They have made the world less safe for all of us by targeting Palestinians like this. Who cares if XYZ type of people get mass murdered anymore? Certainly not the journalists who work for these previously esteemed rags.

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Mehdi - I didn’t see your “style of adversarial journalism and combative interviewing style,” when you interviewed Congresswoman Jayapal. You certainly did so with Jill Stein - I’m not a Green Party constituent by the way. If you’re not interviewing everyone the same then it appears you have a bias and that you pull punches for those you like or with whom you want to maintain access. I can get that approach for free on MSM. Do better.

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A restore trust in news even had… Megyn Kelly??? huh.

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Thankful you don't try to lean to the center and include never-Trump Republicans, you are so right that we already have enough of that. Thoughtful, informative, deep journalism from the left is why I am here. I welcome the challenging ideas and variety of thought processes that you are providing.

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What’s wrong with the sound?

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