I can't believe that the USA and the western countries are supporting such atrocities, while preaching rule of law all the time!

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I write my congresspeople every day telling them to stop, not in my name, not in the name of my children and grandchildren, not with my tax dollars. But they don't respond, they don't care. Chuck Schumer is my senior senator, and I can't get him in email, on the phone, anywhere. The bastards are bringing Netanyahu to speak to a joint session of Congress. I hope we can shut DC down on that day. It's disgusting. I assume Trump will be worse, but I am shocked daily by the callous nature of almost all Democrats.

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The fear of the Israelis in the US has devastating consequences not only for the Palestinians but also for the US. As a result, we are now perceived as weak, immoral, and incapable of leading.

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I’ve been feeling so vicariously traumatized . That trauma is no where near with a Gazan and Palestinian people are feeling. But you are right this is hurting us as Americans. I feel like our country is truly dying. I worry that if we ever need asylum, people wouldn’t want to take us because of all the atrocities our government has committed. In our defense, I will say that there are so many of us that are speaking out and doing everything we can to save Palestinians. We are being ignored. Some people are being abused and doxed. Anybody who is not American who is reading this please understand the many many Americans hate when our government is doing and continue to fight

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I hear you. I feel deceived by this government. I now understand that I have been naive and unaware of the influence Zionists wield in our government. Growing up in Sweden, I was accustomed to a very different political climate where big donor money doesn’t exist. If money were not involved, would Biden and his administration still support Israel? After everything we have witnessed regarding the slaughter of innocent Palestinians, how can they continue this atrocity? I am deeply disgusted and saddened by how immoral, corrupt, and desensitized they all are.

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Yes, of course you do and your opposition and resistance is inspiring. Soto is the opposition and resistance within Israel although its existence is being censored by media and government as well as social opposition. There are good people everywhere if you keep your heart open to the possibility and don't allow yourself to be blinded by manufactured hate.

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It started in earnest with G.W. Bush, but really took hold with Trump's lunacy and now with Biden's sad inability to get through a press conference. The sheer insanity of Neoconservativism AND Neoliberalism, however, will keep it going.

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Sadly, this is what they've always done, when they didn't commit the atrocities themselves.

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The fact that you are shocked that the USA and the Western countries are supporting such atrocities, shows the effects of social media on the current narratives. Same atrocities committed in Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam and different parts of Africa by USA and other Western countries. The mainstream media in the US and Western countries did not cover these atrocities because it would expose the real face of colonial, imperialist, racist system of the west and their fake care about human rights.

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Jun 10·edited Jun 10

These videos and pictures will be used in history books in some decades. They will be seen just like we see the pictures from French soldiers in Algeria, US soldiers in Vietnam or German soldiers in WW2 to teach us about the horrors inflicted by these IOF thugs.

Very good reporting and I'm looking forward to read the second part. Would be great as well, if Mehdi Hasan would bring them on Mehdi Unfiltered

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The lesson of the Holocaust should have been, “Never again—for anyone.” But the sad truth is that most of those who suffer or have suffered from injustice simply want to get hold of the whip. Decades of misuse of the Holocaust for ethnonationalistic orgies of self-righteous trauma-mongering has brought us to this point. I’m a 54-year-old American Jew whose mother lost half her family in the Holocaust, by the way.

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Doug, thank you for your post. My family is Jewish and I have said the same thing: Never Again was supposed to mean never again, ever, for anyone. The beautiful teachings of the Torah have been so corrupted by Zionism.

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It's baffling to me that Benjamin "Smirking Assassin" Netanyahu's greatest creation Hamas is now being used as an excuse for the Nakba 2.0, the extermination and eradication of not only the Palestinian People, but every vestige of their culture and heritage. The tried and tested Nazi method of "Divide And Conquer" to remove the indigenous population from their homeland. How and why is the Fascist Apartheid Rogue State of Israel not being called out for attempting to destroy their greatest "Asset" Hamas? For years Netanyahu funneled money thru Proxies to ensure the establishment of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, and now we're supposed to believe the only solution is it's destruction? Netanyahu's lies and biblical slaughter of Palestinian People must be stopped. Israel is a Terrorist State, and ever since it's "creation" in 1948, it's been given a green light to ethnically cleanse the Palestinian People from the face of the Earth. As a so called Human Being I myself cannot sit idly by and say nothing about the blood lust of Israel. They have the gall to perpetuate the Lie that they're the victim, and they're just defending themselves. Hogwash, the only people with the right of Self Defence are the Palestinian People, 57 years of brutalising, barbaric, illegal Military Occupation testifies to that. How does the World stay silent when everyday mass murders are committed in the name of the Zionist Colonial Project? Netanyahu's Nazis say there's no innocents in the Gaza Strip, and it's fine to demonize, dehumanise and humiliate the Palestinian People. The spirit of Hitler is alive and well, and it resides in the soulless, heartless void of every Zionist. Free Palestine.

