This Imam is a dumbass. In any negotiation, any, first and foremost, one must ask who are they negotiating with. Someone reasonable? Honest? Trustworthy? If the answers are no, what’s the bloody point in negotiating with them? Bring this Imam back on your show in two years and ask him if the ‘five things’ negotiated on were honored. I’m willing to bet he’ll tuck tail and run in the opposite direction. He’s misguided at best.

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Hey, lets not insult dumbasses, it would be an insult to them to bunch them with this moron.

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I think this Imam and some of Muslim leaders were desperate to make changes for the situation which is to stop the genecide. They wanted someone who has power to listen to them. Trump camp took advantage of their desperation and conned them. He kept saying that Dems kept ignoring Muslim community but Trump took the time to talk to them. It is Dems fault to ignore the voice and doubling down on the wrong side.

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I agree the dems are at fault for ignoring Arabs/Muslims/etc. However, regardless of desperation or whatever their motivation, endorsing trump is real dumb. Nothing gets better with trump back in the oval. Nothing. I'm not saying things are better with Harris there either, but one would have to be real naïve to believe anything gets better with trump.

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Sure, I don’t disagree with you. Obviously, this Imam is very naive therefore he is clinging to whatever Trump camp “offered / agreed” blindly. We need to remember that many voters don’t follow politics like you and I.

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Yeah, that's a very fair point and one I often lose sight of.

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What an idiot Imam!!! It was painful to hear his stupid arguments..

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I feel sorry for him, no brains.

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He's an Imam like trump's a Christian

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🎤 drop!

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No. He IS an imam but he knows jack sh*t about real life and politics.

Thicker than two short posts.

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Wow that was painful to watch. This guy seems like another religious grifter or he's just not that bright. You would have to be pretty naive to think Trump wouldn't lie just to get his endorsement.

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With all due respect, he is naive and gullible, so not many will follow him his advice. I tentatively listened for his cogent explanation for endorsing and encouraging other Muslims to vote for trump. Nothing concrete.

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This guy is an imam? lol

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I would never pray behind him

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Me, either.

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please don't do that. He and his group made a judgement error so give them slack for it.

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This is not a judgement error this is idiotic error. Bet he is getting paid for this

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This POS deserves NOTHING but ridicule and deportation to Israel, his obvious boss! I don’t want any morons anywhere they can do damage.

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I will never pray in the front of him since I will be worried to have my back to him

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K chill..lol he sounds desperate

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Most Imams are like that.

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I have only been Muslim a short time -- 31 years -- and thus a newbie, but from my vantage point most Imams are a-political.

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I would not go that far

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the rapist is the one who represents family values? they just put statues of Trump to honor his lifelong sexual harassment! what's wrong with this Imam?

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Another false profit. Religious leaders who think they can advance personally by endorsing the devil.

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Whether “profit” was a typo or a pun, it works!

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We should ask how much money this imam got from Trump or Elon for this endorsement

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Good point.

His naivety SEEMED genuine — like a credulous deer, caught in gullibility-headlights — but some people coast through life, very comfortably, by hiding obscene corruption behind a façade of idiocy... because they can count on us all to "misunderestimate" them.

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Nope. He's the real thing; dumb to the bone.

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Fools like him are free, you just allow a photo-op.

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I am disgusted….

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Oh, wow. I think any of us here can sell a bridge to this goofball.

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Or swampland in Florida

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This guy is totally unhinged and illogical.

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Money bought this so called Iman, that’s Trump’s MO. Plain and simple. Plus the fact there is another choice. The Green Party, who will benefit the ppl of Gaza who desperately need a voice in this Zionist government. Jill Stein is a candidate for all people!

Harris is definitely owned by AIPAC. Trump smooches with whoever kisses his A**. We have another choice! Green Party isn’t without faults but it isn’t owned by AIPAC!

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all she is doing is splitting the vote. What is her stand on Palestine?

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What can Green party do though? That is doing nothing to help Palestinians.

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To be serious, the Green Party can be built on a local level, in your town or city, not at presidential campaign level which is only symbolic as a protest vote. I've done third party votes in the past but it's not appropriate here given the closeness of the vote. Besides Palestine the parties really differ alot on issues from Ukraine to economics. Remember how extreme Trump is... even most of his staff from his presidency are strongly against him.

