Viet Thanh Nguyen and Zeteo deserve every accolade imaginable for publishing this piece! This writer expresses so well what I, and so many others, feel but have been unable to put into words in a coherent way. I am sharing this with everyone I know, on any side of this issue. Great work Zeteo!!!

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Thank you!

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Excellent essay, but the last line sims it all up. America needs to stop being the serpent in the Garden of Eden. We need a third party to break up the duopoly of Quiet and Ugly Americans. We need, the world needs, moral Americans.

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"Neoliberalism will kill you slow. Neo-fascism will kill you quick. Either way you are dead." Nina Turner

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Finally, someone with the depth of personal suffering borne out of his experience in the duality of the “land of the free” articulates with somber clarity of what it is to live in America, be an American but originating from the global South, or the developing world, the third world, however they call us. It is without question a brilliant and heart thumping analysis of where we are. Thank you for having the opportunity to advance my understanding and voicing my thoughts with such grace and eloquence.

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Eloquent, incisive and most of all, true.

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Literally EVERYONE should read this.

Thank you, Viet Thanh Nguyen ❣️

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Spot-on post. Regardless of the election outcome, the absurd myth of American exceptionalism will be laid to rest.

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Both of their campaigns are embroiled in a grotesque competition over who can express the most support for Israel’s genocidal actions. Neither can be trusted. One candidate hides behind a polished façade, expertly employing hollow “EmpathySpeak” and a practiced “EmpathyFace”. The other blatantly endorses his views, cushioned by a voter base that does not pressure him to feign empathy for Palestinians.

This entire conversation exists because of the Biden-Harris administration’s unwavering complicity in genocide, laced with deceitful empathy meant to placate while stifling dissent and public grief. This betrayal is so deep that some who oppose the genocide now find themselves grasping at the false hope offered by another pathological liar—one whose open Islamophobia and fawning admiration for Netanyahu are undeniable. The alternative? A candidate who has, without a shred of remorse, propagated Israeli atrocity propaganda long after it was debunked—including the grotesque and false claim of babies being beheaded—never once admitting to these lies. And let's not forget Harris’s role, along with Hillary “Qaddafi Uses Viagra to Commit Mass Rape” Clinton (a lie unmasked by Julian Assange), in promoting staged narratives like “Screams Without Words” and “Screams Before Silence” at a White House screening, even after these stories had been proven false.

Their silence on systematic rape—a weapon of war used against Palestinian prisoners, most of whom have never been charged with any crime—and their lack of condemnation for Israel’s response to leaked video evidence and whistleblower testimonies speaks volumes. This silence becomes deafening when considering the storming of military bases by mobs supporting these rapists, or the Knesset’s debates to legalize such heinous acts. Even worse, the transformation of the gang rapist ringleader into a folk hero, celebrated in Israeli mainstream media, reveals the dark underbelly of the administration’s selective outrage.

The Biden-Harris State Department, meanwhile, parrots hollow reassurances about working “around the clock” to broker ceasefires. The lies are so egregious that it is clear their only purpose is to delay, to deceive, to obfuscate. They conveniently blame the lack of results on Hamas, even though the hostage families have known since last November that Hamas was ready to release Israeli hostages in exchange for all Palestinian prisoners. This was never about negotiations; it was about appeasement, about never challenging Israel’s brutality—even when Netanyahu himself rejected U.S. proposals and added absurd demands.

The lies drip from the lips of administration spokespeople at every press briefing. Watching them is like witnessing a macabre theater of hypocrisy, where the few brave reporters daring to confront their duplicity are met with stone-cold denial.

Trump has solidified his reputation as a pathological liar on issues of dire consequence. But the Biden-Harris administration has surpassed even that, earning the title of pathological liars on genocide. Their complicity is evident in every carefully crafted word, every deliberate silence, every defense of Israeli atrocities, every deferential nod to Israel’s own “investigations” of its war crimes.

The zenith of this denial came just days ago with Linda Thomas-Greenfield, Biden’s ambassador to the UN, whose hands are stained with the blood of complicity. She attacked Francesca Albanese, the UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights of Palestinians, who concluded in her recent report “Genocide as Colonial Erasure” that Israel’s actions amount to genocide and called for Israel’s suspension from the UN. Thomas-Greenfield's response?

“As UN Special Rapporteur Albanese visits New York, I want to reiterate the U.S. belief she is unfit for her role. The United Nations should not tolerate antisemitism from a UN-affiliated official hired to promote human rights.”

The backlash was immediate and brutal, with the top comment encapsulating the disgust:

“You disgusting piece of sh*t. You absolutely irredeemable scumbag. Not only have you fought tirelessly to defend a racist genocide, you now weaponize fake anti-racism for your bullsh*t imperialism. There will be no fires in the lowest depths of Hell hot enough to do you justice.”