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I have long said that these people (Israeli) for the most part are evil. They torture, starve, steal and demean Palestinians and they have the gall to call themselves moral. I can't wait for the day they get their comeuppance. I think they are drunk on their revenge and have past a point of no return, losing all sight of their own humanity. One day they will wake up to what they have done and it will give them mental torture for the rest of their lives. Their punishment will be eternal.

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Do not condemn all Israelis. Many oppose the genocide but we are not allowed to hear their voices because of censorship. We do see many Jews working on American campuses to support the pro-Palestinian encampments. Condemning all Israelis is as uninformed as condemning all Americans.

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We will celebrate the downfall, demise, and dismantled Israel when that time comes; the time is coming soon and yet, not soon enough.

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Predictably, America is practicing the highest morals money can buy.

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Most regular people react with disbelief and denial upon seeing evidence that the majority of Israelis support these kinds of images being shared - much less that the majority of Israelis support this genocide. We can't even bear to look into our own mirror and see that the US majority is so committed to white supremacy that they don't see anything deeply wrong here or that they too care nothing for Palestinian humanity and dignity.

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Amazing, damning reporting. Thank you, zeteo!

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Thank you for making a record of these atrocities. I feel sorry for the young people who have lost their souls.

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This is actually not surprising to see. Soldiers have been like this since the dawn of the first city states. The biggest difference now is social media. Does anyone remember the scandal of Abu Ghraib? We all know about Guantanamo. It is still fresh in the media minds. What about all of the other atrocities carried out in Afghanistan and Iraq? What about the massacres of civilians in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia? The IDF soldiers are just doing what all soldiers do to let off the tensions of combat. The difference here is the lack of discipline in the rank and file of the soldiers due to the attitude of the Israeli people and their government. As long as they are allowed to get away with this, they will continue. And as long as there is social media and the attitude that their superiors don't care, the videos will continue.

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Well done Zeteo! this is what needs to be highlighted and hopefully shame this...??? not sure what to call them any more... shame this nation enough so it comes to it's senses....

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Images from the occupation’s genocide in the concentration camp“reveals the reality that dehumanizing Palestinians is baked into the Israeli military’s DNA.” IDF has to be locked up in The Hague for a peace and justice to prevail.

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Barring impossibly big social changes, someday in most of our lifetimes we all will become targeted just as Palestinians are. Zionist-Israel's blood lust will spread globally following the spread of authoritarian demagoguery.

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Does anyone in Washington DC have their head out of their ass? Do they think that by covering for Israel and giving it all of the money and arms it needs, we’re somehow buying their lasting friendship and goodwill? I can tell you this with certainty: they laugh at us and despise us. We’re nothing but rubes and goyim trash to be used, abused, ordered around and discarded like a used condom. The minute we are out of money, Israel is out of here. And since when has it ever been a good idea, or in the national interest to ally ourselves with an aggressive fascist state that seeks to expand at any cost in the area of the world it occupies. Like we really want to see Israel grotesquely swollen in size, dominating the Middle East. What a bunch of fucked up rubes we are.

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This is what I fear.

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Is there any doubt left that there are only two different factions of Zayo NOT-Z:  

Those who are denying the existence of Palestinian  and those who are insisting  to make Palestinians nonexistence.  

Rest in Power Aaron Bushnell I will never forget you and your last words of " Free Palestine "

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The sooner Israel reaches the dustbin of history, the better. It is a nearly entirely depraved, psychopathic nation full of hatred and racism. It is a HITLERIAN nation, a Judeonazi nation. It cannot decline fast enough.

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