I beg to differ on the Title 'Genocide is Unfolding'. Genocide has been persistently committed by Israel for so long. The Rafah threat is an eyewash. Once Israel backs down, we are all going to take sigh of relief that Genocide has been averted. The title should read 'The Genocide is getting more Brutal'.

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“Segal, who has previously called Israel’s war on Gaza a “textbook case of genocide,” said: “If we finally recognized Israel for what it is, which is a white supremacist settler state, then the problem is that it's not just confined to that. We have to recognize the whole system behind it, its support, its allies, including white supremacy and settler colonialism in the U.S.”

Seriously? Has this professor been to Israel? Are the Middle Eastern Jews white supremacists? How about the Ethiopian or Yemenite Jews? How exactly can black people from Africa be White Supremacists? Unless you’re Clarence Thomas, then it could make sense.

I agree what’s happening in Gaza is genocide and the world needs to act, but some of this stuff is completely over the top!

The idea that Biden can do more when he has sent Blinken and Burns to Israel and the Gulf States to mediate a ceasefire for the umpteenth time, shows he’s trying to stop this genicide. He’s even stopped a shipment of offensive weapons last week.

Israel does not take marching orders from the US, they take our money, weapons and aid, but clearly not our advice. No country when it comes to their existence and National Security will listen to its allies.

As DeGaulle once said to Ben-Gurion, “countries have no friends, only interests!”

And for all who say that we should stop sending all weapons is ludicrous. It’s not just to protect from the Palestinians, it’s all the threats that exist in the region: Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, etc….and threats from Russia and China.

We need to focus on a ceasefire and then stop the religious wing-nuts in Israel from expanding territory, so we can prepare for an eventual two state solution.

What has transpired during the last two decades of conflict and occupation needs to end, but Israel needs a partner as well, so pressure needs to be put on the Palestinians as well.


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If you’ve been to Israel you know that the Arab and Ethiopian Jews are viewed as beneath the white Western European dominant citizenship. It’s possible to align with white supremacy and not be white - in fact white supremacy loves to make a few non whites allies towards hiding the true nature of the ideology. Biden facilitated this genocide and is now just trying to distance himself because he may suffer a humiliating loss to a Trump. We just sent 26B in weapons; too late for a “red line.”

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we should withdraw our money and weapons if Bibi insists on using it to kill innocent children..I don't want to participate in killing children..not one penny more

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Agreed. I’m with you on that.

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"Has this professor been to Israel?"

Well, it did say "Israeli professor", so I think this question has been answered.

"Unless you’re Clarence Thomas, then it could make sense."

This is an excellent point! Even within a racist society, people of color can occupy important positions, and even use their position to further the racism. People are funny, huh?

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I was being sarcastic. That said, Israel may have been born of a colonialist society, but it has evolved. The Sephardic or Middle Eastern Jews were originally discriminated against, but it was mostly because of cultural differences and education. The same with Ethiopian Jews. I lived there and have visited recently (2 years ago).

There isn’t government funded racism except against the Palestinians in the territories and by the religious right, which has equal disdain for anyone who doesn’t practice our religion like they do: sound familiar?…:)

Generations of assimilation have changed that. Are some people racist, absolutely. We have racists in every segment of society.

Additionally, Jews and Palestinians alike have been marching together for peace in every major Israeli city. Interestingly, I haven’t seen any coverage in the MSM. You’d need to look online.

This entire fiasco is essentially Bibi and his right-wing government refusing to give up power. There are eerie similarities between Trump and Bidi, and none of it good….:)

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My friend Jaffee, skin colour doesn't define 'White Supremacy', it runs in the blood. Blacks were behind some Islamophobic attacks in the US.

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Genocide Joe Biden spoke today at a Holocaust remembrance event. He doubled down on his "ironclad" support to Israel, never once mentioning Palestinian suffering even as the Israeli gangster regime enters Rafah. When the ICC condemns the Israeli genocide, Genocide Joe needs to be an indicted co-conspirator.

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This was a great town hall with much useful information. Thank you all!

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Israel was built on a foundation of colonization, ethnic cleansing, and genocide from day one, which found its footing and support in white supremacy. These factors have consistently worked together to maintain Israel's brutal power over Palestinians. It is sick, it is racist, and it is wrong to promote such ideology in any way, shape, or form. This is not a war but an assault. As so many times before, the abused has become the abuser. To live through a horrible suffering inflicted upon you by a willing participant, to then willingly inflict the same horrible suffering on another innocent human being, is a special kind of vile. If you wish to argue my point, you would do better to convince me that the world is flat. I suggest you do not waste your time with such frivolity. Instead, use that time to grow your empathy and understanding to become a part of the solution instead of wading in the mire with the rest of the cruel mob, for blindness and ignorance can no longer be your entitled excuse.

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This town hall gave us an insight to how difficult life is for Palestinians living inside Isreal, let alone the genocide occurring in Gaza and no doubt in West Bank next. Thank you Diana for your honesty and for your courage to speak up and tell the world about your daily life living in an apartheid and racist country - it’s shocking but sadly not unexpected.

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For years Israel has referred to bombing Gaza as mowing the lawn, is there a more genocidal phrase?

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In my opinion, Jews who believe that they are different from Zionists and those who are currently creating a havoc in the world, should officially create a different identity for themselves. Verbal dissociation like 'Not in My Name' is fine but will go only so far. The world is seeing this now, but I grew up with fond memories about Jews. Some of my father's and grandfather's best friends and neighbours were jews. I did not see my grandfather but all of my father's childhood stories - his father's and his own friends always included jews. The one thing that this 'disaster' has done, is to bring Jews, Christians and Muslims together, accepting one another with their differences in faith, but staying staunchly together to protect justice, humanity and of course, lives. I know it's tough, but stand your ground.

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It is Zionism that has co-opted and hijacked the Jewish identity. Zionism is less than two centuries old, Jewish identity is thousands of years old. So those of us Jews who are not Zionist will not “create a new identity”. That would be similar to asking any long standing culture to rename themselves because of an extremist/hateful faction, letting that faction take over the identity completely. Would this be asked of all Christians because of the Christian MAGA extremists? No, they are asked to stand and fight against it, not just rename themselves.

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May 14·edited May 14

You are absolutely right, Sandra. I said that to help laymen like myself tell the Zionists apart from the peace-loving Jews, but no worries, the Zionists, Jews or otherwise, are eroding their acceptability by their peace-hating behaviour anyway. Continue your fight against your identity being hijacked and we will stand with you.

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Very interesting!

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Sadly, YES! Hasbina Allah Wa Ni'ma Al-Wakeel!

However, let me remind the Israeli criminal zionist thugs, what goes around comes around!

Allah "Yumhil Wa La Yuhmil" - go look it up for yourselves!

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One of the children in Rafah, from her Instagram account:


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My heart is broken for her.

Shame on us for supporting this genocide.




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