Anyone who thinks that casting a vote for Harris will end this genocide is fooling themselves. There is zero evidence—despite their endless, deceitful promises—that anything will change on this, the ultimate red line issue of all red line issues: genocide.


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Well said. I especially appreciate your comment, "This betrayal is so deep that some who oppose the genocide now find themselves grasping at the false hope offered by another pathological liar—one whose open Islamophobia and fawning admiration for Netanyahu are undeniable." It's very true, and Trump's recently voiced concerns that Israel has taken things too far intensify this phenomenon. Even if his reasoning is purely about protecting Israel from itself, and he could not care less about the suffering of Palestinians, it still represents more hope for ending the genocide than the Harris campaign's grotesque lies have offered thus far.

I'll add that there are many who refuse to vote at all, or will vote for Jill Stein, simply because they cannot imagine voting for any candidate who supports genocide, period. Lastly, a solid group of liberals who believe the only hope for eventual change is to punish the democratic party for its complicity by helping them to lose this election; perhaps they will learn to listen? This fact, that some of the most passionate democrats would voluntarily endure four more years of Orange Man Bad on only a faint hope of distant change... what can we even say about a political landscape that forces such bitter, desperate choices?

This farce would be laughable if it weren’t soaked in blood and betrayal.

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I'm interested to find out how many people will have stayed at home and how many voted 3rd party because of genocide. I see 3rd party supporters as also inspired by those candidates honesty and values.

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I hope Zeteo pulls a few more Pulitzer writers like Viet Thanh Nguyen and a few thousand more subscribers from the exoduses of WaPo and LA Times.

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Wow, so eloquently expressed and deeply thoughtful. Enjoyed reading it!

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Deep thanks to Viet Thanh Nguyen for writing - so beautifully! - the truth about the American Dream, which, for so many here in America and around the world is in fact the unending American Nightmare. Gaza shows us that we can no longer pretend that at its heart America is not a monstrous, pitiless, ruthless, war-loving country. America must undergo a great sea-change. We must turn away from lies, war, force, violence, and neoliberalism, and know that peace and an economy grounded in the well-being of the earth and all who live on it is the only humane, sustainable path forward. This isn't pie in the sky, this is what must be done.

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Yes, but... We live in the world of our electoral system. In a Parliamentary system, where the party that wins 20% of the vote gets 20% of the representation, a third party can be a significant force. In our system, the party that wins 20% of the vote gets 0% of the representation. Unless there's a major shake-up (Civil War?), the electorate will devolve into only two viable parties. It's a math question, not a policy question. To produce an impact, you must work WITHIN one of the two parties. Otherwise you're just wasting your time.

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This is why many leftists believe reform is not plausible, and only revolution can lead to a significant change. The extreme consolidation of wealth and power means that it will never be possible to create significant momentum working within the system - it will always be undercut, or outright erased. Unfortunately, it seems we are relegated to waiting for things to get so bad they break; in the meantime, building grassroots momentum outside of the political parties can still have significant value, once revolution inevitably beckons.

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Thank you. Inciteful writing like this is what we need.

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I am a women’s health physician. I know firsthand that my patients are real, tangible individuals whose lives will be profoundly impacted by the policies of a Trump versus a Harris administration. Every life holds value—a truth that must be central to any policy decision. The well-being of these women must be factored into this calculus, because what I cannot understand is how any of the concerns outlined in this essay would improve under a Trump administration.

What also troubles me about this essay is the erasure of non-white Americans from the conversation. We are just as American as anyone else, and the safety, health, and preservation of our families are equally deserving of consideration. To talk about the American project with simplistic, binary language of good versus evil fails to capture our complexity as a nation. We are a dynamic country, and ignoring the real impact of moving toward the tyranny that someone like Trump embodies disregards the harm it will bring—harm that will extend beyond our borders and affect the very people around the world we claim to help.

Before making decisions that could negatively impact people’s lives, it is crucial to deeply engage with the reality of those lives. Are you volunteering in hospitals? Supporting local organizations? Feeding the poor? Writing words on a page is not enough—our actions must reflect genuine understanding and empathy. Only then can we ensure that our choices contribute to a future where all Americans, regardless of background, are valued and protected.

If you are on the fence about your vote, I would be happy to chat.

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Brillant analysis which makes it clear again: this is not about little Palestine wanting to be free but about the empire vs the ones it oppresses. Whether in red or in blue.

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A thoughtful essay with the bleak choices described accurately. However, as a woman Trump is far worse than Harris. Still even with Harris, the struggle continues.

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