Jun 5·edited Jun 5

An example of many other Americans of the Jewish faith, who are standing up for justice and human rights. It remain critically important, that we differentiate between Jews and Zionists. Our enemy are the Zionists, some of whom are not even Jewish such as self-confessed and sleepy Joe Biden.

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I have so much respect for these people who resign in this public manner and speak out in the media. Good on Mehdi for having him and the other former officials on his broadcast. The second conversation was very interesting as well and I agree that the Situation in Sudan is ignored way too much. I`m guilty of that as well and i`m not as informed about Sudan as I need to be and want to be. I hope we can get peole to focus on what is happening there as well.

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As intent as Biden is, on blaming his racist genocide on Jewish people — and hiding his violent intolerance for dissent, behind a farcical claim to be "protecting Jews" — Genocide-Joe is inciting white-supremacism, fomenting genocide, trafficking arms to war-criminals, and sponsoring crimes against humanity, because Joe Biden wants to. Not for anyone else.

The aggressive complicity of Jewish Zionists, is grotesque. The aggressive complicity of Christian Zionists, is grotesque. The aggressive complicity of Hindu Zionists, like Narendra Modi, is grotesque. But no matter how disgusting anyone ELSE is, Joe Biden, alone, is the DRIVING FORCE.

Joe Biden is the one person who could've stopped it, at any time, and he, alone, keeps REFUSING to. Joe Biden beheaded the baby we all saw. Joe Biden is burning people alive. Israel has to be stopped, and it has to be prosecuted for its gross inhumanity & unfathomable criminality. But it would be insane to pretend Joe Biden isn't responsible — more than anyone else in the world — for this 21st century holocaust.

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I know it feels good and nice to call Biden “genocide Joe” but why didn’t you mention literally all of congress and the Republican Party who is even worse in terms of their support for Israel?

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Joe Biden is the one person who could've stopped it, at any time, and he, alone, keeps REFUSING to. Joe Biden beheaded the baby we all saw. Joe Biden is burning people alive. Israel has to be stopped, and it has to be prosecuted for its gross inhumanity & unfathomable criminality. But it would be insane to pretend Joe Biden isn't responsible — more than anyone else in the world — for this 21st century holocaust.

And NOTHING about Biden's genocide "feels good and nice."

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I agree with you that Biden could put a lot more pressure and threaten to cut off weapons…. But let’s also call out all of congress both republicans and democrats who are just as bad

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

TO WHAT END do you prod me to replace MY POINT with YOUR LIST of nearly everyone in government, other than a small handful of progressives? Are you trying to give Joe Biden a wall of human shields, behind which to obscure HIS culpability?

None of the other monsters can stop this. Joe Biden is the monster who can stop this. He refuses to.

It's long-past time to "threaten" to cut off weapons. Israel's ruling class announced their genocidal intent nearly eight months ago, and immediately set about proving they MEANT it. Biden has been criminally trafficking weapons to war criminals, and obstructing international justice, ever since.

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Yeah man, all it takes is a phone call and this would've been over. So why hasn't he done it?

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Looks to me as though you are advocating the interests of DJT in your insistence that President Biden has the ability to force Israel, a sovereign nation, to cease and desist. Do you suggest he send in the American Marines to guard the delivery of food, and medical supplies? Start a war with Israel? What exactly are your suggestions for ending the bloodbath in Palestine, other than withholding weapons and money which may eventually come to that. We all want this genocide to end but he DOES need the cooperation of Congress.

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"Looks to me as though..." Are you TRYING to sound like a cop?

I said, "Nearly everyone in government, other than a small handful of PROGRESSIVES," is complicit in genocide, but along comes a Karen, to attempt a false arrest for "advocating the interests of DJT."

TRY not to shoot me.

You asked, "how" to stop Israel... AFTER I wrote that Biden has been "trafficking arms to war-criminals, and sponsoring crimes against humanity," in my original comment... and AFTER I wrote, " Biden has been criminally trafficking weapons to war criminals, and obstructing international justice," in the comment that you directly replied to.

➡️ STOP aiding & abetting the worst crime known to man, and START respecting international law. THAT'S how. Cut off ALL support — military, financial, legal & political — for Israel & its genocidal savagery.

