great additions, especially excited to see Prem joining!

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Dear Mehdi, I have been a follower from before your appearances on AJ. I watched many of your Oxford debates. I watched you on MSNBC, where you did not belong. But I believe it was good for a while, as it got your name more prominent on American "poor" MSM, which made more "regular" Americans aware of what is out there...

Love your style and your wit.

Very proud of you and what you have accomplished.

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Excited to see Zeteo expanding and thriving!

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Loved the show with Alana Hadid. Both of you very inspiring and substantive. Your show is very much needed to keep the key issues at the forefront. Thank you!

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Keep bringing in the best.

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Zeteo is such a breath of fresh air! Incredible additions to an already amazing team.

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These are great picks!

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Amazing!! Great additions and lookin to see Prem push the spox at the SD as he always has!

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Excellent and exciting news!

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Well done Mehdi & team - you are getting, bigger, better and bolder! You have so much support and goodwill to give us the counter narrative to that spewed by western governments & the largely right wing media!

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I LOVE Kat!!! You guys are even smarter than I knew, hiring her. :-)

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So glad to see Justin Baragona as part of your crew! His insights are incisive and informative... looking forward to seeing more of him and the rest of the team!

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Sangita Myska former LBC host? Fired from LBC for questioning Shitreal.

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Ooh cool 😎 voices!! Excited for the future of Zeteo!

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Great additions, happy to see your news channel is expanding and adding new talent.

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Congratulations! Excited to see Zeteo is taking over other medias. 👏👏👏

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