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Strongly agree

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Green party is supporting Palestinian cause and they need 5% votes. We need to build an alternative to 2 party system. It will take time but we have to start now..

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Stein has been at this for many cycles and there is no growth to the Green Party. It will never be a 3rd legit Party. She’s a spoiler.

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The “need” for 5% isn’t even feasible, and this is a two-party system until we have ranked choice voting for president. Even if they got 5%, that’s still 0 electoral votes! Don’t be such a fool.

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Please not at this election. Voting third party in swing states will only lead to a trump victory. Let Green Party build grass roots movements, not just show up every 4 years to skew the election in favor of trump. There’s hope with Dems. R are all wretched with Muslims and on Palestine. We will, Allah forbid, be stuck with 12 years of trump and Vance. Please, please all third party/JS supporters - please consider long term strategy. Not your present anger and frustration that will bring in a narcissist racist dictator. JS can’t do a thing to stop the genocide in Gaza. Please be practical, far sighted.

Hold your nose and vote KH to block Trump. Specially if you live in swing states. Please consider.

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careful what you wish for - what does she stand for? America as a whole is owned by AIPAC

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why making assumptions it is unfair he is entitled to his opinion.

at least they were given a platform to discuss their agenda

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No platform, just an audience with The Second Coming of the Christ.

No agenda either, he has no understanding of how government works. He is willing to sell out the four points for some control over school curricula but that's the domain of the State, not the President.

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Thanks Medi for this discussion which helped to know both sides of the arguments.

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Let's sum it up: Conservative religious leader backs Trump because he hates the LGBTQ community, gives other easily refuted reasons to hide this. Not exactly a unicorn

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Twenty buck the imam watches trans porn.

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YAAASSSS. Thank you. Over and out.

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Probably in his view, Trump is a man and can rape woman he wants. So sad.

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Doing our best is voting for Jill Stein 💚💚💚💚💚voting our conscience, our morals

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Really? So even if it hands the election to Trump you believe you’d be doing the right thing, even though Stein can’t win, and Trump intends to destroy all green initiatives, and give Israel even more free rein to destroy the Palestinians. Not to mention, take away all abortion and women’s reproductive rights, while turning this nation into an authoritarian kakistocracy.

You truly are dumb as a rock! Let’s see how it works out for you and the Palestinians when you get exactly what you wish for! You won’t be laughing then, And I’d bet my life’s fortune on it!

My god, there are definitely too many dumbass’s that exist in this world, who’s only purpose in life is to serve as a warning to others!

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Both parties are Evil , if we vote green, we get to make a change, even if it’s a slight chance this time, it will be better for the future of our generations.

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Don’t you get it? There won’t be another time! You must be a bot, because no one is this dumb.

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We’ll see who’s dumb

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We see! You must be paid by Israel!

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I’m responding to the dude Robert! Calling people voting for J strong dumb ! So I responded we’ll see who’s the dumb one ! 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Oh I’m replying to Robert Jaffee’s comment above ! The dude calling everyone voting green dumb ! I’m pro Palestinian 109%

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How do we know you're not the Zionist?

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I was agteeing to Amina’s msg above and we got attacked by RJ 👆🏻see comments lol 🙅🏻‍♀️

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She is just splitting the vote just as she did in 2016. What is her position on Palestine?

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Probably not much different than Biden, although it’s hard to know. What someone says out of office, never quite aligns with their expectations, especially when they get the Presidential Daily Brief, and they know the true extent of what’s really happening in the region by all interested parties….:)

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Please not at this election. Voting third party in swing states will only lead to a trump victory. Let Green Party build grass roots movements, not just show up every 4 years to skew the election in favor of trump. There’s hope with Dems. R are all wretched with Muslims and on Palestine. We will, Allah forbid, be stuck with 12 years of trump and Vance. Please, please all third party/JS supporters - please consider long term strategy. Not your present anger and frustration that will bring in a narcissist racist dictator. JS can’t do a thing to stop the genocide in Gaza. Please be practical, far sighted.

Hold your nose and vote KH to block Trump. Specially if you live in swing states. Please consider.

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