ALSO: Reestablish funding to UNRWA, force open the borders, and ASSIST UNRWA.

Regarding your suggestion to "send in the American Marines to guard the delivery of food, and medical supplies":


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Yeap and there is a reason he has Anthony Blinken as his secretary of state. Un -consionable

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So, Lisa, after your diatribe against Joe Biden (who bears a some blame in his reluctance to halt all weapons shipments to Israel) who will you vote for in the coming national election, provided you are eligible to vote? Do you think the only other viable candidate will be a better president for AMERICA?

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If it seems like I have no respect for Biden, it's because I DON'T. If you can't understand that it's possible to have no respect for two people, then that's a YOU problem.

Same goes for their hostile, antisocial followers: I have no more respect for Blue MAGA's genocide-defending guard-dogs than I have for Red MAGA's treason-defending guard-dogs. None at all. Because I shouldn't.

But by all means: Run around CLUBBING people who say true things about your boy, and then scream, "Vote Blue," at them. How can THAT fail to help?

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Great show again. So refreshing to hear real news unfiltered! Would love to see you interview Miko Peled.

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I equally would love to see and hear an interview with Miko!

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Another excellent episode. This principled young man deserves our respect. So sorry our military intelligence is losing a person of conscience. Thank you for also shedding light on another tragedy, Sudan.

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There is an informative article in the "Intercept" today about the destruction of the Sudan. Apparently mankind has gone insane.

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let's continue to remember serviceman Aaron Bushnell who protested with his life

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Incredible and so very credible. Thank you, Major Harrison Mann, for providing more details on how this War Machine works. And for providing examples on the tiny things people can be doing to tweak and poke and pry all of us out from under the madness. The rest of us need to keep trying to share this very interview with our communities.

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Biden has been ATROCIOUS on Gaza. But I’m still voting for him and encourage everyone to do so. There is so much more at stake this election than the Gaza genocide. Who’s the alternative to Biden? I’m as disgusted by his support for Israel’s genocide as anyone. But what’s the alternative? A guy who will destroy this democracy for good this time, will rule by executive fiat, and a wannabe dictator? A guy who wants to ideologically screen immigrants? Trump just said last week he’ll reimplement the Muslim ban, and was calling for the deportation of pro-Palestinian protesters. Yesterday he posted a video calling for a “unified reich.” He said he will roll back every Biden gun policy that’s been implemented. Biden is bad on Gaza, and Trump and the republicans are far worse. Trump just yesterday said he will deport all pro-Palestinian protesters and shut them all down. You can’t tell me that’s better than Biden.

I’m with Biden, because I also care about other issues like climate, abortion, guns, democracy, etc. I know Trump would be 10x worse in a 2nd term. A “protest” vote gets us nowhere, but it will lead to a 2nd trump term. If you’re eager for the election department to be cut, the interior department to be cut, taxes to go up, and a mass deportation operation to occur, then sit this one out. Sorry, I’m not willing to throw away our democracy to a dictator. It’s not going to get us anywhere. A year from now, it’s going to be Trump or Biden in the WH. Not Jill stein.

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One would think that with all the staff leaving Biden's administration it would be a wake up call for the president. But since he has declared himself a Zionist and that he will never give up on Israel, well that is a cross he will have to bear when all this is over and done with. He should be publicly called out for his great complicity in this horror of a so-called war. He's probably among the worse presidents the U.S. has ever had - and they have had some!

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Thank you for exposing the horrendous situtation in Sudan, as well.

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Maximum respect to this person for resigning from his role. Killing of innocent civilians is unacceptable regardless of race, religion, ethnicity.

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Thank you for raising the issue of the unimaginable suffering in Sudan. The powerful could stop these horrors in the world but they either stand by and don't care enough to do anything about it or are complicit in these atrocities. When I was young I believed that if war crimes were committed, the UN would send in a peacekeeping force. How naive I was, and how disillusioned I am!

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Anyone with contience will be upset

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great interview Mehdi.

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Thank you to this man. It's apparent he is distressed talking about this atrocity but he is also very eloquent in his framing and you can tell he is driven to be a voice on this issue.

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On spot! as always✊🏽

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